Item C04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 17, 18. 2001 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for the Fraternal Order of Police Southernmost Lodge #028 to place two beverage machines at Bernstein Park ITEM BACKGROUND: The Fraternal Order of Police would like to place one soda .machine,...and one juice/water machine at Bernstein Park. The machines will be loaned by Coca-Cola, and serviced by Coca-Cola. The costs for beverages paid by The Fraternal Order of Police will be $15.00 per case. Park patrons will be charged $1.00 per bottle, leaving a profit of $9.00 per case. All profits will go to The Fraternal Order of Police. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None on this item. .: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. Monroe County Public Works Facilities Maintenance will install an electrical outlet prior to installation. TOT A L COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes N/ A No COST TO COUNTY: None REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No ~ AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ ~&J.~ - - ~l?~L col,--,iol Dent Pierce APPROVED BY: County Atty _ DEPARTMENT HEAD APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # ,,/ -c;,/ Revised 2/27/01 .. I .- \ 1'\ ~ AWc:h 21.lOOl) M~e COUNTY BOAR!) OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR USE OF COUNlY PROPERTY Instructions: Fill in all information where applicable.. If not applicable. put NI A by appropriate item. Refer to item by number. if additional sheet is nece$SQry to provide further information. (please type or pri nt) 1. Name. address & telephone number of Organization: ~#~A/~ L O/C? k",e o~d~c . f.// ~ ,,?o.2?o,X -Y3o.s-~S- '- ~u&ecx../~o.!"/ ~~y Cb21? ,-e!3>6' /?~e~y/ ...c-h ...~3'o~3-oS-c:2s 2. Specific County property and/or specific part of requested area for use: 3. Requested date(s)and start/finish times OM^-./ /'7' S Soo....J /9 S ~os-s/d- , 4. Backup date(s}: /Y W- 5. Name & Brief description of evenf;2w'~ ,%c~ ~~/~ / 6. Expected number of participants/spectators: /V ~ 7. /V~ , .: Plans for alcohol consumption/sales: 8. ~O Utilization of personal BBQ grill: YES ss r~nces and fiate if any improvements are. to be made to facility: ,/VE~ /" Yc-- ~vc~{ /.-...s.;&.c.</ /J~ eo:= Oe.- ~-/ ~ Z~CJO/L/ a.) Sheriff Department: S c:,"'r::;:;;::- g-e c- L~ . b.) Security: c.) Public Works: 9. 10. Coordination with: 11. Previous history of holdirg similar events: 12. Name, address & telephone "..mber of Orgpnization's conto person dD ~o t!)~--<SPAS ~Lv ao(CE Y'1,L. r~S Does the Organization ctrrently have liability insurance? /VO 13. ......................................................................................... COUNTY USE ONLY Scheduled Oat", ~ Approved: ' YES NO By: , . . Insurance/~ Harmless Requirements: r' . ~\(r(, U UY) Fees: Remarks: * ~~ /<oaeitr v.> z:: L.L NO RESTRiCTIONS WITH CONCESSIONS *Planning Dept. 4 rv~ T:;.... ('" r~'" I V F'~~ I A .'., -' . .~. ~ , I i SEP 1 7 7001 )' ~:-~-=-_-:- -=--=-=- ,...... .1, \ HOlD HARMLESS AGREEMENT This agreement ent~red Into by and between MO~Oe COUN1Y. :-z.rOA Q P~l subdi,vislon of the State of Florldal herein "COUNTY' Clnd ~"""ee.vA L ~ t')~ ~~ ...s;;~~~ X~ ~ ;.,..2.9 whose address is ?~, ~X' YJo,s-...2..S- ~. "'.-c-<: e "L"J'o ~- OSd-...s- hereinafter-EVENT SPONSOR:" That for and in consideration of the understanding hereinafter set forth the parties do egree and covenant os follows: 1. That in and for the consideration of permission to use certain public roads or othe~ public properly, more particularly described os fol/ows: for the purpose of %EI~cting Gt-jP~C!./.c/8 o".c- t/c-~~i ~e~~ . event, more particularly described os follows: ~ / on the _ day of 20-, from am/pm until am/pm, the EVENT SPONSOR does hereby agree to indemnify the COUNTY in to for.~ny and all claims or liabilities that may arise out of th~ above described event. . 2. That, in addition to indemnification described in Paragraph One, the EVENT SPONSOR does hereby agree to hold the COUNTY harmless in all respects concerning the event described in Paragraph One and will defend any and all causes of action or claims and will, further, pay the cost of any attorney's fees incll't'ed by the COUNTY arisil'VJ out of the ~vent described in Paragraph One. ~.-~_L c::.>..<....d--<. o~~~ 50'-/ ~,.,.("'.-../~os~ ~ ~c J6"cc;.2.C? Organization ny: ~ ~~f. A bove ancrifIly authorized to Execute this agreetnent. MO~OE COU~~ < By: --/" --= "" _ County Administrator ::73 -/:r8SL/"6c:z. Tax Exempt Federal LD. # (if applicable) State of Florida County of Morroe SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to (or affirmed before tne) on 'J2day of A U4I..S+ .200 J . J By)O"S(-' e~(Event Contact Person), ~/she is personally known to me or has ~~:Lhficat;On)Q' ; dent;fj 00'; on Notary Public ~1}.-;;'~'riJ;.;;:.,. VANESSA HEDRICK ~ri!". ;*} MY COMMISSION 1/ CC 956765 'i1.~~~~ EXPIRES: October 6, 2004 ..'It..f:'- Bonded Tluu Note/)' PutlIc Undelwrile.. 5 . , . \l 8<<.""'" 4.2001 To~ Noaroe eOWIt)' IIoItd of CowIty Coawnillionen fl'Oftl: FnIIeraII OrdcrofPo!fu. SouIhec~ Lod,e '21 ~: Soda Mch.... II. ae..-..cein Park o.r Maaroe CoUIlty &o.d or County ConuwriDionen, N3' BII!M i. Jo.pb ~1f tlt.li; llllft the Praidem of" F.... Order of PollOi SouIbenunoat LocI.. m. I woulclliltelO nque.t &om the Commiuion your pInl\1S1lon to pUce two Sock MIdaian at s.nmaa Part. Oft Stocllllead. The Machlnes wiU be 1OI.I>>CI to UI by Coca-CoI.. _ ~II "10 .. ~iced by Coca-Cola. o....lCIpGDIlbiliCJ will bB to IIOCk d-.e M.:Nnoe wl1h Cote-CoJa Plutic BoaJc .: pIOducu. ThI product will be IOld to \II111l COlt of FiftMn Doll.... . ClqII. W. will chirp One Dortv per boule. The protlt .... up to Nine Ootlln per CUt. Our 0rpnizIIi0a II HIIed.. Non-Proftt. Tax Exerft1K Otoup. f.s.nJ ID" 2l-7Sas"62. DqJt. ofRnauw UCIeI!M' ~)004664~'-6. The I'tOftt ~ fi'om thtte Soda aaJn will be p&.:.d into our ~unl. We doMU! to .......-.I local poupI.1ucl1 U Relay fot" Lift CaDet!' Society, Soccer end BuebIJl L~, IInd .-v8nll w.r 110.. Th.nk you in Idv~ for your CoOnIiderlllion. ~.~~ oeepb P......ui PTwideaI. F....... 0rdIr of PoJk., Sow...nUIt LodIe tI2t .J'