Item C10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ./' AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: October 17. 18. 2001 Division: Public Works Bulk: Item: Yes X No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to renew Lease Agreement with Indian Waterways Village Limited Liability Partnership for office space for the Upper Keys Public Defender. ITEM BACKGROUND: On January 31, 2002, the lease for office space for the Upper Keys Public Defender will expire. The Agreement may be renewed in accordance with Article IV of the original Agreement dated December 10, 1997. . J' PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On December 10, 1997 the BOCC entered into a agreement with Indian Waterways Village Limited Liability Partnership to lease office space for the Public Defender located at 89240 Overseas Highway in Tavernier. On January 19, 2000, the BOCC approved to exercise the first of two options to renew the lease for a two year period. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase rent from $1,488.37 to $1,562.78 per month, and renew contract commencing February 1, 2002, and terminating January 31, 2004. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: $1.562.78 per month BUDGETED: Yes ~ No Account #001 69800-530-440 COST TO COUNTY: $1.562.78 per month REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ ITEM PREPARED BY: U W. King, Acting Sr. Dire r, Lower Keys Operations DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (~{;J~ ?C/lv/Cl/ Dent Pierce, Director of Public Works DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ AGENDAITEM# /-~/t:) DISPOSITION: Revised 2/27/01 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS RECEI\t ):;.;04 CONTRACT SUMMARY .2 , lOm I h Contract WI'tho. BY~ __ Ii Indian Waterways, (LLP) Contract # -==- .~"""'" _",n 0'''::' Effective Date: 02/01/02 Expiration Date: 0 1/31/04 Contract Purpose/Description: Renew lease for office s ace for the U Contract Manager: Ann Mytnik (Name) 4431 (Ext.) Facilities Maint.lSto #4 (Department/Stop #) / for BOCC meetin on 10/17/01 A enda Deadline: 10/03/01 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 18,753.36 Current Year Portion: $ per year No 0 Account Codes: 001-69800-530-440- It 12,502.24 Budgeted? Y es~ Grant: $ N/ A County Match: $ N/ A - - - ---- - - - - ---- - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $_/yr For: , (Not included in dollar value above) (e~. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries. etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW /:/J Rev~ ~~.I Risk Management q \ Z~f of YesD Noif Ct I W ~ \L~cf'l"I.. O,MRlPurchasing "I~IClYesDNoIT' ~ ~ County Attorney 9/'Y1/ YesD NO~~ M - l1J-{\J~ ~ 0-0.--- G'-6Lct~~ G-L ~ Changes Date In Needed 10 -, -0 I YesD No~ I>a~e Out /'t5/ Udl O-IO( Division Director RENEWAL AGREEMENT (Office Space for the Public Defender - Upper Keys) This renewal of lease agreement is made and entered into this _ day of 2001, between INDIAN WATERWAYS VILLAGE LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP (LLP), hereinafter called the Lessor, and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter called the Lessee, in order to renew the certain lease agreement dated December 10, 1997, and renewed January 19, 2000, (both' of which are attached hereto by reference) as follows: 1. In accordance with Section IV of the original Lease Agreement dated December 10, 1997, the Agreement shall be renewed for the final two year period; commencing February 1, 2002, and terminating January 31, 2004, at the rental rate of $1,562.78 per month. 2. In all other respects, the original Lease Agreement dated December 10, 1997, remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and se~l, the day and year first written above. (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman LESSOR: By: Witness Title: Witness / tJ' .," # . Renewal of Lease Agreement (Office space in the Upper Keys for Public Defender) - Thi~Wal of lease ogreernent is rnode and entered into this 2~"'day of \JA.;J J , 2000, between INDIAN WATERWAYS VILLAGE LIMITED LIABILITY PARTNERSHIP (LLP), hereinafter Lessor, and the BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, hereinafter Lessee,. in order to renew that certain lease agreement dated December 10, 1997, as follows: 1. In accordance with Section IV (Renewal), the :Iease agreement is renewed for an additional two (2) years, from February 1, 2000, up to and including January 31, ?.002 at the rental rate of $1,488.37 per month. 2. In all other respects, the original lease agreement between the parties dated December 10, 1997, remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands a.nd seal, the Ii day and year first written above. AA' Witness LESSOR: /1r, 0. r;y~ f) By: ij~ ~. Title: it.( ~ . (S~O,I) Atte~t: DA-~NY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK . , ",~"",-.:_,-",.:,,~ . '. ~. .' . .... '.... . q'- ~ y DeptIty Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By cS'~-F~ , MaYOr/Chairrn~ 17. 1-0 0 0 .' <I pj' ~.. "',~. ~ ~i::~,,' " ~".,:, I' , li<":" LEASE AGREEMENT Statc of Florida County of Monroc This Lcasc Agrccmcnt cntcrcd into this 10th day of Dcccmbcr, 1997, bctwccn Indian Watcrways Villagc Limitcd Liability Partncrship (LLP), party of thc first part, hcrcinafter called thc Lessor, and thc BOARD OF eOUNTY eOMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, party of the second part, hcrcinafter called the Lessee. WITNESSETH: That the Lessor, for and in consideration of the covenants and agrcements herei9after I mentioned to be kept and perfornlcd by the Lessee, has demised and leased to the Lessee, for the ,J' term and undcr the conditions hcreinaftcr sct out, thosc certain premiscs in Tavcrnier, County of Monroe, Florida, described as follows: I. LEASE LOCATION: Suites No.2 & 3, Indian Watcrways Villagc, 89240 Ovcrscas Highway, Tavcrnicr II. TERM: .: To have and to hold thc above-dcscribcd premiscs for a tcrnl of two ycars commcncing on Fcbruary I, 1998, up to and including January 31,2000. III. RENTALS: Thc Lcssor hcrcby leases to the Lcssee 1400 square feet consisting of Suites No.2 & 3, and thc Lessce hcrcby leases from the Lessor the above-described prcmiscs for the ternl set out in this Lease and the Lcssee hereby agrecs to pay the Lessor in the following manner: (I) FIRST YEAR (Fcbruary t, 1998, up to and including January 31, 1999) - thc sum of Onc Thousand ll1fce Hundred Fifty Dollars ($1,350.00) per month. (2) SECOND YEAR (February I, 1999, up to and including January 31,2000) _ the sum of One Thousand Four Hundred Seventeen Dollars and Fifty eents ($1,417.50) pcr month. (3) Rent shall be due and payable on or before the last day of each month beginning with the first full month of occupancy. Rental shall be paid at the office of PDP Enterprises, Inc., Suite 12, 89240 Overseas Highway, Tavernier, Florida, or at such other place and to such other person, as the lessor may from time to time designate in writing. IV. RENEWAL: This agrccmcnt may bc rencwcd, at thc option of thc Lessee, for two (2) additional two (2) ycar pcriods, for the following separate and consecutivc tcnns and at the following monthly rcntals: RENEW AL OPTION # OF YEARS # OF MONTHS MONTHLY RENTAL I 2 24 $1,488.37 2 2 24 $1,562.78 111is option shall bc exccuted only upon approval of the Board of County eonmlissioners. .' . II' ' (!,. ',,')<t.. 1.,' @"/ ,oj, 'l1\' V. HEATING. AIR eONDlTIONING. AND JANITORIAL SERVleES (I) Air conditioncr filtcrs to bc c1eancd or rcplaced as nccded by thc Lcsscc, at thc cxpcnsc of thc Lesscc. Lcssor is to rcpair and maintain air conditioncr cquipmcnt opcrating normally, at thc cxpcnsc of thc Lcssor. ' (2) Thc Lesscc agrccs to furnish janitorial scrviccs and all ncccssary janitorial supplies for the leased premiscs during thc tcrm of thc Lcase at thc cxpcnsc of thc Lesscc. VI. LIGHT FIXTURES: The Lessce agrccs to rcplacc fluorcsccnt lamp tubcs as rcquired at thc expcnsc ofth..c Lesscc. I Lessor shall maintain all light fixturcs in good working condition, and will rcplacc same as deemed necessary . VII. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIRS: (I) Lessee hercby acccpts thc prcmiscs in thc condition thcy are in at thc bcginning of this Icasc and agrccs to maintain said prcmiscs in thc samc condition, ordcr and rcpair as they arc at the commcncemcnt of said tcnn, cxccpting only reasonablc wcar and tear"arising from thc usc thercof undcr this agrccmcnt, and to makc good to said Icssor immediately upon dcmand, any damage to water apparatus, or electric lights or any fixture, applianccs or appurtcnanccs of said prcmiscs, or of thc building, causcd by any act or ncglcct of lesscc, or of any pcrson or pcrsons in the cmploy or undcr the control of thc lessce. (2) Thc lessor hcrcin exprcssly agrces to maintain the subject premiscs in full compliancc with applicablc safety codes and standards. Further, the lessor shall bc liabIc for any cost or cxpenditurc associatcd \\lith said compliance. VIII. UTILITIES: The Lcssee will promptly pay all ,vatcr, powcr, and clectric light ratcs or chargcs which may becomc payable during thc tcrm of this Leasc for thc watcr, powcr, and c1cctricity used by the Lcsscc on thc prcmiscs. IX. ALTERATIONS: (I) Thc LCsscc shall havc thc right to makc any alterations to thc dcmiscd prcmises during thc tcrm of this Lcasc upon first having obtaincd thc writtcn conscnt thcreto of the Lessor. Thc Lessor shall not capriciously withhold the consent to any such altcrations. (2) It is hereby undcrstood and agreed that any signs or advcrtising to be uscd, including awnings, in conncction with the prcmiscs leascd hcrcundcr, shall be first submittcd to thc lessor for approval bcfore installation of samc. 2 0: \-,\'/ (j, , ~j" x. PARKING: The Lessor agrees to furnish an adcquate number of parking spaces for the Lessee and his clients. XI. INJURY OR DAMAGE TO PROPERTY ON PREMISES: All personal property and fixtures of the Lessee that may be on the premises during the continuance of this Lease shall be at the sole risk of the Lessee, and except for any negligence of the Lessor, the Lessor shall not be liable to the Lessee or any other person for any injury, loss, or damage to personal property and fixtures of the Lessee. XII. FIRE AND OTHER HAZARDS: I ( 1) In the event that the demised premises, or the major part thereof are destroyed by fire, ,J' lightening, stonn, or other casualty, the Lessor at its option may forthwith repair the- damage to such demised premises at its own cost and expense. The rental thereon shall cease until the completion of such repairs and the Lessor will immediately refund the pro rata part of any rentals paid in advance by the Lessee prior to such destruction. Should the premises be only partly destroyed, so that the major part thereof is usable by the Lessee, then the rental shall abate to the extent that the injured or damaged part bears to tlle whole of such premises and such injury or damage shall be' restored by the Lessor as ~eedily as is practicable and upon the completion of sllch repairs, the full rental shall conunence and the Lease shall then continlle the balance of the term. (2) 111e Lessor shall provide for fire protection during the term of this Lease in accordance with the firc safety standards of the State and/or Monroe County Fire Marshal. 111e Lcssor shall bc rcsponsible for maintenance and repair of all firc protection equipment nccessary to conform to thc rcquirements of the Statc and/or eOllnty Fire Marshal. 111e Lessor agrees that the dcmised premises shall be available for inspection by the State and/or COllnty Fire Marshal, prior to occupancy by the Lessee, and at any re~onable time thereafter. XIII. EXPIRATION OF TERM: At the expiration of the teml, the Lessee will peaceably yield up to the Lessor the demised premises in good and tcnantable repair. It is understood and agreed between the parties that the Lessee shall have the right to remove from the premises all personal property of the Lessee and all fixtures, machinery, equipment, appurtenances, and appliances placed or installed on the premises by it, provided the Lessee restores the premises to as good a state of repair as they were prior to the removal. XIV. SUBLETTING AND ASSIGNMENT: The Lessee upon the obtaining of the written conscnt of the Lessor, which written consent shall not capriciously be withheld, shall have the right to sublet all or any part of the demised premises, or to assign all or any part of the demised premises. 3. Q-' ~',': -' ,j', @,'..:;,. ,II', ",' ,....\. " XV. NOT CONSENT TO SUE: The provisions. terms. or conditions of this Lease shall not be construed as a consent of Monroe eounty to bc sucd because of said lcaschold. XVI. WAIVER OF DEFAULTS: Thc waivcr by thc Lessor of any brcaeh of this Lcasc by thc Lessec shall not bc eonstru<;:d as a waivcr of any subsequcnt brcach of any duty or covcnant imposcd by this Lcasc. XVII. RIGHT OF LESSOR TO INSPEeT: Thc Lcssor, at all rcasonablc timcs during rcgular busincss hours, may cntcr into a~d ul;on th~ ,J' dcmiscd prcmiscs for thc purposc of vicwing thc samc and for thc purposc of making any such rcpairs as thcy arc rcquircd to makc undcr thc tcrms of this Lcase. Rcpairs shall bc limitcd to non- busincss hours unlcss an cmcrgcncy situation cxists. XVIII. BREAeH OF COVENANT: If thc Lcssce shall ncglcct or fail to pcrfoml or obscrvc any covenant hcrcin containcd, ~'hich on thc Lessec's part is to be pcrformed and such dcfault shall continue for a pcriod of thirty days aftcr rcceipt of written notice thereof from the Lessor to the Lesscc, then the Lcssor lav./fully may, inunediatcly or any time thcrcafter, and without further noticc or demand, cnter into and upon the demised premises, or any part thereof and repossess the same as of their former estatc and cxpel thc Lcssec and remove its effects forcefully, if necessary, without being taken or deemcd to be guilty of any manner oftrcspass and thercupon this demise shall terminate but without pr~iudiee to any remedy which might othef\\iisc bc used by the Lessor for arrears of rcnt or for any breach of thc Lcsscc's covcnants hcrcin containcd. . XIX. AeKNOWLEDGEMENT OR ASSIGNMENT: The Lesscc upon the requcst of th~ Lcssor shall cxccutc such acknowledgcmcnt or acknowledgmcnts, or any assignmcnt, or assignmcnts, of rcntals and profits made by the Lcssor to any third pcrson, fion or corporation, providcd that thc Lessor will not make such request unlcss ' requircd to do so by the Mortgage undcr a mortgagc or mortgagcs, cxccuted by the Lessor. XX. A V AILA8ILITY OF FUNDS: 1llC obligations of thc Lcsscc undcr this Lcase Agrcement arc subjcct to thc availability of funds lawfully appropriatcd annually for its purposcs, by the Monroc County Board of County Com 111 issioncrs. XXI. USE OF PREMISES: The Lesscc will not make or suffcr any unlawful, impropcr or offcnsivc usc of the prcmiscs or any, usc of occupancy thcreof contrary to the Laws of thc Statc of Florida or to such Ordinanccs of Monroc County now in effcct or hereinafter adopted, as may bc applicable to the Lessce. 4 ,.. 0.'.". \',;'1 ", (0'..:,'.., ":'.' ~ "t. ;.I.~ . XXII. NOTICES: All noticcs rcquircd to bc scrvcd upon thc Lessor shall bc scrvcd by ccrtificd mail, rcturn receipt rcquestcd, at thc officc of PDP Enterpriscs, Inc., Suitc 12, 89240 Ovcrscas Highway, Tavernier, Florida, 33070, and all noticcs rcquired to bc served upon thc Lcssce shall be scrvcd by certificd mail, rcturn rcccipt rcqucstcd; at thc Officc of Facilitiqs Maintcnancc Dcpartmcnt, Monroe County Public Works, 3583 S. Rooscvelt Boulcvard, Kcy Wcst, Florida, 33040. XXIII. RADON GAS NOTIFICATION: Radon is a naturally occurring gas that, whcn it has accumulatcd in a building in sufficient quanti tics, may prcsent hcalth risks to pcrsons who arc exposed to it ovcr timc. Levels of radon that excccd fcdcral and statc guidelincs havc bccn found in buildings. Additional inforntation rcgarding radon and radon tcsting may bc obtained from your county public hcalth unit. .1 ,.I' XXIV. RESTRICTIONS (I) Pcrsonal and customcr/elicnt vchiclcs shall be parked in the pcrimcter parking spaces only. Washing or clcaning ofvchiclcs on propcrty is prohibitcd. (2) Ground floor slab undcrncath officc shall not bc uscd for any purposc whatsocv.rr. (3) All trash shall bc placcd in plastic bags and propcrly scalcd prior to disposal in trash rcceptaclcs locatcd ncar sanitation plant. XXV. LEASE TERMINATION (I) This lcasc may bc tcrminatcd by thc Lesscc upon writtcn sixty (60) days noticc to thc Lcssor that thc Lcsscc has obtaincd adcquate officc spacc in a govcrnmcntal building. (2) This agrccmcnt may be tcrminatcd without pcnalty by cithcr thc lessor or lcssce upon providing a six (6) month writtcn noticc mailed or delivcrcd to thc othcr party, and/or in the cvcnt that funds from, thc budgct of Monroc County arc partially rcduced or cannot be obtained or cannot bc continucd at Ievcl sufficicnt to allow for thc rcntal of property spccified hcrcin, this agrccmcnt may thcn bc tcrminated immcdiately at the option of the Board by writtcn noticc of tcrmination dclivcrcd in pcrson or by mail to the lessor. The Board shall not bc obligatcd to pay for any rcntal provided by thc lessor after thc lessor has rcccived writtcn noticc oftennination. XXVI. AMERIeAN WITH DISABILITIES AeT: The lessor hcrcin cxprcssly agrccs to m:J.intain thc subjcct prcmiscs in full compliance with the American Disabilitics Act. Further, the lessor shall bc liable for any cost or cxpcnditure associatcd with said compliancc., Howcver, in the cvent thc total cost or costs associatcd with said compliance rcaches $5,000.00 during thc term of this agrccment, thc Icssor shall have the option oftenninating this agrccmcnt as provided in Articlc XXV(2) above. Further, during thc six (6) month notice pcriod providcd in Article XXV(2), the lessor shall not bc liablc for any costs of said compliance abovc $5,000.00. Lcssec assumes responsibility for cxisting and futurc ADA compliance for intcrior altcrations to thc dcmiscd prcmiscs. 5 t' C"~" ~. I, -.J.,., . " .I. .. @'''''' ,", \ "\) ~ .' XXVII. ETHIeS eLAUSE: Lessor warrants that it has not cmploycd, rctaincd or otherwisc had act on its bchalf any fonner County officcr or cmployec subjcct to thc prohibition of Scction 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officcr or cmployee in violation of Scction 3 of ordinance No. 020-1990. For brcach or violation of this provision thc lessee may, in its discretion, deduct from thc contract or purchase price, or othcrvvisc rccovcr the full amount of any fce, conunission, pcrcentage, gift, or consideration paid to the fomlcr County officcr or employee. XXVIII. PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME: A person or affiliate who has becn placed on thc convicted vendor list following a conviption (or public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide goods or serviccs to a public ,J' entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public cntity for construction or rcpair of a'publie building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public cntity, may not be awarded or pcrfoml work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public cntity, and may not transact busincss with any public entity in exccss of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, F.S. for CATEGORY TWO for a pcriod of36 months from thc datc of being placed on the convictcd vendor list. (CATEGORY TWO: $10,000.00) It XXIX. INSURANCE Lcssec shall sccure liability insurance, minimum coveragc $300,000.00, and namc Indian Watcl\\'ays Village Limitcd Liability Partnership (LLP) as co-insured along with platc glass window coverage. Proof of policies is rcquired. If Lessec is a public cntity, Lesscc may substitute a self-insurancc program up to limits of and underTf1c tcnns and conditions ofFS768.28. Proofof an estabhshed self-msurancc programl1lusl be prOVIded to Indian Watcrways Villagc himited Liability Partnership (LLP). XXx. DEFINITION OF TERMS: (l) TI1C temlS "lease", "lease agreemcnt", or "agreemcnt" shall be inclusivc of cach othcr and shall also include any rencwals, cxtcnsions or modifications of this Leasc. (2) The term "Lessor" and "Lessec" shall includc thc successors and assigns for the parties hcrcto. (3) The singular shall include the plural and the plural shall includc thc singular whcnevcr the contcxt so requires or pcrmits. XXXI. ADDITIONAL eONDlTIONS: No additional covcnants or conditions fonn a part of this Lease. 6, , ~' @.'.. ~ ""~'}. '.>.....\. \'J~ " '. ' a' ~~/-:.. r, .i:. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto executed this instrument for the purpose herein expressed, the day and year above writtcn. ' ORIGINAL SIGNATURES REQUIRED ON ALL COPIES. Signed, Scaled and Delivered ~e~ WItnesses ' ~~ Witness a . BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MONR OUNTY FLORIDA ~- BY Clerk LESSOr1 L By: f}ffl V. f{5~_ Titlc: ~~;t- ," APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGALITY: GENERAL COUNSEL MONROE eOUNTY, FLORIDA .: B~ County mey 12.-'2-'9;;- Approval Date 7