Item C05BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Bulk Item: Yes X No Division: Social Services , 1 0 2 It , I -•- ma a track accurate and up-to-date information about the homeless and at -risk population from 02/01/2011 through 09130/2013. ITEM BACKGROUND: Homeless Management Information System (HMIS)software application designed to record and store client -level infonuation on the characteristics and service needs of homeless persons, coordinate care, manage their operations, and better serve their clients. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CO NTRACT/ AG REEMENT CHANGE S: N/A TOTAL COST.- 0 INDIRECT COST: 0 BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: 0 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH APPROVED BY: County Atty OMB/Purchasing — Risk a DOCUMENTATION: Included Not Required,__ Px-Osed 7/09 MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Monroe County Homeless Services Continuum of cam and MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES WHEREAS, The Monroe County Homeless Services Continuum of Care (MC CoC) funds human service organizations in accessing the Pathways COMPASS Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) to track accurate and up-to-date information about the homeless and at -risk population being served by local organizations; and WHEREAS, MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES wishes to participate in Pathways COMPASS Homeless Management Information system to share infbrr'nation about clients and their needs, track client assistance, and work jointly with other agencies to help clients move toward achieving their objectives and maintain compliance with the HEARTH Act; NOW THEREFORE, the Monroe County Homeless Services Continuum of Care and MONROE COUNTY SOCIAL SERVICES agree to work cooperatively through the following terms and conditions. MC Coc will: 1. Provide access fees for the Pathways system from 2/1/13 through 9/30/13; 2. Provide all forms necessary for the organization to gain access to the Pathways system; 3. Provide User and Confidentiality Training; 4. Provide technical assistance and support in the use of the HMIS. Agency will: 1. Provide services to the homeless population in Monroe County and input client data and services into the Pathways HMIS in accordance with the MC CoC; 2. Agree to communicate, collaborate and refer to other service providers in Monroe County, 3. Be an active member in good standing 4f MC Coc; 4. Sign a Memorandum of Agreement with'MC CoC outlining the role of the agency and the CoC with respect to HMIS implementation; 5. Abide by the MC CoC HMIS Operating Policies and Procedures. This Agreement will remain in effect from February 1, 2013 through September 30, 2013. Signature and Title of Authorized Representative 4 Date Monroe County Homeless Services CoC Signature and Title of Authorized Representative Date MONROE COUNTY SOCtAL SERVICES M OE COUNTY ORNEY PR ED A M PEDRO ADO ASSIST NTY RN