Item C29 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: May 16,2001 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Administrative Services AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of contract with KPMG Peat Marwick to update the Fiscal Year 2001 Full Cost Allocation Plan and the OMB A-87 Cost Allocation Plan. ITEM BACKGROUND: Full cost allocation reduces ad valorem taxes by recovering indirect costs from non-ad valorem revenue funds and corrects for indirect cost subsidy to special taxing districts. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: The BOCC approved implementation of full cost allocation in stages beginning with Fiscal Year 1998. Each year this plan is updated and adjusted to changing organizational and accounting needs. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: The cost of this contract has increased by $2,000 since our last contract. The payment terms have been changed to allow 50% of the fee to be paid after the initiation of fieldwork. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $11,500 BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: $11,500 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBiPurchasing l Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~2Q ~--~ D.:::c- James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow X Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #L~q Revised 2/27/01 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Effective Date: May 16, 2001 Expiration Date: To update the Fiscal Year 2001 OMB A-87 and full cost Contract with: KPMG Contract Purpose/Description: allocation plan. Contract Manager:Jennifer Hill (Name) 4444 (Ext. ) Administrative Services (Department) for BOCC meeting on May 16, 2001 Agenda Deadline: May 2, 2001 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $11,500.00 Current Year Portion: $11,500.00 Budgeted? Yes~ No 0 Account Codes: 001-06001-530340-_ Grant: $ County Match: $ ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ _/yr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Division Director . ,r; 41 ......, YesO Nog-- Risk Management S-#' YesO No (L \G(Jv\,"d ft-c~~ cl~(;'v" o~lPurLg ~l YesEJNo~ () 6A-h~,,--, County Attomey 4~1 YesONo~ ~4--...-. Comments: PU/I(!IU<i-i^-7 t'Ottt,~ ,tJAc7f,Jd I.:u f/7c../cd<.Jl @ Date Out .- .. - ~e--1 ~o, .5'- y-o / 5~ OMB Form Revised 9/11/95 Mep #2 05-08-2001 11 :S8am From- 1-140 P.002/00S F-590 IW 111 North Orange Avenue, : ;uite 1600 P.O. Sa< 3031 Orlando. FL 32802 Telephone 4Cf7 423 3425 Fax 4fIl 648 8557 May 8, 2001 Ms. Sheila Barker Interim Director Office of Management and Budget Monroe County 5100 College Road Key West, Florida 33040 Dear Ms. Barker: This letter is to confIrm our undl:rsranding of the teons of our engagement and the nature and limitations of the services WI: will provide. KPMG LLP (KPMG) is pleased [0 submit this Engagement letter to Monroe County (the County) to provide professional consulting services for the development and preparation of an OMB Circular A-87 and .1 Full Cost Countywide central services cost allocation plan. The plans will utilize FY 1999 actual costs, and win- be prepared in accordance with Federal Circular A-87, COSl Principles for State and Local Governments. The plans wi!! be fully compliant with lhe recently revised A.87 regulations governing cost. allocation plans. 1'he Full Cost ~,lan will include some central service costs which are not allowable under A-87 regulation.!.. We estimate that an elapsed calendar time of twelve weeks from the date of commencement would be requirf'd to develop and prepare the Countywide cost allocation plans, with commencement ace wring within two weeks from the notice of contract award. This time frame, of c~urse, is dependent upon the timeliness of requested infonnation furnished by the COlmty. The County will be responsible for the collection of all statistical information us,~d as allocation bases. Changes in the existing cost allocation planS will be made to account for and reflect County organizational changes made since the last plans were.prl:pared. OUf fees for professional service) are based on the time and staff"mg requirements of the engagement, and include all expenses incurred by us. Our total contract costs to perform the professional consulting services will not exceed $11,500. The engagement fee will be billed to the County as follow~: 50% of the fee thirty days after the initiation of fieldwork, 25% upon delivery ,of the draft plans, and 25% upon delivery of the final plans. This engagement will bt- managed by Ken Carey, and will be staffed by Ken Carey and Heidi PoweII, both experienced cost allocation consultants. Additionally, this engagement is subject to the stan<lard terms and conditions included as Anachment A. . .... "rMe ~"(PMG l.....,s 1J.S'.If'1,..,a tI.JQJ.l~ ~.n~th,p. ~ t,'l11"t~O~ ~ q~ 1l"lt'fn"".&QJ'o3f. :l SWI~~ . ~~S.l,on. 05-08-2001 lJ:58am From- T-140 P.003/006 F-590 .. Ms. Sheila Barker Monroe County May 8, 2001 Page 2 We look forward to working with you and your staff in the performance of these services. We would be pleased to discuss lhis letter with you at any time. For your convenience in confIrming these arrangements, we enclose a copy of this letter. Please sign it and return it to me. Very truly yours, KPMG LLP KeIUleth S. Carey Manager ACCEPTED: Authorized Signature Title Dare 05-08-2001 11 :59am From- T-140 P.004/006 F-590 I'mtI KPMG LLP Standard Terms and Conditions I . Sen'ices. Our services may include advice and rKommendations; tm.t Itll decisi\)l\s in CO,iMC{i\)t\ with the implcmcntlltion of such l.dvice lIml recommendations shall be)'Our 501<: r~poo:jibility. 2. Payment (If rnvoice!l. You ~/P'CC 10 llaY properly submitted invoices within lhirty (30) days .)f the invoice dale (or any other dilte lhat We: mayagru ." in writing) W~ t<hall have the right to halt or 'tl:tminal~ entirely OUT ~e:f\<ice~ until payment is receive:d on past dlJe iavoice.-t All j(~es, charges lUld other amount,; jl.ly3ble 10 us hereW1der do nOl include any ll;llc:s, use, t:XCisc:, value added or other applicable lues, tarifi,; or dillies, paymenl of which $llall be YO\lr sole 'cSp(lnliibility, excluding any ~ppljcable tlIxc:s based on ellr ner income Of \ax.;s arisj~ from the employment OJ indcpc.ndcnl contractor relationship belween us and our l)erKonnel. 3. Term. Unless tenninated sooner ill accoruance with it~ le1'IIls. lhi~ engugement shall . rermm.lte On the: completion of OUT services hereu.ador, In ~d<lilion. Ibis cng:lgemcmt may be terminated hy either olf u~ at any time by gi.....ing Wlitlcn notice to the other ParTY not JC$~ tboll 30 calendar Jays bcfClTe the efiec(iv.; dore of termination. 4. Ownership. (a) KPMG Property. We create, acq<lire or own various concepts, methodologies, :in(1 techniquCli; model$; templams; software, user J~terfaces 01' Sl:l'ccn dcsi~; gellcJ1"al pwpo.llC CO.lSalting and software tools: and logic. eoherencclIld methods of operation of :lystoms (collectively, the "K.PMG Propmy"). We retain all ownetsh.ip rights ill the KPMG Pt'Opcl1'ty. You shall acquire) no right or intereSt ill such prope.l'IY. except flll the license expl'csllly gtal1t.."d ill the next paf:.Sfaph. In addition, we shall be fr<< to provide: s~,viecs of any kind to any orner party as we deem appropriate, and we may use the KPMG Propcny to do so. We acknowledge lhar KPMG Propeny llhall not include; any of your confidential infollIlat.i.m or your t~n,qible or intangible property, and \1 ~ shall have no ownc:t'llhip righls in such property. (b) Own"r~hi" ()f Deli"erabl~. Except for KPMG Propcny. and UpQO full and tinal pa~menr to us. deliverables or work product spcciticd in the engagement lo"ltlCf ur proIhlsal to whid these toans are arrached (the "Dcliv(lJlIblcs") will I><<ome your prop~rty. If lUly KPMO Propcny is I;onraincd in lIny of Ille Dcliverables, W'O hereby ~ filnt you, a roynlty-free. 40n-cJ1o:c!U:llw lireJ18e [0 use th~ KPMG Property 111 connection witl'! the use: of the Dillivcrab1c-s. Page 1 5. Umiration on Warranties. 1"IflS IS A SERVICES ENGAGeMENT. KPMC WARRANTS THAT IT WILL PERFORM SERVICES HEIU:UND:E:R IN GOOD FACTH. KPMC OISCLAlMS ALl. OTHER WARQAN1'IES, f:l'l'HER. eXPRESS OR lMPLIED, lNCLVDlNG, wnlfOUT LlMlTATJON, W ARIl..~TIES Of' MERCHAN1'ABJLl'l'Y .\N1) FITNESS J.'OR A P.<\RTletTJ..AR PllRPOSE. 6. LimimrioD on DllJDllges.. Except for yow and our r<::;pective in<lemnitic;llion pbligationli ill' d~aibcd in lhcse Slandard Tcnn.~ and Conditions. Mithcr you nor we lil1all be liable to the other lor any Qctions, d:lmages, Clllimli, liilbi I iti~, co~'tS, expen:;es or 10:i8e$ arising ont of thc :.-crviccs pcrfonncd h~undcr for a toral amount in exc~i.~ of Ihe fees paid or owing 10 us fOr &ClViccs rendered by us unJerth~ engagem<!ll.l. Ill. no eVe4I11~1 either you Ilr we be liable for consequential. apceial. indira.'1, incidenl3l, punitive or exemplary dltmage.t;, CO$l$, expenses, 01' lOsses (including. wilJwut limitation, lost profits md opportunilY costs). The f1rovlsioJ1$ of lhis PlIragrnph sllall o:lpply reg.1rdJes:l of the form of action. damll~. Claim, liability, calif, expell$C, or 10...., wbcthu in contraCt, Statute, lott, or oth~ise. 7. InfringeDlent. la) We agrC~ to inaelTUlify. hol<1 IllIt1nl~ md dcf~lId you from md agl1in:;t all claims. liabilitil:S, losses. cxpcn.~cs (including te'.i:lonablc auomcys' fees), f1De:~, pc:n"lti~~. taxes or darwgas (collectively "Liabilitics") l".';.'icrwd by any third parry aga.iftSt you 1.0 the: cxu:nt such Liabilities remIt froDl tile infrin~cmall by the Dcliverablcs of any third pany's 'rade S~Lo;. tIBdc:marks. COpyrighlS. L>r patents issuc:d as of !.he date of lhe attached EIIgagc:mc:nt Lcm:r. The: preceding provisions shaU not apply 10 any infringemCllt arising OUt of \he rollowing: (i) use of the Delivc:mbles other thtlD in :JCGOrdanco wirh applic.1ble documcnrarjo/1 or insuucrions supplied by us (lr orhCT' than in llccordancc Wirh Parogrnph 8(b); (ii) any alteration. modilication or revision of tile Dclivefllblcs not expressly agreed to in writing by LJS: or (iiil the cO.Q\bu,nrion of rht Deliverables '\\ith materials not rupplied by us. (b) In case any of the DelivcflIblcs or my ponion thereof is held, or in our rcasol1ablt: opinion is likely tol be held, in any such sl.Iit to ~tiMC infringemcClt, we may Within a rt"6SOW1blc time, 3t our opuon. cilh~r. Rellised 16 Jan. 01 05-08-2001 II :S9am From- T-140 P.OOS/OOS F-590 IW KPMG LLP Standard Terms and Conditions (i) $oourc fo~ yau the right to conti.'\lC rh~ \lSC of stich infrinsin2 im~ or (ii) rcplacc:, al our sole c,,<pen!lO, su,b item with n substantially equivalent non-infnnging ileD! or modify Mh item so lhat it tccomell non- inlringing. In the event W6 arc, in Ollr rca.~omlt.lc discrction. unable to ped'orin either of options do ,scribed in (i) or til) above, you must rewm tOO Del,ycrablc to liS. and our sole lillbiliry shall be [0 rero'ld to you the SlUOUJlT you paid us fot such item. (c) The provisions of" this Pill'llgraph 7 SI.,te our entire liabilil)' and your $ole i1nQ e.,<c1usive remedy with rcspCCl to any infringl:mcnt 0)' claim of infr1ngemcnt. 8. Jndemnificltdon. (n) You <lnd we each asree to indemnifY. !lold harmless and dotend the other from and again;t any and aU Liabilities fOT injury to. illne.t11 or (troTh of, any pet'Son or pClllonS reg,u:d1ess of Sr..'\nlS. and damage (0 or desttuction of any tangible pers.)naJ pl:opcny which the Olher parry am)' sustain 01 incur [0 rbe exrent such LiabiJilies l'l!SUIt from the oeiJiaenoo 01' willfuJ misc:onduc[ of the indemnifying PlInY. (b) YOII acknowledge l111d lIg1"OO thaI any advice, recommendations, infonnation or ....'ork prod'uC:1 provided ro you by us in c;olU1Cl:li,1n with mis engagc:JDen1 is fol' )'Our cofItidOl'ltilll u,.o. E.'IC4:pt as othatwisc required by law, you will n.lt disclose or permit l\eCt$$ 1.0 such advice, rccottlmCndations, infotmaoon or work product to any (.cher party or ~\mImarizo or refer 10 su.:b advi~, recommendation::. infomtlltion or WOlle product or to 01.lT engagement herc\lnc1er WithC'lll our prior wriucn consenr. ln r.bar Rgurd, you w./l indemnilY. dcfc::nd llnd hold us hannlcss from aD.1 againSt :my 3M all Liabili[ies assancd :lgainst us by any third party to the c:(TeDr resultins from thllt ]tarry's usa or possession of or relillJlCc upOn our advice:. recommendafions, infOlTlllUion or WOk k product as a direct or inCirec[ result of Y\lur me 01' disclosure of ~ucl:1 advice, rccommc:noations, inlOffiUltion Or work producT. (c) The purry entitled to indcmnif.arion (the "Indemnified PatIY") shall })romptl~. natify tbe pany obligated to pro\lidc such ifwcmuitication (the "lndill2lllitying Party") of any clU,lU for which the Indemnified Party scclc.s indcmn,.fic.ntion and rhe IndemAit);jng Party shall have Ihe right to conduct the det'=se or seTtlilmeflI ofar,)! ruch e1aim at the lnd<manit)ting Parly',; sole expfl19~. and Ibe Indemnified PaL'ty shall coopcrat< with the Page 2 indemnifYing Patty. The: party nor conducting the defense shall nonGtb.elcss have the right to patticipate in such defen.o;e <it itS own expellSe. The Indemnified P3rty shall have the right to apprOve the seulen\CIlt of any claim h<<eunder thar imposes any liability Or obligation other than tJ1C payment or" money dalnages. 9. CUlIper-atioa. You a~rec to coopcme with us in our perloumsncc of atlr service.<; for you. including providing Ull ",i!h rtalion:lbl~ facilities and timdy access 10. your data, informiUion and pCl'$Onnel. You $haU be rl$ponsib1c for thc pcrfonnill1c:e of yO\lr employees 31\d IlSa1!s lII1d fot ~ ;sl;C\l~ and c;omplc\Ctl.~~ of all data and il1foromion providc:U to us for p\llpOlj<:$ of mill eOSllsernctll. 10. Force Maj~ure. Neil1u:r you nor we shalllx: liable: for 3ny delays resulting from circumstanca or CDUSes beyQnd our rec1l.O!IabJe COntrol. inc1udin~, wilhout limilation, lire or oth~ Clu.uah)', act of God. str~ or labor dispUh:, wllr or GUI<< vialence, (lr any law, ord~ or requirement of any govcm~nlalllgCDC;y or authority. 11. Limitation ma AetiUIlS_ Neither you nor we may bring any ac:tion alising under ot relating to rhis eogaglm1CJ1t more: rMtI one year after the cause of action has ac:crued, cXCl:pc tMl we tl1BY brine 3n action tOr non-payment not later than one y~t utter tbe date of the wt payment duo fO \IS. ]2. In&1,,opelldeat Conft'3c:tor. Vou and we ace both indc:pcndel'i\ couttll.Ct01"S and neither you nor Wt) ll.l'C, or shaH be considered to be, an ascnt, distributor or rcp~Dwivc: of~ other. Ncith..'t' you ftOt we sball act or represCDt itsolf. directly Of by implication. as an agent or the other or in any manner a.~\lme or create any ublisation on bthillf of, 01' in t.b~ fiAInf:, of. tbi; other. 13. COlllidlmd8lity. You and we both acknowled~~:md agree lhat all infOtmlttion cOn:lmllllicar.ed by otle patty (me "Disc lOlling Pany'j to the other (lile "Rcceivirlc Party.') in connection wilh this cngtgeJnCDl shall be l'eceived in .:.>nt'Wcmce, shall be used only for purpoSCl! of ~ cngagclIlCII.t, and 110 liuch confidential informalion shall be di$c:lo~4 by tht Receiving Party or i\$ aSI:.'I1ts or personnel wirhout lhc prior wriucn consent of Ihc other pany. E..'tccpt 10 the exterll otberwi~ required by applicllble law Ot profC$.'>ionaI standard$, !he obligarious I1ndtr thi, scetian do nOl apply to inforlnatioD dull: (01) is or bo:Qme:s senc:ntlly liY:lihsbl~ 10 the public: other Lhan :IS 3. result of digcloll~ by the Receiving Party, (b) wai known to thc Rccciv1ng Part')' Ot had bem prc:viou:dy pOll:ll::ilied by the: Rcc:ci,,-ing Party withOLlL ~.triction againsl disclosure at lh~ time: of receipt lhe,""of by !hit Receivillg "ar!)', (c) WlIS independently developed by the R.x:civing Party without viClbtiotl of thu Agreem~t or (c1) you and we agree from time 10 time ro disclose. Eactl party sball be Revised 16 Jan. 01 OS-DB-ZOO 1 11: Seam From- T-140 P.OOS/OOS F-seo I'SI kPMG LLP Standard Tenus and Conditions deemed to hav~ met iti nondisclosure obliiati011:l undc1' this Para~aph as long ~ it e'Ulcis~ the lamB level o)f care to protect the other':; informarioQ as It .:xercises ro pIOleCt il~ own confid01ltial infonnanon, ~cept to the ex-tent that applicable law or protessiollal standards impose a higher requirement. We DIllY rctl.iD, su~iect to the tem'IS of this PiClgraph, olle cc.py of your confidential infonnat.ioD requin:d fOr cODlpliance with applicable prOfClL'iional standards or intc:rrn.l policies. If either you or we recei~ a robJ'OilDa or IlID<:r valiJly issued adminisll'arive or judjcial demand t;quiring: it to disclllse the; oVId' party's confidential jufolDl.'\tion, :Ncb patty shall pIovid~ prompt written notice t.) the othet oi such d~d in orckr to pMDit it to sccl a protective Qr(kr. So long as the notifying pa1'ty gi v'cs notice as prllvicled hetein, the notifYing pa,1Y llhall lie entitled to comply with such demand to the: ex.tent JX.'rmitted by law. subjcct to any protootive order or the like that ma}> have bcc:n entcroo in ID<"l matter. 14. S\ltv1val, lhc pro"i8ions ofPara~s 1,2,4,.5,6,7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13 and J 5 htroof shall mrvive the l:xpinltion ar rcnnil13tion oflhis CIlSil,>emerlL J 5. A~llignment. Ncilh<< p.1lly may assign lnnsJer or dclCg;lte ilny of ill' rights or ohliJPIlions witl.out !he prior wri.kn COI1!;Cl1t of !he alba puny, ..uch C011:Wl nor to be unrC3son3bly withheld. 16. SevenbiJity. In the evcnr rh.1t any renn or provision of rl1is Agr~men' shall be held to be iDVI,lid, void or uncnfoI'CQIbJ.:, [bell tho remainder of thi I Agr=nr shnll not be I1fieered, and c:1ch such term and provision of rhis Agreemenr ~hall be valid and enfor.:eablc to the fullest ex-renr pCmltttoo by law. 17. Enrir-e Agreement. These tams. lIIU1 the Proposal Or :Ensagemcnt LeltCT 10 which these lcrlll$ a..'D appended, i~cJudinS Exhibits. cOlutitute the .:IDUrc Asrccm.mt bdweell us with ~pcct to the ~ell ~t and S\1pcrsede all orher 01'011 and wrirtl:n re,,~cntatil)n. under~""Wlding! or agreements rolatin g to the enll'agcmcnt. Page 3 Revisecl16Jan. 01 PUBLIC ENTITY CRIME STATEMENT "A person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract to provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building or public work, may not submit bids on leases of real property to public entity, may not be awarded or perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontractor, or consultant under a contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017, for CATEGORY TWO for a period of36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list." SWORN STATEMENT UNDER ORDINANCE NO. 10-1990 MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ETHICS CLAUSE warrants that he/it has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on his/its behalf any former County officer or employee in violation of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 10-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 10-1990. For breach or violation of this provision the County may, in its discretion, terminate this contract without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the contract or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift, or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. (signature) Date: STATE OF COUNTY OF PERSONALLY APPEARED BEFORE ME, the undersigned authority, who, after first being sworn by me, affixed his/her signature (name of individual signing) in the space provided above on this day of ,19_ NOTARY PUBLIC My commission expires: OMB - MCP FORM #4