Item B10 Revised 2/27/01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 10-18-01 Division: Growth Manaqement Bulk Item: Yes ~ No D Department: Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of the Amendment to the Agreement between Monroe County and A.S.A.P., Inc. for the Toms Harbor Channel Marking Project. ITE::.~ BACKGROUND: Contractor has requested a sixty day time extension due to a delay in receipt of materials. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Contract approved 6/01. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Request for a 60 day time extension to compiete project. ST :~p: RECOMMENDATIONS Approval TOTAL COST: $9.750.00 BUDGETED: Yes ~ No D COST TO COUNTY: Staff Time On Iv R~VENUE PRODUCING: Yes D No ~ AMOUNT PER: MO $ YR $ APPROVED BY: COUNTY A TTY~ OMS/ DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED ~ TO FOllOW NOT REQUIRED D AGENDA ITEM #: c:J --/3 )(J DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DlS?OSITION: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSTI"'~l~lC) CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract "v1th: A.S.A.P. , Inc. COntract # .- -- Effective Date: Expiration Date: Contract PurposeiDescription: Tom's Harbor Channel Marking Proiect Contract Manager: Kim McGee 4511 Marine Resourrp<:;-MP C;pr (Name) (Ext. ) (DepanmentlStop #) if 1 for BOCC rneetim! on 10-18-01 Agenda Deadline: 10-l-01 ion CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 9.750.00 Budgeted? Yesg] No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ BIF County Match: $ Staff Time On Iv Current Year Portic::.:':: 9.750.00 157 -~530 - 340 - jj;:1uC~ ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ N / A Iyr For: (Not inciuded in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance. utilities. ianitoriaL salaries. etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes ~ In Needed Division Director. ') -19\ ,) i YesD NO~ ,_ RiskManagem~nt /D)o1!dJ YesDNoB [(. '1/ .r;_~,.~_\,'.. O.M.B.'",,\lIC~~ IOI-z.\olYesDNoQ/' ~# JjjLo CountyAttomey iz--~ YesONo~ Date Out ----- . j" 'f -,g.. ;1 , ",' ,. .. j.. ,; ~ )())ID"Z-)a) Comments: OMB Form ReVIsed 2'27/01 MCP #2 , ONTRACT AMENDMENT IS AMENDMEN';' TC day of_ . and AS.AP. Inc.. he 'n the parties dated lun 'HE. \GREEMENT is made: 'ntered into this 2001. between the COllllt' of Monroe. hereafter :lfter Contractor. in order to . 1d the agreement 21. ~OO I :1 copy of which is a' led to this amendment. [he County and .\.S.). rnc.. an'end section 2 oftlk 'e 21 2001 agreement as S' ) The work perrorn' 1 under the Contract shall COIL. Ice immediately from the date Liaison provi( 's the Notice to Proceed and sl., be completed by December 31. 20( . IN WITNESS WI~EF 0F. the p~rties have here on to.t their hands and seal. the 'j year fIrst writte; :lb" BOARD OF COUNT" OF MONROE COUN i )MMISSIONERS FLORIDA B\ : Mayor / Chairmal~ Danny L. Kolhrrge A.S.AP., Inc. 1 By: . '':'//;''1 / .../ , 1/) Title : / ~/,-, , ) APPL. A~I...~-' B~c' ..-- Rc DATE _~ CONTRACT AGREEMENT AGREEMENT, MADE THIS U~yof JUN9' ___ 2001, byand between. A.S.A.P., Inc. (" Contractor 'J, and the BOARD OF COU0JTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORID~ of the County of Monroe. State of Florida (Board). The Contractor and the Board, for the consideration named, agree as follows: 1. The Contractor shall furnish all the materials for the installation of ten aids to navigation in Toms Harbor Channel, Duck Key, Monroe County as specified by Exhibit A 2. The work performed under the Contract shall commence immediately from the date the Liaison provides the Notice to Proceed and shall be completed by September 30, 2001. 3. The Contractor understands the rules and procedures instituted by the Board to ensure an orderly progress to the project. The Contractor understands both the intent and the requirements of the Specifications attached as Exhibit A & B. 4. The Board shall pay the Contractor the total sum of$ 9.750.00 for the work listed in Exhibit A of this Contract. Payment shall be upon completion by the Contractor and review and approval of the close out documentation by the Marine Projects Coordinator. 5. The attached List, Map, and Specifications together with this Agreement form the Contract. They are fully a part of this Contract as ifrepeated herein verbatim. C" ~3('OO( 10~S . -'11 12 . 10 I . . 7 . I . 4 . 4 . 2 . 3 . . 1 2 UJi,L.D.L.L JI l MONROE COUNTY Specifications For the RepairlReplacementlInstallation of Aids to Navigation, Regulatory Markers, and Information Markers (updated 4/25/2001) For :111 oilings: . Pilings shall be of timber treated with chromated copper arsenate (C.C.A.). . Pilings shall be of timber which will withstand the driving for which they are intended. . A straight line drawn from the center of the butt to the center of the tip shall not at any point face further away from the center of the pile than a distance equal to I % of the length of the pile. . Piles to be sufficient length to provide a minimum of four foot penetration into hard bottom or further penetration into other substrate so as to provide suitable permanent holding. The base of the dayboard must be eight feet above mean high water. . Black. cone head, round piling caps of the appropriate size should be mounted atop the piling using four stainless #6 nails (this includes all sign replacements). . Any pilings replaced will be removed and properly disposed of. For all signs: . Signage to be constructed of .125 gauge aluminum. . Signage must be USCG approved. . All signs should be pre-made (text, borders, etc.) by a County approved manufacturer. . Signs should be mounted so that the piling is not visible above the signs. . Signs for both standard (Inm nominal range) and smaller size (~mile nominal range) markers should be mounted such that the bottom ofthe sign is 8' above the water (MHW) . Hardware should all be stainless steel, including: 3/8" all-thread and 3/8" lag screws, 1 1/2" Co.d.) flat washers and 3/8" nuts. 1 W' (o.d.) plastic or nylon (or similar material) washers shall also be used to separate the aluminum signs from the stainless steel flat washers and nuts. ...... ................ .... ....... ............................... .............. .................... ............................. ............. ..... .................. I .5~o..."-\z:.s- S-, -z..e- \....P....~c:X'c...'-- ~ -" 1 (~~a... <SG,;v..CJ-.,.-r:.. ') \' /" .." \ ....'2.. t..::> I T'e.'\~~ ..6'\.,\C\..... \oe-\o~ ~\ 6\OZC) 2. '/z / ...., a '''z.. " \ II \ /1. ~:;.~~ \ol:l~~ !, ~ @> -- ~._'~' ':"-l I . I I I I \ ' I L....J I I I (i) I - _ -:.-:-> c= 'I I ! I~ _: \ ~ 2 n:.--: \:::~~,~ \0::-.. \~ - " .,. '. -. It'lONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA INSURANCE CHECKLIST FQR VENDORS SUB~UTI1NG PROPOSALS FOR WORK To assist in t~1e ::e,..dopment of your proposal~ the insurance cover:tges marked with an "X" will be required :n the e....e~t an award is made to your f1I"~n. Please review this form with your insUI""..Ilce :.ge::: :me have himJhcr sign it in the place provided. It is also required that the bidde~ sign the for::: :..-1:: submit it with each proposal. WORKERS' COMPENSATION AND EMPT OYF:R~' TJABTT TTY x Workers' Compensation Y Employers Liability Employers Liability Employers Liability US Longshoremen & Harbor Workers Act X Fcdecl Jones Act Statutory Limits Sl 00,000/$500~000/$1 00,000 S3 00,000/$5 00 ,000/$500,000 Sl ~900,000/$1 ,000,000/$1 ,000,000 Same :IS Employers' Liabilitj' Same :IS Employers' Liability WCl WC: WC3 WCUSL:-: WOA INSCKLST 1 AdmlnlSlr:lllOn i ns\ruCl1on 114709 : 1996 Edi110n Yl=HH".:l ~ T 1 A BlT r:;-or - ~ As a minim::l11. coverage should extend to liability for: . O\vnec: ~on-owned~ :md Hired Vehi~les Ref'" . ,..:" ;.....~..,.... "'1U1re- -......-. VLl x VL2 VL3 VL4 BRl MVC PRe: PRe: PRe:; POL: POL:' PC:": ED: EL':' 0',. . ~. GK.:. G.' - ~.; \lLl X Admlnls\,;:'\lon i :1.$truclIon Uir,9 :: S50,000 per Person: 5100,000 per Occurrence S25,000 Property Daq:mge . or S100,000 Combined Single Limit S100,000 per Person; 5300,000 per Occurrence S50,000 Property Damage or S300,000 Combined Single Limit S500,000 per Person; 51,000,000 per Occurrence S100,000 Property Damage or $1,000,000 Combined Single Limit S5,000,000 Combined Single ~it MTSC~T L A N1:01 is c;OVl=?jl..GES Buiiders' Risk Limits equal to the completed projec:. Limits equal to the :naximum value of anyone shipment. $ 250,000 per OccUII'ence/S 500,000 Agg. $ 500,000 per Occu:'renceJSl ,000,000 Agg. S1,000,000 per Occmrence/S2,OOO,OOO Agg. $ 500,000 per Occurrence/Sl,OOO,OOO Agg. S1,000,000 per Occurrcnce/S2,OOO,OOO Agg. S5,000,000 per Occurrence/51 0,000,000 Agg. S 10,000 $100,000 Motor Truck Cargo Profession:u Liability Pollution Liability Employee Dishonesty $ 300,000 ($ 25,000 per Veh) $ 500,000 ($100,000 per Veh) $1,000,000 ($250,000 per Veh) Vatercraft L1abi~ty $500.000 INSCKLST 3 Gara1!C Keepers ."7\1 ....-.. 'VORKERS' COMPENaAnON INSURANCE REQUIRDtENTS FOR CONTRACT -~. . , BET\VEEN MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND Prior to t.'1e =orr.::::~ce:::e~t of work governed by this ccntract, the Cont:'3,ctor shall obtain Workers' Comp:~~ation Insurance with limits sufficient to respond to Florida StatUte 440. In addition~ :he Contractor shall obtain Employers' Liability Insurance "With limits of not less than: S100,000 Bodily Injury by Accident S500~000 Bodily Injury by Disease~ policy limits Sl 00,000 Bodily Injury by Disease, each employee Cover=.l:: sh:.il ':e ::laintained throusU1oUt the entire term of the cont..~ct. - - Cover=.g: sh~~l be ;:rovided by a company or companies authortzed to transact business in the state oiRonea. !fthe Cont=~::.:-.as bee~ approyed by the Florida's Depanment ofLabor~ as an authorized self- msurer, :he '_ou:.::: shail recogmzc :md honor the Contractor's statUS. The Contractor may be required :0 sub:':.:: a Lene: of Authorization issued by the Department of Labor and a Certificate oflnsu.-=-::::, ~rc.,'iding decils on the Contractor's Excess Insurance Program. If the Cont.-:.c:::- -=3rt:d~ates in a self-insurance fund, a Certificate of Insurance will be required. In addi::on, :"~e ':ont.~ctor may be required to submit updated fmanc:al sta.te=ents from the fund upon ree:.::::: :-:-cr:: :he Countv. . . wel Administr:mon I nstr.::::IC1" 14109.2 \\'ORKERS' COl\GENSAnON INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR -.. CONTRACT , ' BE"nVEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND Recognizing that the work Governed by this contract involves Maritime Opera.tions~ the ContraCtor's Workcrs' Comper.sation Insurance Policy shall include coverage for claims subject to the Fedcr:1l Jones Act (46 U.S.C.A. subscction 688) with limits not less than those specified for Employer's Liability. The Con~ctor shall bc permitted to provide Jones Act Coverage through a separate Protection and IncieIr.rllry PolicYI in so far as thc CQvCr3.ge provided is no less restrictive than would have bee."l provided by a Worke:-:l Ccmper.sation policy. I WCJA Ac:lminlstr:llIon I nstrUcuon ... 709 2 GENERAL LlABIL.=I'V. INSURANCE REQUIREl\lENTS FOR CONTRACT , BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND e. Prior to the =ommencc:ncnt o{ work Sovemed by this contrac~ the Contractor shall obtain ~cnecl Liability Insurance. Cover.1ge shall be maintained throughout the life o{the conuact and mclude, 3S a minimum: . Prc::'.ises Operations . ProductS and Completed Operations . Blanket ContractUal Liability . Personallnjury Uability . E.~panded Definition of Property Damage The mini:::um IiIr.its acc:Ftable shall be: S300,000 Combined Sinsle Limit (CSL) If split limi:.s are ;:rcvided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: ~ S100,000 per Person S:300,000 per Occ:menc: S 50,000 .Prcpc.~ Damage An OCC~7:= Ponn policy is preferred. If CQverage is provided on a Claims Made policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this ccnuact. In additie~ the ;:ericd for which claims may be reported should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months foHewing the ace...-ptmcc of work by the County. . The Mor.roe County Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all pollci:~ issued to satisfY the above requirements. GLl Admlnlstr:1Uon I nSlruction 14709.2 VEHICLE UABILfPr ... ~SU~~CEREQU~~ENTS fOR CONTRACT . BETWEEN 1\10NROE COUNTY. FLORIDA AND .- . Reccgnizin~ ::;.;:r :.~e 'Nork governed by this contract requires the use ofvehicl~ the Contractor, prior to the ~::n:'=e::::e:::e:lt ofwo~ shall obtain Vehicle Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained :''-.rc~ghaut the life of the contract and inciud~ 3S a minimum~ liability ccverage for: . Ov.ne~ )lon-O\\rne~ and Hired Vehicles The miniII:.-..:...-::. ::r:-i:::: acceptable shall be: $100,JOO Co~::.ncd Single Limit (CSL) . .t If split lim::: 2.I'e ::rovlded., the :ninimum limits acc...-ptable shan be: . .. '! $ ::0 ,"'\00 "'C" '::I--on _._ """.. . w.._ $100.'JOO cer Occ~cnce $ ~ c: IJ'OO 0..0.........' Dama"c ___ .." tJw.._' = Thc Mor.r:~ ':our:::; Board ofCountj' Commissioners shan be namcd as Additional Insurcd on ail polid:~ :3S::.::i :~ satisr)' the above require:::ents. VLl AdmmlS1r.111rm iI1S1ruc::on 14709 : . ao . WATERCRAFI'LlAB~ INSURANCE REQUlREl\~'S FOR CONTRACT .- . . ' BET\VEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND Prior to the -:OI!'.:ne:lc::ncnt oCwork governed by this contract; the Contractor shall obtain Water Cr-~~ !lability Insurance with tem1S no less restrictive than those found in the standard" A.m:ric:m Institute Hull Clauses" (June 2. 1977 edition). Coverage shall be maintained ~cughout the life afme contract and include, as a minimum: . InjUI"] ('mcluding death) to any pc::son . DaII:~e to rlXed or Movable ObJedS . CcstS Associated with the RemoVal ofWrcckcd Vessels . Con~c:-.:ai Liability with R=ped to this Contract If the ?cHej" obt:.in:d states that coverage applies for the " AdS./Jr Omissions of a Vessel", it shall be :=.do:s:d to provide coverage for~the !egalliability of the shipowner. The mir.i=:-.:c llIcits acceptable shall be: S500,000 Combined Single Limit (CSL) Cover..;: o;fo'\ici:d by a Prctection and Indemnity Club (P!4) shall be subject to the approvai of the County. The Me:-.:::: County Board oCCounty Commi~one:s shall be named as Additional Insured on ~1 poiiel:: issued to satisfy the above %equiremcnts. . . \\lLl AdmtnlSt~tif)n In!ilruction .4709 'l ACO!ll). CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANC~,.ft~lRZ I ......---.., 06/08/01 "iiRODuC~R 11t1S CERnFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMAnO~ ONLY AND CONFERS NO RlGHlS UPON 11tE CER11FICATE Bugh ~otton Insurance, Inc. HOLDER. 11t1S CERnflCATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR P.O. Box 1701 ALTER THE COVERAGE AfFORDED BY 11tE POUCIES BELOW. Ocrlando PL 32802. "SURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE phone,407-898-l776 Fax:407-894-5278 INSURED INSURER A: Commercial tJ'Dion Insurance Co. INSURER B: A. S . A . P ., Inc. INSURER c: P.O. Box 804 INSURER 0: Tavernier FL 33070 I INSURER E: COVERAGES THE POUC1ES OF INSURANCE LISTED BelOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED N!JDVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOlWmtSTANDING NlY REQUIREMENT. TI:RM OR CONomON OF NlY coNTRACT OR OlliER DOCUNEHTwmt RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIF1CATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN. me INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALlllE 'TERMS. EXClUSIONS AND CONl)ITlONS OF SUCH POLICIES. AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAl) a.AIMS. TR TYPE OF INSURANCE GENERAL UABlUTY A :It COMMERCIAl. GENERAL LIABILITY ClAIMS MADE [!] OCCUR :It Protection &: Indemnity Incl. GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: POlICY ~ LOC AIIl'OWBlLE UABIUTY NlY AUTO ALl OWNED AUTOS SCHEDULED AUTOS HIRED AUTOS HDN-OWNED AUTOS POUC'f NUMBER CZ.m20236 06/09/01 06/09/02 EACH OCCURRENCE ~ DAMAGE (Any_ Irw) MED EXP (Any _ perIlIII) PERSONAL & AtN INJURY GENERAL AGGREGATE PRODUCTS. COMPlOP AGG UIITS 11,000,000 150,000 15,000 11.000.000 12.000.000 '1.000,000 DEDUCTIBLE AETENTlON S WDRICERS COMPENSATION AND IWILOYERS' UABIUTY COMBINED SINGLE uwr I (Ea lICCidenll BODll.Y INJURY I (Per perIlIII) BODILY INJURY . (Per lICCidllnll PROPERTY DAMAGE I (Per lICCidenl) AUTO ONLY. EA ACCIDENT I OTHER nwt fA N:;C . AUTO ONLY: AGO S EACH OCCURRENCE . AGGREGATE I . . . . . . OTHER DESCRPI10N OF OPERATIONSILOCATlONS/VEHICL.ES ADDED BY EHDORlIEIENTIIPEC PROVISIONS MOnroe County, Board of County cammisioners named a. Additional Insured regarding General Liability. I'ax '305-295-4317 (Atbu Eim McGee) CERTIFICATE HOLDER y ADDlTIONAL 1NlIUR!D; INSURER LETTER: 1IO&0B1 CANCELLAnoN SHOULD NlY OF THE AIlO\II! DESC1U8I!D POLICIES BE CH"'III' "" BEFORE THE EXPIRATlC DAn! THEREOF. THE ISSUING ...uRER WLL ENDEAVOR TO 11M. .ll- DAYS WlVTTEN NCmCI! TO THE CERTlFlCATE HOL.DER NAMED TO THE LEFT. sur FAII.URE TO DO so &HAL ~ NO 08UGATION OR F NlY teIND UPON THE INlIURI!R, ITS AGENTS OR MOnroe County. Board of County Commissioners. 5100 College Road Publ.ic Svc Bldg-Wing I:V-Rm 410 Key West FL 33040 ~~ I ACORD 25-5 (7/97) Bu h Cotton