Item C04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 20.21. 2001 Division: Public VV orks Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to renew contract with Dade Restaurant Repair Shop, Inc, for the Preventive Maintenance Service of the Kitchen Equipment located at the Monroe County Detention Center. ITEM BACKGROUND: On December 31, 2001, the current contract with Dade Restaurant Repair Shop, Inc, will expire. Article 3.11 of the original agreement dated December 6, 1999 stipulates two renewal options for additional one-year periods, This will be the final renewal option with a CPI-U increase of2.6%. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On December 8, 1999, the BOCC granted approval ofa contract between Monroe County and Dade Restaurant Repair Shop, Inc, for preventative maintenance service of the Kitchen equipment located at the Monroe County Detention Center, and on October 18, 2000, the BOCC approved the first of two renewal options for an additional one-year period, CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Renew contract commencing on January 1,2002 and terminating December 31,2002, and increasing contract amount by the CPI-U of2.6%. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above, II TOTAL COST: $3.259.04 BUDGETED: Yes -X.. No Account # 101-20505-530-340 COST TO COUNTY: $3.259.04 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No--X AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year ITEM PREPARED BY OMB/Purchasing -X- Risk Management X APPROVED BY: ~ VV. King, Acting Sr, Director, Lower s Opera!!ons DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Dent PIerce, Director of Public VVorks DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # K 4 DISPosmON: Revised 2/27/01 MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Dade Restaurant Repair Contract # Effective Date: 01/01/02 Expiration Date: 01/31/02 Contract Purpose/Description: Renew contract for Preventive Maintenance Service for the Kitchen Equipment at the Detention Center Contract Manager: Ann Mytnik 4549 Facilities Maint/Stop #4 (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on 11/20/01 Agenda Deadline: 11/01/01 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 3,259,04 Budgeted? Yes[gl No D Account Codes: Grant: $ N/A County Match: $ N/ A Current Year Portion: $ 3,259.04 101-20505-530-340- - - - ---- - - - ---- - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $~yr For: (Not included ill dollar value above) (ee. maintenance, utilities, ianitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEVV Date In Division Director (Ol-;Olo \ Risk Management ( 0 f 2~ f 01 O,M,B,/Purchasing IO{ 2..tRIOI I County Attorney (tJ-16-01 YesD No Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 Date Out RENEWAL AGREEMENT (preventive Maintenance Service Contract - Kitchen Equipment Monroe County Detention Center) , THIS Renewal is made and entered into this 20th day of November 2001, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and DADE RESTAURANT REPAIR SHOP, INC. in order to renew the agreement between the parties dated December 6, 1999, and as renewed on October ISth, 2000 (copies which are incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: 1. In accordance with Article 3,11 of the original agreement, the County exercises its final option to renew the Agreement for an additional one-year period, 2. The County shall pay Dade Restaurant Repair Shop, Inc, $3,259.04 per year. 3, The term of the renewed agreement will commence on January 1, 2002, and terminate December 31, 2002. 4. In all other respects, the ori~inal agreement between the parties dated December 6, 1999, and renewed on October IS , 2000, remains in full force and effect, IN VVITNESS VVHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year first written above, (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA :t By: By: Deputy Clerk DADE RESTAURANT REPAIR SHOP, INC. Witness By: Witness Title G. RENEWALAGRE'EMENT @: (Preventive Maintenance Service Contract - Kitchen Equipment Monroe CountY,Detention Center) TI-IIS Rcncwal is madc and entercd into this 18th day of October 2000, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and DADE RESTAURANT REPAIR SHOP, INC. in order to renew the agreemcnt betwcen the parties dated Dccember 6, 1999 (a copy which is incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: 1, In accordance with Article 3,11 of the original agreement, the County exercises its first option to renew the Agreement for an additional year. The parties further agree to amend the second sentence of Article 3.11 to read as follow$: The contract/agreement amount agreed to he~'hn might be adjusted annually in accordance with the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index for all urban consumers (CPI-U) for the most recent 12 months available, 2. The County shall pay Dade Restaurant Repair Shop, Inc. $3,176.45 per year. 3, The tcrm of the rcncwed agrcement will commcnce on January 1, 2001, and terminate December 3 I, 200 I, 4. WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year ~ ve. I30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA BycS~-F~ DADE RESTAURANT REPAIR SHOP. INC ~y._a~~g~~~1 ~~_:d~i_._m Tille (2,'" ',~:. r ' '....v SECTION THREE CONTRACT '. . (7,' ,-,..,.. ....\:: (;' This agreement is set forth as of the DECEMBER 6, year 1999, between THE OWNER, WHO IS THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY FLORIDA AND THE FOLLOWING CONTRACTOR: NAME: Dl\Dr:; J<E~~TAUr'-^NT REP^IJ~ S]JOP l!'JC, ADDRESS: 201 ItJEST 27TH STREET HIALEAH, FLORIDA 33010 PHONE: l 0 ') " n G "7 .. 0 "7 8 3 , ' for the purpose of pertorming all of the work required by the c.ontract Documents for the following Project: PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICE CONTRACT KITCHEN EQUIPMENT FOR THE MONROE COUNTY DETENTION CENTER SSD1 COLLEGE ROAD KEY WEST, FL. 33040 f\10NROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, who clJ~e hereafter referred to as the OWNER and who assumes all duties and responsi- bilities and has the rights and authority assigned to the OWNER ill the Bid Document:.:; jn connection with completion of the h10rk in acCOrda)l~e wi t11 the Cant ract Documents. vHTNESSED: That the parties hereto, for the consideration hereinafter set forth, mu~ually agree as follows: 3_1 SCOPE OF WORK The CONTRACTOJ< shall furn.ish all labor, materials, equipment, lllachinery, tool:..;, appa)"a!:lI:;, and l:r<Jn:..;portJI:.lon and perform aJl of the> work de>:;ccibcd in I,hl' ~)pcciricatjon enl' iLled: Preven I: 'I V(: f'1.1 j n tcnancc Scrv i cc Con t r de l. Kitchen Equipment For I:hl' f'1()Jll"Oe County Detention Ccnl cr ~)~;OJ Collcge Hoad J-; , . ~' hI (' : : L, F 1 () ).., C], 1 ) I c ~, (r.,:-, ~j;. and hls bid dated NOVEMBER 16, 1999 attached hereto and incorporated as part of this contract document and shall do everything required by this Contr'act and other Contract Documents. 3.2 ASSURANCE AGAINST DISCRIMINATION The CONTI~ACTOR shall not dJ:,crim.i.nutc against any pcr:;on on the basis ot race, creed, color, national origin, sex, age, or any other characteristic or aspect which is not job related, in its recruiting, hiring, promoting, terminating, or any other area affecting cmployment under thi:j agreement or \oJith the provision of services or goods under this agreement, ~. , . 3.3 ASSIGNHEIIT aL The CONTRACTOR shall not assign this agreement, except 1n writing and with the prior written approval of the OWNER and CONTRACTOR, which approval shall be subject to such conditions and provisions as the OWNER and CONTRACTOR deem necessary. This, agreement shall be incorporated by reference into any assignment and any assignee shall comply with all of the provisions of this agreement. Unless expressly provided for therein, such approval shall in no manner or event be deemed to impose any obligation upon the OWNER in addition to the total agreed-upon price of the services/goods of the CONTRAC- TOR. b} CONTHACTOn shall not cmploy any ~;ubconl:ractor, ~~lJppll er or other pcr:~on or organi zat ion (]Ilc] uding those acceptable to O\tJNER~ whether initially or a:j a substitute, ugain"t whom QI'mER m<:lY have reasonable ob] ection _ CONTRACTOR shall not be required to employ any Subcontractor, Supplier or other person or organization to furnish to perform any of the Work against whom CONTRACTOR has reasonable objection. 3.1 C01'lPLIANCE WITH LAI'l In provid.in~J d]1 scrvicc::;/9ood:~ pur.:,udnt to thi::; ;)(jH:I::1l1Cnl, the CONTE}\'CTOI~ :;h.1IJ abjdc by a]] :,L1LuLc:" ordinancc:~, rulc~~ and regulation:; pertaining to, or rC9u].jL:ill~J the provj:;ioJl:~ of, such serv:icc-:.;,. jl1<;] lJdin~J Lho:.;c nOVJ .In cJ'h,~ct and hereind!:!"!:]" ;Jdoptcd. Any vioJation of: said 'stal:utc:;, onJJn.,Jnce::~, rules and r(~~JlJlations ~3hd]] con:.;tilul:c a material breach of thi~j a~JrcCl1lcnl and :-511<111 entil'lc the OI'JNJ::]"? to tcnninatc tlll:; contract' jmmCdJ,ll'ely upon dC)IVCJ."j' of h/)""il:l.cn nol:i.cc 01: tClmil1.ll. ion to th(' CONTIU'.CTOl~. ] ,.) '3.5 LABOR, ~"ERIALS AND EQUIPMENT: a) CONTRACTOR shall provide' competent, suitably qualified personnel to perform the' "Work as required by the Contract Documents. CONTRACTOR shall at all times maintain good disci- pline and order at the faCility. Except in connection with the safety or protection of persons or the Work or property at the facility or adjacent thereto, and except as otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents. /ff'. ~" b) All materials and equipment shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Contract Documents. If required by the OWNER, CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of materials and equ'ipment. Original invoices will be submi t ted to the O\tJNl~8- for reimbursement. All materials and equipment shall be,jpplied, installed, connect- ed, erected, u:.:;cd, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable Supplier except as other- wise provided in the Contract Documents. c) The OWNER is tax exempt and reserves the right to purchase directly various materials and equipment that may be a part' of the CONTRACT, If the OWNER elects to make a particular purchase, the Director of Facilities Maintenance, Public Works Di~ision, will act as a purchasing agent for the OWNER. The OWNER will, via a Purchase Contract, purchase the materials and equipment, and the Contractor shall assist the Director of Facilities Maintenance, Public Works Division in the preparation of these Purchase Contracts. d) Independent Contractor Status and Compliance Iwnigration Reform and Control Act of 1986. \./j th the At:;'!all ti mes and for all purposes under this agreemenl: the CONTRJ\CTOJ( is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Om~ER. No statement contained in this agreement shall be construed so as to find the CONTRACTOR or any of his/her employees, contractors, servants, or agents to be employees of the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that it is responsible for complying with the provisions of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, located at 8 U.S,C. Section 1321, et seq., and regulations relating thereto. Failure to comply with the above provisions of this contract shan be con~,;idcrcd a Ilkll:eria 1 breach and sh<11:1 be ground:::; [or immcdia te tcrmjn~tion of the contract. c) The, O\'JhJ[J~ d(':;.i<Jr2.}tc~; the Director of FdC.i litic:,; JvJdinl:<:~n,Jncc, Public vJork:.:; l):1vision, to function ;)~,~ Contract 1\1anagcr, who shaLl be re:;pon:;ib1e for cnforc:ln~J performance ot the Contract term::> and condi!, j on:~, :~ervl' ;J:; l:i ,):';on ltJ'i th the coni: L")('tor, and ZlpproV(' .J 1] :1 IT\101CC~:; pl:-:i.or 1:0 payment:. j 1 3.6 SAFETY JI" PROTECTION 1m, ~.~'~',: a) CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for initiating, maintaining and supervising all safety precautions and programs in connection with the Work, CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary precautions for the safety of, and shall provide the necessary protection to prevent damage, injury or loss to: 7.1 <.111 employees on the Work and other persons and organizations who may be affected thereby; 7.2 all the Work and materials and equipment to be incorporated therein, whether in storage on or off the site; and ~, 7.3 other property ot the site or a,djacent thereto, including t reef" shrubs, lawn~-" vJ,) J k f3, paven~ents, rOCld\'Jays, structures, utilities and underground facilities not designated for removal, relocation or replacement in the course of construction. . bt CONTRACTOR shall comply with all applicable Laws and Regulations of any public body having jur.isdiction for the safety of persons or property or to protect them from damage, inj ury or loss i and shall erect and maintain all necessary safeguards for such safety and protection. I c) The CONTRACTOR shall notlfy owners of adjacent property and of underground facilities and utility owners when prosecution of the Work may affect them, and shall cooperate with them in the protection, removal, relocation and replacement of their property. All damage, injury or loss to any property, directly or indirectly, in whole or in port, by CONTIV\CTOJ<, any ~Jubcont ractor, suppJ ier or any other person or org~nization directly or indirectly employed by any of them to p~rform or furnish- any of the Work or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, shall be remedied by CONTRAC TOR (except damage or loss attributable to the acts or omissions of Ovn\JI::R or anyone employed by OI'JNER Idhose acts may be liable, and not attributable, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, to the fault or negligence of CON TRACTOH) . 3.7 EMERGENCIES In emcr<Jcncies ()[fccting the safeLy or prot('~clion of per~;ons or the \'Jorh or prop<:~rty at the :::;:itc or adjacent there.to, CONTRACTOR, \'Jithout :~pcciaJ in:::;l:ruction or authorization from OhINEr(. i~::; obli- 9a ted to act: to prevent t lrrc.) t-,ened dam;)gc. in:i ury or lo!:;~:; _ CON-- TR^CTOI~ ::;}lall give OI-JNEH pl:ompl' vJritten notice if CONTRACTOR bcl,iC've:; ehd!: ;)ny ~;:ignificdnt' chan0cs in the I'JorJ', or vaci;)!:,ion~:; frOI11 (-he Cnnl'rael. Dor-\lInpnl',!; h.:1VP bC'en c;lu::;pd thereby 1--tl 3. e SUSPENS€Y;'l OF WORK AND TERMINATION(}i~;, a) OWNER may terminate Upon th~ occurrence of anyone or more of the fOllowing events-: 9.1. if CONTRACTOR commences a voluntary case under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code (Ti tIe 11, Uni ted States Code), as now or hereafter in effect, or if CONTRACTOR takes any equivalent or similar action by filing a peti- t ion or ot herwise under any 01: her federal or ~:; t.:1 te law ),11 cI1:ect at such time rel<lting to the bankruptcy or insolvency; 9.2, if a petition lS filed against CONTRACTOR under any chapter of the Bankruptcy Code as now or hereafter in effect at the time of filinQ" or if a petition is filed secki I1g any such equivalent', or similar relic:~f against CONTRJ\CTOR under any other federal or state lCl\'J in effect at the time relating to bClnkruptcy or insolvency; 9,3. if CONTRACTOR makes a general assignment for the benefit of creditors; 9.1, if a trustee, receiver, custodian, or agent of CONTRACTOR is appointed under applicable law or under contract, I whose appointment or authority to take charge of property of CONTRACTOR is . for the purpose of enforcing a lien against such property or for the purpose of general administration of such property for the benefit of CONTRACTOR's creditors; 9.5. if CONTRACTOR admits in writing an inability to pay its debts generally as they become due; 9.Q~ if CONTRACTOR persistently fails to perform the Work in accordance wi th the Contract Documents (including, but not limited to, failure to supply sufficient skilled workers or suitable materials or equipment) ; 9.7. it CONTRACTOR disregards Laws or Regulations of any publIC body having jurisdiction; 9.8. if CONTRACTOR di~:;regards the authority of Ovn\!EJ~; or 9.9, i i CONTJU\CTOR ot hcrw.1 :;<: v.iol d tc:c; ..1 n any :;ub:; LJnt ia J way any prov) ::;),ons of the Contract: Document::;, b) O\~I\Jl';J~ Il\dY, df:tcr giv:i,]),") COJ\lTRJ\CTOI~ (dnd I:he Surel,y, if' there be one) :;cvcn d,:ly':-:;' \oJrittcl1 notice and 1:0 the extent pc:~nn.ittcd by LavJ~; and J<cgulation, tcnninc1l"c Lhc :-3crvice::; of CONTl;:ACTOn, exclude CONTI{J\CTOR from the sj tc ;lrld take po:;::;c:;:;:ion of the ItJork and of: ,.J]] CONTJ~^CTOl~'s tonl::;, appliance, ;}nrl 1ll;1ch:incry '3.. :J at the site47;nd use the same to the f~~ extent they could b used by CONTRACTOR (without liability to the CONTRACTOR f e trespas~ or conversion), i.x:rcorporate in the Work all materia~~ and equlpment sto~ed at the site or for which OWNER has paid CONTRACTOR but WhlCh are stored elsewhere, and finish the Work as OWNER may deem expedient. In such case CONTRACTOR shall not be entitled to receive any further payment until the Work is finished. I f the unpaid balance of the Contract Price exceeds the direct, indirect and consequential costs of completing the Work (including but not limited to fees and charges fo engineers, archi tects, at torneys and other professionals and Court costs) such excess will be paid to CONTRACTOR. If such costs exceed such unpaid balance, CONTRACTOR shall pay the differens:.e to OWNER. c) l'lhere r:ONTRACTOH I s services have).been so terminated by OI\lNEJ~, the termination will not affect - any rights or remedies of OI\lNER against CONTRACTOR the existing or which may thereafter accrue. Any retention or payment of moneys due CONTRACTOR by O\\lNER will not release CONTRACTOR from liability. d) Upon seven days' written notice to CONTRACTOR, OWNER may, without cause and wi thout prej udice to any other rightl or remedy, elect to abandon the Work and terminate the Agreement. In" such case, CONTRACTOR shall be paid for all Work executed and any expense sustained plus reasonable termination expenses, which will 'include, but not be limited to direct, indirect, and- consequential costs (including, but not limited to, fees and charges of engineers, architects, attorneys, and other professionals and court and arbitration costs) c) Contractor may stop work or terminate: If. throu:Jh no Jct or L:wlt of CONTIU\CTOR, the l^lork lS su~;- pe~dcd for a period. of more than ninety days by OWNER or under an order of court or other public authority, or OWNER fails to act on any Application for Payment within a reasonable time after it is submitted, or O\tmER fails to pay CONTRACTOR any sum finally determined to be due within a reasonable time, then CONTRACTOR may, upon ninety days' written notice to OWNER, terminate the Agreement and recover from OWNER payment for all '^lork executed and any expense sustained plu~; )~easonable terminJtion expenses. In addition and in li eu of terminating the JI"Jl~c(-'lllcnt, if: OWNER has failed to act on <3n Application for Paymcnt or haG failed to make any payment a::; aforc:;.Jid. CONT1U\CTOI~ IlldY upon ninety day::;' vn:itten notice to OvJNEH ~;top the "10Th ulltil pZ1yment ot all anlount:.; then duc, :3 (, 3.9 DISPUT{jj/:~'ESOL UTION Wt':"1 ". ~.II ~~ All ,claims, disputes and other' matters in question between OWNER and CONTRACTOR arising out of, or relating to the Contract Docu- ments or the breach thereof (except for claims which have been waived by the making or acceptance of final payment) will be decided by a Court of Law in the County of Monroe in the State of Florido. All procedures shall be subj ect to all the standard practices of civil proceedings of the State of Florida. The CONTRACTOR sllall carryon the Work in accordance with the contract documents and without deloy during disputes and disagreements with the O\.;1NER, 3.10 TERl.j OF CONTRACT ), This CONTRACT shall be for a twelve (12) month period beginning on -JANUARY 1 2000 and end on DECEMBER 31, 2000 This CONTRACT term shall be renewable in accordance with RENEWAL terms as specified in paragraph 3.11. 3.11 RENm'lAL The Owner shall hove the option to renew this agn:::cment after the ' first and each succeeding year, for two (2) addj,tional one-yez\):" pcriod~::;. The contract amount agreed to herein lllay be adjusted annual lilY In accordance wi th the percentage change in t11e most recent Con~jumer Price lndeY.. for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W); most recent unadjusted twelve (12) months ending average for all items. Increases in the contract amount during each option year period shall be extended into the succeeding years, 3.12 FUNDING IIVAILI\lHLITY Not w j t ll:; t d nd i nq dllY t)) i IXJ con La i lled e 1 ~jcwhcrc in l: h j:j con l r dCl: , fund:> tor Facilil.,i<:.s Maintcnanc<:~ Detention Fdcilil:ics Conl',ractudl Serv'j cc~; ;) rc j)a rl' :ja 11 y reduced or Cdnnot. be ob!:d i J)<,:d or Cdnnol', be: cont:irJ\wd at ~l level sufficient: to allow for thc' purcha..;e of: the :, -7 m @~\, \~.;;'(, 'J '~.F). services/goods s~ecified herein, this agreement may then be terminated immediately at the option of the OWNER by written notice of termination deli ven~Q in person or by mail to the CONTRACTOR. The OWNER shall not be obligated to pay for any services provided or any equipment purchased by the CONTRACTOR after the CONTRACTOR has received written notice of termination. 3.13 PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY The CONTRACTOR warrants that it is authorized by law to engage in the performance of the activities encompassed by the project herein described. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times exercise independent, profess ional judgment and'. shall assume prOfessional responsibility for the services to be p~ovided. Continued funding by the OWNEJ{ is contingent: Upon rete!l-tion of appropriate local, state, and/or federal certification and/or licensure of CONTRACTOR, 3 -. 14. NOTICE REQUIREMENT Any notice required or permitted under this agreement shall be in writing .and hand delivered or mailed, postage prepaid, to the other party by certified mail, returned receipt requested, to the following: FOR OWNER: FOI{ CONTRACTOR: Monroe County PubLic vJorks Pacilities Maintenance Dept. 3583 S. Roosevelt Blvd. Key Wes~, Florida 3JO~0 DADE ]{ESTAURANT REPAIR S1I0P, JNC . 201 Hest 27th Street 11 i ale Cl h , FL . 33 0 1 0 Tel:305-887-0783 Attn: Director of Facilities Maint. 3.15 PAYI1ENT 1) The OI'JNER shall pay to the CONTImCTOR for the performance of said serVlce on i) per qu;))~terly arrears ba~_~j s on or beLore the 30th day of the [olJovJinr) month'in each three (J) month pe)~i- ods, The CONTHACTO){ :-;h,:JJ:l invoice the OWNEn quarterly [or the maintcn;lncc and l:(>~;tjn~l performed under the Conl:ract Docum(:nt:::; cont.ained h<.:.>rc:i n. - The Cont.ract Lllllounl: shal 1 b(~ a:; st.lted by the CONTHACTOJU; propo~~aJ .JS f0110\-.ls: d, Preventive !VJ,I.1nl'cndncc S<:-,rvice~; per ye;}): JX1:i d ~;"7 0~3 , 00 pc r q U;I r I: (> r :<;!~,(LL:-L,:.QQ, l:o be :J li 0' b. Repairs (ro&J:lne, . work not wi thin working hours of holidays @f'''' ,~,j>;;: "'''',' pri,or approval requi~~d) -Hourly rate for the scope ..of preventive maintenance-normal 8AM to S,PM Monday through Friday, excluding $80,00 c. Emergency service call-overtime hourly rate for work not within the scope of preventive maintenance other than normal working hours as stated above under Article 3.1Sb, including holidays $120.00 d, Handling fee maintenance, invoice plus for supplies and replacement parts required for repairs, and emergency service, Manufacturer's 25% (twenty five percent) . 2) Service Call Travc:l Expenses - Th~'.OhlNER shalJ, compen~;ate the CONTRACTOR for travel and per diem expcnses at the rates established by Florida Law (Florida St<1tue 112. 061--SEE ATTACHED Exhibit D), The CONTRACTOn must receive approval from the OI^JNER fpr more than one (1) representative of the CONTRACTOR to be compensated for travel expenses. Approval from the OWNER must be received by the CONTRACTOR prior to the travel taking place. 3.16 GENERAL ...... a) The duties and obligations imposed by these General Conditions and the rights and remedies available hereunder to the parties hereto, and, in particular but without limitation, the warranties, guarantees and obligations imposed upon CONTRACTOR and all of the rights and remedies aV<1ilable' to OltJNER thereunder, (J.);-C in addition to, and arc not to be construed in any W()y as a limi l:<ltion of, any ri9htc; and remedies aV<.1ilD.ble to ei ther or both of them which are otherwise imposed or ava i~able by Law[j qr Hegulations, by special warr<.1nty or guar()ntee or by other provisions of the Contract Documents, and the provisions of this paragraph will be as effective as if repeated specifically in the Contract Documents in connec- tion with each particular duty, obligation, right and remedy to which they apply. All representations, warranties and quarantees made in the Contract Documents will survive final payment and termination or completion of thc Agreement. b) No provision of thi::; a<]reement or the duty perform ()ny acl required by tl;:li:-j Agreement vJiJ.lvcd by the vJ.'1iver of any particu]()r act breach. or obligation to shi) 11 be deemed or occurn~ncc of c) Thi.~; writing con:;titutc::> t.he entire ('y.pre:.;~;ion at the portie:j agreement and mo)' not bc contradicted, mod:if' icd, expla ined or ::;upp1 ('mCrlted by ;lny pJ:'i or VJri t ten agreement: or oral agreement or any other pr1.or VJri l: ten or oral coml11unj caLian. 3 -9 @. €l} In witness where&l', the parties hereto have executed this agree- ment the day and year first abov~ written, COUNTY OF MONROE { STATE OF FLORIDA \ " cS0!:L-F~~ By,_,_ Mayor/Chairman l)ANNY L. KOLHAGE, Cl erk .f D, c... ) . DADE RESTAURANT REPAIR SHOP, INC. By {L~J~-J, Contractor Re Attest: , y- 6l~-ii~/ -{~ .:- WITNESS - ~_ Corporate seal if corporation: 3 ,,10