Item C29 FROM : FAX NO. : Oct. 31 2001 03:48PM PI BOARD 01. COUNTY COMMJSSIONutS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 11-20-01 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Ycs 1. No . Department: Airports AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for the Marathon RotaI)' to use the Marathon Airport November 23rd through December 2,2001 for a carnival, contingent upon meeting all county requirements, to include the increased safety and security issues that may surround the event. ITEM BACKGROUND: Some of the revenues raised will be used to benefit the Marathon Rotary's Field of Dreams Park. PREVIOUS REVELANT ROCC ACTION: 2000. BOCC approved the same or similar event in CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDA TJONS: Approval TOT AL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ~ No AMOUNT PER YEAR $500.00 APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ MARATHON AIRPORT MANAGER APPROVAL: ~QG2 irk DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: J______c$. James Roberts County Administrator DOCUMENTATION: Included x To Follow Not Required_, DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # /'-CcXl RevIsI.:111127fOl OCT-30-0l 0~:12 PM SIMONE TRAVEL 312l~ 743 7702 CHAAT.PlED MAV 13. 'N1 OIS-:-..'CT eN MARATHON ROTARY CLUB . .ox,.. MAfIlATHON 8HOAIS, FL.OFIIOA 33052 Mr. Jim Roberts Monroe County Administrator Via FAX #- 30S~2cj2-~44 October 30,2001 Dear Mr. Robcl1s. The Mtirathon Rotary Club has the oPJJ\)rtunity tu uhhtin a cam.iVid in Marathon November 23"' to Dccember2ttd. This is the same carnival that we have had in the past and will be coming to Key West fol' your Christmas Carnival. Due to a cancellation tbis time period has become available. l mention this. so that y()u'lI understand the lal~ncsl) of all this. The Marutht)n Rotary Club will sponsor the Camival with a11 proceeds going to the Rotary "Field of Orcams" Children's Park. 80th the .Rotary Club llnd the Carnival carry liability insurance. Copies ofbt)th policies will be in your hands prior to the November BOCe meetinH. The Rotary club will also execute the "Hold Harmless" agreement with the county 81 well as any other documents you may require, I have B(l()ken with Captain Bob P.ryam who has aBreed to provide a deputy during tlte carnival. As you know. Bob is the L'Urrenl President o(the Ma,'aJJ)on Rotary Cluh I have discussed 'he carnival with 'I'hL'TCSa Cook. Marathon Airport Manager. and she ha5 no objec:tions to the event being held at the Marathon Airport. As a matter t)f fact, the fence that we will insta1t for the carnival can remain in place for the fund rabioi concert that Grace Jones has planned un the ~irpoJ1 for December 8"'. Tbis will save Grace JOl1es the expense of eret.1ing it and Rotary will remove it ao..cr t~e 8th, Your concurrence in pel'millina ustitrle to get all the paperwork. into you woult\ be deeply appreciated. The Marathon Rotary Club has .worked very hard to build the Children's park in Marathon and we certainly need every dollar that we can ral~ We hope to have thiA Winter Carnival back in Marathon again in February. also ~pnnsnred by ROlary to continue to raise money fur the park and our scholarship prOtvl1l1 for Marathon H.igh School students. Thank you, Jim, for your support and considera1ion of our request. cc: Theresa Cook Mayor George Neugent p.al I I I ~ I