Item C37 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: November 20.2001 Bulk Item: Yes IZl No I Division: Administrative Services Department: Grants Administration AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to apply for the Historical Resources Grants-in- Aid from the Dept. of State. Division of Historical Resources. ITEM BACKGROUND: Funds will be used to perform survey of historical structures in Monroe County. This survey is specified in the Comprehensive Plan. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: none CONTRACTIAGREEMENTCHANGES:n/a STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $26.250.00 COST TO COUNTY: $13,125.00 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes D No [8] BUDGETED: Yes D No [8] AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: COUNTY A TTY D OMS/PURCHASING D RISK MANAGEMENT D DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAA Iv- -::.L--~ ~L- James L. Roberts DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED: I8l TO FOLLOW: r "OT REQUIRED: D DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: /- C]') .L..L./U~/kUU~ + ;A--- ~.~...~~ !~~~ ~~~~ ... ..;....;.~;;;;;.._-- ~-;.rn ~ ~,,~1.1"".~ . ,,, .....,.....-', ;;-. ._,,..__L__.t......~. BOard of Dlrecfors Shlrley Faye Albury Tavemier Allce Allen 7'Overnier Ruth Seeker Big Pine Key JOhn 8ehmke Key Weit Mcliss.a KendTlck Key West Deanna Uoyd Bir Pine Key KJrStl Madeo Key Wesr Lynn C. Mapes Grassy Key Dona MerrIll Bif Pinct KffY NiCk Mulick Titverfl;~ Kate Reynolds Sugar/OiIf Key DaVid Rice Mararhon Brian Schmiu MarafflQll Diane Silvia S<.,.t!o.f J(~y Gordon Smith Key West oaniel P. Toppino Key West Jack Lonoon ElCecurlve Director George Corn Hisroric PreseN<llion;~ r-H'VC. Uol Historic Florida Keys Foundation A Florida NO/. for Profit Corporation Old CIty HaJJ · 510 Grt"'.-ene Srreet . Key West. FL 33040 Tel: (305) 292-6718 · Fax (305) 293-6348 FACSIMILE TRANSMISSION: 295-4320 (2 pages) October 311 2001 Air. David Owen Grants Administrator 1-1onroe County Offices Key West, FL 33040 Dear Mr. Owen: As staft to the Monroe County Historic Preservation Conurjssion, I would like to requ.est that County provide matching funds for a grant application to the Florida Bureau of Historic Preservation for a survey of historic buildings in the unincorporated iU'eas of Monroe County. The Monroe County 2010 Comprehensive Plan (Objective 104.1 and related policies) requires the County to perform such an inventory and to update it annually. Some survey work was done in Tavernier in 1983, but much more would be considered historic now -- eighteen years later. The Monroe County Historic Preservation ordinance also requires the County to maintain a publicly accessible, up-to-date inventory of historic resources, through its appointed Historic Preservation Commission. Not long ago, I contacted the data processing staff of the Property Appraiser's office to obtain a computer-generated report of buildings in unincorporated Monroe County built before 1951. That search yielded a 23-page document, listing 420 potentially historic properties. The dates in the data base from which this report was generated may not be wholly accurate, but it gives an idea of what may be out there. I also contact@d the Bureau of Historic Presel'Vation to ask abou.t other, recently funded survey projects. A project to suxvey 1,000 ~~,u~(~UV~ .~.VI ~U...J";;" ~~IU..J""~I nrf....r j-OA",i::. tJl Letter to David Owen .......... ,," ""'"' r"'u"'\f"Il."! ~'ove;r ::'.1., LVU.l Page 2 of 2. properties in the Little Haiti area of Miarrj received 525,000; the Miami Ci\tic Association received $10,000 to. survey 1,500 buildings; and 500 sites in Lake Worth will benefit from a $15,000 survey grant. As all of these are matching moneys, the total project costs are double the above amounts. I am. planning on a survey of up to. 500 buildings. At $50 per building - a gen~ral rule of thumb -- consultant fees would be approximately $25))00. To. this, I would add 10% af the State-funded share ($1,2.-~), which the State allows for reimbu..rsement of adn-Jnistrative costs. This Vlould bring the total project cost to $26,250, of which the County would pay hall, $13,125. I am hapeful that the County can pravide suppart far this warthy project. If the County Commission offers a favorable review at its November meeting, I will prepare the final grant application due on December 15. Please contact me with any questions. Thanks for your assistance. U&v . Born HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICATION 1) PROJECT TITLE: 2) APPLICANT: 3) AMOUNT REQUESTED: $ MATCH/LOCAL COST SHARE AMOUNT $ 4) PROJECT TYPE (CHECK ONE PLEASE) _SPECIAL CATEGORY; _ACQUISITION & DEVELOPMENT; _SURVEY & PLANNING; __COMMUNITY EDUCATION; _CLG; __MAIN STREET; _NON-MATCHING; _MUSEUM GENERAL OPERATING SUPPORT; _MUSEUM EXHIBIT 5) TYPE OF APPLICANT: _NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION; __GOVERNMENTAL AGENCY; _ FOR-PROFIT ORGANIZATION 6) In the space provided below, briefly describe the project and the property or properties for which funding is requested: do not attach additional sheets. 7) Provide a 3xS photograph of the principal view of the property. Florida Department Of State Division of Historical Resources Form HR3E210695 (Effective July 1996) HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICATION PAGE 3 15) Indicate the level(s) of Proiect Activities completed to date: Architectural: _ Feasibility study; _Schematics; _ Design Development; _ Construction documents; _ Other; None Preservation Planning: _ Design Guidelines; _ Preservation Ordinance; _ Preservation Element; _Other: _None Archaeological Excavation: _ Research Design; _ Excavation; _Analysis, Curation, Conservation; _ Other; _ None Museum Exhibit: _Research; _ Script; _Artifact Selection; _Design; _ Fabrication; _ Other; _ None If other, describe: 16) Proiect timeline: on graph below indicate all the maior elements of the proiect and the amount of time required to comolete each item: (Special Category Projects Only) MONTH: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 ACTIVITY: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. 17) Describe the maior elements of the project and indicate the entities (i.e. Consultant, in-house, volunteers) responsible for each element. 18) What is the anticipated annual Cost Of Maintenance of the Historic Property, Archaeological Site, or Museum Exhibit upon completion of the project; and what is the source of the funding? 19) Provide a brief description of the Educational Benefits this project will have on the local community and the state. Please enter the current or anticipated annual visitation in space provided below. Annual Visitation HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICATION 24) FOR ALL COMMUNITY EDUCATION PROJECTS: PAGE 5 For Audio-Visual Productions. Books. Pamphlets.. Walkin!!: Tour Brochures, etc., Explain how the product will be Marketed and/or Distributed. How many minutes/pages is the product? How many copies of the product will be produced? If the printed/media materials are proposed for distribution, will there be a per item charge? _ yes _ no. If yes, provide the estimated charge. For Educational Materials, is the local school system actively involved in your project? _ yes _ no. If yes, describe their participation to date and anticipated participation in this project. Do you intend to integrate your project into the Florida Heritage Education Program? _ yes _ no. For Historic Markers, include Form No. HR3E171294 from the Bureau of Historic Preservation as Attachment L. 25) FOR ALL MUSEUM EXHIBITS PROJECTS (lncludin!! Soecial Cate!!orv Museum Projects): Explain the Historical Theme for the Museum Exhibit and why it is important to Florida history. What is the square footage of the museum exhibit? HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICA nON PAGE 7 30) PROJECT BUDGET GRANT MATCHING BUDGET ITEMS FUNDS FUNDS/LOCAL COST SHARE SUB.TOTAL $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ TOTALS $ $ $ HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICATION PAGE 9 CERTIFICATIONS 32) Applicant certification: This certification must be signed by the duly authorized representative of the applicant organization or agency before the application will be considered for funding assistance. I certify that the information contained in this application is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, and that I am the duly authorized representative of the applicant. Name (type or print) Agency or organization Title Signature Date 33) Owner concurrence: If the applicant does not own the property, the owner of record must sign the following statement indicating concurrence with the proposed project and this application for grant assistance. I, the undersigned, am the owner of the property identified under item 8) Project Information on Page Two of this application and hereby acknowledge my support for a!ld full concurrence with this application. Name (print or type) Signature Date Address City State Zip Daytime telephone FAX Number 34) Agreement to Execute Restrictive Covenant (SPECIAL CATEGORY & ACQUISITION PROJECTS ONL Y): For projects involving historic properties and those involving archaeological sites which will be maintained subsequent to the completion of the project, the owner, long-term lessee or other responsible party must sign the following statement indicating agreement to execute a 10 year restrictive covenant to run with the property deed, should a grant award be made. I, the undersigned, am the duly authorized representative of the _ owner, _long-term lessee, or _ other organization or agency having responsibility for maintenance of the property identified under item 8) Project Information on Page Two of this application subsequent to completion of the project for which funding is requested. I hereby indicate agreement to execute a restrictive covenant through which the organization or agency I represent will commit to maintenance of the referenced property in accordance with good preservation practice and the applicable standards and guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior for a period of ten years. I further agree that the organization or agency will not make any modifications to the property (other than routine repairs and maintenance) without review of the plans and specifications by the Bureau of Historic Preservation and that every effort will be made to design any modifications in a manner consistent with the applicable standards and guidelines of the Secretary of the Interior. Name (print or type) Title Signature Date Address City State Zip Daytime telephone FAX Number HISTORICAL RESOURCES GRANTS-IN-AID APPLICA nON PAGE 11 A TT ACHMENT A U.S. DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR NATIONAL PARK SERVICE CIVIL RIGHTS ASSURANCE OF COMPLIANCE (hereinafter called "Applicant-Recipient") hereby agrees that it will comply with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (P.L. 88-352) and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Department of the Interior Regulations (43 CFR .17) issued pursuant to that title, to the end that, in accordance with Title VI of the Act and the Regulations, no person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant- Recipient receives financial assistance from the Florida Department of State and hereby gives assurance that it will immediately take any measures to effectuate this agreement. The Applicant-Recipient also agrees to comply with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Age Discrimination Act of 1975 and all requirements imposed by or pursuant to the Department of the Interior Regulations (43 CFR 17) issued pursuant to these titles, to the end that, no person in the United States shall, on the grounds of disability or age be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity for which the Applicant- Recipient receives financial assistance from the National Park Service and hereby gives assurance that it will immediately take any measures to effectuate this agreement. If any real property or structure thereon is provided or improved with the aid of Federal financial assistance extended to tlie Applicant-Recipient by the Florida Department of State, this assurance obligates the Applicant-Recipient, or in the case of any transfer of such property, any transferee for the period during which the real property or structure is used for a purpose involving the provision of similar services or benefits. If any personal property is so provided, this assurance obligates the Applicant-Recipient for the period during which it retains ownership or possession of the property. In all other cases, this assurance obligates the Applicant- Recipient for the period during which the Federal financial assistance is extended to it by the Florida Department of State. This assurance is given in consideration of and for the purpose of obtaining any and all Federal grants, loans, contracts, property discounts or other Federal financial assistance extended after the date her~ofto the Applicant-Recipient by the bureau or office, including installment payments after such date on account of arrangements for Federal financial assistance which were approved before such date. The Applicant-Recipient recognizes and agrees that such Federal financial assistance will be extended in reliance on the representations and agreements made in this assurance, and that the United States shall reserve the right to seek judicial enforcement of this assurance. This assurance is binding on the Applicant-Recipient, its successors, transferees, and assignees, and the person or persons whose signature appear below are authorized to sign this assurance on behalf of the Applicant-Recipient. Dated Applicant-Recipient By (President, Chairman of Board or Comparable authorized Official) APPLICANT-RECIPIENT'S MAILING ADDRESS i -\::.ic:.. 7" 1991. ae speoifiad in Policy 101. 2.6. 5.013(2)(0)5 and 6) (9J-5.012(3)(c)1; 9J- Policy 103_3_2 Monroe County shall support th8 FWS ~th it_ planned acquia1t1on of the piping plover winter1.ng grounds on Oh:1o Key. (9J-S.012{3}(c)1; 9J-5.01J(2)(o)S and 6) Pou.cy 103.3.3 Upon adoption of t.llS COiirrrchen!O'i ve Plan, Mon.roe County ahall implement methods 1ncluddn;. but not tinlit~d to; the perait Allocation and Point System in order to discourllg~ developaanta whiob may Adversely illl'P60T. aativitie~ of the piping plovn.r on their wint~rinq grounds (m~.aur~. of adver8e i.pact to be established by the Monroe County B101o~1sT.). (See Policy 101.5.4) (9J-S.OIZ(3)(c)1; 9J-5.013(2)(o}S and 61 Obj ect.1 ve 103.4 By October 16. 1992. the Land DevelopmenT. a.qui.tions will be rev1lu.d to address the issue. in the focal point plana lor .11 tour ACCC d~aignat1ons a. stipulated in Objectivea 103.1 to 103.3 and x.lated polici4A. PoUoy 103.4.1 By Octobe~ 16, 1992, the Land Development ae~~lationB will be revised to eliminate the ACCC dQcign:'lt.ionl!l from Holid<lY Isle, Bi9 Pine Key, North Xey Largo, and Ohio Key. (",o"-L 104 Monroe County ahall racoqnize, designat:~, protect, and pre..rve ita historic resouroes. (93-5,006(3)(a)J Objective 104.1 t Monroe County shall e.tablish and lII'lintain a QOiiiprehens1ve invent.or/ of hiaU)r1c and archaeol09i.cal rC$O"" '--:s, inoludinq build:1.nqa. atructur'!s. distriots. sites, objects, and s.l91li cant place.. (9J-S.006(3){b)4] Policy 104.1.1 \ By ~SepteJllber 30 1993, thf: l'''''nro. County Growth Kana9ement D1vidon shall esta.bliab a.'1 inventory': all known historic and archaeological rllsources ua1n~ L"lformation r'lrwided by the Florida Kaster Site File and the Archaeologioal ~tld l i j storieal Co~ervancy surveys of the'. . florida Key.. (93-5.006()) lcln] .t: " PoUcy 104.1.2 Monroe County Gro~ Management D1vi.ion shall u~date the inventory oi historic and archaeolo9ical resource. on an annual b..i_ .a new 2.l-6S Po.lic~-' "t. - ~ Caurlt.y ~ 2010 ~ .......~i_ 1'.!.!IiB ~ , l . . [1 L 'if 11\. . nt III It' ~ ~ I"" ~ . t .. '.~." ~:;- ~: .1........'..... .'. ' _r '.'" ~: 0: historic and archa80109ic~1 S.006(3}{e}8} ("~0Urces an .ident.ified. 19J- . , Policy 104.1.3 By sept..-ber 30, 1995, Monro, ':Q;Ulty aball cc=plet.e. a oO!!li'rehens:i.ve hietorie architect.ural eurv. I to inventory and document historic architect.ural resource.. Tlo' ~ S!urve.y ghall 81.0 identify b1etor1c housing and define t.'\e bcund$ ., :ony potf'tntial historic district.. such .. tho.. pre11Jllinarily 1dent.i (1.',,-, on Conch Key. 111 Isl.lllorada, and 1n Marathon.. [9J-S.006(3)(c)81 ... I; Pol1.ay 104.1.4 By Sept.ember 30, 1994, the I; ',- Co\mty Growth Management. Divi.ion, working wit.h local historic p' I'...., ~,ion or9anizat.ions. IIhall complete and aubm.1t Maater Sita File f.. .., to the State Deparbllent of Historic Resources for any hietoric "'OlJrces, part1cularlY architectural resource., which are not eurr,."",ly tocluded in the Florida Haat.er Sit.e File. (9J-5_006{3}(c)8) Poliq 104..1.5 8y Sept..ber 3Q, 1996, the H',IlL'Ol! Count.y G...-Q9r..h Management Divitt10n ahall develop a computeri:cad in'."1n tOr'J system for cOftlpilinq, updating and Aooe..ing 1nfor.lUlt.i.on per: L:\inin9 to hist.ori.c: reSOurces. The comput.ri~ed data baee .hall ipd'ld~ dcscriptiv4 information provided . by the Florida Master Site Flk <llld <\ny National Register or Florida Key. H1atoric A~1eter desip., U.ong. Included a. part of thie propo..d syetea shall be aninl.crf3CG with the Count.y'. Oe09raphlc Info%1Ht.ion Syat.. t.o provide .1"' l'p~d locations of si tell l1et.49d on the Bational lte91ater or Florida . y.'3 lIistor1c Regiater (aee Objective 104.2 and related policies). (1J-5.006(3)(c)8j ~ecU.'" 104.2 Monroe County ahall fDr1llally l:eco<;Jnlze si;piificant h1storic "-'0 arehaeolQ9ieal r..oUX'oe. by nOlllinatih9 appropriate resources on tho National Refi.ter and/or the Florida Xeya Historic Register. (9J-S.OO6(3)(b)4] Policy 10".2.1 Monroe County shall revi~e the Land Development ~equlat1on9 to expand and refine t.h& proqrAlll and procedures for protection of local hi.toric<<l, areha~l09ical and cultural resources. At a m1n1mum. t.he Land Develoi"llent. Requlat1oos.5hQuld be expanded t.o: (a) establish a Florida ~eys Iii !.toric Register to WhiCh landmarks of local s1qn1ficance are nalllc.u; (b) 8stabl1..h a revi,ew ;:o,,,mittee and prOVide for an hi8tor1c/arehaeol091cal r~vi~w within the development review proces.: (c) list the criteria and procedure for selecting a review committee; f:Mla. CtIj~t;ta zd Pelle1=: - Fut.u..... [.-.I u.. 1.1-69 rH"';;;~ t..i'-+ commission meetings. The Attorney uliigned to the Growth Management Oivislon shalt be -----.., the attorney to the HPC. The planning director shall be the cuatodian of IIff HPC record:. ~C shaff meet at lesst once per month at . dete end time established by the HPC, unleu there Is no buslnetS pending. Howeyer, reg8t'dlt!~8 of the f8Ck of pending business, the HPC shall meet at leaat $ix timoa during 0 colend.w yoar. .0 the maximum extont practicable, HPC meetings shan be held at tocationg throughout thv Upper, Middle, and Lower Keys, that ere closeat in proximity to the majority of diacuuion items on the agenda. eel Notice: Notice of meetings required under this Aniele shall be given In accordanco with .ection 9.5-46 of the Monroe County Code. (1') Public HelJri"fJS.- H..ring8 required under this Articl. shall be conduCted in accordanee With , I Section 9.5-48(c) of the Monroe County Code. -+ (9) Power:! 11M Dut~5: The HPC has the fotlowing powars and d..-ti15s: ~". . ~. o' (11 adopt and amend rul.. of procedure to the extent such that they ere not incon:icrsnt - . with this Chapter, or the lawlS of florlda; (2) make recommendations to the board of county commissioners to designate ht&torle . propertv. and if necssaary, recommend rescission of such designations; (3) to i!.sue oc deny certificates of .nprnpriat8Mss in accordance with this ArticHt; (4) to entertain appeal. of the planning director', denial of certificates of appropriateness, and reporting the HPC"s findings to the planning director for action: {Sl determillewhetner 8 substantially damaged designated historic building, structure. ~ object. or ~t. me,! be reconstructed using the criterfa sat forth in Section 9.5-455CdJ. (6) determine whether an NsroNc designatIOn shoufd be r8$cindad; (7) advise the planning commission and the board of county commiss;onerson alt matters reluted to historic preservation polley, including the use, administration, ltnd maintenanCe of pu~licly-owned historic properties; . ';' ~'.'{. 7 (8) recommend land development regulations. comprehenaive plan emendments. and building code .mendmentllS to the plannIng director to assist in the preservation of historic properties; (9) meke recommendations on nominations of historic property to the NlItional Register of Historic Pl~~s; (10) recommend to the bOelrd of county commi55ioner., fin.ncial and technical incentive programs to further the obj.ctl..... of hi.toricai pre5ervlltion; i 11) prep.re and maintain II publicly-acce.slble aurveY' identifying historic buildings. alte., structur.., ObJect., .nd arCheological Sit8. In unincorporated Monroe County, which .t. to become part of the Aorld. Sita Filei (12) promote the ewereness of historic pr..ar...lItlcn and Ita community benefitai (13) Identify end recommend to the board of county commtssioners, sources for grant _UIst.nce from ~ate, federal. and privete source. for the purpose of Nstorle< preservation: (14) provide an annual report to the boiud of county commissioners detailing the actions of the hlatotic preservatIon commission during the prior year and the current state of hl$toric preservation in the unincorporeted area of the County: (!51 assist County staff in the application for County certification from the State Historic PreNry.tion Officer as e certified lacaf governmant; (18) member. of the HPC .nd its steff shoufd mend perttnent informational or educatIonal meetings, wotkahops, and conference., once 8 year wnh COmpensation and prior written notice; (11) ..ek expertise on matter. requiring evaluation by professionals of . discipline not rapr..ented; and (18) perform any other duty assigned to It bV the bOard of county commissioners. 8