Item H1 . 4'...... c.","",~ .;;J.~.. -t ,",__". .... .c. ! ~ Peggy Padan 104 First Street Key Largo, FL 33037 305-451-9442 Dear George Neugent, Children's Week is January 2 thru 16,2002. It is a time to remember how important early childhood and family issues are to everyone. My husband Roben and T have been residents ofMonroc County for the last seventeen years and Foster Parents fOJ the past six years now. We have three children of OUl own and have had many foster children placed in our home over the years. Currently with our own children we have a little girl with us who is two. We feel very much a pan of this community from owning a business, to being very involved in our children's lives. As a member ofthe Monroe County Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc., 1 am part of a committe that is seeking "Help for Our Children". There are cUlTcntly fifty children in foster care in this county. This number changes from week to week, and does not include children who are plated in a relative's care. There are twenty two active foster homes in all of Monroe County. There is a great need for basic items for these children when they come into a foster home. Attached is a list of items that we are looking to have donated. Our goal is to have a canvas bag for each child. containing age and gender appropriate personal care items and to be able to supply basic clothing needs, when a child is placed in a foster home. I would like to share with you what happens when a child comes into care. As a foster patent, you usually receive a call during the day from the Depamnent of Children and Families asking if you would be willing to take in a child that win be removed from his or her home that day. Most of the time the child comes to you in the evening. It is a very fiightening experience for him or her. There is little or no time to get ready. You are given the name of the child, sex and age. The child comes with only the clothes on his back and little else, they are very confused as to what is happening. I once had a baby come to our home right from the hospital where he was born with only a paper garment on and a receiving blanket. These cmJdren should have all the necessary items that we take so much for granted. There is no state fund for us as foster parents to draw from to purchase these items. The children need to have things of their own. Often being in a foster home is the first time in their lives that there is any sense of family life. We live in a wonderful community that is always there to help others. especially our children. I hope that after you read this letter, you might consider making a donation to "Help for Our Children". I am also hoping that you will get the word out about this worth while project to anyone who might be able to help. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me at 451-9442. If you care to make a cash donation. please make your check out to the "Monroe County Foster Adoptive Parent Association, Inc."a florida not-for-profit corporation, I would love the opportunity to speak at one of your meetings to tell you more about what we are tJ'!ing to do ,f9; the foster children. Please let me know. Thank you. . f.~ ;/~ .~~.k....-' .~.:l /-fr 1-~O-,iUiU, :I; ~... .-"\,,ji'" ~ 0, K.id Bap Bottles Wipes Diapers, all sizes Desitin type products Pacifiers Receiving blankets Baby tylenolladvil Baby blankets Baby shampoo, lotions, powder Formula, milk based and soy Baby food, cereal. jars, juice Bibs Sippie cups (toddler cups with lids) Tooth brushes Tooth paste Underwear. all sizes for boys and girls Socks. all sizes for boys and girls Combs and brushes Shampoo, cream rinse, hair gel Drop off donations to: Robert Padan, Computer Tax Prep, 99348 Overseas Hwy., Key Largo, FL 33037 451-4972, next to Mrs. Mac's Kitchen. or to. Peggy Padan. 104 First Street. Key Largo, FL 33037 451-9442 Thank You. Pajamas. babies. boys and lirls Bed pillows Kids sleeping bags (the type with characters on them.) Back packs Lunch boxes. water bottles Pencils, pencil boxes. pocket folders, copy books, rolled loose leaf paper. erasers. crayons. colored pencils. SHOES, new or in very good condition. all sizes for boys and girls. ChiJdrens books Small Teddy Bears Any hand made items would be great. such as blankets, teddy bears etc. USED CLOTHES All SIZES. IN GOOD CONDmON We are in need of small to medium canvas bags to put the smaUer items in for the children. If you wish to make a cash donation. please make your check out to the "Monroe County Foster Adoptive Puent Association, Inc.", Thank you.