Item C09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: February 13. 2002 Division: Public Safety Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: EMS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to purchase one Type I, F-450 Ambulance by "piggybacking" on our previously awarded competitive bid from Wheeled Coach Industries, Inc., in the amount of $100,217.00 ITEM BACKGROUND: Wheeled Coach Industries agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of Monroe County's initial Purchase Order #197350 issued on 2/10/99, and subsequent Purchase Orders #211772,218380, 218906 and 219807 issued on 2/17/00, 12/21/00, 1/22/01 and 2/21/01 respectively for the purchase of additional Type I F-450 ambulances at a unit cost of $100,217.00. This ambulance will be funded from the 304 Infrastructure Account. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: The purchase of this ambulance was approved during the budget process for FY 2002. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: This is not an agreement. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $100.217.00 COST TO COUNTY: $100.217.00 BUDGETED: Yes X No REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes NoX AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty N/A OMB/Purchasing y~~ Risk Management N/A DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: n James R. "Reggie" Paros ~Z- DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # /-,-. ;7' Revised 2/27/01 u....,,-...c-ou... . ( 'O~ t"/otUM, MONROE COUNTY PURCHAS 1 NG Jon 08 02 C~:~6~ Q j p~il..p~ II 10,3052824515 (727}aJ~.'9115 WHEELED COACH INDUST'RIES, INC. na;;~~ AltllllUtlalolAklJP..."ftJIU 2D7 NOIl1H fOISYTH WAD WlMbll PAUo PWltlDA .1219,2 PHONE: 100-142-0710 ~.m fAX: 0C07-619-1:J37 FAX TRANSMITTAL TO: MIl PI!11!R s. LlJBERT .MONROB.COUND'..E.MS. ...__ _ FAX:l..JOS-2&9-6336 _.- FROM: CJ. (JACK )PlW~UPS U OIS'l'RJCI SAl.ES MANAGER fAX: SUB1ECJ': TYPE I F-450 PURCHASE COPIES: I ( _luding cover ) DAm JANUARY 8TH . 2001 -.- - - - -- -......""' 4_0_._____ MESSAGE: MIl LUBERT, WHEEJ..a) COACk lNOllSTR.IF's AClREES TO HONOR MONROE COUNTY PUROJASE ORDER j 219807, FOB. TAR PURCHASn OF A 2002 P--4SO TYPE 1 AMBULANCE PRR MONROE COUNTY SPEClftC:A1lON AND 111E.TERMS AND CONDmONS OF tHE ABOVE REPfJWNCBO PURCHASE QROQll"fU! COST FOR niB NEWUNrr IS Sl(JCU17.00. IF 1 CAN BE OF PtJR1lItiR ASSISTANC~ IN nus MATTEa PU~A8B 00 NOT HFSn"A're TO CONTACT ME. r :;~i'l'" RECEIVED .~ l:~auA-<cr lid 7/tJ~ . r .28 ?On? PURCHASING 1) /{ - PAGE pd 1/1 ...---.-..-. ..