Item G1 rc~-'~-~~ ~~,~b r~UM,MUN~Ue ~UUN!~ ~!!~ UFFICE !U';..H05:lS:l3516 PAGE 1/3 . STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS "Dedicated to making Florida a better place to call homew JU BUSH Gowlmor STEVal II. SElBliRT Seetelary January 31, 2002 FE B-1 2[j~2 Conunissioner Nora Williams 490 63rd St. Ocean #110 Marathon. Florida 33050 ::r~) T~ ~ ~bCA~ ~. tJ~ ~-&- ~~.~ Re: Contract: OO-DR-! W-11-54-0t-002 Contract; Ol-DR-16-11-54-01-001 Dear Commissioner Williams: Anached please find three copies each of the proposed modifications 10 the aforementioned contracts. These modifications outline the levels of funding available for centralized system construction in cold spors, changes the contract expirations date. changes the completion reports due date, and modifies the due date of the canal study to the Department to more closely parallel the existing Countyl contraCtOr's deliverable dates for the study. If you have any questions please contact me at the above address or at 8SG-41 0-1564. sa: <~ Ann C. Lazar, Plannin~ant BW'Cau of Local Planning 255S SHUMARD OAK BOULEYARD . TALLAHASSEE. FLORIDA 32389-2100 Phon..; 850.488. 8466/Suncom 278.8466 fAX: 1150. 921.078lfSuncom 291. 0781 lnlern.' address: hllp:llwww.(Jca.state.f1.us CIVTIl:AL STAT~ QONCPN FlE&.O Ot+a 2~0llMN'HiQIMIly. SUte 212 ~ft.~mt pa:i128WC02 COIlllUllln' I'&NINIIIG IK'IGl;NCV "~"'~iHT HOUaIG .. COllIMUNm' IICYD._ ua """'-' 0lIl--.....-. 2S5Ii --.. 0.11....- 2SS5'-"0III ~ T_.FL323IIN\~R.~100 T__.R~1QO IG.1Ot~ _...,.....~ _,,,.......,..: FEB-13-02 09,57 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE J~ 04:55p COmml~SlOner Ullliam~ 10,3052923516 l30~J 2UU 63U6 PAGE 2/J p.3 FEB - 1 2WZ Contract Number: Ol-DR-16-11-54-01-OO1, Modification No.2 MODIFICATION That Contractnwnbered OI-DR-16-11-54-01-001 entered into between the State of Florida, Department of Community Affairs (the "Department"). and Monroe County (the "Recipienf'), signed on May 7, 2001 by the Department is hereby modified as follows: Seelio. 3, Period of Agreemeat is modified to read as foUows: This Agreement shall begin upon execution by both parties and shall end May 31, 2004, unless teoninated earlier in accordance with the provisions of paragraph (8) of this Agreement. Attachment A, Scope of Work, "Olegal aad Sevece)y loadequate Oasite Sewage System Replacemeat Program", is modified to add sectioa E_ 3. as follows: 3. The amount of grant funding to be provided will be determined by the number of illegal and inadequate On-site Treatment and Disposal Systems (OSTDS) contained within County designated "cold" spots to be serviced by the system or system extension or expansion. That number should be multiplied by a number DO greater than the maximwn amount of grant funding iillowed per household under the existing Homeowners WasteWater System Assistance Program (HWSAP) of $8,400 to determine the full funding amount toward the overall cost oflhe system for all use~_ In the case of centralized system hook-up, while funding depends upon the numbc:r of unknown systems, that funding amowtt will be utiliud to offset total system CO&lS for all users. ') . Attatllmcnt A, Scope Qf Work, "Olegal and Severely Inadequate Onsite Sewage System Replacement Program", is modified in sectiOD F 3 to read: . F, 3. A completion report (ten copies) from the Recipient to be received by the Department no later than May 31, 2004. Page 1 of 2 ........~...__ .._.... 00..J..... "'...."- . ... - - - . .., ..... -.......... ... .- \oj oj l" 11 ...,ttU...,t4..J"".J..:.J~O . ....~ " ....... ~ (" .. Attacbment ~ Scope of Work, "CompreheDsive Muter Piau for Canals" is modified in sectfOQ 3. D. to read: 3. D. The Recipient shall submit a final draft Canal Study by no later than Juue 30, 2002, to the Department for its review, comment, and approval. EX~pt as modified berein, .n other- terms aad conditioDs contained in said Contract remam ill fun Coree ad effect, aad are to be perfonued ia aceordance with tile tcrDl$ of said Contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused thjs Modification to be executed by their duly authorized representative. MONROE COUNTY BOARD O~ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS STATE OF FLORIOA. DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS By: By:. Printed Name:__. H.E. "SOMY" Timmerman Title: Director, Division of Community Planning Date: Date: Page 2 of 2 r'..\\.._t J/ J p."