Item P11 Board of County Commissioners Agenda Item Summary Meeting Date March 20, 2002 Bulk Item: Yes [J No . Division: Soard of County Commissioners Department: George R. Neugent AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Road signs for all roads - whether county or private in the Big Pine Key area should have road signs designating their name for safe~ purposes. ITEM BACKGROUND: Present private roads are unmarked unless signs are provided by residents. Due to the wildland fire potential due to fuel loads on Big Pine Key it is requested that all roads maintain proper marking at intersections. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: approve TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: YES [J NO [J COST TO COUNTY: $ REVENUE PRODUCING: YES [J NO [J AMT PER MONTH: YEAR: APPROVED BY: COUNTY ATTY [J OMS/PURCHASING [J RISK MANAGEMENT [J APPROVAL: ~Jf-e_~-st , Commissioner GEO~ R. NEUGENT DISTRICT II DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED. TO FOLLOW [J NOT REQUIRED [J DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # "q. "\ Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services CHARLES H. BRONSON, Commissioner The Capitol. Tallahassee, FL 32399-0800 Please Respond to: February 25,2002 George Neugent, Monroe County Commissioner District 2 25 Shipsway Big Pine Key, Fl. 33043 Dear Commissioner Neugent: The Florida Department of Forestry has been working with Monroe County and other agencies to identify the wildfire risk on Big Pine Key and the surrounding areas. We conducted a hazard risk assessment of the area in December 2001. There are several items that were identified that could lessen the threat to the community. One item that was noted and can be easily corrected, is the lack of street signs in several neighborhoods. Emergency response units such as fire rescue, police, and the emergency medical services need to be able to quickly locate the emergency incident. Without the proper street signage, emergency units are delayed, resulting in the increase of response times. I would urge you to assist with the corred~ of this deficiency, by having the proper street signage installed. This would enhance the emergency services for the residents and businesses of the community. Sincerely, ~ cc: William Theobald, Deputy Chief ,\ 1,/ ~.:: ~ ~ J.~ sh Fl~iaa. Florida Agriculture ant) Forest Products $53 Billion for Florida's Economy - ~~~riff. RICHARD D. ROTH . SHERIFF OF MONROE COUNTY 5525 COLLEGE ROAD · KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 (305) 296-2424 · FAX (305) 292.7070 · 1-800-Z73-COPS "" March 6,2002 Commissioner George Neugent District 2 25 Shipsway Big Pine Key, Florida 33043 Dear Commissioner Neugent: The Monroe County Sheriff's Office supports your effort to have all roads, whether county br private in the Big Pine Key area signed. Emergency response units, such as law enforcement, fire, and medical need to quickly respond to incidents and the proper street signage would help increase response times, which is critical in many circwnstances. The Sheriff's Office would like to see this done county-wide. It is our responsibility to the citizens and businesses of Monroe County to be able to give them the most efficient service that we can and cOlUlty-wide street signage would certainly improve that service. Sin2?~ fti & Richard D. Roth Sheriff of Monroe County RDRlvam Ftc""",.. Smtio.. M",athQn St..tlon z<N50 Ovc",'" Hlllhw,,-y, 3103 Ov"t'f.a. HI~hw"y, Cud,<>c K~v, H.>r"l" }3042 M"rd~h,,,,, F1mi,I" H050 (05) 745-ml4. ['AX (05) 745.3761 (105) Z89.Z430. fAX DC'5) ZI:lY.Z497 "~ liIail!on,,l.. Sub&tatiol> lHooO Ov~ne~' Hi~hw"y. "!.llnor~ll~, Fl"mla 3 3036 Spotn..uod Station 8877001'\:1:><:." Htghw3v, lsl"l\'\m~cl... Fh",d'" "070 (JQ5) 852-32tl . fAX (305) 853.l205 3-12-2002 4:54PM FROM P.1 MONROE COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL Marathon Gov't Annex Bldg. 490. 63,d St., Ocean, Ste. !60 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 289-6018 (305) 289.60 13 FAX r~'" ..-- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS MA YOR Sonny McCoy, Di$trict 3 Gcorce N~gcnt. District 2 Murry Nelson. District 5 Nora Williams, District 4 Dixie Spehat, DiStrict! .O.'!~y ~.2!!~E (305) 294-4tl41 February 19,2002 George Nugent Monroe County Commissioner Commissioner Nugent, At our recent Firewise Communities workshop on Big Pine Key, a question was raised regarding the many streets in this area that are not marked with street signs. While not unconunon in rural areas, especially with roadways not maintained by a government agency, this condition could represent a life safety hazard. There are homes on some of these streets that may require ambulance or fire service. Precious seconds could be lost counting up from a marked street Or searching for a homemade sign. Many of these streets transition from one side of the island to the other and would be useful as alternative emergency routes. All roads may need to be accessed in the event of a large wildland fire as discussed during the Firewise workshop. It is the opinion of our office that your initiative to consider marking these streets would indeed enhance our ability to provide emergency services to the citizens and visitors of Big Pine Key. Please advise us on how we may assist you with project. Sincerely, -~4i-~ Bill Surina Assistant Fire Marshal MOSROE COUNTY FIRE MARSHAL'S OFFICE