Item U3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 17, 2002 Division: County Attorney Bulk Item: Yes 0 No 0 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a resolution setting the date, time and place for a public hearing concerning the proposed abandonment of a portion of Troup Road, Industrial Acres, Key Largo. ITEM BACKGROUND: Petition has been reviewed and approved by Planning, Engineering and Fire Marshal. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None. CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Adoption of Resolution setting public hearing for 3:00 PM on MAY 15, 2002, IN KEY LARGO. TOTAL COST: Petitioner pays BUDGETED: Yes 0 No 0 COST TO COUNTY: APPROVED BY: County Attorney. OMB/Purchasing 0 Risk Management 0 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVALG~~ E l . HENDRICK DOCUMENTATION: Included 0 To Follow 0 Not Required 0 AGENDA ITEM # w Don Craig, Agent for Petitioners RESOLUTION NO. - 2002 RESOLUTION SEnING THE DATE, TIME AND PLACE FOR A PUBLIC HEARING CONCERNING THE PROPOSED ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF TROUP ROAD, INDUSTRIAL ACRES, KEY LARGO, MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, desires to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the hereinafter described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways, and WHEREAS, under Chapter 336, Florida Statutes, it is necessary to hold a public hearing after publishing due notice of said hearing in accordance with said Chapter, now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the Board will hold a public hearing on May 15, 2002, at 3:00 PM, at the Key Largo Library, Tradewinds Shopping Center, Key Largo, Florida, to determine whether or not the Board will renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the following described streets, alley-ways, roads or highways as delineated on the hereinafter described map or plat, to-wit: A PORTION OF TROUP ROAD FRONTING A PART OF LOT 3 AND ALL OF LOTS 4 THROUGH 14, BLOCK 4, INDUSTRIAL ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 15 OF THE PUBUC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 14, BLOCK 4, INDUSTRIAL ACRES; THENCE RUN N 00.05'49" W ON A PROJECTION OF THE WESTERLY UNE OF SAID LOT 14 FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH UNE OF SAID TROUP ROAD; THENCE RUN N 89.54'11" E ALONG THE NORTH UNE OF TROUP ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 1176.60 FEET TO THE EDGE OF EXISTING WETLANDS; THENCE RUN S 25.32'21" W ALONG THE EDGE OF EXISTING WETLANDS FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.46 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH UNE OF TROUP ROAD AND THE NORTH UNE OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 4; THENCE RUN S 89.54'11" W ALONG THE SOUTH UNE OF TROUP ROAD AND THE NORTH UNES OF LOTS 3 THROUGH 14, BLOCK 4 FOR A DISTANCE OF 1152.61 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 58,230.2 SQUARE FEET OR 134 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of the Board on the 17th day of April, 2002 Mayor George Neugent Mayor Pro Tern Nora Williams Commissioner Murray Nelson Commissioner Dixie Spehar Commissioner Charles McCoy (SEAL) ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairperson NN~ H%ON ~ . ~ 02- ROAD ABANDONMENT PETITION DATE March 25. 2002 NAME Tradewinds Hammocks, Ltd. c/o The Heritage Companies ADDRESS 5505 North Atlantic Avenue, Suite 115, Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931 STREET/EASEMENT/ETC. (to be abandoned) A portion of Troup Road on the Island of Key Largo. We hereby petition the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to renounce and disclaim any right of the County and the public in and to the street, alleyway, road or highway as described in the following attachments: (Exhibit A) Survey Description of roadway to be abandoned and survey showing that portion marked with diagonal lines with petitioners' property clearly delineated and outlined, and showing all adjacent properties. (Exhibit B) Map of islandlkey on which road is located, clearly showing US I, Mile Marker number and portion of road to be abandoned. (Exhibit C) Copies of deed(s) Petitioners certify that they are the sole owners of Lot(s) 1 through 14 of Industrial Acres Subdivision, Key Largo, and that the abandonment of said road will not take away from other property holders' right of ingress and egress to their property, and that the 2002 taxes on their subject land have been paid. (Exhibit D) Legal description of that portion of roadway which petitioners seek to have abandoned. (Exhibits E-l, E-2, E-3, E-4) Letters of no objection from utility companies- including, but not limited to, water, electricity, telephone, cable TV. (Exhibit F) Letters of no objection from all adjacent property owners and list of names and addresses of all adjacent property owners. Petitioners seek the abandonment for the following reasons: The abandonment of Troup Road has been approved as a part of a major conditional use permit which will allow the construction of the second phase of 51 units of a 122 unit affordable housing project known as "Tradewinds Hammocks Affordable Housing". In order to achieve the full 122 units, the portion of Troup Road indicated in the attached survey must be abandoned; otherwise, at least 20 units of density would be lost from this project. The affordable housing to be provided by both phases of the project is primarily for eligible low and very low income residents of Key Largo who are presently Page I of3 housed in substandard or crowded conditions throughout the community. At present, Troup Road is an unused and unimproved right-of-way that runs between property owned by the petitioner (lots 1 through 14) and Tradewinds Shopping Center. The owners of Tradewinds Shopping Center have agreed to the road abandonment already and have further agreed to gift its half of the former right- of-way, when abandoned, to the petitioner for the affordable housing project, thus enabling the project to achieve the full density allowed by the County's Land Development Regulations. Further, the shopping center owners have allowed the housing project to have access through the shopping center near its entrance for both emergency access to the housing and for the convenience of the residents of the housing. Please see the attached Exhibit G, letter from the owners of the shopping center, and Exhibit H, approved site plan for the Tradewinds Hammocks Affordable Housing project. Please be aware that we have submitted a request to the Planning Department for an amendment to the approved site plan to remove Buttonwood Lane from the project boundaries. Petitioners agree to be responsible for and pay for all costs of advertising and recording fees incurred relative to this request for the vacation. Petitioners further agree to grant any easement necessary for the furnishing of utilities, including without limitation, electric power, water, sewer, telephone, gas, cable and other electric communication services to the same extent as is common within this area as to height, width and degree, upon request for such service or by the Board of County Commissioners through its authorized agents. If easements are so required, copies of the executed documents will be provided to the County before the petition is presented to the BOCC. Petitioners certify that the road to be abandoned does not end at water or that, if it does, the road is not a dedicated and accepted right-of-way (including by operation of law due to construction or maintenance by County). WHEREFORE, Petitioners formally requests the Honorable Board of County Commissioners to grant this petition. I . ~~u,L~14 'PErm ER V1 Is personally known to me. ( [ ] Provided as identification Sworn to and subscribed before me this ';...<~ay of ,n~"I./' 2~l- ~(.L.! iJi- S. vI;J.-"J J);<v Typed Notary Name and Number Page 2 of3 Cl~~)LcDn Notary Signature and Seal _'"'''''' Pauline s. VandIe $m"~'1 I'll \, cDr"""cdQTI # 00 061838 :. .: _~1.2mi ~ v~::: -t""'B;;.w TbnI "";'t,f!"~" Itdantlc ~ Co., lIY:- [ .( Is personally known to me. [ ] Provided as identification ~ I A Sworn to and subscribed before me this ~,~ day of IY\A12.c.H ~cc. 1~o bq I P~G-6-'1 S '1;0 S(;\.f Typed Notary Name and Number Page 3 of3 200~ t~a~e~ r " ----;?/// ''iJ t.aJ'cu '1.#' OJ ;u~~.Mdd_ pu. SJO~~"'"N'IS rJptJO'J Ai ~~crpu.~S J,,~.)41 ..,......, '~3 .""1. o..q. S~II fPtJOU ~,. JO t.l!J(9V~ jO ..."'..............1 ~ S~"'.w .(.......,.. SNJ. 'J"'~ pUO <I4o",aOiDl tlfl JO "S.,q ~ p":..}"~~:~'.:.,,,:;;:" '.~';::Zi;~ 1;.~ ~~~ [f20-[S8 (SO[> X'tJ 9900'" ~~(~Ot:) 3NDtI<l LOCC '7.1 '~3IN~31\'11 - '619 XOf/ '{]'cJ / ')"I'tH S'l3S~3I\O 88888 -M1)"31\~ aN'I11ltNtiiss:l:ll:Jik! ')..3SS'lf( 'SaM )(Srl ,~, "" 0.111 iJO/.o/c PilS!'oIJ lJU/n.J1I 66/61/1 p~iJAJ"S ccCf;/.881 llN 9NII' .",;,x"I~;~~I.IfIo:J .,,~ ;$0) 6C 'oI'&joll ''#''''$ . Ii ~U.01 'cC! U01; s '4/"'4H '~. - JOj oI" 0':;.1 Qff; 'HSd ',(ilSSOH S PIMII If; , CC! 1 ,S>tOO'IPI~.J ,Of; R .1 ,"/0"$ .. - 'W .80"llI1 I'~ .00'981 '3.n80.00'N - a ~ . 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I' -IJ' _ -..a. .. .. - I :.::il..J ......, ~ :;....::: ... I \J I . _-,~I' L" .. L....... . · · ... .. --.,!. -. ,,, , -!..~- , ", ~~'~i-~;:-= -=:- " ~I .. ......- "./ .~... . :-1-- =- ..... " -- . I .~ W....'.I!!..- ... i-. . _ I "b ""l~ -- -!..... ~. . . · C '<l ~~ I -!- ~~' ~ + I ""I ~ .,..""~ ~ --=-- ~' .,' ", ~ =t. :-' ~ (~<"~ -. I ,~'''b r I~ IL..... · · "" '" -;-- I · ,. ~ . I ' ~i I -- ." I~ L-: _' f~ ." ~". I ~ I · . . '-.... II -. =..L ,_ I I · ~"'r- II . .' ,-, : r-;,.IF- i~ I' · ~t-. ~ I---!J rl: I [' I' .1 ~ · . ., =-- . ~. ,--. . . I · · I · I I~f--I ~ ~ ., .. . ,_ I · --:- +" J · - ---:- ~ If-- I ~ · i ~ · --;-- .,.1. .0 - ~ ....;-,~ r I. ~ ~!~! ~ . ~ ~ -;- ~, .. ,... r-- r---.:..- ~ ,- , ... . ~I - , - - . ~,_ I' · . · ~ ----=-" . J - ____~J I I -. . . I -, · , ~ -,I ~- ~. : . . . ~..... : . ".' + J..-..!- I f-- L"~. I~-. _ .....!.- r--o I-- .. ~ ~ t ~ · -;.... I- ~ ~ ~. - II-~"-'" - 2- ---..J I I - I I ~IIII/ "- -!...- _ ---.J '-..J ~ '- J ~-!...- ... ~~ ~ ' --.!- ~ \ -=- ' ~ ~ ./ - I J~ I g,./ , , MAP ~ ~ I o :D "..., , , \ \ \ , \ , , " " , , , , " " " , , " " " " " " " " " '. " " " , " , " , " I ~ EXHIBIT B I 'G..L . I"'\.',!!ic .;-.....,,:0-.) i.t J ~.'I ."{ Ll () MONROF "1N'TY OFFICln~ RECORDS FILE # 1 : 9 5 8 :t. l +~~~ JC:> I BK# :1. 6 3 ..... PGI' 7 :2 7 n... ""NIl'.'" "'.....011 II)' D_ W. Iol"'" IloqWno ] 1:Z SIll7 SIr.... Za.d M- Foot (.lub1onlo1.. Jl'L. 33316 T ol"j......llS4 .761 .(;])) Reo May 16 200~ 03;47PM DANNY L KOLHAGE, CLERK DEED DOC STA~~ 2332.40 05/16/2000 ~ DEP eLK Grantee TIN " W ARRANTV DEED TInS INDENTURE, made this 10th day of May 2000, between MANCIL INC., a Florida Corporation, of the County of Broward and State of Florida. -GRANTOR"., and TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II, LLC, a Florida Umlted Uabillty Company, whose post office address is 5505 N. Atlantic Avenue. #115, Cocoa Beach, Florida, 32931, of the County of Brevard, State ofFlorjd~ "GRANTEE".. WITNESSETH: That said GRANTOR, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/loo ($10.00) DOLLARS, and other good and valuable considerations, to said GRANTOR in hand paid by said GRANTEE, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said GRANTEE, and GRANTEE's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in County, Florida, to wit: Tax Folio Number: See l:Xhibit "Bit attached hereto. Lots 1 throu:h 14, inclusive, Block 4, INDUSTRIAL ACRES, as per plat thereof recorded in Plat Book 5, Page 15, of tbe Public Records of Monroe County, Florida. The above-described property is conveyed by Grantor to Grantee lubject to the Deed Restrictions set forth in Exhibit It A", attuhed hereto and made a part hereof, and the Grantee by ia acceptance of tbat conveyance, a.:rees to accept such Deed Restrictions and abide by the tenn, thereof during the period of time tbat the Grantee is the owner fo the within described real property. and said GRANTOR does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. '"ORANTOJl" llncJ "GRANTEF.." JIC \Iud fOllin&ll1at or plural. u COlllcxU~quires. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, GRANTOR has hereunto set GRANTOR's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: MANGD.. INC., 'Ilorid'~:l'''' / . By /\1 ~;L(' :f(';?/(L.s.) Gilbert Hyatt, I.9fPresldent 989 NE 4S Street' Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 ~J~ Print Name ~u~ ,. B.t;~-s ~ .) r'/ '\ 1 I.... {!XL ~ I A.. PrinlName.._~,.1 A. f~~t;-I\!I"'- - EXHIBIT C ... 1- " FILE . J. :l.. 7 9 5 8 1 SK# 1. 6 3 3 PG# 7 2 9 EXHIBIT "A" D~D USTRIcnONS .' .~. ~. The property sball be devcioptd with affordable housing for vel)' low, low, or moderate income pe1'90M as defined in section 420.0004~ Florida S1atutl:9, consistent with the following affordabJe housing requirements of tnc~cmroe County.Land Development Regulations: I '. .- 1. Th~ annual adjusted ~~s i~me b the oWner-o.ceupied or tenant-~cupied bousehold shllll not ~ceed one hundred (100) percent of the median adjUsted glOSS annual inconle within Monroe ~u~. .... 2. The Yl.:arly rent (employee hous~) 5halI not exceed thirty (30) percent each month of that whIch represents the median adjusted gross llJUluaI I,Icome lor ho1l$tbolds within Monroe , ConDty. . , . -' .~ ....... ....:..':..1 \ 3. Under Monroe County Code Section 9.5-266) thcaffOmable bouslna dwellina unit is restrict~d to a maximum of one thousand three hundml (1,300) square feet of habitable space. 4. The applicant has used the affordable housing ptognm to gain additional points in tho pennit allocation f;)I'Item pursuant to Momoe COunty Section 9.5-122.3(6). 5. These deed restrictions shall remain In effect in perpetuity regardless of tbe ability of the owneJ(s) or occupants(s) to comply orre-qulllifY on an annual basis or a!J othctwisc niay be requited. . . ~ !I 6. All of the restricdons hctdn shall be binding upon any trabsfetee5, lessees. heirs. assigns or successors in the chain oftiUe. ~ 1 In addition to the fotegoiDl~ in &etordat1te with tbe Memorandum of Undentanding between Monroe County end the Department of Community Affairs dated December 27, 1999. persons cun-ently Ol formerly hOUJed in an illegal dowmtairs' eucloSUl'C'" have or will be displaced as l! result of the removal of said enclosures and who m~et.aU applicable affotdabiHty rcquirtments sha.ll be given tlrst priority 'When the Tradew:inds H~mocks hO\lsuag oCC:Upf111ts arc se1cct.cd~ . ~ ! ", ~ ~ j ~ :1 , i , l LEGAL DESCRIPTION A PORTION OF TROUP ROAD FRONTING A PART OF LOT 3 AND ALL OF LOTS 4 THROUGH 14, BLOCK 4, INDUSTRIAL ACRES, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 5, AT PAGE 15 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT THE NORTHWESTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT 14, BLOCK 4, INDUSTRIAL ACRES; THENCE RUN N 00005'49" W ON A PROJECTION OF THE WESTERLY LINE OF SAID LOT 14 FOR A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TROUP ROAD; THENCE RUN N 89054'11" E ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF TROUP ROAD FOR A DISTANCE OF 1176.60 FEET TO THE EDGE OF EXISTING WETLANDS; THENCE RUN S 25032'21" W ALONG THE EDGE OF EXISTING WETLANDS FOR A DISTANCE OF 55.46 FEET . TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF TROUP ROAD AND THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 3, BLOCK 4; THENCE RUN S 89054'11" W ALONG THE SOUTH LINE OF TROUP ROAD AND THE NORTH LINES OF LOTS 3 THROUGH 14, BLOCK 4 FOR A DISTANCE OF 1152.61 FEET BACK TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CONTAINING 58,230.2 SQUARE FEET OR 134 ACRES, MORE OR LESS. EXHIBIT D f'~\.E.CT-9/(\ C' I4J 0 ~ 0 d. ~ ~cS1 ~~ O)::J '3f'\-S; FLORIDA KEYS ELECTRIC COOPERATIVE ASSOCIATION, INC. - FKEC ~ 91605 OVERSEAS HIGHWAY P.O. BOX 377, TAVERNIER, Fl33070-0377 PHONE (305) 852-2431 FAX: (305) 852.4794 March 15,2001 Mr. Donald L. Craig The Craig Company P.O. Box 372 Key West, Florida 33041 RE: Troup Road Abandonment Dear Mr. Craig: In response to your letter dated March 6, 2002 requesting the abandonment of Troup Road, FKEC has no objection. FKEC will require the property owner to provide a 15 foot utility easement along the North side of Troup Road prior to abandonment. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this abandonment or the required easement. Sincerely, ~ Tom Roebling Staking Technician TR/pm cc: John Burch Tim Planer - EXHIBITS E Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority ~ John U. Koenig. St. Chairman Key West Alberr O. AppeJl Vice-Chilirman DUClc Key Mary L RICe Secretary-Treasurer Marathon POll Off" BoII1ZS. 1100 ICellllectr Drr.. Key wetl. FIarWa 33041-1230 . ..!-.J;. t...phone f'OS) 28&-2~'" ..', :4.',., : ' ' ....:" March 29,2002 Linda B. Wheel8/' K~ w.s. Harry e. Cronin Key Largo RosJer Braun Executi\Ht Director Mr. Do4aJd L Qaig. AICP The CraJg Company P.O. Boj( 372 KcyWein, Florida 33041-0372 R.E; lroUp Road AblDdonmCDt Iletter of No Objection Dear Mt. Craig; The FKAA Board of Directors approved at the March 27. 2002 mc:eting, the above referenced project. ' Punuant!to your request for the roadway abaodomnCD.t of the abov&-rcferencc property, Statrhas researc~d)'OUI' requClt and have no objection to the aNndonmem a ponion ofTloup Road 1imtinS a paIt of~t 3 and all olLots 4 tbru 14, BJocJc 4, Industrial Acres. Key Largo, Florida. since there are no wk lines existing nor will there be a need for this roadway in the fiuure. Should y4>u have any questions. please do not hesitate to call thiJ office. Sincerely, FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY ~~~~ Edgar F. Nicolle, Jr. Distribution Design Specialist EFNIcma cc: BQb Feldman. 0e0era1 Counsel ~yn Bigley, Director olMaintenance Dept. MOnroe County Building D~ent r. I 'j ~~ (?\J ~ '17 "1r: " ;.,i ,', & ~ J..9J LL, \', f,.!, . \ APR 1 2002 RE NAME ADDRESS LEGAL 'lE OWNER ADDRESS LEGAL 454611.0001 KIR KEY LARGO 022 LLC THE DIME SAVINGS BANK OF NY 23 EAB PLAZA - 13 FL CRE UNIONDALE NY -RADE WINDS PB7-42 KEY LARGO TRACT A LESS (THE LIBRARY SITE) (21.18AC) OR1111-480/81(JMH) OR1644-381/88(CW) 454611.0005 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCK L TD ,505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 -RADE WINDS PB7-42 TRACT E OR1300-369171 OR1300-372174 OR 455570 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC - SUITE 115 IK 4 LT 3 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1oo OR855- 455580 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 :K 4 L T 4 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1OO OR855- 455590 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 :K 4 LT 5 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1oo OR855- 455600 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 LT61NDUSTRlALACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1oo OR855- 455610 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 LT 7 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1oo OR855- 455620 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 L T 8 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1 00 OR855- 455630 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 LT 9 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-100 OR855- 455640 TRADEWINDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 N ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 LT 10 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-100 OR855 455650 TRADEWlNDS HAMMOCKS II LLC 505 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 K 4 LT 11 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1OO OR855 455660 TRADEWlNDS HAMMOCKS II LLC ;05 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 -< 4 LT 12 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-1OO OR855 455670 TRADEWlNDS HAMMOCKS II LLC ;05 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 < 4 LT 13 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-100 OR855 455680 TRADEWlNDS HAMMOCKS II LLC i05 NORTH ATLANTIC AVENUE - SUITE 115 < 4 L T 14 INDUSTRIAL ACRES PB5-15 KEY LARGO OR190-100 OR855 K-MART,PUB 11556 COCOA BEACH FL 32931 1335-1505/06 OR1338-669170C OR1540-1326138 OR1633-703l07AFF COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-1694195 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727130(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727/30(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727130(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727/30(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727130(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727130(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 2353 OR987-1694/1695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727130(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 -2353 OR987-169411695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-72713O(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 -2353 OR987-1694/1695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-727I3O(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 -2353 OR987-1694/1695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-72713O(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 -2353 OR987-1694/1695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-72713O(CW) COCOA BEACH FL 32931 -2353 OR987-1694/1695 OR1300-372174(CW) OR1633-72713O(CW) EXHIBIT F ondav. March 18. 1001 PaKe 1 of 1 ~vv" Kimco Realty Corporation Mark Trommsdorff Vice President Southeast Field Operations Writer's Direct Dial: 954-956-2108 Writer's Direct Fax: 954-977-8780 February 19, 2001 Ms. Jacqueline McPhillips Tradewlnds Hammocks, Ltd. 5505 North Atlantic Ave., Suite #115 Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 RE: Tradewinds Hammocks Apartment Complex I I Dear Ms. McPhillips: 'Please accept this as Confirmation that Kimco Realty CorporatIon is approving your request(s). As ,we previously stated, Kimco believes in being a good neighbor and supports the development of needed affordable housing in the Upper keys. You have proposed that Klmco agrees to three issues: (1) the abandonment of the north half of Troup Road. The land In question would not be developed ,but would allow for your required density, (2) aI/ow your development ingress/egress behind the iTradewinds Shopping Center so that your residents can more easily access services and (3) Tradewinds Hammocks utilizing the Tradewinds Shopping Center's sewage treatment plant until such time that Monroe County offers sewer service. A fee would be charged initially for the hook-up and a I imonthly fee for the actual service. i I IAs preViously discussed, any costs associated with our granting your requests will be bome by your [development and not by The Tradewinds Shopping Center. I [we look forward to working with you on this development in the near future. Ive I I :G:\Acenten\022\Ttad...,lnds HamlllOCk8l.tr '2.Dcx: i2/19/01 9!19 AM I I I 5684 West Sample Road, Margate, Florida 33073 _ EXHIBIT G r epIJol:l 'o6Je"] AS}! peol;! uoswes S)l~O~~VH SaNIM3a\Q:I1 o:i~8 i "O'd ~-3.. ~ 'c- ~&!~UII iJji ..~. o Atg. :;.$';!... S1J3:JJHJtI sarD}OOSSY ~ .Lapu. ~~s~: ~~~~9! ~5 5S:!S I~~~a i~ t ~~H! U~BG ~~ ~R~li i i-i III ~ ~!Ul; ..:I: ~u ,: h~;g 1"""";li. ai II Ii II-Iii! 11...1...! ~~~i~o "~~~il~~!~i~ ~ I ~~~~ ~~ ~~ d H ; P B ~ u i!5 is i ~ ~ h ~ ~ ; ~ U l! ~ U ~~ ~ z ~ ~ ~ ~ H ~ l ~ U ~ ~ U ~ii 1:~I~i ...... ,trILl .J~~L. . . . . . . . I . .. ."""7.7""':""......'. ' f" . .. I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ......... . I I . I . . . . . f . . . . . I I . . .J~~l,. ~~ ! ...... .,l-! II!! ~.......... 0... !II " ~ 0R iI!~ ;~~I! Is!; ; ~(I i~~ '" L Iii I r~ I! ~ II;~ i!i jl Q e i ~ 1.lli ; I di ~nh i H ~~ BUi UIIUl ~IUU:~o It ~ 110 :o:i!l~ ~o ~o I "I II =! f! II o Q Q 0 '" ... .... L L i v l!!l! !,!" ~~ BN~! ii q ii .,; ~ .. ! II ~~ ; ; ~ ,~!~.~ ~ I ;fti!i~1 II ~ j:s&!&&1 ~~~ a~ I lii1lllill 1:I'j :~ I 1!51~~i 9 ~ ~~~~~~~B III ~~ ~ ~ ;li.~2~~~ I . li;;" : i ~ !:!~~U~ I ~.; II ln~ "I ~ III !II U~~ ~ ~ nu IE= liIU h~a D ;l; .. 0 S ql;l;oI\lll tll....efto ~~~o~ ~1!!1!!~:li 00.000 ~ -- ~ 000_ ~~~~.., 00000_ Apr-U~-U~ U~:4/A Ihe Cra;g Company P.02 M 1IlOO ,.... Hlghwar Tavern r FL 330'11 Tel. ( ) 152-7101 ,,"-J~"\!':'I)%V ~.. .~ ~,'. ....01. --...& .,' , .:"\,1.. ;:.~ iJl- ~ To: Suzanne Hutton. Assistant County Attorney ...179l71 THR~UG~ ,..,...,. C_Y. DllIIClor of Plennlllll & Env. "{;;'I I Fro.-: \ ;.rren ..I"~ Sr. Planning Technician Oatet Subjlct March 27. 2002 Request from Tradewlnds Hammocka. Ltd. for I road abandonment. Tra~wlndS Hammocks, Ltd., owner of lots 1..14. Block 4. Industrial Acres. Key largo, Florida hiS r.quut8d the abandonment of a portion of Troup Roa. lying north of Lots 3.14, Block 4. of Ind_trlal Ac..... Lotll1 t 2, and a portion of lot 3 of Block 4 are In the Native Area (HA) land uae ! dfsbiGt. The remainder of lot 3 and 10" 4-14 ant In the Urban Reakiential (UR) land use'dlstrlct. All of the lots are undeveloped. ~v DeacrlDtIon Th.: portion of Troup Road which I. the subject of the lequ.st for lba=onm...t Is Ihown .. Troup Road In Plat Book 5. Page 15 of the Public R of Monroe County. There Is no evidence of any paving on the pro fly, and the property .. completely covered with vegetation. 1luJ of the Road Th..... .. no current use of this portion of the road. ~loDment Potentl.... Thelre Is no development potential for the property that Is the .ubJect of the roa~ abandonment. lb9,.llne Access ~ portion of the road being propoeed for abandonm.nt dooe not tanhlnate on open water. Page' 012 TraclewInds- Troup Road ADendonment .~ ~cg ~ lLW1r~ APR 0 1 2002 Apr-v~-v~ UO;~'A Ine Lralg Company P.03 ~ A ,.iMw of the records and an on site inspection of the property revealed the tbllowing: 1. The original platted roadbed .hOWlS no alans of ever having been cOi1lpleUd. The entl... property Is covered with vegetation. ' ; 2. The applant has received .n agnement from Tradewlnda Shopping Center, thl owner of 1he adjoining parcels of property for the uae of the entire MCtIon of road to be abandoned. ; ~ Stat recommends APPROVAL of the request by Tradewtnda Hammocks. L~.l for a road .blndonment of I portion of Troup Road ba..d on the follOwing: . 1. The road propoaad for .bandon....._ serves only the applicant and Klr-Key, Inc.. ownera of the TradewJnda Shopping Center who have co....nmd to the abandonment. Therefore the' request for abandonment mM_ the ntqUlremanta as outlined in the Monroe County Code SectIon 11-1. 2. The I'OIId doea not terminate on a body of water. and Is conalatant with Goal 213 of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. 3. Based on the appU_tlon and the supporting documentation, the .bandonment will not Impair .... distribution of utilities In the nelghbortng ...... Page2of2 Tradewinds- Troup Road Abandonment Suzanne A. Hutton, A$Sist~lUICo. un ttome)' 1.0. "Joe" London, rlJ"C M . l _ ROAD ABANDONMENT . PECTI N: ( A portion ofTroup Road on I or Key Largo) OU~TYofMONROE KEYW&Sr V ~ORDA 3JlWO . t"~1 OUNTY FIRE E Muatbon ti~" Bldg. 490 - 63'" llOoetfa cOt6l1, Stc. 160 M..~ LJ30S0 (305) 289EJOS' 289-f(HS (30S) 289iiJD5t E"O JJ FAX DATE: March 2S, 200 I TO: FROM: SUBJECf: (1'___ . INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM .- . \..I.... BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Sonny ~-coy, Districc J , Mayor - Oeorp Ncu~ District 2 Muay Nelson, District 5 Nora Williams, District 4 Dixie SpdIw, Dislric;t I, Mayor PM Tcna ~ The Monroe County Fire Marshal's Office has reviewed the above referenced proposed road abandonment. This office b. no objection to the abandonment. ~ Ifthct Fire Marshal's OtrlCe can be ohny additional assistance in this matter, please contact our office. CC: WiIlijln D. Surina, Assiscant Pin: MarsbaJ ArthUr "Wally" Romero. Assiscant Fire Marshal @RoadAbdn/RoadAbdnlmw7.0 M~~'O~Ymll\UtltJall~fllCE ~~) 1~;~ CC0 t~ I. APR 0 1 2002 MEMORANDUM TO: Suzanne Hutton Assistant County Attorney FROM: David S. Koppel County Engineer IJJ DATE: March 25,2002 RE: Request for Road Abandonment Troup Road Tradewinds Hammocks Key Largo We have reviewed the above-referenced request for road abandonment and have no objections. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. DSK/jl TroupRdAbandKL.DOC Cc: Dent Pierce Don Craig