Item R12 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGF.NDA TTF.M SUMMARY Meeting Date: April ]7. 200? Division: BOC.C Bulk Item: No x Department: Distrjct Fivp- AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion item: Requesting that the FKAA request proposals for a stand-alone wastewater system for Conch Key. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Monroe County Sanitary Wastewater Master Plan recommends installing a 30,000 gallon per day wastewater system on Conch Key. This system has a $1,750,000 FEMA grant and would provide affordable wastewater for the people of Conch Key. Legal challenges to Hawk's Cay Duck Key could jeopardize the FEMA and state funding for this project and the current proposal does not follow the Wastewater Master Plan (page #ES-4) PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing Risk Mgt. h:;:Z:~q~:=::r DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included: x To Follow: Not Required: DISPOSITION: AGENDA I'T'F.M # ~J~ INFORMATION RHRRT Conch Key has sufficient grant monies to build a stand-alone wastewater treatment plant and pay for all collection systems, land costs, engineering, and design - $1,864,285 (see page 2 of packet) It also has enough EDU's to pay for all of its operating and maintenance costs and provides a reasonable monthly charge. Yearly operating and maintenance for a 30,000 gallon B.A.T. treatment plant $60,OS5 ~= $368.43 yearly or $30.70 per month per EDU 163 EDU A connection fee of $1,600 per EDU will provide $260,800 for payment to the county match of $233,035. . ~ ~ 0_ 3lX1 3=i Cllm iiC{) ~w ~ en CD ~ w ~ .. ~:Tv;j~ ~ ac:~ g 1Il!ll.~ 5,g.<II '""J2.~"J2. m~~~lUlii~ ;~(j;'o~~'" g~g:m~ ig ",;;r.'" ~o:> 3 <;n~ iil'j;~ ll'.3 ~-g,5ifi :t<ll ~~ ~;:15.S5.' ..~[~ ~~-&'; ~~r ;;~~5r ~CD ~~;5' ~-g. :<~:~ g, ~~ ~; -< '" iii'" = iU tD:D.-o ~ ~.g' ~ ~' f-i. ! 2. II I'D ~ I .... m QI ~ ~ g ~ .g> 2. ~. '"m 9. ~~ is. ~ ~o g _=: 5'.g ~ In S:~ a. 5. :' *' ~. lU ><01 en CD g;~ ~ [ ~-a ~ ::r <IIUJ ~ fi'iU 6" Q. "'0. 0 g. o~ 0 :> m::r 3 .. x<ll 3 a. ;:r:;' 5 5' 0' q- ~ () ~! Q ~ lfl~ iil "Y.. U1::::J to ~ ~- (S' ~(j) ~ >:r ~. iii' ~ ~ g- g. re Vl 2: gJ. <; '<: 0... Er M- ::;: ~ ..-] 9 ::;: ;:J 0 ............. ""...... 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(1) _OQ _ g ::;::r' : S * ~r 5j. ~ 2 ;1l(1)9;:;"roPJOQ PJ::l (1) 0... Vl ::r' U'l....PJO'" ro..... :=:. ?\' PJ ~ <:' ::r' "" (1) <: ..... <; (1) g:.g:.~S::8-@ (1) ...... PJ ~ '"1 PJ Vl cr' 0... "'1 I-i ::!10:::.:0...(1)(1) o "'0 ......;:;.. f: PJ I-i 0". ~ ...... ~ 0... 5: 9 0 9 ~... <: PJ "" ......."" ~ 7\9Vla~~ ~ Q @.. iii' 2: cf6 U'l (1) p> 2:(JQ. m g:. 2: ~ 5-: ::r' PJ ~::;::PJ(1)n~ n' "'1 Vl ~ 0 S' s re ~ .... D. .....Vlo... e ..... ..... (1) o 0 0... ! 9. 12/21/01, Submittals and initial construction schedule not maintaining satisfactory progress. 10. 01/14/02, major replacement of contractor's field representatives and project manager by Felix Equities corporate office. Increased work crews and equipment. 11. 02/12,13,14/02, Rule development workshops specific to establishment of System Development Charge for Little Venice and methodology of collection. SDC to be established at $4,700 per EDU. Estimated average monthly service costs to be established later by Rule making near end of construction. (estimated average: $50 per mo. inclusive of operation/maintenance costs of $29 and capital/debt related costs of $21) 12. 02121/02, Proposed Little Venice Wastewater District Service Area, Wastewater Improvements, Initial Assessment Resolution. 13. 03/06/02, Individual property owner notification of proposed assessed ED Us per property. 14. 03/12,13,14/02, Three Public Hearings on additional wastewater rules and regulations and establishment of System Development Charge for Little Venice. 15. 03/27/02, Public Hearing to Impose and Provide for Collection of Non Ad Valorem Assessments in the Little Venice District Service Area. Per F.S. Chapter 197 and Chapter 120 16. 03/27/02, Construction status report. Installation of vacuum mains, vacuum valve pits and service laterals 95-98111 Streets, commencement of shallow injection well installation, finalization of restoration of water main installation along U.S. I Hwy. Progress increasing (currently about one month behind schedule) 17. 03/27/02, City of Marathon through the Monroe County Housing Authority is currently qualifying very-low and low income property owners to receive financial assistance with their system Development Charge and private property system abandonment/new lateral services. Approximately $550,000 in funding from CDSG, SHIP and DCA sources. FEMA Assisted Wastewater Proiects 1. Conch Key (163 EDUs) Phase 1. Completed: project planning, site selection, evaluation and appraisal, plant/system design, engineering. I ./ Current Funding: FEMA federal funds: $1,398,215 V State match funds: $ 233,035 local match funds: $ 233.035 Total: $1,864,285 t, Current actions pending per March 12, 2002 meeting with FEMA, DCA, Monroe County and FKM: 1) April 2002, sacc resolution guaranteeing total FEMA required local match and acknowledging acceptance of Conch Key wastewater flow at Hawk's Cay plant. 2) April/May 2002, Final selection of vacuum pump station site (primary/alternate) 3) May 2002 FKM confirming resolution as to County's match fund commitment. , . ~ . ~, Murray Nelson From: To: Sent: Attach: ''Rios, Gus" <Gus.Rios@dep.state.f1.us> <boccdis5@mail.state.f1.us> Monday, March 25, 2002 1 :56 PM 99395costs.doc; Oct98CH2M HiIIReport. tif; T echAssistanceDocument. tif; Treatme ntp la ntC fass&Staff. ti f; M onroeCtyope rators.doc FW: Information request Subject: > ---Original Message----- > From: Rios, Gus > Sent: Monday, March 25,2002 1 :39 PM > To: 'bocceis5@mail.state.fl.us' > Cc: Ahmadi, Abdul; Armstrong, John A. (Fort Myers) > Subject: Information request > > <<99395costs.doc>> <<Oct98CH2MHiIlReporUif>> > <<T echAssistanceDocument. tif>> <<TreatmentP lantClass&Staff. tif>> > <<MonroeCtyoperators.doc>> > > Dear Commissioner Nelson: > > Attached please find information you requested regarding new wastewater > treatment plants designed to meet the new criteria under Chapter 99-395, > L,O.F.: > > 1. Operation costs for DEP-permitted wastewater treatment plants less than > 100,000 GPO (package plants). > > 2. Operation requirements for these plants: staffing and monitoring. > > 3. List of local State-licensed operators. > > Please let me know if you have questions on the attached information. For > questions on the Key West Resort Utility wastewater permit application, > please contact John Armstrong, or Dr. Abdul Ahmadi, of our Fort Myers > office at (941) 332-6975. > > Thanks, Gus l-Jage 1 ot 1 03/25/2002 ,- ,! .: ::. :'1:,;: <If i: :~',.r:~ ! t"~.( ...;;_..~ '. ~ t ~ :t:''"!~ (~'~>l'.r.... i:~ ;'. . Operation Costs for new wastewater treatment plants (designed to meet the requirements of Chapter 99-395, L.O.F.) Ziggie's Conch Restaurant (permitted capacity: 6,000 GPD - or 0.006 MGD): Construction including small collection system and installation of two injection wells and one monitoring well $172,000 Operating costs, including field and lab analyses $925 per month Additional costs, forchemicals, etc., $175 to $275 per month Information provided by: John Cioffi, Owner Waffle House (permitted capacity: 3,000 GPD): Construction and installation, including a small collection system, two Class V injection wells, and one monitoring well, but not including engineering fees $70,000 Information provided by: Gary Thomas, Maintenance and Facilities Supervisor, North Lake Foods, Inc, Operating costs: field and lab analyses, chemicals, residuals hauling, and maintenance $17,850 per year Information provided by: Ed Castle, Regional Manager, Synagro Southeast, Inc. Islander Resort (permitted capacity: 65,000 GPD - currently requesting permit cap. reduction due to low usage): Construction (including 3 injection wells with trough, monitoring well and collection system): $416,351.00 Information provided by David Wood Operating Costs: $20,400 per year-includes field and lab analyses, chemicals, and maintenance, Residuals hauling not included. Information provided by: Jim Hand, Hand Utilities, Inc. Island Tiki Bar (permitted capacity 12,000 GPD) - costs not available yet. Construction (including 3 injection wells with trough, monitoring well and collection system): $ Information to be provided by Gregg Chapman, owner Operating Costs: $ John Pennel<amp Coral Reef State Park (permitted capacity 14,000 GPD): Construction: Initial construction: $1,006,340 Plant modifications: $52,0291 Operation costs for start-up $32,779 (for approximately six months) Estimated costs for future modifications: $300,000 InfOl'mation provided by Fred Hand, Engineer for DEP Recreation Services Operating Costs: Actual costs for the past year, February 2001 through January 2002 were $115,853. Of that amount, $90,480 was for monthly operating service, $13,064 was for non-routine maintenance, and $12,309 was for electric cost. Note: costs include construction and operation of wastewater reuse system (toilet flushing recycle). Information provided by: Daniel Jones, Park Manager COSTS FOR SECONDARY TREATMENT PACKAGE PLANTS* For comparison, annual operation and maintenance costs, including operator staffing, hauling of residuals, chemicals, and testing is provided below. The plants are all small, secondary treatment extended aeration package plants serving restaurants in Monroe County. ' ;,r~~,;;:/,'.t ;'~~ ..".~ 'I'.' " ,,'.. ; ", ,.' .,..',-; ";., ,,,....l,,...:.,A-~ ,.oj';' , . Papa Joe's Panda House Pizza Hut-Marathon Mangrove Mama's .005 MGD .005 MGD .008 MGD .0025 MGD $8294 $8284 $8668 $10385 *Information provided by Debbie Brown of Synagro Southeast, Inc. ", ';'iF.:. ~: !~~~" ::f:;"I.' i,.I' . " r: ,:,~:, ~ I,": J:: ~,~..: ,. .~~.:;; ~' '. \ " -,']..l.~~' L ..>~~~ ,_~.; "-,~ 1\1 aI e'. YYI cJr.. pr """" C:r (.1--4 J J "if'''~ 7 I e r;~ 1, >Y'J-. I.-::- 1St- .byjecTi:..,." W.eQQ c: '-1.7' 7- 3fJ'; L.(J.F. ::TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE n6CUMENT feU It f{L, (SeuJ 1I.Ije. ';1 ,~: Monitorin$!; Permitted C Flow, pH, C I' . TSS, CBODj, ~N' I * N~tril~ts 'TP~ ,N apaclty h onne residual utnents, Feca s . 2,000 up to ... 5,000 gpd Daily S/wk Monthly 5,000 up to 50,000 gpd Daily S/wk MontWy 50,000 up to 500,000 gpd Daily 5/wk Every two weeks 0.5 mgd up to 1.0 mgd Daily Slwk Weelcly 1.0 mgd up to 5.0 mgd Continuous Weekly 5.0 mgd up to 15.0 mgd Continuous Daily Slwk 15.0 mgd and above Continuous Daily 7/wk * does not include upper number in range Stnffine Permitted Operator Time Capacity Class Schedule Less than 0.05 mgd C 1/2 hour/day, S/wk, one weekend visit 0,05 mgd up to * 0.1 mgd C 3 hours/day, S/wk, two weekend visits 0.1 mgd up to 0.5 mgd C 6 hours/day, 5/wk, two weekend visits 0.5 mgd up to 3.0 mgd C 16 hours/day, 7/wk, Chief operator must be B 3,0 mgd and above C 24 hours/day, 7/wk. Chief operator must be A * does not include upper number in range BAT Emuent Limitations - plants less than 100,000 $!;{?d Effluent Limits Annual Av. Monthl Av . Weekl Av . 10.0 12.5 15.0 10.6 12.5 15.0 10.0 12.5 15.0 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 [62-600.440(4)(c). F.A.C., basic disinfection] 0.5 Parameter MaxIMin CBOD5* M~ TSS Max Total N Max Total P Max Coliform Max Resid. chlorine Min * All units in milligrams per liter A \VT Effiuent Limitations - pl:mts of 100,000 gpd or greater Effluent Limits Parameter MaxIMin Annual Av Monthl Av Weekly Av . Ie CBODj'" Max 5.0 6.25 7.5 TSS Max 5.0 6.25 7.5 Total N Max 3.0 3.75 4.5 Total P Max 1.0 1.25 1.5 2.0 Colifonn Max [62-600.440(4)(c). F.,A.C., basic disinfection] Resid. Chlorine Min 0.5 * All units in milligrams per liter 3 " ;:~ji:.'~ i,', . Jj r . .' , 6("1O~ (198 ClfZM /./;/! !?e.!;i1f ~~,,;>I , .. , ,- . . /' Table ES-2 ( C >'dIll 377(/1. of I!'~f!.t ,(. rt"n~/JW./'7i{f,~fJ . Cost 01 Selected Altematives -/vL S""'a I W2S~ 8ie(T~_lJ"ilfl"4 rOi.P.{ System 4,000 100,000 Configuration {qpd) (!lpd) Wh/ fr}P 1 MLE V Construction Cost, $ $ 261,000 $ 311,000 $ S 874,000 7-17 Annual O&M Cost, $/yr $ 30.400 $ 35.500 S $ 100,100 Uniform Annual Cost. Slyr $ 53,200 $ 62,600 S $ 176,300 Prosent Wonh, $ $ 609,700 S 716.200 $ $ 2.022,100 Unit COSI. $/1.000 gal S 61.8 $ 29,1 $ S 8,2 2 FOUroSlage Construction Cost. $ $ 336.000 $ 368.000 $ 475,000 S 666,000 $ 968,000 Annual O&M Cost, $lyr $ 52.500 $ 57.600 $ , 73,800 $ 95.900 $ 132.300 Uniform Annual COS1. $/yr $ 81,800 $ 89.700 $ 115.200 $ 154.000 $ 216.700 Present Worth. $ $ 938.200 :5 1.028,700 $ 1,321,500 S 1.766,000 $ 2.485.500 Unil COSI. $11,000 gal $ 95,0 S 41.7 $ 21.4 S 14,3 S 10.1 3 Three-Stage Conslructlon Cosl. $ $ 291,000 $ 333.000 $. 441,000 S 627,000 $ 913.000 Annual O&M CosI, $/yr $ 35,900 $ 41,900 $ 56,400 S 76.200 $ 115,900 Uniform Annual Cost. Slyr $ 61,300 $ 70.pOO S 94.800 $ 130,900 $ 195,500 Present Worth, $ $ 702,800 S 813,600 $ 1,087,900 $ 1.501.000 $ 2.242,400 Unit Cost. $/1,000 gal $ 71.2 $ 32.9 $ 17.6 S 12.2 $ 9.1 4 SBR Construction COSI. $ $ 336,000 $ 381,000 $ 482.000 $ 697.000 $ 966.000 Annual O&M Cost. $/yr S 26,000 $ 34,100 $ 49.100 $ 67,600 $ 100.000 Uniform Annual Cost, $Iyr S 57.300 $ 67.300 $ 91.100 $ 128,400 S 184,200 Present Wonh, $ $ 657.200 $ n2.1oo $ 1,045.200 S 1.472,400 S 2,113.000 Unit Cost, $/1.000 gal S 66,5 $ 31.3 $ 16.9 $ 11.9 $ 8.6 5 Intermittent Cycle Construction Cost, S $ 229,000 S 374,000 S 584,000 $ 861,000 S 1,026,000 Annual O&M Cost, $/yr $ 28,000 S 34.100 $ 49.100 $ 67.600 $ 100.000 Uniform Annual Cost. $/yr $ 48.000 $ 66,700 S 100,000 $ 142.700 $ 189,400 Present Worth, $ $ 550.200 $ 765.100 $ 1,147,200 S 1,636.400 $ 2.173.000 Unit COSI, $/1,000 gal $ 55.7 $ 31.0 $ 18.6 S 13,3 $ 8,8 6 MLE + Deep Bed Filtration Construction Cost, $ $ 308,000 $ 368,000 $ 486,000 S 664.000 $ 958,000 Annual O&M COSl, Slyr $ 36,900 $ 42,700 $ 58.100 S 75.900 $ 111.400 Uniform Annual Cost. Slyr $ 63,800 $ . 74,800 $ 100.500 S 133,800 S 194,900 Present Worth. $ $ 731,200 S 857.800 $ 1.152.400 $ 1,534.600 $ 2.235,800 Unit COSI, $/1,000 gal S 74,1 $ 34,7 $ 18.7 S 12,4 S 9.1 7 Submerged B,lofl/ters Conslrucllon Cosl. $ $ 247,000 $ 296,000 $ 450,000 S 847.000 See Note (1) Annual O&M Cost. $Iyr S 19,500 $ 24.400 $ 41,100 $ 60 .400 See Note (1) Uniform Annual Cost, $/yr $ 41,000 $ 50,200 $ 80.300 $ 134,200 See Note (1) Prosent Worth. $ $ 470,700 $ 575.900 $ 921,400 S 1.539.800 See Nota (1) Unil Cost, $/1,000 gal S 47,6 $ 23,3 $ 14,9 $ 12,5 See Note (1) a RBCa ConstruClion Cost, $ $ 263,000 $ 342.000 $ 527,000 $ aaa.ooo S 1,092,000 Annual O&M Cost. $/yr S 20,400 $ 25.900 $ 43,400 $ 61,500 S 89.400 Uniform Annual Cost~ $Iyr $ 43,300 S 55,700 $ 89,300 S 137.200 S 184,600 Present Worth, $ $ 497,000 S 639,100 S l,024.aoo ' S 1.573.400 $ 2,117,400 Unit Cost. $/1.000 gal - $ 50,3 S 25.9 $ 16.6 S 12.7 S 8,6 9 BasellnG - Secondary Treatment ConstruClion Cost, S $ 232,000 $ 279.000 $ 373,000 $ 539.000 $ 761.000 Annual O&M Cost. $Iyr $ 22.400 S 27.000 S 40,000 $ 53.200 S 79,600 Uniform Annual Cost. Slyr $ 42,600 $ 51.300 S 72,500 $ 100.200 $ 147,700 Present Worth, $ $ 488,900 $ 588,700 $ 831,800 $ 1,149.200 $ 1.694~OOO . Unit COSI; $/1,000 !lal ;,' .$ , 49,5 $ 23.8 s. 13.5 $ 9,3 S 6,9 NO/e: (1) Ex,ceeded manufacturer's sl:tes .OFBlI287SJd. ' " '. o. .' .' \ ~.~ U4/U4ILUU~ 4/.~4 J...Ju:;...c:O'juol~ -_._---,..._--~...._-,- "::;''(l'iHuKU IVI..U,) Fllu.&.JLL rHuL.. UJ, ............-..-....,., '~".__.. '_._'m_._."....._... "-------..-----__u SYXAGRO 89111 Ovene_ Hwy. T."craler n 33070 PIIODe .amber 305-882-5103 hx ft'1lIIlbez 305-852-5897 Tm [AAmU~~;Jner JJurmy D. ~clson Fax N\IDlbcr; 305-852-7162 From: David L. Evans Date: 04-01-02 Subject: Estimate for providing maintenance and repott.ing of Package plants for 30,000 GPO, 60,000 GPO &: 100.000 GPD NmnllF Of'IlROO 1 (~ludiaa ~ PI.) Commissioner Nelson I have enlarscd the section with pricing and also e-mailedthe file to your office. I apologize fur the small print. I hope you will be able to read this copy Ifl can be of8l1Y further service please let me know. I am hopping to attend the meeting tomorrow in Marathon. I hope to see you there. If I can answer any questions please call me at 305-731-4416 David L EYBna Project Manger Middle Keys Synagro --.--'''----.....--- " "Ifl f. - ','" ."... '.- . .-- ---. ...----""-'----.--~.-._._......_4. w....wa..r rrMtment Plant Annual O&M Coat Estimate ,.,. fOIIawfng ~ -... UNcI to..urn.. the ~"l tnd ~ CClItI for ~ "".-4 1'JIMl1. lhaM1 bIbIr. Fer.. 0.100 MOD pWlt, ~ Wa.L.ilJ_ T....... (AWl) _...~ ... e:. '"Ill Far.. 0.080 MOO met eM 0.030 MOD..... ... At ~~ Tetftt~ (BAT) .....~.. be tnIC, The _.......' I'IIMOt.W .. ""~ ~Iy -... '''~'''''''lll<oIblqclll. 1111 "'- _... "" _ by cII6~"" PN<\. h "kllr.. BIIuent flJbMk..lwt1 __ ~ to f1n'lCMt fine &dIdI, T\lbI-..ec__,,*-_ --......lo~_ --.. _ -Ind mo...... ~ The -- 1M -.urned to - ~JlI~ ftuM ~ 0.100 MaD. O.QUO MOO 1ft! 0.030 kJO. If '- -..umed hI"'aJudge~ be ~ ~..~ end.. be~ d.". Monroe Count;y SU:Ige rrwwrw ....... T"-1QIo. II ~ m be eano.llfall.,d to 2% adIda Qrlll dry ~ ... The FOeP MIIfftrv .....-."...,. .I1I(..1I\';'1Ild '"-n FAC ouev wlUl tht __ dIuIIId . C~"1I, ~ lie<< CI&ldI ....... .... far melI___a c# lhe,,~ tb1.~ Ind JX.ft1) ftIIbwlrKt b .....,..tet ~.. Ind NpIh. Eslimllted Annual Operating COtta for Treatment Plant and Collection Syalem 0.100 MOD 0.010 MOD 0.030 11100 Operation and Maintenan $65.060 $39,190 $20.125 Repair PartB $8.000 $7,800 $3.600 Utilities $23.040 $14.400 $7.080 Chemical, $22,470 $13,465 $6,740 Sludge DiSll0S81 $75,025 f46,016 f",~lP Tota. Annual Coet S184.585 $119,890 $80,05& U4/U~/LUU~ ~J.4~ JU~bb4L4~~ W~I'iLJY J)i-; f r-LUj'ID11~\::I I~UL UJ.. WINDy DA Y PI. · r"'fVNG COMP~ un1 CWERSE4 WHY 11:l.~R. 3.1038 ".."" - l' FIIImInrIo ~k Itd. -mandl, R U038 .. ", R", .. fa 1'. FAX 884-2455 V'SIT OUR WEB SITE windydayptumbing.com FAX TRANSMITTAL DATE: ~5-02 TO: MONROE COUNTY COMMISSION AlTN: COMMISSIONER NELSON RE: CONCH KEY FAXt: 852-7162 PAGES induding cover Sheet NOTES: HERE IS NUMBER THAT WE FEEL WE CAN WORK WITH. TliANK YOU SO MUCH FOR TRUSTING IN OUR COMPANY AND ASKtNG US FOR OUR HELP. PS. STILL WORKING ON THE VACUUM SYSTEM THANK YOU SINCERELY CHRIS HOPE b4/U~/LUUL ~J.4~ .jU~Ob4L4~:> W~liUY UI-t, rLUI',tl.J.lilJ r~HUL tJ.i WfM)y DAY PLlM8~ COIfPN<< 1. FIIIInIngo HaIlJlftOtJlc RtL "'tnOIade~ R 3303C ~ ..,01 FAX ......24H www.deyp/ulfttllng.com PROP(ISAl- Date: 4-6-02 Submitlllild To: Mor-.roe County Commission Attn: Commissioner Nelson RE: Sewage CoMedian s,.,tem & T......,,,at PI8nt VV1ndy Day PlUmbing wtII provide a sewer syatem for 102 homes and commerdlll f)R)pefties at the Conch K8y ViUage on the Bay. WOP Will supply each property with 1 new grade level dean out located on the atreet 8ide at eech property tine, W. will supply you witt) a SChedule for SWt up and completion of each phase or conltn.lclton and for the sewer plant WDP will route gravtty ....... the moat eoonomicaf WIIy.pouibht. a) P8VinG one inch thick over new tnJnches only b) ".dric8I for 11ft sbItions c) I8Wer main's to the pt8nt lift Ilt8tion Collection Iyatem price. ( gravity ) 8ewIr PIIInt $ 400,000.00 S 332,413.00 -'-......_.._.__........_,---._~....,-."., ... 02/22/2002 17:56 FAX 941 764 8915 The Weiler Engineering C I4J 002/002 THE WEilER ENGINEERING CORPORATION "Excellence In Engineering" 20020 Veterans Blvd" Suite 7-9 Port Charlotte, FL 33954 (941) 764-6447 ph (941) 764-8915 fax February 22, 2002 The Honorable Ken Sorensen State Representative, District 120 Florida House of Representatives The Capitol 1102 Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1300 Re: Conch'Key Waste Water Collection and Treatment Facilities - VIA Fax & U.S. Mail Dear Representative Sorensen: Last October the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority requested my staff and I prepare an abbreviated capacity analysis report regarding the ability of the wastewater treatment facility at Hawks Cay Resort to accept flows from Conch Key and the proposed 46 residential units at the resort. We found there to be ample capacity in the existing treatment and disposal facilities. We submitted the report and supporting documentation to Mr. Gus Rios of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in Marathon and Mr. Rios concurred with our analysis. Earlier this year we were asked to evaluate the feasibility of transporting the effluent from Conch Key via a transmission main to the wastewater treatment facility at Hawks Cay compared to constructing and operating a new treatment facility on Conch Key or near Conch Key. Finding a location for a new facility seemed to be the most limiting factor but the cost to construct and operate a separate facility proved to be prohibitive when compared to the cost ofa transmission main to Hawks Cay and the minimal additional cost of operations at the existing facility. A report by the FKAA's engineer concurred with our findings. It is my opinion that construction of ~ collection system on Conch Key and transmission system to the existing treatment facilities at Hawks Cay is the most feasible solution to eliminate cesspits and substandard septic systems located throughout the Conch Key area. Please feel free to give me a call at (941)764-6447 if you wish to discuss matters further. Sincerely, ~'-". ':;-;-7 //7 ~~ R. Jeff Weiler, P.E. President The Weiler Engineering Corporation