2nd-4th Change Orders 05/04/2021 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS County of Monroe Mayor Michelle Coldiron,District 2 rc OI"1 ,, Mayor Ero I'em David Mice,District 4 The I Craig Cates,District i 1 Eddie Martinez,District 3 Mike Forster,District 5 Memorandum DATE: 13 May 2021 TO: BOCC cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o=Monroe County, FL(the Florida Keys,ou,email=wilson- FROM: Kevin G. Wilson, P.E. /f.4._ •-L -'ter- kevin@monroecounty-fl.gov,c=US 2021.05.13 12:26:44-04 00' SUBJECT: Proposed Change Orders to be Approved Attached are proposed Change Orders #2 —4 for the East Martello Phase II Drainage and Parking Improvement project. These change orders are being sent as a package to explain the background. On the surface, they collectively exceed the amount approvable under the County Ordinance by the County Administrator but since they are all being finalized at the same time, I wanted to avoid the impression that they were being submitted separately to avoid a formal agenda item. They each started several weeks apart (#2 in February; #3 in early April; and#4 in May)but, were only finalized in the last week. The earliest ones required significant back and forth discussions with the contractor, subcontractor(s) and design professional delaying their submission. The earlier ones (#2 & #3)were also delayed by discussions between the County and the City of Key West about who had permitting authority for the project. Change order#2 increases the final contract sum by $7,268.58 (1.4%). Change order#3 increases the final contract sum by $44,835.12 (8.5%). Change order#4 increases the final contract sum by $30,437.46 (5.7%). Change order#3 increases the substantial completion date by 30 days. Change order#2 results from unanticipated electric changes. Change orders #3 & #4 were County requested changes to add lighting and change the landscaping as request by the City. Monroe County Ordinance 027-1998 and subsequent amendments provide authority for the Administrator to approve change orders within specified limits after providing Board of County Commissioners with at least 24 hours to review them and pose any questions or objections that they may have. It is the Administrator's intent to approve the attached change orders under that authority on Friday, May 14, 2021. Change Order #2 PROJECTMONROE CouNTY/ENGINEERING/ PROJECT MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER IL : Reduced cope East Martello Phase II Drainage and ParkingImprovements CHANGE ORDER NO: 002 INITIATION DATE: 05/ / 1 CONTRACT DATE: 09/16/2020 CONTRACTOR:TO Charley ino& Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)_.................... ............... 530,029.50 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders......................... .............................. $41,568,00 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was.......,.,, 71,597.50 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order...................... $7,268.58 The new(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is.... 578, 66.0 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged} by.............................. 0 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is.... ........ 05/19/2021 Detailed description of change order and justification: This Monroe County Change Order combines two Change Order Requests made by the contractor. The first contractor's Change Order Request is to change the electrical panel layout and to refeed the wiring to those panels. The second Change Order Request is to add a disconnect switch at the light pole, required by code. Both were submitted after a verification of site conditions by the electrical contractor, as called for in the construction drawing notes. Change order is 1.371 of ordg Ml contract price Not valid until si ned b tOwner l�rchit ct if a licab) and Contract " t� a„ ARCHITECT: David 1 5/6/21 nder&Asoci s, Architects PA Date CONTRACTOR: Char ey pino&So s, Inc, ate DEPARTMENT DI E TO Car nigh....., Date: 021.0.1 by Cary Knight ' Date:2021.05.11 16:01:11-04'00' Cary Knight Date Pr cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o=Monroe County, FL(the Florida Keys,o u,emai l=wilson- kein@monroecounty-fl.gov,c=US 5.1415:34:31COUNTY/ASSISTANTADMINISTRATOR.- 20210 -04'00'Roman Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Christine Hurley Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes E No El If Yes, explanation: The construction drawing notes required on site verification for final design. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes El No E If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price(whichever is greater). Yes El No E If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order. Yes 0 No El If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes E]No E Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes El No ED Explain: SONS, r "LI YTOPPING SONS,I 1 . han a rder e est BOX767 Number: 1 WEST,FL 33041 Phone: 305 296-5606 Fax: 305 296- 19 PROJECT: East Martello Phase 11 DATE: 2/24/2021 TO: Tom Henry P OJECT : 2036 Monroe County BOCC 500 Whitehead St COST CODE: Key West,FL 33040 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Re-feed existing feeder circuit ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Quantity Unit Price 1 Re-feed existing feeder using NE A3R wire 1 S 5,632.25 S5,632.25 2 3 4 5 6 8 TOTAL: S5,632.25 t. at ,,r„ta.3 ..-thrk9", byiY.,;,hur,� Old"by th,! ,G,rat art.,. COK,,.',in orn a dSat,ta.ir.ph.h.,r .of ttt.ha p,Dy.,r 2. Tt ito2&th,, -r.II di t /r;diced r.rfl 3. �t„t uh, r,.r „n, ur ihat Ml t_nr, _.-nd,1tt t.'.R farr.rac. ,1rr,.yth i.,o hav'ehet it. fa_r I[ _•n„r kh,,same. 4. rr.t e}.i,n,e,t th :ang,,z d kt rutetF,;rt, t,ep:=:re,cr9Al} ,r r,t„-,.F raer yr k by iht. ;. t ,.c n<IX 1 my anja,.t t r.,,to.F,,,�t r.nt.,r svr nc vtetr=t r..a,s r:,iiu„k,.d ah,t:•. 5. 1 hor,CP C all R 7duh,I,4t[nGt ..,.,. V,3�:nk rit let,., F ,...�,n=.i. I rar,,.p,,:.., t.,eni-t �-e=,.x1.,n_,ther t-,,n a.p It,,a,. iletn txlleiior� The Original Contract Sum was.................................................................... $ 530,029.60 Net Change by Previously Authorized(Bequests&Changes................................. - The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was........................................... $ 530,029.50 The Contract Sum Will be Increased/Decreased..,.... $ 5,632.25 The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order........................ . ............. $ 536,661.76 The Contract Time Will/Will Not be Changed (Days)....................................... $ - ACCEPTED: CHARLEY T PPIN SONS,INC. Monroe County BOCC y: MichaelLabrada By: Project Admin Printed Name&Title Printed Name&Title Date 2/24/2021 Date: CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS, . CHARLE"t'TOPPING SODS,INC. Change Order nest P.O.SOX 787 Number: 2 KEY WEST,FL 33041 Phone: 305 296-5606 Fax: 305 296-5189 PROJECT: East Martello Phase 11 ATE: 3/22/2021 TO: Tom Henry PROJECT : 2036 Monroe County SOCC 500 Whitehead St COST CODE: Key West,FL 33040 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Install of one 60A,2P,240VAC,NEMA dis-connect switch FI Signage for 50A receptacle ITEM DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Quantity Unit Price I 60A,2P,240VAC,NEMA 3R non-fuse switcl- I S 1,636.33 S 1,636.33 2 3 4 5 6 7 S TOTAL: $1,636.33 1, de-t.ar' fir... thm ti� ch c­ by IN, .b s.rH Ycr� na a._.. .n ,,�,1>>�cr.rot_t; rn, tot".,..!'i'..n]t(rt.,2, 2, (t i..n€a(it rgn':ir'= v'rm.11 di ,anrcc!:;;its. 3= LI.dC d»_,—v t-'.. III e ,r,_cr it_n .t.nd ms:,t .ntnay+(Fe t r_trare.yee r.7rc..""A nW hnttih 4. .,tv�ter,e ct tt Cn.I F.;.u. �kr.fl,;;,as ,rxkGr .::.t II ptF�r ..:�Y n_. n ­rk s.II p,c i rs',"d G.�. i� -di t :ij.Mtn' rv.,11,N?.,i:L x.i r&trv; i t rru.,aiea _tIirC:e, hoVn 5. Tts,h,.r ye )r.�t Iu1e,:,xlr t.,t r .az7 r m�9.s.: srrllai sink rI'l n,7.m .,s r�I}liri.e p,Fnr:i,,a ri...,_r.:i i—F.-I'u- .,,eri..i ;a ,rd in}c.�t .Unszcc s t,r�.o�mgi t�n.,tnii�tor. TheOriginal Contract Suva was................................................ ..............„:., $ 530,029.50 Net Change by Previously Authorized Bequests&Changes..................___..._..., $ 5,632.25 The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was........................................... $ 535,61.7 The Contract Sum Will be Increased/Decreased........................._ ..,„...,.. $ 1,636.33 The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order........................................ $ 537,298.08 The Contract Time Will/Will Not be Changed (Days)....................................... $ - ACCEPTED: CHARLEY TOPPINO&SONS,INC. Monroe County BOCC y: Michael Labrada y:. Project Admin Printed Name&Title Printed Name&Title atf 3/22/2021 Date: Change Order #3 MONROE COUNTYANGINEERING/ PROJECT MANAGEmENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Reduced Scope East Martello Phase 11 Drainage and Parking Improvements CHANGE ORDER NO: 003 INITIATION DATE: 05104/2021 CONTRACT DATE: 09/16/2020 TO CONTRACTOR: Charley Top no&Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)... ......... .......................... $530,029.50 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders_.................. .............................. $48,836.58 The(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was........... $578,866.08 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order................... $44,835.12 The new(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is..., $623,701.20 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by.......................... 30 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is..................... 06/18/2021 Detailed description of change order and justification; The County requested this Change Order Request to add the installation of three additional lights &poles to the project, which were an option in the original construction documents. The substantial completion date will be extended by 30 days, from May 19, 2021 to June 18, 2021. Change order-is8.5%of original contract price. OF F,( Not valid until signed by Owner,Architect fif applicablel. and Contract 7 ARCHITECT: 5/6/21 ( Ca & ssocla Architects PA Date CONTRACTOR: Char r har e 65 pino i_s7,Tnc._-- 11 C r Digitally signed by Cary Knight DEPA RTMENT DIRECTOR- C r Kn* t Date:2021.05.11 16:01:49-04'00' I wr� r Cary Knight Date F cn—Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o—Monroe County, FL(the Florida Keys,ou,email—wilson- kevin@monroecounty-fl.gov,c—US COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: l 2021.05.14 15:34:58-04'00' Roman Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Christine Hurley Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes E No❑ If Yes, explanation: The design included an option of installing 3 additional light poles with lights if the County desired. • Change Order was included in the original specifications, Yes El No E If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price(whichever is greater), Yes❑ No E If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: • Project architect approves the change order. Yes E No ❑ If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes E]No E Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes F1 No Explain: There was no error in design. CHARLEY TOPPINO & SONS, INC. F RLEY TOPPINO SONS,INC. n e rder 0 uest BOX787 Number 3 401ES f„FL 33041 Phone: 305 296-506 Fax: 305 296-5189 PROJECT: East Martello Phase II DATE: 4/1/2021 TO:Tom Henry P OJECT#: 2036 Monroe County BOCC 500 Whitehead St COST CODE: Key West,FL 33040 DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE: Add 3 fight poles ITEM DESCRIPTION (AMOUNT Quantity Unit Price I 3 34'Light Poles with fixtures I S 39,960.00 S 39,960.00 OH&P(10%) S 3,996.00 SUBTOTAL S 43,956.00 Bond($20/Thousand) S 879.12 'I'OTrAL, S 44,835.12 .,, tsars ran„ )r r .n. .,-ci a-,te. ., Itvit iF. =nc- t , di,, tt,.,�I n-.:n,aru t-n.,9to, „t_c:r ,.azn,gvfh ter.tr.e Iid ., ,.r,Il 1pt errs F.,.,I,:.;u r,r F.,r�;.at IIF, cm i, ."k1, .;,uac our,r�.t. 4 i.r 4«.ri r�„dj-:, nis„tr-.-:.;— .t..(„r.,.r.rt lrr3 nt ions,sru,'Ied,,1 Tt oar };,, , „<�II ,r.,r..artt rI . it n,„L,j-,, ,,,,,,Ir-�n1,d rl..t'r„.�s i nake:rl >,,,F�Pz.0 3e�tai ,,. ny t4 en.n..,, yP„r The Original Contract Sum was.... ......... .....:.... ,,,.,,...........,,,, ...---... $ 530,029.50 Net Change by Previously Authorized Requests&Changes................................. 7,268.58 The Contract Sum Prior to This Change Order was....................._..........,..,.,,:„.... $ 537,298.08 The Contract Sum Will be Increased/Decreased............................................... $ 44,835.12 The New Contract Sum Including This Change Order........................................ $ 582,133.20 The Contract Time Will/Will Not be Changed (Days).....................................„. ADD 30 DAYS ACCEPTS CHARLEY TOPPINO& SONS,INC. Monroe County BOCC y: Michael Labrada By. Project Admin Printed Name&Title Printed Name&Title atc 4/1/2021 Date: PEDRO FALCON CONTRACTORS, INC. w 31160 Avenue,Big Nne Key.FL 3 3 1 1 1 72.2 a Fax(3061 72.221 03/22/2021 Attention: Leo Monfiel Reguest for Change ® 0 Subject: East martello Phase 2 drainage and parking improvement.Key West,Florida Dear Mr. montiel: e are pleased to submit our electrical proposal for your consideration for the above referenced project. In addition to,and in clarification of the above,the following is made a part of our change order: 1. Provide material and labor to install 3 e . additional 50A twist lock receptacles, 2. Provide material and labor to install 3 ea. 60A, 2P, 240VAC, NE MA 3R non-fused disconnect switches per information Bulletin#4Dated: March 9, 2021. 3. Furnish and install 3 ea. sig age per information Bulletin 94 Dated: March 9, 2021. 4. Provide equipment, material and labor to install 3 e . additional 3 ' poles. 5. Provide man lift, material and tabor to install 3 ea. two additional front facing fixture with brackets. Additional material: ■ 34' Pole - 3 ea. ■ Fixtures with brackets - 6 ea. • 50A twist lock receptacle. - 3 ea. ■ 60A, 2P, 240VAC, NE MA 3R non-fused disconnect switch -3 ea. • Signage. -3 ea. • Conductors for Al , A2 , A3 pole lights • Conductors for At , A2 , A3 pole receptacles Miscellaneous material: Screw, straps, Unistrut and etc. Init._/ The right choice for the Florida keys Page Taal Labor: $ , 7 TotalMaterial: $5,650.00 Total Equipment: $3,450.00 Total Lighting Package: $22,170.00 Overhead 5% $1,812.00 Profit 5% Total Balance: 3 Owner Acceptance Print Name Owners Name Signature Date Thanks Sincerely, Pedro Falcon Electrical Contractors, Inc. Roman Sviridenko Project Manager End of Proposal Init. J_ The right choice for the Florida Keys Page m ri -1 N 44 44 CN 14 (A 0 m C14 CN I-q 0 0 44 44 H 0 0Eq V 0 H cl 0 0 0 E-1 w m 1* N CN 4 0 0 0 0 E-4 0 P $4 bl (d 8 M 04 A N ri -ri 00 C14 01 Fl F3 04 m r- %D 0 >4 04 $4 0 4) 0 0) 44 r. N ol 4J 0 rob z a) -4 0 w r-4 -ri 4-) (d 0 $4 a, (d r-I r. N U a) SO > to V 0 o blr > r 0 04 a) CN 04 0 0 (d 0 N0 H rA 0. 04 CN U2 ul 0 .14 4J $4 04 43 0 0 0 4 44 4 F4 m >1 tl rd 41 .H N44 r, 0 4HJ 0 Ln N ta F4 • M 0 03 Q E-1 H0 r-4 C 4J H m (N cn m 0 .H C Lo in W p) R M M 4J a) I u (d M 00 OD M > 0 0 o rA 0 yH 0 4J m q F4 Ln Ln m m 04 w >q 0 0 m m H a) m m N 44 0 4 co ra ul .13 3 w lu 0 m (d 0 N0 (d 0 14 N E-4 0 as11 -01 w 0 rQ r7 0 N4J z 14 0 H 4-) V) :Do 0 F4 0 a)w F4 14 F4 N u ti E-1 a rX4 u w1 X, H z 4J �H OD 0 0 0, E-1 U Ln' to 0 w E-1 H 0 44 4. u r-i Uj M 0 4J 14 4 0 W 44 ul a) 0 (D 14 p jo W v a Id U Lu Q m I-q 0 0 0 m a) r. 01 634 04 M M M 04 P4 ol N ul M ........... CA H -4 C14 44 44 C14 W (a 0 m m (N CN 44 44 -1 E4 V 0 rd 0 0 N 0 0 0 0 0 . E-1 E-1 CN C14 $4 P cn �) 0 a) 0 0 0 0 01 0 rl + Ntp 0 rA 0 0 03 0 N04 rA -H m NCY F3 I'] N <* m r co - 4J NH 0 -ri w0) 0 a) 9d 0 $4 4J z I t� -0 134 r. (d V 0) m 4J 0 A E-1 4J (d 0 p 04 0 p V 0 0 U) 0 a) 0 > V a) >1 > N 0 0 ri $4 N 0 04 44 E-1 m a0 u 0 h1 r10 0 .H rq 04 CN C14 H 'I E-4 04 w 04 0 NN V w z .H 0 k $4 0 4J u 0 0 0 r4 U0 a0 m m 5-4 0 m a) w w w p 44 >1 E-4 4J>' H p p as p r. 0 a) rd .rl (d ci 0 1}Ln N 12, a) U)EA 4 0 0 W . mom QPPON 4J 4j o H cm CN ca 0 w .rq -0 Ln Ln tD E-1 4) —1 0 0$4 W 4-) M M M 4J a) I w U)I w :J W M M m m Ul as are 0 1-4 V w ri -H 0 r-q 0 0 41 (d 4-) In In w P4 W In cn Ci, 44 A a cn m 14 >j m In (d I 4J ra 04 4 0 04 v (d U r-q x P4 N4 14 H A a) 4J 01 04 E-1 In (d r 0 0 r4 0 0 0 co V "j 0) 44 E-- a) >1 04 z $4 tyl a V 0 0 0 0 4J 0 U) Cq ri 4j w pa �4 04 41 0 0 (n V 1, 41 CN z r-q 4J u E-1 o N c) H m ,ri Ln r4 z m (d 4J 0 9� w 4 0 a u w CMI, 4J mH w pa 9 z V LLI $4 rd �q 0) _j 0 04 m 4) t3l w 0 a r-I 0 0 ro ri r-q 4j >1 W W -1 H m A (d A 4J W 0 04 al MM al D4 U) 0 0 Date: hlar 16, 2021 OL10t,61; MIA,21-1,553075-1 Q u ote Page 1/1 I'lower & U0,1ting, Systems, lrlc 3832 Shipprqj AvemLle Mon 1 FL 33103 Phone. (306) 4445520 Foxi (306) 445-1948 WNW East Marteho-Drainagj& Parking Frorm Garry Pope, Quoter Ph! (305) 444-8520039 Improvements-Phaso Q n a Tcr An Groffl, Ek%,(ri(,, X fli d 1)a t M H r 21 US5 J-11PAway V Whe 7&8 E,xp iratm, A 15, 1 Key V ft- 33"0,10 Arf,JAtrs-,,ct Bencler As�,oclates Phone'' (305) 783-5135 EE'runecir: Clot of Tr,,,,,,rrhory,englrieer Far (,)05) 7815902, EPvlail° JGroff( (,�es sj,;-net OTY Type MFG Par We VIS'C"Ll) OUO''V'41;"V,'V F;OR J' ADONL, Pa l.4irs A""'Jo HXAHTF:�' 3 A AIL DOX2 LED 40�,,,, fij HS NLI'AlrR2 3 A ASL QX2 LV,�;3 Nl,-TWRJl MRNN RIO WNW tIEPA 3 AIL MT20 2180 2 3;8r,F""OLFF TINW), WONWc 2 Wr tmu,-, SUBTOTAL I AT t"f QQNCRETI POLE 2 34"I"R r;4IN Nlr' NCLUND, We NWc ya 12 A P` ull 1151 F,k'4 R G'i W,T I N SUBTOTAL WNSM Yfj kid it own 0 t 0 6 NOV vogm awww"l qm,,�oous t"u"xJ hu"", cfey P045 ,quote gued 6or 130 days UM pool Change Order #4 MANAGEMENT CONTRACT CHANGE ORDER PROJECT TITLE: Reduced co a East Martello Phase II Drainage and ParkingImprovements CHANGE ORDER NO: 004 INITIATION DATE: 05/0 / 1 CONTRACT DATE: 09/16/2020 CONTRACTOR:TO Charley Top ino&Sons, Inc. 129 Toppino Industrial Drive Key West, FL 33040 The Contract is changed as follows: The original (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)..................... .......... ........ $530,029.50 Net change by previously authorized Change Orders........................................................ $93,671.70 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) prior to this Change order was....... $623,701.20 The (Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price)will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by this Change Order....................... $30,437. 6 The new(Contract Sum) (Guaranteed Maximum Price) including this Change Order is..,. $65 ,13 .66 The Contract Time will be (increased) (decreased) (unchanged) by.............................. 0 days The date of Substantial Completion as of the date of this Change Order is....................... 06/1 /2021 Detailed description of change order and justification, The County requested this Change Order Request to add improved landscaping as the result of a donation by the Key West Art and Historical Society. After discussions with the City of Key West and consultation with Save A Tree/Key West, the landscaping plan developed increases the total number and variety of trees for this project. Chance carder is 74 o of original contract price Not valid until si ned by Owner Architect if a licable and Contract -P0�.,_, AR4t t45 Bender s ociate , A Date t CONTRACTOR: tl_ l Charle Toppino& S ns Inc. Dat p Car signed by Cary Knight DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR: Ca r n 1 g Date:2021.05.11 16:06:53-04'00' Cary Knight Date P cn=Kevin G.Wilson,P.E.,o=Monroe County,FL on- (the evin@monro ounty-fl.yo cils k c US COUNTY/ASSISTANT ADMINISTRATOR: 1 2021.05.1415:35:28 04'00' Oman Gastesi Date Kevin Wilson Christine Hurley Change Order Attachment per Ordinance No. 004-1999 • Change Order was not included in the original contract specifications. Yes N No El If Yes, explanation: The design has been improved due to a donation specifically for project landscaping. • Change Order was included in the original specifications. Yes El No E If Yes, explanation of increase in price: • Change Order exceeds$50,000 or 5% of contract price(whichever is greater). Yes E No El If Yes, explanation as to why it is not subject for a calling for bids: The existing contractor is onsite and work is currently in progress on the project. Going back out for bid would result in a significant increase in project time and would most likely not save any money as any new contractors would have mobilization costs added to their bids, • Project architect approves the change order. Yes E No El If no, explanation of why: • Change Order is correcting an error or omission in design document. Yes E]No E Should a claim under the applicable professional liability policy be made? Yes F-1 No Explain: There was no error in design. qw PRICE QUOTATION Attention:Monroe County Purchasing Department DATE: 5/3/21 1100 Simonton St Key West, FL 33040 Past Martelle-Phase II-Change Order#4 ITEMIZED QUANTITIES Location: East Monello South Roosevelt Blvd.Key West,FL 33040 Scopot Plant Installation Sod Installation,and Topsoil Item Loeser ptian Dut+ntut Units i ost er Unil Dole Reel Cost Notes Plant Installation-Commercial Landscape Construction 1 -----_50150 Mix Per Cubic Yard 5 Gu Vd S 28,75 S (143.75J 50150 Soil Mix,Per Truckload 8 Ea S 1,196.60 $ 9.Sf8:00 — Gnbdsa e PMor Sabat at rrjo,t°apdd Grovrn 15 — Ea $ 23t1.00 5 t3 450 0,0 Coral Sean.thr M an,a herbaFcea} 25 lastlon 2 E'a. $ 5%88 $ 1,119.76 Fran a ni,Ovinora uarkce l3rr t l E3oae ue7;25 Galltara 3 Ea $ 359 93 8 5 079,77 Gumbo Limon,t3ufsoraa wnarrubaa,.65 Gaxton -1 Ea $ 879,81 $ 879,81 tinxi Tree`Ke Lime.Crimes Auaarrtr/rora,25 Gallon 1 Ea $ 359 93 5 Y 079 77 Mahogany__rres,Swelerkra marhaa onfr Foold Grown I Ea $ 3,M 30 $ 3,199,30 Man o'Olenn Man sfeel rr ka"(stern'45 Galion I La is 87981 S 679,81 Mango'YdaElr,rr'4aanorlero rnadrtral"dinraen 45 Gallon 2 Ea $ 1379 81 $ 1 759.62 Mxl n' em! Man deraOffi a Kent,45 Cation I Ea $ 879S1 S 879,81 PS9aas o'7�iaarn•{?u�.AAi',.Alanitdara indrea Nan-Dvc-O',45 Garton I Ea -. $ 87981 S 879.81 Ro al F bmcr anl1 Flambe Rant free,-f°l—rree,r7elo arx r a,65 G,78ton 2 La $ 799,83 8 1.599,65 sail;odofla.'Free Manilkara as rala.45 Gattrrrl 1 Ea is 879.81 $ 879,81 Sa9trYrlaaf (,17r3^Q shtrlltrtrr of vilor,n're,45 Gallon 2 Ea $ 719.84 S 1,439.69 Su ea Sack,Bulk Bag 5 Ea Ti 2875 S (143,75) Transpodarjon 2 Ea S 822.25 S 1,644.50 Wax M 4te,ffi r+cra cenfera,Field Grokvaa 3 Ea $ 559.88 $ 1 ffl9.63 Labor hours 75 Hours $ 14.75 S 50rr._25 0,437 2 Sod Installation-Commercial Landscape Construction Bahia Sod,Paspalum notatum,Per SF 60,400 SF $ 0,40 $ 24,160,00 50/50 Soil Mix'22 cytruckloads 22 Truckload 5 1,28075 $ 28,176,50 Labor Hours 240 Hours $ 7475 $ 17,940.00 S 70,276.50 Subtotal $_ 100,713.96 4 Performance/Payment Bonds($20.00/Thousand) 1.0- LS $ 5 Mobilization/Demobilization 10 LS $ 6 General Conditions 1 G LS $ - Totals $ 100,713.96 Notes: Net 30 savrnent terns,or000sal valid for 30 days tnclustons; ,Soil testina and basic treatment Exclusions: Bonding,asbestos abatement,lead paint removal,environmental testing,surveying,contaminated soils removal,ufirlty relocations Prepared by: Estimator Charley Toppino&Sons,Inc. Sheet 1 of 1 Date: 5/3/21