Item Q1
S/1:./zClCl2 8:44 AM fHOM: fax TO: :)o:n311 PAGE: 002 OF ClCI6
Jim, I would ask that these follovt'ing comments l)(~ read at the beginning of any
discussion of how my tasks/liaison positions are to be divided up among liiY fellow
o (1.\
'.>!l'.>/L002 8:44 AM FROM: Fax TO: :,'.>:n311 ,AGE: 0113 OF 006
Here's my advice on how my tasks should be dislributl'd, the issues that are likely to face
us in the nex1 few months, and what is required to do the job.
· Affordable Housing Planner Oversight Conunit1ee: This was originally discussed
as a choice between George Neugent and me, and! think George will do a great
job. 11mt position needs to be filled innnediately, George, as the
planner/consulting firm is just getting started. You'i1 be working with Rebecca
Jetton, Peter Rosasco, Jaime Ross, and Rick Casey and I have notified them that
I will be asking for you to take my place,
. Additionally, I'd like to suggest that George serve as the SFWMD liaison in my
stead. George has a good working relationship with local board member Mike
CoBins. The Water Resources Advisory Conncil upon which I have served; is an
appointment by te SFWMD Board, not the BOCC. This is a different position. If
they do indeed become our non-federal partner for the federal authorization of
water quality funding, I think George's ability to work with, and get along with,
these agencies and board members is cmcial.
· Waier QualiLy Steering CommiUee: I wouid ask thai Dixie Spehar be plal:ed in
this position in my stead. Serving as my alternative on the Water Resources
Advisory Council, she ha.~ already begun establishing a working relationship with
these various government entities and her willingness to be open to the discussion
and to do her homework will be invaluable.
I am tempted to join Dixie in her concern that it might be best if we no longer have such
liaison-ships, However, there arc some specific jobs within this task that will need to be
:;p~cifi.:all y filled:
· General Comp Plan Issues: there are hundreds of goals, policies and objectives
within our Comp Plan, many of which have not yet heen fulfitted. My office has
an updated list of these goals, policies and objectives that we have been working
on with the various state and federal agencies and I will discuss our progress (and
occasionally lack thereot) with Dixie Spehar as she wishes, She has already done
much of the homework required for this task and is the only one of you who has
read the associated minutes and reports of meetings, These are not issues of new
policies - but of carrying out long-standing policies of the iloard of County
Commissioners. We were cited for not having made adequate progress on these
goals, policies and procedures during our last state review, so dropping the ball
here is not a good idea!
· Intergovernmental Task Force: This has to be someone with a positive record of
working with the state and federal agencies, AND someone who will not bring
personal or area-specific interests into the fomm, because the job ofthe County
representative on this task force has been to create consensus among the various
municipal governments by honoring everyone' s prioritiel'i. It strikes me that the
person who should step in tor me on this committee might should be the mayor,
5/15/2002 8:44 AM FROM: Fax TO: 8537311 PAGE: 004 OF 006
o.r ifhe chooses no.t to. take that Po.sitio.n, George Neugent, as our Co.mmissioner
with most seniority.
. Wastewater: I think you would be well served to move fQrward with refining the
master plan to. meet the needs ofthe current cQmmission. The recent findings o.f
Jim Porter, noting an impact offecal contamination on reef decay must not be
dismissed in our etlorts to. do. as little as PQssible unless someone else pays. This
Bo.ard must come to. agree on what is an "affo.rdable" price fo.r wastewater clean-
up and MUST no.t let regio.nal interests determine what is affo.rdable. I would
stro.ngly suggest that YQU let staff lead the way o.n the wastewater issue and in
presenting materials fQr VQte. I WQuld also. strongly suggest that you request Qf
staff in so. dQing that they involve the Co.mmissiQner who. has greatest jurisdiction
Qver impacted areas fully fQr any individual prQject. Fo.r example, in our on-gQing
discussiQns of a Lower Lo.wer Keys Regional SysteIT'., Commissioner Spehar
should be the BaCC Co.ntact for staff.
No.te that, ifyo.u need my experience or knowledge on any ofthese positions, particularly
the co.mplex o.nes, I'd like to be there for yo.u to. pro.vide as much assistance as I can.
Frankly, that is Qne Qfthe reasQns fQr the recQmmendations that I have made -- no.t Qnly
are these individuals peQple who. I believe are best qualified to. do. their jQb, but they are with who.m there is a productive histo.ry o.f partnership.