Item D13 ;j. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 19.2002 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: Engineerina/Construction Management AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a contract amendment with Gonzalez Architects for the new Judicial Building in Jackson Square, ITEM BACKGROUND: See Attached. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: On March 24, 1993, BOCC approved the contract with Gonzalez Architects to provide Professional Services to design the New Judicial Building for a fee of 7% of the estimated construction cost, then thought to be $4,815,000. Fee = $337,000. On May 15, 2002, the BOCC stopped work until additional information could be provided. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Amend Subparagraph 11.2.1 as follows: Delete: "7% of the estimated construction cost is $4,815,800.00". Replace with: "A fixed fee of $616,000.00. Should the scope of the Project, as approved to date by all parties, subsequently be substantially increased by Owner, re-design shall be considered Additional Services, to be compensated as provided under Paragraph 11.3". Amend Subparagraph 11.3.2 as follows: Remove the hourly rate schedule in effect at the time the contract was executed and insert current hourly rates as per attached schedule. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval of Amendment to Gonzalez Architects contract for Professional Services to design the New Judicial Building. TOTAL COST $279.000 additional BUDGETED: Yes 1L- No COST TO COUNTY: $279.000 additional REVENUE PRODUCING: -X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year OMS/Purchasing dy~ent- ffer, Construction Manag,,~ ~~id S. ....KoppeOOCounty Er'l9ineer DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ I/~ Dent Pierce, Division Director DOCUMENTATION: Included L To Follow Not Required_ DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM # ~..A' J' Revised 2/27/01 For June 19,2002 agenda item for amendment to Gonzalez Architect's contract ITEM BACKGROUND In 1991, the BOCC awarded the contract to develop and implement a Master Plan for the County Constitutional Offices in Key West. The buildings included in the Master Plan were: Courthouse Annex & Jail 310 Fleming 510 Thomas Old Courthouse Historic Jail Lester Building Truman School The County Constitutional Offices included in the Master Plan were: Tax Collector Public Defender Property Appraiser State Attorney County Attorney Supervisor of Elections Clerk of Courts Commissioners Judiciary In 1992, the BOCC approved the Master Plan developed by Gonzalez Architects. All Constitutional Offices were involved in the development of the Master Plan. In many cases, one project had to be completed before another could begin. This was to allow staff to relocate and vacate the building prior to construction. The sequence of projects was as follows: 1. 92-94: Record Storage Building: New building attached to Lester Building for Clerk of the Courts. 2. 92-97: Harvey Government Center at Historic Truman School: Building renovated for Tax Collector, Land Authority, and other County offices. This allows some personnel to move out of leased office space. 3. 92-96: Stock Island Detention Facility: New construction of jail. Inmates moved out of Courthouse Annex/Old Jail. 4. 94-96: Sheriff Administration Building on Stock Island. New construction for Sheriff, next to Stock Island Detention Facility. For June 19, 2002 agenda item for amendment to Gonzalez Architect's contract 5. 97-98: Lester Building: Sheriff vacates building and moves into new administration building on Stock Island. Building renovated for State Attorney (vacates 510 Thomas), Supervisor of EJections (vacates 510 Thomas) and Commissioner (vacates 310 Fleming). 6. 98-99: Courthouse Annex: Partial renovation of 3rd Floor allowing County Attorney staff to vacate 310 Fleming. 7. 99: 310 Fleming: Minor renovation for temporary offices of Clerk of Courts, while Old Courthouse is being renovated. 8, 99: 510 Thomas: Minor renovation for temporary offices of Property Appraiser while Old Courthouse is being renovated. 9, 99-01: Old Courthouse Renovation and Addition: Renovation and new construction for Clerk of Courts, Property Appraiser, and Commissioner. 310 Fleming and 510 Thomas now vacant ready for demolition. 10. 02: 310 Fleming and 510 Thomas: Demolished. Site now available for New Judicial Building. 11. 99 to date: New Judicial Building: Project design scheduled to be completed this summer with construction to begin later this year. Work put on hold subject to BOCC approval of amendment to architect's contract. 12. 02 to date: Courthouse Annex: Project design started but temporarily put on hold subject to BOCC approval of budget. In summary, although our contract with the architect authorized work to begin in 1992, numerous other projects had to be completed first. As one building was renovated, staff moved into it allowing another building to be vacant. This process is continuing even today. The alternate plan was to rent office space and move courthouse facilities off site, but this option was not desirable. Estimated construction cost has changed over the years. The following identifies the progression of change: 1. Original budget of $4.8 million was prepared in 1992 by Morrison Knudsen/Gerrits based on a 40,000 s.f. facility at $120/sf. This unit cost is for basic office space, not for the more expensive courtroom facility. 2. The project was increased in size to 50,000 s.f. after discussions with the Sheriffs Department to include holding cells and a sallyport within the project. 3. On 7-14-95, the County's Construction Manager advised the architect that the budget in the County's Capital Improvements Plan was $7 million. 4. On 6-2-98, the architect advised the County's Construction Manager that the new construction budget should be $9 million ($8.6 million approved by BOCC on 9/3/98 in capital projects plan.) 5, On 9-22-99, the BOCC approved $8.45 million in the capital projects plan. 2 For June 19, 2002 agenda item for amendment to Gonzalez Architect's contract 6. On 9-20-00, the BOCC approved $9.15 million in the capital projects plan. 7. On 9-19-01, the BOCC approved $9.11 million in the capital projects plan. 8. On 4-24-02, the architect advised the County that the latest construction budget is $10,490,760. Based on a 50,000 sf. facility, the unit cost is $210/sf. This cost is not unreasonable given the nature and location of the work. In summary, the estimated construction cost for this project has changed over the years due to the following: 1.) an inaccurate unit cost to begin with; 2) a change in the size of the project due to Sheriffs requirements; 3.) general inflation over a ten year period. 3 MONROE COUNTY ENGINEERING/CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO 1. PROJECT TITLE: New Judicial Buildina CONTRACT AMENDMENT NO: 1 Total Previous Amendments Original Contract Amount Revised Contract Amount $0.00 $337.106.00 $616.000.00 (7% of $4,815,800.00) (fixed fee) Detailed description of Amendment and justification: Contract with Gonzalez Architects for Professional Services to desian the New Judicial Buildina, Amended Subparaaraph 11.2.1 as follows: Deleted: "7% of the estimated construction cost. For the execution of the estimated construction cost is $4.815.800.00". Replaced with: "A fixed fee of$616.000.00. Should the scope of the Proiect. as approved to date bv all parties. subseauentlv be substantiallv increased bv Owner. re-desian shall be considered Additional Services. to be compensated as provided under Paraaraph 11.3." Amended SUbparaaraph 11.3.2 as follows: Remove the hourlv rate schedule in effect at the time the contract was executed and insert current hourlv rates as per attached schedule. The Capital Proiects Plan indicates 8.8 million budaeted for the proiect. The new fixed fee of $616.000.00 for AlE services is based on 7% of 8.8 million. ARCHITECT: CONSTRUCTION MANAGER: DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS: David S~I, P.E. /:J ' ~~~ Dent ierce 5" '/ -(j ? Date S -/1 /d <- Date COUNTY ENGINEER: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR Date CMD007-1l/03/97 y MONRDE COUNTY LrI CfJNBJiUcnON MANAGEMENT I3J AP. 2 Gonzalez Architects L Architecture * Planning . Interiors 24 April 2002 Ms. Stephanie CotTer Director of Construction & Planning 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Florida 33040 RE: New Counhouse Fees IJackson Square Project Dear Stephanie: As requested, this Jetter memorializes Our understanding of the conclusions on the abovc referenced project in our recent meeting with Mr. Pierce, Mr. Koppel, Mr, Hendrick and yourself. Per the meeting we acknowledged the status and text form of the existing contract and the need to amend the contract to reflect the current budget approved by the County Commission In the interest of settling the question of fee interpretation aU the panies agreed to the following understandings. The initial contract with the County and our finn had a percentage fee of 7% for the work with a budget at the time of execution of approximately 4.8 million (1993 dollars). SubsequentJy the budget was revised almost three years ago to S 9,000,000. However the budget amount for the project Was not amended contractUally Since the time of the initial contract the County now implements a sliding scale fee contract which reflects a lower percentage with incremental increases in project budget OW' fltrn has consistently worked on a flat percentage (7%) budget on all past capital projects with the County over the last ten years. This fee structure was acceptable on earlier projects with smaller budgets. However due to the size and complexity of the courthouse project. it was requested by County staff that in order to conform with current contract types and more specifically with budget constraints that Our contract be amended. We agreed to amend the contract with no condition on the increase of the budget at a negotiated fixed fee. What this represents is that should the project exceed $8.8 million without any change of scope no additional fee shaH be paid over the fiXed fee negotiated. The fee agreed to by the panies was $ 616,000, with all other terms and conditions of the existing Contract left intact. This was determined by County staffby normalizing the initial budget ($4.8 million) with the last approved 32 Ea~l Bay Street, Savannah, Georglil J 140 I . (qJ 2) 201-9888, Fax (912) 201-0240 2720:'\ ~orlh Roosevelt Blvd. Key WeSt, FlOrida 33040 . (J05} 294-3748. Fu (305) 294-8217 1602 Alton Road. PMB 503 ~fianl1 Beach, Flonda )] 139 . (305) 672-9044, Fax (305) 866~8324 http://wwwgonZalez-t1rchitects.COm.GA 09834 . FL A.A230S i:B/Hl 391:1d S1831IH8~1:1 Z3ll:1ZN09 13f;7i:B IBlG I6 8~:EI i:BBi:/6i:/f;713 24 April 2002 Ms Coffer PAGE 2 budget ($9 million) and projected costs of the Cowthouse (indicated below). The savings to the County on the fees over the historical method of payment to our f1ll11 would be upwards of $100,000. We are proceeding with the work with the understanding that the contract change will be presented before the County Commission for ratification at their May meeting. As you have requested the fOllowing is a summary of costs associated with the new Courthouse. I should point out that our estimate below is in keeping with the last budget presented by our office. The last budget adjusted for inflation would be $10,123,776 today The number below reflccts some changes in the final building area due to systems and the modifications to the defendants hOlding areas and sally-port spaces operated by the sherifrs depanmem By way ofbaclcground, the cost per square foot ofcounhouse buildings must take into account the two-story high spaces of the counrooms which distort traditional cost per square foot calculations If you apply a more typical per square foot cost to what is in essence a five--story building, the numbers correlate. New Courtboule Ground Floor First Floor Second Floor 6,418 SF 21,755 SF 21,783 SF $ 1,283,600 $ 4,351,000 $ 4,356,600 $ 9,991,200 $ 499,560 Subtotal Contingency TOTAL $ 10.490,760 I trust the above helps the process. Should you have any questions please feel free to call. <:13/<:13 39~d Sl:J3LIH:JCl~ Z3l~ZN09 GV<:G Hl<:<: T6 8v:ET ZGGZ/6Z/vG ~ Gonzalez Architects .\rchil~ctllr~ :;: Planning * Interiors 2001 - 2002 HOURLY FEE SCHEDULE PRINCIPAL PROJECT MANAGER PROJECT ARCHITECT STAFF ARCHITECT CADO TECHNICIAN CLERICAL $ 150.00 100.00 85.00 75.00 75,00 45.00 .:: B.l: 'tr-:-:: 1,;;,[, """:illl1;th, ~i-:\'rg!a -'I-WI' 1'l1:1:O!-9lo;XX, fa:\ 1912l20!-0240 ::-:'1.\ '..,nil R"",..:\..:lll\lhi. K..:y \\'.:,;1. F1lll'ida .~,::(qil" 13051294-374X. Fa:\ 13051294-X217 : h, ': \1".';1 R"JJ, !'\lB ~'I: \11;1111! B.:,\-:h. Fl\'riJa .~313LJ ',I 130:il6i:2-LJ044, Fa:\(305)866-S32-l- ' :1ll!': ''.1\ \\:':'. \lll.;!k/-:lI\:11 iIC:-:h.-:Ol11 '( i. \ il')X34 ... FL ,\:\2305