Item T09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA TTRM SUMMARY Meeting Date: ,T1JI,Y l 8. ?OO? Division: BOC~ Bulk Item: No x Department: Distri~t FlvP AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to direct the FKAA to present dual proposals for the wastewater project of Conch Key/Hawks Cay--one proposal for a stand- alone system and another for connection to Hawks Cay wastewater plant. ITEM BACKGROUND: Now that the BOCC has de-linked wastewater issues from development rights on Hawks Cay, the BOCC needs to provide the lowest cost for a wastewater treatment system for Conch Key. The only way to achieve this is to have the two proposals bid by independent contractors. After careful review of competitive bids, the BOCC can choose the most appropriate and cost effective method to sewer Conch Key. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATION: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: ,Yes No COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH YEAR APPROVED BY: County Attorney OMB/Purchasing Risk Mgt. DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: $~;:7 L_;Pz~ , C7 MURRAY R. NRI,SON. Commi ssi ODP-r DOCUMENTATION: Included: x To Follow: Not Required: DISPOSITION: AGRNDA ITRM :/:I: 77 June 28, 2002 IU!O_ -.. Local rlews County . staff ~onvinces FKAA to stay on as the wastewater utility WASTEWATER from page f added to the binder. Roberts said he would seek board guid- ance with each step. . "Because of the time periods involved, we can't put things off for a month or two to think' about," he cautioned. Commissioners werc impressed. "This is encouraging, it looks like wc're. going on the fast train,'" said County Mayor Sonny McCoy. FKAA STAYS Roberts' first announcement was that county staff reached agreement with the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) to continuc its role as wastewater utility. But a new tcam of players will work with thc county, including FKAA board mcmber Mary Rice and another board member not yet identified. Jim Reynolds, deputy direc- tor of FKAA, will lead the team. FKAA Director Roger Braun previously led the initiative. ,,- ,,'-,-." ": . ','.... ."~',.., "; .. .", '>,c, :..:.<.,':.' " Commissioners jockeyed for various projects Commissioner George Neugent asked for money fOl' Little Venice in Marathon to offset the anticipated $5,000 hook-up fees. Commissioner Murray Nelson, who favors sewering individual neighborhoods with smaller, less costly plants, praised thc improvcd trcatmcnt results of a privately owned " .. " ThIS IS encouragmg, It looks like we're going . " on the fast tram. - Mayor Sonny McCoy system in Islamorada. \ Commissiooer Dixie SPclm,! wanted cost conSideration for: \ hardship cases, noting thati many areas of the Lower Keys to be sewereel include mobile home parks. Previously, that's where the discussion would end, But Roberts urged on the commis- .(" "....~-:....~ ':~'" approved an option agreement that gives them two years to decide if they want to purchase the Hawk's Cay treatment plant for $10. They also asked staff to come back with dual proposals for Conch Key - hooking up to the Hawk's Cay system and an option that provides a stand- alone treatment facility on Conch Key. Preliminmy estimates show vety little cost differences with either proposal. However, the Hawk's Cay plant will have to be upgraded prior to 2010, pos- ing an additional and unknown . ..-(1'" 'ost. I 1 -<KAA's Reynolds said later ,/ that he was against bringing back two options due to the engineering costs and because land on Conch Key for a treat- ment plant may not be avail- able, contrary to what Nelson ,,~aid. (''''Ann Henson covers state and Monroe County government, environment, Key Largo and is the editor (<I the Reporter's website. She can be reached at 852-3216 or bye-mail at. ,. .~" r. ,...... ,. n.... rm I.J'...... roo ......, <0o.".f.o,". "~.'"'''''' " -. Florida Department of Transportation JU BUSH GOVEltNOR May 14,2002 OFFTCE OF RIGHT OF WA Y ADMlNISTRA. TEON - DISTRIC'l sa lOOOMV III A VENUE-ROOM6/16 MIAMI, FLORIDA 3;1172 PHONE: (305) 470-5150 I SC 429-5150 'niOMAS F, BARRY, J&. SECRETAR.Y Mr. Mark J. Rosch, Executive Director Monroe County Land Authority 1200 Truman Avenue, Suite 207 Key West. Florida 33040 SUBJECT: Request for Surplus Property on Conch Key Item/Segment No. Section/Job No, F A2 No. State Road No. County Parcel No. Dear Mr. Rosch: : 2503081 : 90050 :N/A : 5/US 1 lOvers cas Highway : MODIoe : 6015 This lettet is in response to your request, dated May 3, 2002, requesting surplus property On Conch Key for MODIoe County's use in the development of a wastewater treatment plant. I have circulated this requ~st and have received preliminary responses of "no objection" based on the following: 1. Conveyance oia 1 CO.foot wide parcel ofland running along the outermost lir.oits of the FDOT right of way on the bayside of Conch Key for the length of Conch Key. 2. This conveyance will be subject to all leases, easements, reservations, encroaclunents and occupancies whether recorded or not. A formal assignment of all leases in the area will be required. 3. This request is being considered as a public purpose request for no consideration. An adopted resolution from Monroe County showing the public.prnpose.use oftbe land will be required prior to conveyance. In addition a letter from Monroe County addressing their earlier request that FDOT not surplus any properties in Monroe County to ensUre there is no conflict of purpose. A special purpose survey of the area requested will also be required. This letter is intended only as an indication of the progress of your requcst to date_ We have not yet received all responses needed in order to formally declare this property as surplus. We will contin\le to keep you informed as to the progress of this request. If you have any questions Or if I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please call me at (305) 470-5816. Sin~ ~. Nwee(~ :KW cc: Paul Wilson, File (-Z(~OZ ~.V~ fL,~ ~ !Ool'~~/Vf..2- ~J~~~. www.dot.state.f/.us (!) RECVCLeD PAPER ~. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA ITEM T-9 , July 17, 2002 Commissioner Nelson Agenda Item: T - 9 ~. HAWKS CAY ALTERNATE DISADVANTAGES " 1. CONNECTING TO AN OLD PLANT UNIT 1 - BUILT IN 1960 - 42 YEARS OLD/1 00,000 GPO UNIT 2 - BUILT IN 1997 - 5 YEARS OLD/96,000 GPO 2. RUNNING PIPE INSIDE AN EXISTING WATER PIPE COULD RESULT IN HUGE UNKNOWN COST 3. NEW PIPE TO HAWKS CAY MUST INSTALLED ACROSS 1,300 FEET OF BRIDGE 4. COST FOR TRANSMISSION LINES ARE $825,000 OR $475,000 MORE THAN A STAND-ALONE WWTP ON CONCH KEY 5. 0 & M COST WILL BE HIGHER IN FUTURE YEARS FOR OUTDATED PLANT VERSUS BRAND NEW STAND-ALONE 6. OLD HAWKS CAY PLANT HAS LITTLE RESIDUAL VALUE AND MUST BE UPGRADED TO 2110 STANDARDS FOR A TOTAL COST OF $ 1,130,000 - Boyle Evaluation - Table 1 7. LARGE MOTORS TO PUMP WASTEWATER TO HAWKS CAY IS ADJACENT TO HERITAGE TRAIL (SOUTH SIDE) AND HAS A HIGHER LEVEL OF NOISE THAN STAND- ALONE 8. HAWKS CAY IS NOT SLATED TO CONVERT TO AWT UNTIL THE YEAR 2009 (CH2MHILL REPORT A-4) ~. CONCH KEY STAND-ALONE - ADVANTAGES 1. IS AT LEAST $475,000 LESS EXPENSIVE 2. WILL BE BRAND NEW WWTP WITH A 30+ YEAR LIFE CYCLE AND WILL MEET 2010 STANDARDS 3. WILL HAVE A LOWER 0 & M BASED ON MAINTENANCE, ELECTRIC AND SLUDGE HAUL OUT 4. ALL COSTS WILL BE SHARED BY CONCH/CORAL KEY RESIDENTS THROUGH MUNICIPAL SERVICE TAXING UNIT 5. HAS NO RISK OF PIPE RUNNING ACROSS 1,300' OF BRIDGE AND THROUGH UNKNOWN EXISTING PIPE 6. HAWKS CAY MUST UPGRADE THEIR OLD PLANT TO A.W.T. STANDARDS BY 2010 AT NO COST TO TAXPAYERS 7. USBF SYSTEM BY THE PURESTREAM CO. IS PRODUCING 7-7-3-1 ON THE ISLANDER AND OTHER PLANTS ~. BOYLE ORLANDO ~001/002 07/16/2002 11:16 FAX 4074223866 I i .' BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORA TION 320 East South street <. Orlando, FL 32801 To: i Murray Nelson , COUNTY OF MONROE Copies To: Jim Reynolds, FKAA (305-294-5683) Doug EcJnnann, BEe (941.278-0913) Fax Number: (305) 852-7162 TEL (407) 425-1100 FAX (407) 422-3866 FAX TRANSMITTAL From: . David R. Refling, PE, DEE Principal Engineer Subject: Conch Key Wastewater System Date: Time: Total Pages: 7/16/02 11:05 AM .. 2 Please deliver these pages to the person(s) listed above. If you have difficulty receiving this transmission or if any pages are missing or illegible, please call (407) 513-8262 and ask to speak to Barbara Larente. ' The information oontained if) thi. facsimile is intended only for the IndMdua/(s) named above. It m.y contain information that is conlidentl.lor priVileged. If you BIB not an individu81 named above orthe employee responsible for delivering this lnfonnation to that individual, you are hereby notified that any copying or d/$tribUIiOn of the infbnnation contaIned in this facsimile is strictly prohibited. If you have received this facaimile In enor, ase nofj the sender lmmeatatel b teJe 8 at the number iven above. Thank for r ration. Comments: SA-F76-301-OOlBJlJDOCUME!S ElClVLE ,. 07/16/2002 11:16 FAX 4074223866 BOYLE ORLANDO ~ 002/002 BCI"ILE 320 East South Street Orlando, FL 32801 TEL: (407)425-1100 FAX: (407)422~3866 www.boyleengineering.com Mr. Murray E. Nelson Commissioner, District Five COUNTY OF MONROE 99198 Overseas Highway Key Largo, FL 33037 July 16,2002 FE-B99-197-00 Conch Kev Wastewater Svstem You have requested a clarification concerning Boyle's Technical MemorandUIn for the FKAA dated May 22,2001. The subject of the Technical Memorandum was an evaluation of the Hawk's Cay WWTP to detennine: ' 1. If sufficient land eJtists to upgrade the level of treatment of the existing 200,000 gpd WWI'P to Advanced Wastewater Treatment (A WI). 2. If sufficient land exists to expand the treatment plant capacity to 300,000 gpd and upgrade the level of treatment of the e;q>anded facility to A WT. It was detennined that it would be feasible to upgrade the level of treatment at the existing WWTP site to _AWT~and maintain the existing capacity. An estimated construction cost was developed of approximately .' $1.1 Minton fortheuIWsdeto A WT witfino mcrease in capacity.} Our evaluation also indicated that it wou be feasible to expand thewvrrP capacity-to :rOO~OOO gpd and upgrade the level of treatment to A WT at the existing site. HoweVCl", an estimate of construction cost was not developed for an expansion. Relative annual O&M costs were also developed for four potential A WT upgt1l.de options comparing power and chemical costs. Converting these costs to present worth based on a 20-year analysis period and a discount rate of 8% resulted in a present worth cost of approximately $1.45 Million for the lowest cost options. Please note that the present worth evaluation only compared relative operating costdiffercnces and was not intended to include all O&M costs. Please let me know if you have any other questions concerning this subject. Boyle Engineering Corporation ~~. David R. Refling, PE, DEE Principal Engineer cc: Jim Reynolds Doug Eckmann C:\Documcnlli and Scttin;s\blan:nte\My Documents\bjl stuft\PI'OJect Mise Docs\Lcttcr to Murray Nelsan County of MDIIJ'DC.doc BOYLE ENGINEERING CORPORAnON Q Aocyclad......'