Item C18 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 07/17/02 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes x No Department: Human Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Board of County Commissioner's approval of renewal of workers' compensation contract with Preferred Governmental Claim Solutions to provide Third Party Administrative Services for the workers' compensation program for Monroe County. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County first contracted with PGCS in 1996. The County has re-bid third party services in 1999 and the contract for Third Party Administrative Services was awarded to PGCS at the BOCC meeting of 8/11/1999. The County will go out for bids again next year. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Increase in pricing to include an administrative fee for services. ST AFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: $ Between $55,000.00 and $66,000.00 annually BUDGETED: Yes X No COST TO COUNTY: $ Between $55,000.00 and $66,000.00 annually REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ '~ ~ ~ames L. R:berts, County= dministrator DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDAITEM#~~~ DISPOSITIOL'l : Revised 2/27/0 I JUL-02-02 09,55 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052923516 PAGE 1/2 MONRUE COUNTY 130AlU) OF COUNTY COMMiSSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: j) q (! J Contract # Effective Date:. Expiration Date: '--IIJ ~IJ~ q I:, ~ 03 I C!..ot lu..-t AJ,': Contract Manager: NILiI.ik1 (J/LttJ.J tjUl/1 (N am{) (Ext.) for BOCC meeting on 11 / Agenda Deadline: CONTRACT COSTS Total DoILv V ~ of Contract: $ '1rn,tuiU Cunent Year Portion: $ S ~ Budgeted?Yes[j] NoD AccountCo s: ~-~~: () Grant: $ County Match: $ ADDITIONAL COSrs- - - Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ Iyr For: (N6t included in dollar value abo~ (eg. maintenance, utilities. janitorial, salaries. etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director Changes Date In Needed L-~L YesDNoEr' ~~ Yes 0 No[2r ~-UesONOg--'~ ):2 -J:.(I Y.sO Nol59 ~ Date Out ,-~.,.-- Risk Management h' O.M.B./Purchasing County Attorney ~ 9-?-t'z Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 JUL-02-02 09,55 FROM,MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10,3052923516 AMENDMENT TO SERVICE AGREEMENT RENEWAL This renewal of a Service Asrcem~t is entered into by and between Monroe County, a Political subdivision of me State or Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key FI. 33040, hereafter County, and Preferred Governmental Claims Solutions, a corporation, wbose address is P.O. Box 16-6005, Altamonte Springs, f1. 32716, hereafter PGCS, The parties a~ee as follows; 1. The Service Agreement between the County and PGCS dated April 1 , 1996, as amended on August 13. 1996 and renewed 8111/1999 through September 30, 2002, is hereby renewed for one additional year term expiring on September 30, 2003. 2. Compensation for the one (1) year renn is as follows: (a) Lost time claims $440.00 per claim and $130.00 for medical only per claim. (b) Administrative services fee in me amowlt of $3 .000.00 per month, to include all claims handling as outlined in the April I, 1996 Service Agreement. 3. Except for the renewal terms and amended compensation described in paragraphs I and 2, in all ocher respc:crs the April 1 , 1996 Service Agreement between the County and PGCS, as amended remains in full force and effect. 4. The County's performance and obligatio4 to pay under this amendment is contingent upon an annual appropriation by the HOCC. 5. This Ame4ded Service Agreement Renewal will becom~ eff~criV'e October 1,2002. (SEAL) A TrEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk By Mayor/Chariman PREFERRED GOVERNMENTAL CLAIMS SOLUTIONS Date By Title PAGE 2/2 INTERISK CORPORA TION Consultants 1111 North Westshore Boulevard Suite 208 Tampa, FL 33607-4711 Phone (813) 287-1040 Facsimile (813) 287-1041 Risk Management Employee Benefits May 23, 2002 Ms. Nancy Cohen Workers' Compensation Manager Monroe County 5100 College Road, Room 207 Key West, Florida 33040 Re: Third Party Claims Administration Dear Nancy: Per your request I have reviewed the pricing that several of our other Self-Insured clients are paying for their Workers' Compensation claims administration and have spoken with several vendors in an effort to detennine what the County could expect if they were to obtain competitive bids for the 2002/2003 year. I was able to determine that the pricing our other clients pay may not be a fair representation of what the County would pay because the claim count and the mix between Lost Time and Medical Only claims are different. " In discussing the issue with several other TPA's it was learned that if the County were to remarket its TPA services this year they could expect proposals with an annual cost of between $45,000 and $55,000. This amount would include the administration of all new claims for as long as the County's contract with the TP A continued. It would also include all the basic services, such as loss reporting, reduction of medical bills to the Fee Schedule, State and Excess insurer reporting and periodic claim reviews. . -. It does not include the assumption of existing claims. The cost for a new TP A to assume the administration of the prior year claims will depend on the number of open claims at the time of transfer. As of the end of April, PGCS is reporting that the County has a total of 132 open claims, Normally TPA's price the cost of assuming prior year claims on an annual basis. They typically focus on the number of Lost Time claims and establish an annual rate of between $350 and $500 per claim. Assuming that 50% of the County's open claims are Lost Time, an annual fee of between $23,100 and $33,000 can be expected. As claims are closed, this amount will decrease each year, however will remain an annual cost. It is believed that a one-time flat fee to assume all open claims could be negotiated, however, it has been my experience that such an arrangement would not be in the best interest of the County. If the County were to remarket its TP A services and select a new firm, it could expect to pay next year between $68,100 ($45,000+$23,100) and $88,000 ($55,000+$33,000). As older claims are closed, this amount will reduce in future years. Ms. Nancy Cohen May 24, 2002 Page 2 of2 If the County remains with PGCS, they can expect to pay approximately $66,000 for the upcoming year, While this amount is significantly higher than what is currently being paid, it is believed that the County has enjoyed a lower than average pricing for its TP A services, PGCS has recently been acquired by Brown and Brown Insurance Agency who evaluated the pricing structure of all PGCS' s clients. Brown and Brown concluded, based on their study, that PGCS will have to significantly increase Monroe County's price structure, as outlined in Kevin Cothron's letter of May 17, 2002. Based on the projections of what other TP As will propose if the account is remarketed, it is believed that the County will best be served by renewing with PGCS for one more year and schedule to remarket its TPA services in 2003, This would permit the County to explore other options, such as hiring a claims administrator and handling their claims themselves. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to calL Cordially, INTERISK CORPORATION ~~'/ Sidney G. Webber CPCU, ARM