Item T2 UO/~O/LUUL a~:lb .:f11~-2t1':f-2~.:fb PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 21,2002 Division:County Administrator/Growth Mana~emel1t Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDI!' G: Approval of a Joint Resolution between Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) relating tl' the provision ofwa!ltewater facilities in Key Lingo and appropriation and transfer of County funds to FKAA to pay for the completion of additional preliminary engineering and design work. ITEM BACKGROUND: At its July 17, 2002, meeting, the BOCC authorized the application of $1.66 million made available by the State of Flo,'ids for wBStewater projects in Monroe County to the expansion of the proposed Key Largo Trailer Village project. Witt the additional funds available, the BOCC directed the staff to expand the Key Largo project to include Key Largo Park. To be eligible for the state funding from the Department of Environmental Protection, the responses to the FKAA's Design/Build package for tt is project must be received by March I, 2003. To expeditiously complete the necessary preliminary engineering and design for preparation of the project's Design/Build package, the County and FKAA staffs have agreed to utilize the FK \A 's engineering consultant. These expenditures for the er gineering consultant services are not covered by the FEMA Vnmet Needs Grant and State and Count). match funds for de Key Largo wastewater project. Therefore, the FKAA will need additional funding commitment from the County to pay for these services. The total amount of County funds needed to pay for these additional services has yet to be detellllined, however the proposed agreement provides for on initial transfer of $200,000. The funding sources for fins lcially supporting these services will be from the following: the County Comprehensive Plan (148- 51000). Other significant elements of the proposed agreement include: reatrlI1J111tion of County's commitment to use $166 million in state funds for Key Largo project and authorization for FKAA to be lo<:al governmental entity responsible for project documentation as required WIder FDEP grant guidelines; recognition of the transfer of authority and responsibility for this project from County/FI<AA to the new independent Key Largo wastewater authority at the time the draft Request for Design/Build Proposals are 5ubmined to the new governing body; and authorization for the County's SHIP Program Administrator to allocation u) to $200,000 to assist low income homeowners. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTJON: Approval of Joint Resolution (#093-2002) with the FKAA related to provision of wastewater facii ities in the Key Largo area; and, approval of the use of S 1.66 million in state funds to serve Key Largo Park with wastew Iter services. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST:S200,000 COST TO COUNTY:~OO,OOO BUDGETED: Yes: N/A No: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: Cl.unt}. Atty ~ DIVISION DIRECTOR AF PROV AL: DOCUMENTATION: In;luded --X- To Follow DlSPOSITJON: AGENDA ITEM # -r=-'L UO/~O/LUUL VO;~D .:H:.I::J- Ltl':j-Z::l.:lb PLANNlt-G DEPT PAGE MOl\ROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Er.AA Contract # Effective Date: Expiration Date: Contr~ct PurposelDl~scription: Gu /) dJ:.- II (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting IIn Agenda Deadline: ,;: 7 tJ~ CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value ClfContract: $ c.?OO I DDo C~9t Year Portion: $ Budgeted? Yes[R] No 0 Accoun~odes: ~"t'.f ..;fI (J~_ Grant: $ '~.u4 ~O~ () _ _ _ _ ~ ~lIlr .-___ CountyMatch:S [ilIA ,- ~d"""~ _:_:_:_: ADDITIONAL COSrs- -- Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ Iyr For: (Not included in dollar "alue above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes e Out Date In Needed ---./ Division Director 8-"/~esD NoEJ _ ........... Risk Management ~ YesD NoG O.M.B.lPurchasing YesO No~- ~ a ~~ ,f'-/.J-::O"v County Attomey R/ISID2-- YeSDNo)19'~ Comments: OMB Form Revi!ed 2/27/01 MCP #2 VC/lD/LVVL ~tl:l& 3E15-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT JOINT RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY BOCC AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY MONROE COUNTY RESOLUTION # FKAA RESOLUTION # A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF WASTEWATER FACILITIES IN THE KEY LARGO AHEA OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PF:OVIDING FOR A COMMITMENT TO THE FI,ORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ("FDEP") TO PRESERVE AND SECURE CERTAIN GRANT FUNDING FOR A W.\STEW A TER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AHEA PROVIDING FOR REQUIRED FUNDING BY MONROE COUNTY FOR THE PROJECT'S PIANNINGIDESIGN; PROVIDING FOR THE COUNTY'S SHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT: PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CF~ITICAL EVENTS SCHEDULE ACCEPTABLE TO FD,EP IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT A W.\STEWATER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AI:EA; PROVIDING FOR TRANSITION TO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE KEY LARGO W.\STEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT; p~ OVIDING TIIA T THIS JOINT RESOLUTION BE DI:EMED AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT PIRSUANT TO SECTION 163.01, FLORIDA ST ATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION 1. FINDINGS. It is ascertained, determined and declared that; (A) Th,~ Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (the "FKAA") is a special purpose local government charged with the authority to provide wastewater facilities and services in unincorporated Monroe COWIty pursuant to a Special Act of the Florida Legislatw-e WIder Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended. Page 1 of 5 PAGE 04 UO/LO/LOOL ~tl:lb ,jt:l~-~I:1':l-~~,jb PLANNING DEPT PAGE El5 (B) Monroe County and the FKAA have entered into various memoranda of understanding and other agreements that describe shared responsibilities between Monroe County and the f'KAA for the development of wastewater facilities and services in Monroe County. (C) Urder the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations Act, Line Item 1765A, Fix(d Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management Plan Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Fund, a specified appropriation was made available to Monroe County lor Key Largo in the amount of One Million Six HWldred and Sixty Thousand Dollars ($1,660,000,00). (D) In order to secure grant funding FDEP has advised Monroe County that Monroe COWlty must provide a firm commitment to immediately develop and implement a project in the Key Largo area inclusive of a detailed application submittal as outlined by FDEP, no lateJ than August 19,2002. (E) Further, it is specified under the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations 'lct, Line Item 1765A, Fixed Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management PlaJl Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Fwd that project sites necessary to proj(:cf viability must have been acquired, construction bids or design/build proposals must have been evaluated, and a system of user charges, fees, or assessment must have been eHablished no later than March 1,2003. (F) Monroe County has selected the geographical area known as Key Largo Park as the designated project area, (G) Monroe County shall work diligently with the FKAA to develop all necessary FDEP submittals to meet any FDEP established deadlines inclusive of the existing August H, 2002 and the March 1,2003 deadlines. SECTION 2. MONROE COUNTY COMMITMENTS. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project fWlding for the Key Largo area, Monroe County commits and agre ~s as follows: (A) Monroe County affirms that the BOCe has authorized the FKAA to be the local governmental entity responsible for project documentation required under the grant program until project transition to the Governing Board of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatnent District ("Governing Board") and hereby authorizes the FKAA to execute a grant agreement for those requirements with FDEP, (B) Monroe County shall immediately appropriate and fund Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000,00) to complete preliminary project design and engineering and other FDEP .locumentation requirements for the Key Largo Park project. Monroe County shall forward to the FKAA this funding amount upon execution of this resolution. If further County funds are necessary to complete these documentation requirements, such fWlds shall be forwarded to FKAA upon modifications to this agreement, executed Page 2 of5 ODf~OfL~~L ~~:lb 305-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 66 in writing between the County and the FKAA. All the FKAA financial records pertaining to this agreement must be made available, upon to request to the Clerk, an auditor employed by the COlmty or State of Florida, Any flmds forwarded or transferred by the County to the FKAA under this agreement that are determined by the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or State of Florida, to have been spent on a purpose not contemplated by 1his agreement shall be paid back to the County with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 55.03 (1), F,S" from the date the auditor detennines the funds were expended for a ptupose not authorized by this agreement. (C) Monroe COlmty hereby authorizes the COlmty's SHIP Program Administrator to allocate up to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) lmder the Low Income Homeowner strategy for direct assistance to qualified applicants towards the payment of the s:'stem connection charge and/or the homeowner's costs for existing sy stem abandonmert and installation of new laterals. (D) Monroe County hereby recognizes the pending establislunent of the Governing Board and its duly constituted authority and responsibilities. It is fwther recognized that the transition point for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board Wlder the FDEP Agreement shall be the FKAA's presentation of tb.e draft Request For Proposals to the Governing Board for their consideration of publication and implementation, The Governing Board shall have the authority and responsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trust Fund Key Largo allocation of the $],660,000.00. SECTION 3. FKAA COMMITMENTS TO MONROE COUNTY. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project funding for the Key Largo area, FKAA commits and agre~s as. follows: (A) The FKAA shall be the local governmental entity to be responsible for project documentation inclusive ofFDEP requirements per the August ]9,2002 deadline and to negotiate a FDEP grant agreement to secure funding availability in the amount of $] ,660,000 for th(: Key Largo project. (B) The FKAA shall only authorize such project development expenditures as provided for by c(lunty funding, (C) The FKAA hereby recognizes the pending establislunent of the Goveming Board and its dul:' constituted authority and responsibilities. It is further recognized that the transition poillt for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board under the FDEP Agreement shall be the FKAA's presentation of the draft Request For Proposals to the Governing Board for their consideration of publication and illlplementati')l1. The Governing Buard shall have the authurity and responsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trost Fund Key Largo allocation of the $1,660,000.00. Page 3 of 5 UUIAUfLUUL UO.~D ..:JU~-LD:J-L:.:J..:JO M...ANNING DEPT PAGE iH (D) The FKAA agrees to provide the County Clerk and Administrator with quarterly progres j reports on the use of these County funds, including providing all supporting consultant engineering invoices, to demonstrate compliance with the provision of this agreement. SECTION 4. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. This Resolution constitutes a joint exercise of )ower, privilege or authority by and between Monroe County and the FKAA and shall . Je deemed to be an Ulnterlocal Agreement" within the meaning of the Florida Interloca1 Cooperation Act of 1969 as amended. This Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk oihe Circuit Court of Monroe County. SECTION 5. SEVERABILTY. If any provision of this Resolution shall be held invalid or urenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction; such holding shall not invalidate or r~nder Wlenforceable any other provisions thereof, [THE REMAINDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTlONALL Y BLANK.] Page 4 ofS --'~_"UUL UU.~U ~U..J -- LU J - L.J..;JU rLHNru N\;J Ul:.1"' I PAGE B8 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on 1his 21st day of August 2002. Mayol Charles "Sonny" McCoy MayOl Pro Tem Dixie Spehar Comrr..issioner Bert Jimenez Comn: issioner George Neugent Comrrissioner Murray Nelson (SEAL) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Mayor/Chairperson Deputy Clerk DULY ADOPTED by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority this _ day of August 2002, BOARD OF DIRECTORS FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (SEAL) By: John M, Koenig, Sr., Chairman Attest: Mary L. Rice, Se(:retary. Treasurer Page 5 of 5 08/16/2002 08:16 31:15-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: August 21, 2002 Division:County Administrator/Growth Mana~emellt Bulk Item: Yes No X Department: N/A AGENDA ITEM WORDll" G: Approval of a Joint Resolution between Monroe County and the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (FKAA) relating tc. the provision of wastewater facilities in Key Largo and appropriation and transfer of County funds to FKAA to pay for tht completion of additional preliminary engineering and design work. ITEM BACKGROUND: A t its July 17, 2002, meetmg, !.he BOCC authorized the application of $1.66 million made available by the State of Flo.'ida for wastewater projects in Monroe County to the expansion of the proposed Key Largo Trailer Village project. Witt the additional funds available, the BOCC directed the staff to expand the Key Largo project to include Key Largo Park. To be eligible for the state funding from the Department of Environmental Protection, the responses to the FKAA's DeSIgn/Build package for tt is project must be received by March I, 2003. To expeditiously complete the necessary preliminary engineering and design for preparation of the project's Design/Build package, the County and FKAA staffs have agreed to utilize the FK \A' s engineering consultant. These expenditures for the er gineering consultant services are not covered by the FEMA Dnmet Needs Grant and State and County match funds for tie Key Largo wastewater project. Therefore, the FKAA will need additional funding commitment from the County to pay for these services. The total amount of COUnty funds needed to pay for these additional services has yet to be determined, however the proposed agreement provides for on initial transfer of $200,000. The funding sources for fina lcially supporting these services will be from the following: the County Comprehensive Plan (148-51000). Other slgOlficant elements of the proposed agreement include: reaffIrmatlon of County's commitment to use $1.66 mtlIion in state funds for Key Largo project and authorization for FKAA to be local governmental entity responsible for project documentation as required wIder FDEP grant guidelines; recognition of the transfer of authority and responsibility for this project from County/FKAA to the new independent Key Largo wastewater authority at the time the draft Request for Design/Build Proposa19 are submitted to the new governing body; and authorization for the COUnty's SHIP Program Administrator to allocation u) to $200,000 to assist low income homeowners. PREVIOUS RELEVANT !lOCC ACTION: Approval of Joint Resolution (#093-2002) WIth the FKAA related to provision of wastewater facii ities In the Key Largo area; and, approval of the use of $ 1.66 million in state funds to serve Key Largo Park with wastew Iter services. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: S200,000 COST TO COUNTY:~OO,ooo BUDGETED: Yes: N/A No: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Yea~ _ _ APPROVED BY: Cl.unty Arty ~ 'sk Management _X_ DIVISION DIRECTOR AF PROV AL: DOCUMENT ATION: In :hlded ~ To Follow DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # -r=-1..... BS/16/2BB2 BS:16 3B5-289-2536 PlANNlt-G DEPT PAGE B3 MOKROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: ErAA Contract # Effective Date: Expiration Date: ( Contract Manager: h~()M'f J, (Name) Gut; ~ /1 (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting lID Agenda Deadline: F. 7 a;.. CONTRACT COSTS Total DoUar Value (If Contract: $ cJ(Y) I DOo C~9t Year Portion: $ Budgetcd?Yes(&] NoD Accoun~odes: ~~I ~ 000 . Grant; $ '~.u.4- ~,,~ () .- .- .-. ~ ~J.llr ---_ County Match: $ _ [\ItA ,- ~r~ =~=:=:==~ ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ _/yr For: (Not included in dollar "alue above) (eg. maintenance. utilities, janitorial. salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed--./ Division Director 8-"//I2./1'esD NoEJ _ ., Risk Man~ement ~ YesD NoG O.M.B.lPurchasing YesDNo~. ~ 0 ~~ County Attorney RI/:lID 2.- YesD No~ ~ Comments: e Out ";'1'/1/2- r-/j-:O)".. OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 08/16/2002 08:16 305-289-2536 PlANNING DEPT JOINT RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNTY BOCC AND FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY MONROE CO{;NTY RESOLUTION # FKAA RESOLUTION # A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AND THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF W ~STEW A TER FACILITIES IN THE KEY LARGO AUEA OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA; PF~OVIDING FOR A COMMITMENT TO THE FlORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ("FDEP") TO PRESERVE AND SE CURE CERTAIN GRANT FUNDING FOR A W,\STEW A TER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AltEA PROVIDING FOR REQUIRED FUNDING BY MONROE COUNTY FOR THE PROJECT'S PLANNINGIDESIGN; PROVIDING FOR THE COUNTY'S SHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT: PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CHITICAL EVENTS SCHEDULE ACCEPTABLE TO FD,EP IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT A W.\STEW A TER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AI~A; PROVIDING FOR TRANSITION TO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE KEY LARGO W.\STEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT; P~ OVIDI~G THAT THIS JOINT RESOLUTION BE DI:EMED AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT PtRSUANT TO SECTION 163.01, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION 1. FINDINGS. It is ascertained, determined and declared that; (A) Th,~ Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (the "FKAA") is a special purpose local government charged with the authority to provide wastewater facilities and services in unincorporated Monroe COWlty pursuant to a Special Act of the Florida Legislature tmder Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended. Page I of 5 PAGE 04 08/15/2002 68:15 365-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 (B) Monroe County and the FKAA have entered into various memoranda of understanding and other agreements that describe shared responsibilities between Monroe COWlty and the f'KAA for the development of wastewater facilities and services in Monroe County. (C) Urder the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations Act, Line Item 1765A, Fix( d Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management Plan Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Fund, a specified appropriation was made available to Monroe County for Key Largo in the amount of One Million Six HWldred and Sixty Thousand Dollars ($1,660,000,00). (D) In order to secure grant funding FDEP has advised Monroe County that Monroe COlmty must provide a finn commitment to immediately develop and implement a project in the I<.ey Largo area inclusive of a detailed application submittal as outlined by FDEP, no latel than August 19,2002. (E) Further, it is specified under the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations hct, Line Item 1765A, Fixed Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management Platt Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Flmd that project sites necessary to projl~ct viability must have been acquired, construction bids or design/build proposals must h;lve been evaluated, and a system of user charges, fees, or assessment must have been eHablished no later than March 1,2003. (F) Monroe County has selected the geographical area known as Key Largo Park as the designated project area. (0) Monroe County shall work diligently with the FKAA to develop all necessary FDEP submittals to meet any FDEP established deadlines inclusive of the existing August U, 2002 and the March 1,2003 deadlines. SECTION 2. MONROE COUNTY COMMITMENTS. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project funding for the Key Largo area, Monroe County commits and agre ~s as follows: (A) Monroe County affirms that the BOCC has authorized the FKAA to be the local governmental entity responsible for project docwnentation required under the grant program until project transition to the Governing Board of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatnent District ("Governing Board") and hereby authorizes the FKAA to execute a grant agreement for those requirements with FDEP. (B) Monroe County shall immediately appropriate and fund Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) to complete preliminary project design and engineering and other FDEP ,locumentation requirements for the Key Largo Park project. Monroe County shall forward to the FKAA this funding amount upon execution of this resolution. If rurlher County funds are necessary to complete these documentation requirements, such funds shalll.e forwarded to FKAA upon modifications to this agreement, executed Page 2 of5 08/16/2002 08:16 305-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 06 in WIltmg betwc: en the County and the FKAA. All the FKAA financial records pertaining to this agreement must be made available, upon to request to the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or State of Florida. Any funds forwarded or transferred by the County to the FKAA under this agreement that are determined by the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or State of Florida. to have been spent on a purpose not contemplated by ihis agreement shall be paid back to the County with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 55.03 (I), F.S., from the date the auditor detennines the funds were expended for a purpose not authorized by this agreement, (C) Monroe County hereby authorizes the County's SHIP Program Administrator to ;lllocate up to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) under the Low Income Homeowner strategy for direct assistance to qualified applicants towards the payment of the s:'stem connection charge andlor the homeowner's costs for existing sy stem abandonmert and installation of new laterals. (D) Monroe County hereby recognizes the pending establislunent of the Governing Board and its duly constituted authority and responsibilities. It is fwther recognized that the transition point for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board under the FDEP Agreement shall be the FKAA's presentation of tne draft Request For Proposals to the Governing Board for their consideration of Jlublication and implementation. The Governing Board shall have the authority and responsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trust Fund Key Largo allocation of the $1,660,000.00. SECTION 3. FKAA COMMITMENTS TO MONROE COUNTY. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project funding for the Key Largo area, FKAA commits and agre ~s as follows: (A) The FKAA shall be the local governmental entity to be responsible for project documentation inclusive of FDEP requirements per the August 19, 2002 deadline and to negotiate a FDEP grant agreement to secure funding availability in the amount of $1,660,000 for th(: Key Largo project. (B) The FKAA shall only authorize such project development expenditures as provided for by C(lunty funding, (C) The FKAA hereby recognizes the pending establishment of the Governing Board and its dul:' constituted authority and responsibilities. It is further recognized that the transition point for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board under the FDEP Agreement shall be the FKAN s presentation of the draft Request For Proposals to the Governing Board for their consideration of publication and implementati'>l1. The Governing Buard :shall havt= the authority and re!'\ponsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trost Fund Key Largo allocation of the $1,660,000.00. Page 3 of 5 88/16/2082 08:16 385-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 87 (D) The FKAA agrees to provide the County Clerk and Administrator with quarterly progres i reports on the use of these CO\U\ty funds, including providing all supporting consultant engineering invoices, to demonstrate compJiance with the provision of this agreement. SECTION 4, INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. This Resolution constitutes a joint exercise of .)ower, privilege or authority by and between Monroe County and the FKAA and shall Je deemed to be an "Interlocal Agreement" within the meaning of the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 as amended. This Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk of he Circuit Court of Monroe County, SECTION S. SEVERABIL TV. If any provision of this Resolution shall be held invalid or ur enforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction; such holding shall not invalidate or r~nder unenforceable any other provisions thereof. [THE REMi\.INDER OF THIS PAGE IS LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANK.] Page 4 of 5 B8/16/2BB2 B8:16 3B5-289-2536 PLANNING DEPT PAGE B8 PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe C01mty, Florida a t a regular meeting of said Board held on this 21 st day of August 2002. Mayo) Charles "Sonny" McCoy MayO! Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Coron issioner Ben Jimenez Coron issioner George Neugent Coron issioner Murray Nelson (SEAL) DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COlJNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORlDA By: Deputy CI erk By: Mayor/Chairperson DULY ADOPTED by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority this _ day of August 2002. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (SEAL) By: John M. Koenig, Sr., Chairman Attest: Mary L. Rice, Sec~retary- Treasurer Page S of S JOINT RESOLUTION OF MONROE COUNlY BOCC AND FLORIDA KEYS AOUEDUCTAUTHORITY MONROE COUNTY RESOLUTION # 2002 FKAA RESOLUTION # A JOINT RESOLUTION OF THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS AND THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE PROVISION OF WASTEWATER FACIUTIES IN THE KEY LARGO AREA OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA; PROVIDING FOR A COMMITMENT TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ("FDEP") TO PRESERVE AND SECURE CERTAIN GRANT FUNDING FOR A WASTEWATER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AREA PROVIDING FOR REQUIRED FUNDING BY MONROE COUNTY FOR THE PROJECT'S PLANNING/DESIGN; PROVIDING FOR THE COUNlY'S SHIP PROGRAM SUPPORT: PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A CRITICAL EVENTS SCHEDULE ACCEPTABLE TO FDEP IN ORDER TO IMPLEMENT A WASTEWATER PROJECT IN THE KEY LARGO AREA; PROVIDING FOR TRANSmON TO THE GOVERNING BOARD OF THE KEY LARGO WASTEWATER TREATMENT DISTRICT; PROVIDING THAT THIS JOINT RESOLUTION BE DEEMED AN INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO SECTION 163.01, FLORIDA STATUTES; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNlY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA, AND THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY THAT: SECTION 1. FINDINGS. It is ascertained, determined and declared that: (A) The Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority (the "FKAA") is a special purpose local government charged with the authority to provide wastewater facilities and services in unincorporated Monroe County pursuant to a Special Act of the Florida Legislature under Chapter 76-441, Laws of Florida, as amended. (B) Monroe County and the FKAA have entered into various memoranda of understanding and other agreements that describe shared responsibilities between Monroe County and the FKAA for the development of wastewater facilities and , services in Monroe County. (C) Under the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations Act, Line Item 1765A, Fixed Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management Plan Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Fund, a speCified appropriation was made available to Monroe County for Key Largo in the amount of One Million Six Hundred and Sixty Thousand Dollars ($1,660,000.00). (D) In order to secure grant funding FDEP has advised Monroe County that Monroe County must provide a firm commitment to immediately develop and Page 1 of4 AtwJ..( -':'2. implement a project in the Key Largo area inclusive of a detailed application submittal as outlined by FDEP, no later than August 19, 2002. (E) Further, it is specified under the State of Florida's 2002-03 General Appropriations Act, Line Item 1765A, Fixed Capital Outlay, Keys Wastewater Management Plan Implementation from Land Acquisition Trust Fund that project sites necessary to project viability must have been acquired, construction bids or design/build proposals must have been evaluated, and a system of user charges, fees, or assessment must have been established no later than March 1, 2003. (F) Monroe County has selected the geographical area known as Key Largo Park as the designated project area. (G) Monroe County shall work diligently with the FKAA to develop all necessary FDEP submittals to meet any FDEP established deadlines Inclusive of the existing August 19, 2002 and the March 1, 2003 deadlines. SECTION 2. MONROE COUNTY COMMITMENTS. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project funding for the Key Largo area, Monroe County commits and agrees as follows: (A) Monroe County affirms that the BOCC has authorized the FKAA to be the local governmental entity responsible for project documentation required under the grant program until project transition to the Governing Board of the Key Largo Wastewater Treatment District ("Governing Board") and hereby authorizes the FKAA to execute a grant agreement for those requirements with FDEP. (B) Monroe County shall immediately appropriate and fund Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00) to complete preliminary project design, engineering and other FDEP documentation requirements for the Key Largo Park project. Monroe County shall pay the FKAA on a reimbursement basis for the consultant engineering services to complete these documentation requirements. If further County funds are necessary to complete these documentation requirements, such funds shall be paid on a reimbursement basis to FKAA upon modifications to this agreement, executed In writing between the County and the FKAA. All the FKAA financial records pertaining to this agreement must be made available, upon to request to the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or State of Florida. Any funds forwarded or transferred by the County to the FKAA under this agreement that are determined by the Clerk, an auditor employed by the County or State of Florida, to have been spent on a purpose not contemplated by this agreement shall be paid back to the County with interest calculated pursuant to Sec. 55.03 (1), F.S., from the date the auditor determines the funds were expended for a purpose not authorized by this agreement. (C) Monroe County hereby authorizes the County's SHIP Program Administrator to allocate up to Two Hundred Thousand Dollars.($200,OOO.00) under the Low Income Homeowner strategy for direct assistance to qualified applicants towards the payment of the system connection charge and/or the homeowner's costs for existing system abandonment and Installation of new laterals. (D) Monroe County hereby recognizes the pending establishment of the Governing Board and its duly constituted authority and responsibilities. It is further recognized that there must be a transition period for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board under the FDEP Page 2 of 4 Agreement. During the transition period (1&.., beginning on the date that the District Board commences legal existence, and ending on the date when the District Board advises the BOCC and FKAA that it is prepared to take over administration of the KLP project) FKAA will, as agent of the BOCC, continue to develop and promulgate a Request for Technical Proposal (RFP) to the point that responses to the RFP are ready to be acted upon. The RFP will state that the District Board will make the decision to rank the RFP respondents and to award the contract. FKAA agrees that its contractual design professional may be utilized by the District Board, at the Board's election and expense, to assist the Board in evaluating RFP responses. The Governing Board shall have the authority and responsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trust Fund Key Largo allocation of the $1,660,000.00. SECTION 3. FKAA COMMITMENTS TO MONROE COUNTY. In order to secure the above stated wastewater project funding for the Key Largo area, FKAA commits and agrees as follows: (A) The FKAA shall be the local governmental entity to be responsible for project documentation inclusive of FDEP requirements per the August 19, 2002 deadline and to negotiate a FDEP grant agreement to secure funding availability in the amount of $1,660,000 for the Key Largo project. (B) The FKAA shall only authorize such project development expenditures as provided for by county funding. (C) The FKAA hereby recognizes the pending establishment of the Governing Board and its duly constituted authority and responsibilities. It is further recognized that there must be a transition period for project authority and responsibility between the FKAA and the Governing Board under the FDEP Agreement. During the transition period (i&.., beginning on the date that the District Board commences legal existence, and ending on the date when the District Board advises the BOCC and FKAA that it is prepared to take over administration of the KLP project) FKAA will, as agent of the BOCC, continue to develop and promulgate a Request for Technical Proposal (RFP) to the point that responses to the RFP are ready to be acted upon. The RFP will state that the District Board will make the decision to rank the RFP respondents and to award the contract. FKAA agrees that its contractual design professional may be utilized by the District Board, at the Board's election and expense, to assist the Board in evaluating RFP responses. The Governing Board shall have the authority and responsibility for the project's contracting and expenditure of the state's Trust Fund Key Largo allocation of the $1,660,000.00. (D) The FKAA agrees to prOVide the County Clerk and Administrator with quarterly progress reports on the use of these County funds, including providing all supporting consultant engineering invoices, to demonstrate .compllance with the provision of this agreement. SECTION 4. INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT. This Resolution constitutes a joint exercise of power, privilege or authority by and between Monroe County and the FKAA and shall be deemed to be an "Interlocal Agreement" within the meaning of the Florida Interlocal Cooperation Act of 1969 as amended. This Resolution shall be filed with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Monroe County. Page 3 of4 SECTION 5. SEVERABIUlY. If any provision of this Resolution shall be held Invalid or unenforceable by any court of competent jurisdiction; such holding shall not invalidate or render unenforceable any other provisions thereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners, Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting of said Board held on this _21st day of August 2002. Mayor Charles "Sonnyn McCoy Mayor Pro Tern Dixie Spehar Commissioner Bert Jimenez Commissioner George Neugent Commissioner Murray Nelson (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk By Mayor/Chairperson DULY ADOPTED by the Florida Keys Aqueduct Authority this _ day of August 2002. BOARD OF DIRECTORS FLORIDA KEYS AQUEDUCT AUTHORITY (SEAL) By: John M. Koenig, Sr., Chairman Attest: Mary L. Rice, Secretary-Treasurer Page 4 of 4