Item Z BOARD 011' COUNTY COMIIISSIORERS AGE1IDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/18/02 Divlalon: PubUc Worb Bulk Item: Yea 80 X Department: SoUd Waste Management AGEMDA ITEM WORDIBO: PUBLIC BEARING and Resolution to adopt the fiDal FIscal Vear 2003 Ree1c:Iential Solid waste CoUection, Diaposal, and RecycliDc Rates. ITEM BACKGROU1O): The total tentative rates tor JI'iacal Year 2003 reflect no lacreue over JI'iacal Vear 2002. PREVIOUS REVELA1IT BOCC ACTlOIf: Approval or Tentative Rates on 7/17/02 COIfTRACT/ AORBBMBKT CBAlfGES: Ifl A f/tAPII'RECOMM"PDATlOIfS: Approval TOTAL COST: If/A BUDGETED: Yes Ifo Baaed on the approval of the propoMd I'iscal Year 2003 Budget. COST TO COUNTY: Ifl A REVBlfUE PRODUClRO: Yes -X- Ko _ AMOUNT PER MOlfTH_Year $7.200,000 APPROVBDBY: CoaatyAtty X O~7a~ Rl8l<1Ia....ment KIA ITBM PREPARED BY: ~ Carol A. Cobb, Sr. A4",i"letrator SoUd Wute IlaDttgemeat DMSIOIf DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~~ Dent Pierce DOCUMENTATION: IDclllded : X To FoUow: Bot RequJrecl: DISPOSITION: AGE1IDA ITEM I :z... R.niHd 2/'J.7/01 RESOL,,"ONNO. - 2002 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUlfTY COIPOSSIOIfERS OF MOIfROE COUJITY, FLORIDA ADOPTIlfO 'fIlE FINAL RESIDBKTIAL SOLID 'WASTE COLLECTION, DISPOSAL AlU) RECYCURO RATES FOR TIlE ftSCAL YEAR ~002 - 2003 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1. The Board hereby adopts the following final rates for Collection of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $117.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $117.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $117.00 per annum. Section 2. The Board hereby adopts the following final rates for Disposal of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $134.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $134.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $134.00 per annum. Section 3. The Board hereby adopts the following final rates for Recycling of Residential Solid Waste: 1. For each single family home - $41.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $41.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $41.00 per annum. Section 4. The total fmal rates for FY 2002/2003 are: 1. For each single family home - $292.00 per annum; 2. For each mobile home - $292.00 per annum; 3. For each multi-family unit - $292.00 per annum. PASSED AND ADOPrED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held on the 18th day of September A.D. 2002. Mayor McCoy Mayor Pro Tem Spehar Commissioner Neugent Commissioner Jimenez Commissioner Nelson BOARD OF COUN1Y COMMISSIONERS OFMONROECO~,FLOmDA By: Mayor I Chairman (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk Deputy Clerk