Item C44 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS , AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: September 18.2002 Division: Management Services Bulk Item: Yes ~ No - Department: Administrative ServiceslRiskManagement AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to accept renewal from Florida Municipal Insurance Trust Agreement #386 at a net annual premium of $198,631 to be paid in quarterly installments of $66,210 to Florida League of Cities. First installment due on October 15, 2002. This is the third and final renewal. ITEM BACKGROUND: This program provides $5,000,000 excess liability insurance over the County's $100,000 Self-Insured Retention for General, Public Officials and Automobile Liability Claims. Also provides auto physical damage and Ambulance Attendants Medical Malpractice Coverage. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: Awarded bid to Florida League of Cities, Inc. 9/20/2000 at an annual premium of$155,496. - CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: This represents a 27% increase over the 2001/2002 premium. The total increase is $43,135. The new renewal dates are 10/1/02-9/30/03. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $198.631 BUDGETED: Yes ---1L No - COST TO COUNTY: $198.631 REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes - No-X AMOUNT PER MONTH - Year - APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ 1 t; - ~~ DMSION DIRECTOR APPRO V AL: .)J/f ~ ~- I JAMES L. ROBERTS DOCUMENTATION: Included -X- To Follow Not Required _ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # r-:: ~y Revised 2/27/01 P:FJ/ V:Jt LtJtJ.: J.tI;LtI tl.l.J':1:l (J. tl4J. J.NI~f'(J.~K r-'Al;J~ tJL . INTERISK CORPORATION COII5U1tanu 1111 North WcmIIore Boulevard Suite 208 Risk~ Tampa. PL 336074711 Employee 8cDdi1S Phone (113) 287.1040 PIC8imiIe (113) 287-1041 August 6, 2002 Ms. Maria Slavik R.i. ~~ Spccialild Maaroe COIUIIy 1100 SiIDOftlml Sttcct Suite 2611 Key West, Florida 33040 Subject: GencnllVcbic:lc Liability R.cncwal Dear Maria: - Auacbt:d is the Florida League', raICWlIJ propolSIl for the CowIay'I Gene'" and Vehicle LiIIbiIiIy iDIuaDcc for die period ofOdober 1,2002 to September 30, 2003. III addition, the...... iJrdudel aJVer.IF for the PbysicaI Damqe iDtuI'aIMz. IIIII\Ie amfirmal with Mr. ByoD Bald ~ cbc Lcapc. that the reacwaI GIMnpIUlil ~ 10 expiriftg policy. FollowiDa is a COIlIp8riIoD _the C1II'NDt pnIII1IID lad die popuedd 200212003 IJI'OBoMk. COverqe 200112002 200212003 IDcreaIe Pen:at c.a,e Pft:miwn Premium 0ederaI LiIbi $84 537 $112 359 Vehicle LiIbi . S52m $16.0" sn 982 $10 216 T.... StS! " $1 1 While this Kprc_ alipifiCMt i8cl'eUc in tbe premium the Coanry will ba\le 10 PlY DCXt year, maay orpaialioal are aperitDeiallipjftcamly bipcr iJac lies It is not beUevcct tbIl the ec...y would be 5IIIXIeI&fiIl in Mbinil\glimilar covaap . . lower price. It is tbcn:ftHe .rocol1llllClMlad dIIl_ Cowty .cccpt the Florida League of Cities renewal fOr the 1IpClOIIIiq year. M .ways, p'- do not bcsiuIc 1.0 call if you have any questioaI. Cordially, INIERJSK CORPORATION Ad Sidney G. Wcbbet CPCU, ARM 08/06/2002 15:34 8132871041 INTERISK PAGE 02 fl'.J(j'1l6-2~02 rUE 02:43 p~ FLORIDA lE'{IGUE QF cnlES l;AX NO. 407 31"T 7]81 P. 01 .... RE CEJVED AU' - 6 ZIII2 1..;(}tUlM t.':"C.UI; 0.. crrlES. INC. P"hlic Rl5l, ~.nicf!~ r. O. D.)); ~J4t1)6!1i (>>rh....",,, J211~!;ll<<J6~ RENE.WAL QUOTE FOR 2002-2003 Monroe County Soard of County Commissioners co,,~~~ Self l,nsurea R~\!Qn Llmit fremium General!Profess.iontllUability $100,000 $5,000,000 $140.574 - AtltOOlobila Liability $10a,OOO $5,000,000 $95,15<4 AlJt~mob,le PhY5icilI Oaln3l)(f Per Schedule $12,182 Property N/A Wurke"r,' Co:"pensacio(l N/A 'ro.rAl PHEMll;M $248,510 INCENlIVf. CREDIT $49 819 lOfAL l'lf~T r'REMlllM $198,631 R. ~fAqO AU" . ~ 2C)} ." l.t . \.. '''l'u''