2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002_6th Adjustment Office of Criminal Justice Grants
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
2331 Phillips Road
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Subgrantee: Monroe County Board of Commissioners
Grant Number: 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
Adjustment Number: 6
Nature of Revised Budget Narrative
To Subgrantee:
Pursuant to your request of 12/28/2020, the following change, amendment or adjustment in
the above grant project is approved subject to such conditions or limitations as may be set
forth below. Retain this Grant Adjustment Notice as part of official project records.
Electronically Signed By:
01/06/2021 Cody Menacof
Authorized Official
Rona Kay Cradit
The following revised budget is approved:
Current New
Approved Approved
Budget Category Difference Budget
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services $133,334.00 $0.00 $133,334.00
Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operating Capital $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Total Project Costs $133,334.00 $0.00 $133,334.00
Prime Match Total Funds
New Approved Budget $100,000.00 $33,334.00 $133,334.00
OCJG Adjustment
The revised budget narrative is approved.
NOTE: Retain this grant Adjustment Notice as part of official project records.
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Due to an outbreak, in November(2020), of COVID-19 in the Monroe County Detention Center there
was a discontinuation of Group Therapy services. Therefore, we are requesting a budget adjustment
to decrease Group Therapy services by 900 quarter hours (.25) of service and increasing Case
Management services by 166.05 quarter hours (.25)of service.
By electronically submitting this adjustment, I hereby certify that I have reviewed the
changes and find them necessary for program activities. I am the signing authority or
have been delegated as such by the appropriate official. Information regarding the
signing authority is
Electronically Signed By:
12/28/2020 Michelle Coldiron
Authorized Official or Designated Representative
Application Ref# 2019-RSAT-123
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
General Financial Info:
Note: All financial remittances will be sent the Chief Financial Officer
of the Subgrantee Organization.
Financial Reporting Frequency for this Subgrant: Quarterly
Is the subgrantee a state agency?: No
FLAIR/Vendor Number: 596000749
Budget Category Prime Match Total
Salaries and Benefits $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Contractual Services $100,000.00 $33,334.00 $133,334.00
Expenses $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Operating Capital $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Indirect Costs $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
--Totals -- $100,000.00 $33,334.00 $133,334.00
Percentage 74.9996 25.0003 100.0
Project Generated Income:
Will the project earn project generated income (PGI)? No
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 1 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative:
Contractual Services:
*Assessments 221 quarter hours @ $20.80 = $ 4,597
*Individual Counseling 1,737 quarter hrs.@$16.77 = $29,129
*Group Therapy 10,341.58 quarter hours @ $4.19 = $43,331
*Case Management 2,478.05 quarter hours @ $22.71 = $56,277
Total Contractual Services = $133,334
Total Grant = $133,334
Budget Narrative:
The budget reflects costs directly associated with the provision of substance abuse treatment,
mental health and educational services to inmates in the Monroe County Detention Center. The
unit cost rates were derived by using the hourly rates from the FY 2019-20 State funding contract
for Substance Abuse and Mental Health (SAMH) services and dividing by 4 to arrive at the quarter
hour(.25) rates.
A contract with the service/treatment provider will be developed to be utilized during the
established grant period. The contract period with the service provider will be within the subgrant
period. The contract with the service provider will be provided to FDLE upon execution of the
Psychosocial Assessment: Monroe County through a contracted service/treatment provider will
interview all program participants for the purposes of data collection of educational, employment,
criminal, medical, family, substance abuse and mental health histories to assist in the
determination of the inmates' appropriateness for the program and to update treatment plans.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate per qtr. hr.: $20.80
Units Requested: 221 quarter hours to be paid for by this grant.
Total Cost: $4,596.80
Individual Counseling: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will
provide one-on-one counseling to all program participants to review progress and develop
treatment plans and work on treatment plan goals and objectives.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate per qtr. hr.:$16.77
Units Requested: 1,737 quarter hours to be paid for by this grant.
Total Cost: $29,129.49
Group Therapy: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will provide
group therapy to all program participants weekly. Group counseling among program participants
will be conducted to include the introduction of"Self-help groups" and their attendance to establish
an ongoing support network.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate per qtr. hr.: $4.19
Units Requested: 10,341.58 quarter hours to be paid for by this grant.
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 2 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative (Continued):
Total Costs: $43,331.24
Case Management: Monroe County through its contracted service/treatment provider will provide
the coordination of adjunctive services, discharge and aftercare planning, communication with
collateral contacts, linkage with other treatment resources to all program participants.
Unit of Service: Client direct service quarter hour(.25)
Unit Rate per qtr. hr.: $22.71
Units Requested: 2,478.05 quarter hours to be paid for by this grant.
Total Cost: $56,276.14
TOTAL PROGRAM COST $133,334.00 (rounded)
Monthly invoices will be provided to Monroe County by the service/treatment provider detailing
services performed during the period for which they seek payment. These are reviewed by Monroe
County staff prior to approval of payment.
Basis for Unit Cost:
Each service is based on the cost centers cited in the Florida Department of State Administrative
Code (FAC); Department of Children and Families; Division of Mental Health, Chapter:
Community Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services; Financial Rule No. 65E-14.021 (Unit
Cost Method of Payment). Financial Rule 65E-14.021, Schedule of Covered Services was
updated on 4/27/2016.
Psychosocial Assessment
Description -This Covered Service includes the systematic collection and integrated review of
individual-specific data, such as examinations and evaluations. This data is gathered, analyzed,
monitored and documented to develop the person's individualized plan of treatment and to monitor
recovery. Psychosocial assessment specifically includes efforts to identify the person's key
medical and psychological needs, competency to consent to treatment, history of mental illness or
substance use and indicators of co-occurring conditions, as well as clinically significant
neurological deficits, traumatic brain injury, organicity, physical disability, developmental disability,
need for assistive devices, and physical or sexual abuse or trauma.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour
Treatment Provider Contract: $83.18
Subgrant Application: $20.80 per quarter(.25) hour
Individual Counseling
Description - Outpatient services provide a therapeutic environment, which is designed to improve
the functioning or prevent further deterioration of persons with mental health and/or substance
abuse problems. These services are usually provided on a regularly scheduled basis by
appointment, with arrangements made for non-scheduled visits during times of increased stress or
crisis. Outpatient services may be provided to an individual or in a group setting. The group size
limitations applicable to the Medicaid program shall apply to all Outpatient services provided by a
SAMH-Funded Entity. This covered service shall include clinical supervision provided to a
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 3 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Budget Narrative (Continued):
service provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree, licensure, certification, or
specialized training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour
Treatment Provider Contract: $67.09
Subgrant Application: $16.77 per quarter(.25) hour
Group Therapy
Description - Outpatient services provide a therapeutic environment, which is designed to improve
the functioning or prevent further deterioration of persons with mental health and/or substance
abuse problems. These services are usually provided on a regularly scheduled basis by
appointment, with arrangements made for non-scheduled visits during times of increased stress or
crisis. Outpatient services may be provided to an individual or in a group setting. The group size
limitations applicable to the Medicaid program shall apply to all Outpatient services provided by a
SAMH-Funded Entity. This covered service shall include clinical supervision provided to a service
provider's personnel by a professional qualified by degree, licensure, certification, or specialized
training in the implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour
Treatment Provider Contract: $16.77
Subgrant Application: $4.19 per quarter(.25) hour
Case Management
Description - Case management services consist of activities that identify the recipient's needs,
plan services including aftercare, link the service system with the person, coordinate the various
system components, monitor service delivery, and evaluate the effect of the services received.
This covered service shall include clinical supervision provided to a service provider's personnel by
a professional qualified by degree, licensure, certification, or specialized training in the
implementation of this service.
Unit of Measure: Direct Staff Hour
Treatment Provider Contract: $90.84
Subgrant Application: $22.71 per quarter(.25) hour
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 4 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
Section Questions:
Question: What percentage of the total cost of this project is being funded by sources other than
this award?
Answer: 25
Question: What is the expiration date of the current SAM.gov registration?
Answer: 4/13/21
Question: What is the Operating Capital Outlay threshold used by the subgrantee?
Answer: 1000
Question: Does the subgrantee receive a single grant in the amount of$750,000 or more from
the U.S. Department of Justice?
Answer: No
Question: If the budget contains salaries and benefits, will this project result in a net personnel
increase, or continue to fund a prior federally grant funded net personnel increase?
Answer: No
Question: If indirect cost is included, has the subrecipient included its approved Indirect Cost
Plan with the application?
Answer: No
Question: If contractual services in the budget are based on unit costs provide a definition for
each cost and the methodology or basis for the unit cost.
Answer: Basis for Unit Cost: Each contractual service is based on the cost centers cited in the
Florida Department of State Administrative Code (FAC); Department of Children and
Families; Division of Mental Health, Chapter: Community Substance Abuse and
Mental Health Services; Financial Rule No. 65E-14.021 (Unit Cost Method of
Payment). Financial Rule 65E-14.021, Schedule of Covered Services was updated
on 4/27/2016.
*Psychosocial Assessments 221 quarter hours @ $20.80 = $4,597
Definition of Psychosocial Assessment: An interview will be conducted all program
participants for the purposes of data collection for educational, employment, criminal,
medical, family, substance abuse and mental health histories to assist in
determination of the inmates' appropriateness for the program and to update
treatment plans.
*Individual Counseling 1,737 quarter hours @ $16.77= $29,129
Definition of Individual Counseling: The provision of one-on-one counseling for all
program participants to review progress and develop treatment plans and work on
treatment plan goals and objectives.
*Group Therapy 10,341.58 quarter hours @ $4.19 = $43,331.24
Definition of Group Therapy: Provision of group counseling for all program
participants to include the introduction of"Self-help groups" and
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 5 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)
Application for Funding Assistance
Florida Department of Law Enforcement
Residential Substance Abuse Treatment
their attendance to establish an ongoing support network.
*Case Management 2,478.05 quarter hours @ $22.71 $56,276.14
Definition of Case Management: The coordination of adjunctive services,
discharge and aftercare planning, communication with collateral contacts, linkage
with other treatment resources.
Total Contractual Services = $133,334
Application Ref#2019-RSAT-123 Section#4 Page 6 of 6
Contract# 2020-RSAT-MONR-1-D2-002
OCJG-005(rev.April 2005)