Item L04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 16 April 2003 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes ~ No Department: Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Contract with REEF to provide monitoring on the Artificial Reef, Spiegel Grove. ITEM BACKGROUND: A permit was required by NOAA to enter the waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary with the ship, V.S.S. Spiegel Grove destined to become an artificial reef off Key Largo. One condition of the permit required monitoring ofthe permitted reef site and several adjacent sites. REEF provided a scope of work for the project and it was included in the NOAA permit. However, a contract for the project was not formally required of REEF. In order to provide an appropriate audit mechanism staff is providing the attached contract for monitoring between June of 2002 through the remainder of this fiscal year. Funds for the project will be provided through the Boating Improvement Fund, a total cost of approximately $25,000. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of the Spiegel Grove artificial reefproject. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS; Approval TOTAL COST: Aporox $25.000 BUDGETED: Yes x No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: BIF REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No ~ AMOUNT Per Month Year APPROVED BY: County Atty ~ Risk Management -L DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow ~ Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM NO.: ~ BC030420.doc 03/27/036:39 AM AGENDA ITEM WITH LATE DOCUMENTATION DMSION J:jLlO~ l'Cl CLI'1~ mI !\t DEPARTMENTJ1l~ ~~ SUBJECT~YJl) e6~ l.J..J~ fQQJ)6 f1n ~A~~ ~.I~~ ~ ~~O~O~I Sp~ (Qfl,C).L)C. DATE ITEM WILL BE A V AILABLE If- - J 0 - o~ AGENDA ITEM NUMBER 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 01 [~ , .... AL-. Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 410 Marathon, FI 33050.2227 I.hone (305) 289..2500 Fax (305) 289...2536 To: L"IO cation: Fax #: From: # of pages includlnS;!:1 cover: R.;i!r'narkS:~ /Zo.-- RF:EF ~ ~ ~ L..4- 04/14/2003 15:55 Appendix E 04/04/03 1 Lt8 AM 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 01 EXHIBIT B Insurance Requirements 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 CONTRACT FOR MONITOIUNG ILS.S. SPIEGEL GROVE__KEY LARGO" FLORIDA TInS CONTRACT is entered into by MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is the Marathon Government Center, 2798 Overseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, hereafter the County, and REEF Er:vironmental Education Foundation, 98300 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florid:::. 33037 USA, hereafter CONTRACTOR. Section 1. Tbe CONTRACTOR and the County, for the consideration named agree as fOillows: 1. The C()NTRACTOR agrees to monitor the artificial reef known as the o.s.s. ~~:)iegel Grove in accordance with the Scope of Work provided in Exhibit A. 2. Follow:ing year 1 of monitoring, a summary report will be produced outlinirlg temporal changes in species composition and populations on the Spiegel Grove site. In addition, an analysis of the seven (7) reference sites will be cDnducted to document any change in composition or abundance at those IClt::ations. Summary data reports will be generated from the REEF databasl~ as well as site similarity comparisons. At the end of five (5) years a com)011ete assessment of changes at the Spiegel Grove site and a compari:mn of adjacent monitoring sites will also be provided. AnReefSSpiegelREEFO,'nf rnct0304 04/04/039:30 AM 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03 Section 2. TI!};: CONTRACTor may invoice the County the amount of$3~500 for each monitoring event in accordance with Exhibit B. The total amount of the CONTRAC:~i~ will not exceed $35~OOO. Attached to each invoice will be a short report doclI.unenting each monitoring event, documenting the date or dates of the event,lmrsonnel used, number of boats involved, etc. Cumulative reports may be prc,vided for. invoices involving multiple events. Upon receipt of an invoice, thtl County will process the invoice within thirty days for payment. Section 3. Th~ County and CONTRACTOR acknowledge that funds have been appropriated for fiscal year 2002 - 2003, ending September 30, 2003. If the County dOI:l~;, not appropriate funds for this CONTRACT in future fiscal years (2004 thrc:ugh 2007), the CONTRACT becomes null and void upon final adoption of the County budget for that fiscal year. The CONTRACTOR will be notified that funds have not been appropriated for the CONTRACT prior to any additi(lI1al monitoring events and before the CONTRACTOR has incurred any expem,es in that fiscal year. Section 4. EIther party may terminate this CONTRACT because of the failure of the other p.:uty to perform its obligations under the CONTRACT. If the County terminates this CONTRACT because of the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform, H'.en the County must pay the CONTRACTOR the amount due for all work satisfa,;:torily completed as determined by the County up to the date of the COl1trllCl 04/04/03 9:30 AM 2 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 04 CONTRAC:TOR's failure to perform but minus any damages the County suffered as il result of the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform. The damage amount mlliSt be reduced by the amount saved by the County as a result of the CONTRA(;T termination. If the amount owed the CONTRACTOR by the County is 11,)1 enough to compensate the County, then the CON1RACTOR is liable for ~my additional amount necessary to adequately compensate the County up t~) the amount of the CONTRACT price. Section 5. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that public use of any or all reports or other printed materials, videos, audio recordings, films and photograplw produced as part of this Project may not be restricted under the copyright laws of the United States of America. Section 6. H.fcords of the CONTRACTOR's direct personnel payroll and other costs and expenses pertaining to the Project and records of the accounts between the County and the CONTRACTOR must be kept on a generally recognized a.ccounting basis and must be available to the County. The records also must b ~ in form sufficient to permit a grant specific audit to be performed in accordnr,ce with the rules of the Auditor General. The CONTRACTOR must keep the records for five years following the completion of the Project. Section 7. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges that all records, data, and document::; created as part of the Project are public records under Chapter 119, Conltact 04/04/03 9;30 AM 3 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 Florida Stn.tlltes. As a result, they must be made available at a reasonable place and time upon the request of a member of the public. Failure to do so is a breach of this CONTRACT entitling the County to treat the CONTRACT as terminated on the date of the violation of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, with the Count~i s obligation to pay extending only to work completed as of that date plus ~:Imounts previously retained, if any. Section 8. In the course of carrying out the monitoring program, the CONTRAC TOR may not discriminate against any employee because of race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. The CONTRACTOR will take affirmativl;~ action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treatecl during employment, without regard to their race, age, creed, color, sex, or nat ional origin. Such action may include, but need not be limited to, the following. employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitmer.t advertising; lay-off or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensatkm; and selection for training, including apprenticeships. The CONTRAI:=rOR must insert language similar to this Section in any of the CONTRACTOR's subcontracts, if any, funded through this CONTRACT except fOJ' subcontracts for standard commercial supplies and raw materials. Contract 04/04/0:l 9:30 AM 4 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 Section 9. III carrying out the monitoring program: the CONTRACTOR must comply wiith the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act and federal re~~;U1lations issued under that Act. Section 10. The CONfRACTOR warrants that it has not employed. retained, or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the pr(lbibition of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or I~mployee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 020-1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the County, in its discretion, may terminate this CONTRACT without liability and may also, in its discretion~ deduct frc:-m the CONlRACT or purchase price~ or otherwise recover the full amount of' ,my fee, commission, percentage gift~ or consideration paid to the fonner County officer or employee. Section 11. /~ person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract t(1 provide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a C:Dntract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building ';)11" public work, may not perform work as a contractor~ supplier, subcontra:~tor, or CONTRACTOR under contract with any public entity, and may not lr:msact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount p::'Covided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for the Category Contracl 04/04/039:30 AM 5 04/14/2003 15:55 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 07 two for a ].:iJc:riod of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list, Section 12. Tbe CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain adequate msurance or equivalent as provided in ExhibitC. Section 13. i\l. communication between the parties should be through the following individuals or their designees: Monroe Coun"y .:,,;1. George Garre'lt, Director Department of :1 Vlarine Resources 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 420 Marathon, FL 33050 REEF Environmental Education Foundation Laddie Aikens REEF 98300 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 Section 14. This CONTRACT is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for litigation arising under this contract must be in a court of competent jurisdictio:1l1ocated in Monroe County, Florida. Section 15. The effective date of this CONTRACT is nunc pro tunc, January 1, 2002. The' termination date of the CONTRACT will be December 31, 2007 THE REMAII:~DER OF THE PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK COntrllCt 04/04/039:30 AM 6 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 Appendix A 04/04/03 9:30 AM PLANNING DEPT PAGE 01 EXHmIT A Spiegel Grove Monitoring Project 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 Spiegel Grove Monitoring Project -- Summary Monroe County has arranged with the Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF) to C(:i nduct pre-deployment and periodic monitoring of the Spiegel Grove and adjacent natural and artificial reef sites. Monitoring will document fish presence/abser.ce and relative abundance at eight (8) sites during six (6) monitoring eVI~nts in year one and then annually thereafter for four additional years. Summa.ry reports will be provided following year one data analysis and at the end of ye'rlJl' five. This document outlines the monitoring project to be carried out by REEF. Backeround The Spiegel Crrove is a 510' LSD which has been placed as an artificial reef structure in the waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. When submerged, tl)(: vessel became the largest ship ever intentionally scuttled to create an artificial n:(:f. The site is located at position 2504.000' / 80 18,650' and lies offshore of tlu.: main reef tract between Molasses Reef and Elbow Reef in Key Largo. Pursuant to the approval of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, a plan for pre-dle':>loyment and periodic monitoring must be in place. The Reef Envi~onmental Education Foundation (REEF), is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization .:'ocusing on the collection of fish diversity and abundance data by utilizing volu::1teer divers trained in visual identification of local species. REEF's programs are in place throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic, Coastal North America, the: Gulf of California, and Hawaiian waters. REEF's database containing O1i,'~:r 40,000 individual fish surveys is the largest database of fish sightings in HH,: world. REEF maintains numerous contracts with State of Florida, National Park ::;ervice, National Marine Sanctuary and Coastal Zone Management agencies to monitor fish populations in Sanctuaries, Parks, artificial reefs and other sites of interest to management and scientific concerns. Data collected during these c:mtracts are entered into REEF's on-line database and summary reports are m:.ule available to the general public as well as researchers, scientists and managers. Purpose It is anticipated that with the sinking of the Spiegel Grove, a change in fish community stnlcture on the sinking site will take place. This monitoring project Appendix E 04/04/03 9;JO AM 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03 will document the changes in fish presence/absence'-and abundance over time at the site. In a.ddition, seven (7) nearby reef sites will be sampled to determine any corresponding changes to fish populations on those sites. Additional studies being undertaken t(> document user patterns can be combined with this data to help show what effect, F any, the newly placed structure may have on fish community structure. Methods Roving Diver Technique (ROT). The ROT is a non-point visual survey method specifically 111~signed to generate a comprehensive species list along with frequency and abundance estimates. During ROT surveys, divers swim freely throughout a dive site and record every observed fish species. At the conclusion of each survc'y, divers assign each recorded species one of four 1080 abundance categories [~,ingle (I); few (2-10), many (11-100), and abundant (>100)]. Following the dive, each surveyor records the species data along with surveytime, depth, tempe:'sture, and other environmental infonnation on a REEF scansheet. The scansheetH are returned to REEF, and the data are loaded into the REEF database that i~ publicly accessible on the Internet athttp://www.reeLorc.. Once entered hto the REEF database, data are displayed by geographic location, including a complete species list, Sighting Frequency of each species and Density index of abund mce for each species. (%SF = numb:e~ of surveys reporting species / total number of surveys at that site Density score: :=: ((nsxl)+(nFx2)+(nMx3)+(OAX4)] / (ns + nF + OM + nA). where n is the number of times each abundance category was assigned) Data summary reports can also be generated for side by side site comparison and summary by Sl:),~cies. Sampling sch:;;!t1e The survey te:un will be made up of REEF Advanced Assessment T earn members who have all achieved a level 4 or 5 experience level and have considerable experience an;! expertise in surveying local fish populations. Eight sites (see table 1) representing the Spiegel Grove sinking site, six (6) adjacent natural reefs and one (1) artifIcial reef will be surveyed prior to deployment. Following deployment~ t.lle Spiegel Grove artificial reef and the remaining seven (7) sites will be surveyed lllonthly for the first three months, quarterly for the following three Appendix E 04/04103 9:30 AM 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 04 quarters and YE::arly thereafter. This scheme represents. a total of six (~ monitoring sessions in yc::ar 1 and one (1) monitoring session in years two (2) through five (5). Table 1. Mon:toring sites Benwood Ledge (60-100') Dixie Shoals Slallows (20') Rocks next to Spiegel Grove site (125') Red Can Ledp:e' (60M 1 00') Benwood (30') Dixie Shoals LI~dge (60-100') Spiegel Grove 1;ite (130') Red Can shallows (25') 2S 03 .155/80 19.970 25 04.145' / 80 19.315' 25 04.180' / 80 18.730' 25 04.308' / 80 18.909' 25 03.160 / 8020.020 2504.213' / 80 18.971' 25 04.000' I 80 18.650' 2504.610' / 80 18.935' Site descripti(m~ The 8 sites to be surveyed represent a broad range of nearby natural and artificial structure. The:~peigel Grove site is represented by barren, level sand bottom with a depth of approximately 130'. The closest structure to this site is a small patch of rocky substra1,,;~ located approximately 2/1 Oths of a mile from the proposed sinking location in a e,:',C:: pth of approximately 125'. The nearest substantial reef structures are the naturaJ reef edges at Dixie Shoals and the Red Can buoy approximately 411 Oths of a mile shoreward of the sinking site. These reefs aresloping drop-offs represented b::' low profile hardbottom with sparse coverings of small corals and sponges. ApF: rll)ximately 7/10ths of a mile inshore from the sinking site, lie Dixie Shoals Shallo~:s and the Red Can Shallows, 2 hardbottom areas of moderate rugosity repre::;Emted by low profile structure and moderate coral cover. These sites represent the nearest shallow water coral reef communities to the sinking site. More than 1 l1i'lile to the south lies another steeply sloping drop-off and the wreck of the Norweglun freighter Benwood. This site represents the closes artificial reef and harbors a large diversity and abundance of fish. Additional historical baseline data collected as part of the REEF program (more than 2,150 surveys) are available for the surrounding high profile reefs including Molasses, French, Elbow, Key Lnrgo Dry Rocks and Grecian Rocks. Appendix E 04104/03 9:30 AM 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 Reportin--i Following Y:~Hr 1 of monitoring, a summary report will be produced outlining temporal ch~mges in species composition and populations on the Spiegel Grove site. In addilion, analysis of the 7 reference sites will be conducted to document any change il composition or abundance at those locations. Summary data reports will be gener~lted from the REEF database as well as site similarity comparisons. Similar annuul reports will be provided for each succeeding year of the CONTRACT. A final report will be provided in year five which analyzes changes at the Spieg,~l Grove site over the five year period and provides comparison information:>(~tween the Spiegel Grove monitoring site and the other seven (7) identified abfwe. Appendix E 04/04/03 9:30 AM 04/14/2003 15:59 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 - Time T'J Year 1 Month 1 Month 2 Month 3 2n uarter 3 r uarter 4 t arter Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Contract T otd Appendix E 04/04/03 9;30 AM Spiegel Grove Monitoring Budget 'allle . Approximate Date Amount .- July 2002 $3,500 August 2002 $3,500 September 2002 $3,500 December 2002 $3,500 March 2003 $3,500 June 2003 $3,500 July 2004 $3,500 July 2005 $3,500 Julv 2006 $3,500 July 2007 $3,500 $35,000 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT ~ .... ...,. Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway, suite 410 Marathon, FI 33050-2227 IPhone (305) 289-2500 Fax (305) 289-2536 To: L~)C::8tion: Fax #: From: # of pages including c:over: Relil'larks: !2.a.-- PAGE 01 REEf ()~Oj~ ~ C~) = 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 .. 1996 Editioa GENERAL LIABILITV INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND REEF Prior to the comm(~ncement of work governed by this contract; the Contractor shall obtain General Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained throughout the life ofthe contract and include; as a minimum; . Premi'Si:s Operations . Prodl.lc:ts and Completed Operations . BJanle t Contractual Liability . Persclnal Injury Liability . Expa:ru:led Definition of Property Damage The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $300,00C1 Combined Single Limit (CSL) Ifsplit limits an:: I:rovided. the minimwn limits acceptable shall be: $100,00(1 per Person $300,00:) per Occurrence $ 50,00<) Property Damage An Occurrence j;~orm policy is preferred. If coverage is provided on a Claims Made policy, its provisions should include coverage for claims filed on or after the effective date of this contract. In addition, the pl~riod for which claims may be reponed should extend for a minimum of twelve (12) months folio wing the acceptance of work by the County. The Monroe CC1unty Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued 1;1) satisfY the above requirements. GLl Administt8lion we :UI ;lion #4709.5 53 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03 1996 Edition VEmCLE LIABaITY - -'. INSURANCE REQUlREMENfS FOR CONTRACT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND REEF Recognizing thaI: 'l:he work governed by this contract requires tbe use ofvebicles, the Contractor, prior to the com::ti,encement of work, shall obtain Vellicle Liability Insurance. Coverage shall be maintained thron~hout the life of the contract and include, as a minimum, liability coverage for: . Owrl,:;:(l. Non-Owned, and Hired Vehicles The minimum limits acceptable shall be: $100,001) Combined Single Limit (CSt) If split limits are provided, the minimum limits acceptable shall be: $ SO,O(D per Person $100,O(}) per Occurrence $ 25,OCIO Property Damage The Monroe Cc::vnty Board of County Commissioners shall be named as Additional Insured on all policies issued 11:0 satisfY the above requirements. VLl AdminilllTBtion InSI,n.lction #4709.' 80 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 04 1996 Edition woRKERS' COMPENSATION INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR CONTRACT BETWEEN MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA AND R.EEF Recognizing tballhe work governed by this contract involves Maritime Operations,-the Contractor's Workers' Comp:ll,sation Insurance Policy shall include coverage for claims subject to the Federal Jones Act (46 U.S.CJI- subsection 688) with limits not less than those specified for Employer's Liability. The Contractor :;liall be permitted to provide Jones Act Coverage through a separate Protection and Indemnity Polic)', in so far as the coverage provided is no less restrictive than would have been provided by a Workers' C:>::npensation policy. WCJA Aoministnl.tion lnstn"etion #4709.5 91 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 t 996 Edition WATER CRAFT LIABILITY _- INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS FOR coNTRACT BETWEEN MONROECOmoY,~OmIDA AND REEF Prior to the commencement of work governed by this contract, the Contractor shall obtain Water Craft Liabi\ily Insurance with terms no less restrictive than those found in the standard "Amerit:1111 Institute Hull Clauses" (June 2, 1977 edition). Coverage shall be maintained throUl!;:ll out the life of the contract and include, as a minimum: . InjUl)' (:lI1Cluding death) to any Person . Damsl~~l~ to Fixed or Movable Objects . Costs },.ssociated with the Removal of Wrecked Vessels . Conu;u:tua1 Liability with Respect to this Contract If the policy obtad~ed states that coverage applies for the" Acts or Omissions of a Vessel", it shall be endol'S,I~cl to provide coverage for the legal liability of the shipowner. The minimum llir1i1.s acceptable shall be: $500,00(:0 Combined Single Limit (CSL) Coverage provicl,elli by a Protection and Indenmity Club (P&I) shall be subject to the approval of the (~()unty. The Momoe COImty Board of County CoJIUnigsioners shall be named as Additional . Insured on all p<,licies issued to satisfy the above requirements. WLl Administration Instmr lion #4709.5 93 04/14/2003 15:05 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 1996 Edition MONROE COUNTY. FLORID"- RISK MANAGEMENT .- POLICY AND PROCEDURES CONTRACT ADMINJSTRA nON MANUAL Indemnification aDd Hold Harmless for Other Contraeton and Subcontraeton The ContraCtor c:tJ"'/eoants and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Momoe County Board of County Commis!~\cners from any and all claims for bodily injury (including death). personal injury, and property d.8D~ge (including property owned by Monroe County) and any other losses. damages. and ex:penses (including attorneYs fees) which arise out o~ in connection with, or by reason ofservice:i~rovided by the Contractor or any of its Subcontractor(s) in any tier, occasioned by thi~ aegligence, errors, or other wrongful act or omission of The Contractor or its Subcontractors i::1 ,wy tier. their employees, or agents. In the event the (;mnplction of the project (to include the work of others) is delayed or suspended as a result of the Contractor's failure to purchase or maintain the required insurance, the Contractor shalliI:demnify the County from any and all increased expenses resulting from such delay. The first ten dolla:~s ($10.00) of remuneration paid to the Contractor is for the indemnification provided for alxwe. The extent ofwl.blity is in no way limited to, reduced, or lessened by the insurance requirements contained elsewllf:re within this agreement. TCS Adminis,rahon Ins11'1.1Ction #4709.5 96 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 02 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 16 Aori'U003 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes....A...- No Department: Marine Resources ..- AGENDA ITEM WORIUNG: Approval of Contract be'\1'een Monroe County and REEF to provide monitoring of the Artificial Reef, Spiegel Grove. ..-. ITEM BACKGROUN111: A permit was required by NOAA to enter the waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary with the ship, V.S.S. Spiegel Grove destined to become an artificial reef off Key Largo. One condition of the permit required monitoring of t:ll:~ permitted artificial reef site and several adjacent sites. REEF provided a scope of work for the project ane [t was included in the NOAA pennit. However, a contract for the project was not fonnally required of REJF. m order to provide an appropriate audit mechanism, staff is providing the attached contract for monitoring :It firting early 2002 through the remainder of this fiscal year and armuaIly for the next four years. Funds for tlu project will be provided through the Boating Improvement Fund, at a total cost of approximately $40,000. .- PREVIOUS RELEVANT DOCC ACTION: Approval of the Spiegel (::, rove artificial reef project. .- CONTRACT/AGREEYr1IENT CHANGES: NA STAFF RECOMMENIJ~TIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: --i:H'.OOO BUDGETED: Yes x No COST TO COUNTY: $40.000 SOURCE OF FUNDS: Fund 157. BIF REVENUE PROIlIVCING: Yes No -L AMOUNT Per Month Year DOCUMENTATION: Included -X.... To Follow --........- Not Required AGENDA ITEM NO.: M Risk Management APPROVED BY: Comty Atty .....x-. DIVISION DIRECTOR' APPROVAL: DISPOSITION: BC030420 04/02/03 2;52 PM 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 03 Mf)NROE coUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 11""1 CONTRACT sUMMARY Contract with: HEEF Contract # Effective Date: January 1.2002 Expiration Date: December 31, 2007 Contract Purpose"nescription: Contract to mc:nitor the U .S.S. Spiegel Grove. an artificial reef off Key Lar~o Contract Manag~::r: George Garrett (Name) 2507 (Ext.) Marine Resources / 11 (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeti;,~; on 4/16/03 Allenda Deadline: 4/3/03 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 40.000 Budgeted? Y es~':J No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ ~__ County Match: S' 40,000 Current Year Portion: $ 24,000 157-62607-_-_. - - - ----- - - - - ........--- -- - - - - - -- - ............... - Estimated Ongo.ng Costs: $NNyr Not included in dO;[lIlr value above 11'_1 ADDITIONAL COSTS For: NA e . maintenance, utilities . anitorial salaries, etc. CONTRACT REVIEW Changes t,f~at~ Iy . Needed ~. Division DirectN ~ '1'11'3 YesD NOLI \ Risk Manageme'll1 ~7/~3 Yes[B'NoO r . \.. O.M.B./Purchasing Yes@NoD-<<=fL:_<__.(A // Date Out - / ~ L ~ I. "'.....<7. /e', \;{- ;,--<( '.- L/~.1 ,-~.~~ '_ " .1" , .' t 1.'./ 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 04 . CONTRACT FOR MONITORING U,:~,~. SPIEGEL GROVE. KEY LARGO. FLORIDA THIS CONTIRACT is entered into by MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is the Marathon Government Center, 2798 O"/erseas Highway, Marathon, Florida 33050, hereafter the County, and Reef Environmental Education Foundation, 98300 Overseas Highway, Key Largo, Florida ~I 3037 USA, hereafter CONTRACTOR. Section 1. TI1'~ CONTRACTOR and the' County, for the consideration named agree as fo Il,)ws: 1. The C()NTRACTOR agrees to monitor the artificial reef known as the V.S.S. :;;piegel Grove in accordance with the Scope of Work provided in Exhibit A. 2. Followimg year 1 of monitoring, a summary report will be produced outlinirg temporal changes in species composition and populations on the Spiegel Grove site. In ad~ition, an analysis of the seven (7) reference sites will be conducted to document any change in composition or abundance at those lil.ll:ations. Summary data reports will be generated from the REEF databas1e as well as site similarity comparisons. At the end of five (5) years a com:>]ete assessment of changes at the Spiegel Grove site and a comparil;;on of adjacent monitoring sites will also be provided. ArtReefsSpiell"IREEfCm tracl0304 04/04/031 U8 AM 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 Section 2. Tl'.e: CONTRACTOR may invoice the County the amount of $4,000 for each m(:IIlitoring event in accordance with Exhibit B. The total amount of the CONTI::'.ACT will not exceed $40,000. Attached to each invoice will be a short report documenting each monitoring event, documenting the date or dates of the everll:, personnel used, number of boats involved, etc. Cumulative reports may be provided for invoices involving multiple events. Upon receipt of an invoil;e, the County will process the invoice within thirty days for payment. Section 3. The County and CONTRACTOR acknowledge that funds have been appropriate:(.. for fiscal year 2002 - 2003, ending September 30, 2003. If the County dOi~H not appropriate funds for this CONTRACT in future fiscal years (2004 through 2007), the CONTRACT becomes null and void upon final adoption CI f the County budget for that fiscal year. The CONTRACTOR will be notifiec: 11hat funds have not been appropriated for the CONTRACT prior to any additirlllal monitoring events and before the CONTRACTOR has incurred any expem,~: s in that fiscal year. Section 4. Iither party may terminate this CONTRACT because of the failure of the other party to perform its obligations under the CONTRACT. If the County terminates this CONTRACT because of the CONTRACTOR~s failure to perfonn~ tlwn the County must pay the CONTRACTOR the amount due for all Contract 04/04/03 ) 1, 18 AM 2 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 05 work satisfa(:torily com.pleted as determined by the -County up to the date of the CONTRAC~TOR's failure to perfonn but minus any damages the County suffered as, H result of the CONTRACTOR's failure to perform. The damage amount mllst be reduced by the amount saved by the County as a result of the CONTRACT termination. If the amount owed the CONTRACTOR by the County is 110t enough to compensate the County, then the CONTRACTOR is liable for any additional amount necessary to adequately compensate the County up to the amount of the CONTRACT price. Section 5. The CONTRACTOR acknowledges and agrees that public use of any or all repcrts or other printed materials, videos, audio recordings, films and photograp'w produced as part of this Project may not be restricted under the copyright I aws of the United States of America. Section 6. l(ncords of the CONTRACTOR's direct personnel payroll and other costs and (~xpenses pertaining to the Project and records of the accounts between th~ County and the CONTRACTOR must be kept on a generally recognized accounting basis and must be available to the County. The records also mustb~ in form sufficient to permit a grant specific audit to be performed in accord:::lIlce with the rules of the Auditor General. The CONTRACTOR must keep the records for five years following the completion of the Project. Contract 04/04/03 1\: 18 AM 3 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 07 Section 7. l1"lt: CONTRACTOR acknowledges that all records, data, and documents ";:I~eated as part of the Project are public records under Chapter 119, Florida Sta:utes. As a result, they must be made available at a reasonable place and time upl)n the request of a member of the public. Failure to do so is a breach of 1I.his CONTRACT entitling the County to treat the CONTRACT as terminated em the date of the violation of Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, with the County'; obligation to pay extending only to work completed as of that date plus alrounts previously retained, if any. Section 8. Irl the course of carrying out the monitoring program, the CONTRA(~TOR may not discriminate against any employee because of race, age, creed, color, sex or national origin. The CONTRACTOR will take affirmative' action to ensure that applicants are employed, and that employees are treated! during employment, without regard to their race, age, creed, color, sex, or naticnal origin. Such action may include, but need not be limited to, the following: employment upgrading, demotion, or transfer; recruitment or recruitmeIit advertising; lay-off or termination; rates of payor other forms of compensmion; and selection for training, including apprenticeships. The CONTRAC:TOR must insert language similar to this Section in any of the CONTRA(~'TOR's subcontracts, if any, funded through this CONTRACT except for sLlbcontracts for standard commercial supplies and raw materials. Contract 04/04/03 11 :18 AM 4 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 08 Section 9. In l:arrying out the monitoring progr~' the CONTRACTOR must comply with the requirements of the Americans With Disabilities Act and federal reg\Lhtions issued under that Act. Section 10. T:H~ CONTRACTOR warrants that it has not employed, retained, or otherwise h.sld act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prolhi6ition of Section 2 of Ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or t.:mployee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 020-1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the County, in its discretion, may terminatelhis CONTRACT without liability and may also, in its discretion, deduct frOTI the CONTRACT or purchase price, or otherwise recover the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage gift, or consideration paid to the former Co.ll1ty officer or employee. Section 11. il... person or affiliate who has been placed on the convicted vendor list following a conviction for public entity crime may not submit a bid on a contract t(J~rovide any goods or services to a public entity, may not submit a bid on a contract with a public entity for the construction or repair of a public building flI public work, may not perform work as a contractor, supplier, subcontrar:tDT, or CONTRACTOR under contract with any public entity, and may not transact business with any public entity in excess of the threshold amount provided in Section 287.017 of the Florida Statutes, for the Category Contract 04/04/03 11: J 8 AM 5 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 09 two for a p(:t'iod of 36 months from the date of being placed on the convicted vendor list. Section 12. 11he CONTRACTOR agrees to maintain adequate insurance or equivalent ;ae provided in Exhibit C. Section 13. Allconununication between the- parties should be through the following individuals or their designees: Monroe Coun!:~ George Garret:, Director Department of J'..1arine Resources 2798 Oversea:':. Highway, Suite 420 Marathon, FL 33050 Reef Environmental Education Foundation Laddie Akins REEF 98300 Overseas Highway Key Largo, Florida 33037 Section 14. This CONTRACT is governed by the laws of the State of Florida. Venue for Ii tigation arising under this contract must be in a court of competent jurisdictiol'llocated in Monroe County, Florida. Section 15. The effective date of this CONTRACT is nunc pro tunc, January 1, 2002. The' termination date of the CONTRACT will be December 31,2007 THE REMAr;;jDER OF THE PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALL Y BLANK COl1tract 04/04/03 11: 1 g AM 6 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 10 Section I. IN WITNESS WHEREOF each party hereto has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative. (SEAL) Attest: DANNY ]I.,. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA .._, Deput)' (:lerk By By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) Attest: ORG~~TION Reef Environmental Educatiol ORGANIZATION Foundation ORGANIZATION By Title By Title APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LEGAL SUFFIcmNCY APPi C;VED AS TO FORM ~"I.'~~.A' SUcF..... _ . .~ .._~, ~ r 1 I!.~ A'IsSfuI:i C7~l.%Ot< ~I ~- 77 7j02 -, COtltr3ct 04/04/0311:18 AM 7 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 Ap))el\dix A 04/04/03 II: J!j AM PLANNING DEPT PAGE 11 EXHIBIT A Spiegel Grove Monitoring Project 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 12 Spiegel Gro'\'e Monitoring Project Summary Monroe County has arranged with the Reef Eo'\'iromnental Education Foundation (REEF) to COJ\duct pre-deployment and periodic monitoring of the Spiegel Grove and adjacent natural and artificial reef sites. Monitoring will document fish presence/abse:tu:e and relative abundance at eight (8) sites during six (6) monitoring eve:nts in year one and then annually thereafter for four additional years. Summ::uy reports will be provided following year one data analysis and at the end of ye~lr five. This document outlines the monitoring project to be carried out by REEF. Backeround The Spiegel <Jrove is a 510' LSD which has been placed as an artificial reef structure in till:: waters of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary. When submerged, tbe vessel became the largest ship ever intentionally scuttled to create an artificial f(;(f. The site is located at position 25 04.000' / 80 18.650' and lies offshore of the main reef tract between Molasses Reef and Elbow Reef in Key Largo. Pursu:lJlt to the approval of the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary~ a plan for pre-dl~ployment and periodic monitoring must be in place. The Reef En,'ironmental Education Foundation (REEF), is a 501 c (3) non-profit organization fc,cusing on the collection of fish diversity and abundance data by utilizing volunteer divers trained in visual identification of local species. REEF's programs are in place throughout the Tropical Western Atlantic, Coastal North America, the' Gulf of California, and Hawaiian waters. REEF's database containing o','u 54~OOO individual fish surveys is the largest database of fish sightings in thf world. REEF maintains numerous contracts with State of Florida, National Park ~;ervice, National Marine Sanctuary and Coastal Zone Management agencies to ln~)nitor fish populations in Sanctuaries~ Parks, artificial reefs and other sites 0" interest to management and scientific concerns. Data collected during these contracts are entered into REEF's on-line database and summary reports are made available to the general public as well as researchers, scientists and managers, Pur:pose It is anticipar:f d that with the sinking of the Spiegel Grove, a change in fish community structure on the sinking site will take place. This monitoring project App~dix E 04/04/03 11: 18 AM 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 13 will documenl the changes in fish presence/absence and abundance over time at the site. In addition, seven (7) nearby reef sites will be sampled to detennine any corresponding ehanges to fish populations on those sites. Additional studies being undertaken to document user pa.tterns can be combined with this data to help show what effect, :'J any, the newly placed structure may have on fish community structure. Methods Roving Dive!' Technique (RDT). The RDT is a non.point visual survey method specifically (:.{: signed to generate a comprehensive species list along with frequency and abundance estimates. During RDT surveys, divers swim freely throughout a ILve site and record every observed fish species. At the conclusion of each survey, divers assign each recorded species one of four loglo abundance categories [si~.ngle (1); few (2-10), many (11-100), and abundant (>100)]. Following the: dive, each surveyor records the species data along with survey time, depth, tempera.tu.re, and other environmental information on a REEF scansheet. The scanshec::t!: are returned to REEF, and the data are loaded into the REEF database that LS publicly accessible on the Internet at http://www.reef.arg. Once entered into the REEF database, data are displayed by geographic location, including a c(Implete species list, Sighting Frequency of each species and Density index of abUl11 dance for each species. (%SF = number of surveys reporting species / total number of surveys at that site Density scon: :;;; [(nsxl)+(nFx2)+(nMx3)+(nAx4)) / (ns + nF + nM + nA), where n is the number o.'times each abundance category was assigned) Data summary reports can also be generated for side by side site comparison and summary by ~ipecies. Sampling sch~~me The survey tc':am will be made up of REEF Advanced Assessment Team members who have all achieved a level 4 ar 5 experience level and have considerable experience arid expertise in surveying local fish populations. Eight sites (see table 1) representitl~; the Spiegel Grove sinking site, six (6) adjacent natural reefs and one (1) artit: cia} reef will be surveyed prior to deployment at no cost to the County. FClrowing deployment, the Spiegel Grove artificial reef and the remaining se"{"~n (7) sites will be surveyed monthly for the first three months, quarterly for the following three quarters and yearly thereafter. This scheme Appendix Ee04/04/03 \1: I g AM 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 14 - represents a tot:d of six (6) monitoring sessions in year I and one (1) monitoring session in yeal's two (2) through five (5). Table 1. Monitoring sites Benwood Led~,~ (60-100') Dixie Shoals Shallows (20') Rocks next to Spiegel Grove site (125') Red Can Ledge: (60-100') Benwood (30'1) Dixie Shoals L..I,~dge (60-100') Spiegel Grove :;ite (130') Red Can shalll nws (25') 2503 .155/80 19.970 2504.145' / 80 19.315' 25 04.180' /80 18.730' 25 04.308' / 80 18.9091 2503.160 / 8020.020 2504.213' / 80 18.971' 25 04.000' / 80 18.650' 25 04.610' / 80 18.935' Site descri1)tiQ!~ The 8 sites to he surveyed represent a broad range of nearby natural and artificial structure. Th:~ Spiegel Grove site is represented by barren, level sand bottom with a depth of approximately 130'. The closest structure to this site is a small patch of rocky substraie located approximately 2/10ths of a mile from the proposed sinking location in a dl;~pth of approximately 125'. The nearest substantial reef structures are the naturnl reef edges at Dixie Shoals and the Red Can buoy approximately 4/1 Oths of a mHe shoreward of the sinking site. These reefs are sloping drop-offs represented by low profile hardbottom with sparse coverings of small corals and sponges. Ap]l'lJOximately 7/10ths of a mile inshore from the sinking site, lie Dixie Shoals Shalhnvs and the Red Can Shallows, 2 hardbottom areas of moderate rugosity repn:s~nted by low profile structure and moderate coral cover. These sites represent the nearest shallow water coral reef communities to the sinking site. More than 1 roile to the south lies another steeply sloping drop-off and the wreck of the 'Norwegian freighter Benwood. This site represents the closest artificial reef and harbors a large diversity and abundance of fish. Additional historical baseline data collecte,J as part of the REEF program (more than 2,150 surveys) are available for:he surrounding high profile reefs including Molasses, French, Elbow, Key Largo Dry Rocks and Grecian Rocks. Al'l'endix E 04/04103 11:]8 AM 04/14/2003 15:48 305-289-2535 PLANNING DEPT PAGE 15 Reporting Following year 1 of monitoring, a summary report will be produced outlining temporal changes in species composition and populations on the Spiegel Grove site. In additilJI'l, analysis of the 7 reference sites will be conducted to document any change in (:omposition or abundance at those locations. Summary data reports will be generaie:d from the REEF database as well as site similarity comparisons. Similar annual reports will be provided for each succeeding year of the CONTRACT. A final report will be provided in year five which analyzes changes at the Spiegel Grove site over the five year period and provides comparison information between the Spiegel Grove monitoring site and the other seven (7) identified above:. Appendix E 04/04/03 11: 18 AM