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Item C31
BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of lease (offer) agreement with the US Government (GSA) for Transportation Security Administration office space at the Key West International Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND: In order to meet TSA's demand for office space, it was necessary to expedite a lease offer. The lease offer was faxed to the General Services Administration January 31, 2003. Upon execution by the GSA, the lease offer was returned to the Airport as a lease agreement. tjRtV1UU6 RELEVANT BOCC ACTION. Approval for TSA to occupy office space on a month to month basis pending an approved lease agreement., 10/16/02 UUN i KAU I /AVREEMENT CHANGES: New lease 1 At-t- RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A COST TO AIRPORT: N/A COST TO PFC: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes APPROVED BY: County Attorney X KEY WEST AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAI DOCUMENTATION: Included X DISPOSITION: BUDGETED: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS N/A AMOUNT PER /YEAR: $20,342.00 OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X - To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # / /bev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: US Government Effective Date: 10/1/02 Expiration Date: 9/30/07 Contract Purpose/Description: Lease for office space for the Transportation Security Administration Contract Manager: Bevette Moore # 5195 Airports - Stop # 5 (name) (Ext.) (Department/Courier Stop) for BOCC meeting on: 4/16/03 Agenda Deadline: 4/2/03 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: Revenue Producing Current Year Portion: Budgeted? N/A Account Codes: Grant: N/A County Match: N/A ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: N/A For: . (not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Yes No Airport Manager 4-1--/D3 ( ) Risk Management 3 /d�/ U 3 ( ) O.M.B./Purchasing1/�__� ( ) County Attorney 3 /aLt / 0 3 ( ) ( ) Comments: \y Reviewer Rob Wolfe Date Out .pan 3C 03 01:38F 01-29-03 17:11 Frun-GSA PARS FT LAUD ins• CiQ1[EBN � �fp ROPEBTY +954356T675 P-Z T-970 P.02/11 F-261 LEASE NvmaeR GS-04 B-42843 PART I •80LICITATIONrDESCRIP TION OF Rl_QUIREMENTS (To be completed by Gvvernmrnt A. REQUIREMENTS The Government of this United Statoc of Aml:rioa is seeltin a to lease approximately 3,g50 rentable Airport or within a 5-minute drive than November 1, 2002 for a term of S from the air square feet of office space located in the Key West International Air feet of AN51lBOMA Office Area Tears total, 2 year$ firm, Rentable space Fort for occupancy not later (previously Usable) for usEr.b p must yield a minimum at 3.000 square INITIAL OFFERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE CLOSE y Tenant for personnelfurnishing e and equipment. B. STANDARD CONDI'trONS AND REQUIREMENTS The following standard conditions and requirements shall a i CBlletl the GOVERNMENT)' pp y to �^Y ►uemlcec ollered for lease to the UNITED STATES OF s Space offered must be In a quality Dutldlng of sound and substantial conldructlon, elther a n AA1�RICA (nerem]Rer rehabilitation for the intended uee new, modern bliuding or one that has underporTe realDrauon or - The Lessor shall provide a valid Occupancy Permit fot the intended use of Ilse Government all oppllcable current (36 of Ine date of th:s sollCltation) coder, and ordinances. Below Lhall building c Goriod to system thazardous areas" In Notional Fire Protection gsspci,y)Dn SfenpTtla any success., maintainand elands preda 'Paco to operate the bulldmg In conformance Wig automatic 6prinklar system or an oqulvetent level of safety. A minimum of "IlOn Sate and 101 � accupled by the Government and afi me>1s In a 5o1r:6or stairs wilt trc cauntea ea one ctalrvyay. If oRered space Ili three cr standard thereto, must De protected by an apply "11y5 shad) , Provided for each floor of Govern quir occupancy. more T11Ones aoove grade, addrtionei egroes end fire alarm requremonts may Tne BUlldtna and the leased space shall be accessible to workers with cmabltlrle6 In aceorganCe � the Americans Wllh GlsablAhes Guldefines (36 CFR Part 1191. App. A) and the Uniform Federal Accessfnlllry Stanaer t6 FED, STD. 795, Oateq April 1 19!3. and amended by Federal Prppe Ma (Federal Re Islr. ACT Accesslblllty March 28, 1989), Where stangards COFIMLt, the more stringent shall apply, n49emenl Regulations CFR 41, 5ubpaR 101o. �19.G A53. ppepGx 9a4'crFecuea as The leased apace shall be free of ail asoesto6 conieinln9 materiels, exropl undnma ad R I2G28, insulation outside the space, in which case an asbeelos management ,r P ang to S vtro flooring In the spaeo or undamogeo boi(ej -, pi ImDlementad. The space shall De free of Other Hazardous materials scconiirlfr tOappt�;,�b� Fedeg to Envrnonmontat protQnrcn A en _ 1 � SenlCes uhhber:, and maintenance will be provided da11y, extending from 6 a.m. to 7 m except State, and Iacul envirenmenIAI nc auD bane sn&, be shell have access to the leestw space at nil lanes, including the use of electrical seryjCe9 Deets` B elevators, and Gmam rdditlonat payment. Y undo , and Federal hotioaya Tne Gove,n-rent -'- - - ment Office rr.s:n,ner; m!ri t TAKING SPACE IN 'AS ;G' CW.VTION sERvecEG ANo ununEa R-ua wEaz P'V""' Mf Lec■fl, &6 Den o1 eenn X X ELECTRiCIIY X X X X AOWLR (Lcee.el La„p.) X WATER ) X AIR CONDITOe.PNO IWF6 Cole X TC'l.n 9VPpUES X qVA✓. X �ANITDRIAL �'AY a BUPP Offerors Enould also Include the following wish their offers. ELEVATOR SERVICE I.,,_ ePn I V4A0crW.4e4&,W F�evuonQ See R���� 14EAAr1A7t: ♦npueneY See AAc k WITTAL & RCP1A—`•— GeMENT plr.tc. LAMPS. TUDEts 8 BALIA8T5 (Soec.Y eeb..) ticabe See R!0 —'Ybpt Ateei ��� NOTE: All offers are Subject to line terms and conditions outlined above, General Clauses and Rep►oseniatrvns and Certirleations. and oisewhere in this solicitation, including the Government's a I OF AWARD X THE ACCEPTABLE OFFER MTN T>iE LOWEST PRICE PER SQUARE FOOT, A WHICH MEANS THE AREA WHERE A TENANT NORMALLY rrouz CCY)ItDINC TO THE ANS ES P��NNEL ANprpR FVR MOMA295.1.1Ytla DEFINITION FOR BOMA US OFFER M06T ApvANTAGE0V8 TO THE a0YERNMENT, WITH �TW+E. FOR WHICN ABLE OFFICE AREA H THE FOLLOWING A MEASVREMENT IS TO BE COMPUTTO APPROXIMATLL Y QOVAL TO PRIG _ SKiNIFICANTLY CEEB IMA EVALVA71ON FACTORS BQINC ORTANT THAN pRrCE ILn1ed in debt SIOMFI[ANTLy A/pAE "RTANT T„AN PRICE • a Devi vnieee eutsd Amavbe): nrRIMMA. ---VI -Mb AUMINISTRATION GSA Forth 3626 (Rev. 9.01) PeeMlaed by Aiii noti.1=A MAR-31-03 ]0:0B FROM:MONROE COUNTY' ATTV OFFICE 1D 3052923516 PACE 0!-20-03 17-:11 From -GSA PARS FT LAUD 465435616T5 T-6TD ?.03/I. F-161 ...,.......v ..� °•.rorw. A. IOJrAT10N AND OESCR(PTIpN OF p Irtvnal s NAME AND CATION AWLO"(OpeurdslWCad.) REMISES OFFEREQ FOR IEASc 8Y G OVERNMENT KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT ( IOCAn ° FLaORt9> 0kr1 W ev.f.o,No 3451 S IlQUSEVELT BLVD o ROOM AtyyD li4(S) KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 WA 2ND c RENTAOt,E 60. R c Ttpb See Y r'E►t%'% OFPCE Addehdun A for WARErOVSo sQ tt. --,-1--- F TERM To nave AnC to redid, tar "'le term Commencing an Oclobe► t 2002 end atn,nWh9 then Scotem , ^'t +Ostia al any time an or Otter Aprd 30, 2003, by Giving ry nB At «:aYt 30 dayi bet 3Q i-0� �1QUtihE Zn6 Gcyornmehl may tcTmrnil0 nalrce if, wrR;n le —nation S319 nOpCe ehMb be com a to Iho 1t99or h� renlal Ina.( acc+va Sher Inr etlaNror Die or puled commemm�p „Nth the say ahn inn dale of matlirlG C RENTAL Of th anm bo oayeblc in ertlrarG and w 11 be out on Ina Lret wortcda of Oe ;h morn r ' Of me month, 1111 IMGeI MIX payment shell be WrTen I due on the Ar6l �+O"Wayol the ins aO'e for cortrrane Inan r mentn anan ae prorelod Benno mantra faltow,n •mem or !nr Ica36 leaf &no( the 15•n a,T p tno ec-,. rT�n�menl -MouvroA• cN A Y 1. RENT ♦ R7 ,,1 dsto Rent Inr (a PanoO 0! 1:12 p yA,(p C+QL1ct DA. c —�^-+— Awouwrr es ANNu"l a[Nr .Ra ai, See AdOCnOum A Tar rare Structure ° gATt PER %PON" TRS 1.2 RAT6 PEA MON7N YAe 3�5 see Aaoondum A •e:- TO /ti°,m. •w.eur .11 AIRPORT OPERATION d MAINTENANCE KWIA 3401 S. ROpSEVELT BLVD KEY WEST. FLORIDA.T30a> ' 0' NAME AND AODREty OF Ow..ER f,M uaN to rm - ^anrUary j • A.q.s•erd Or Ih :•.os^.•„ .-O eat c-.v . ! MONROE COUNTY T a •"W4,9 •AwJ � KEY WEST MTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 4AF OVEO As 3401 S ROOSEVELT BLV.^ T R KEY WEST. FLORIDA 33040 M yR�aERT Plff TEIEDIIONe KUMeER OF OWNER , "� °C j^nERCST.N pROPertTr nc aFnroN D4TF 305-292-3518 rawwe OWNER )(AUTNOA[ZEo AG6AT t � NAMe Oc OwTtER OR AulnonQeO Aotrt - 1] PETER MORTON TRLE Oi: • GTrtER (Brae.: f} CRSONr,oN.Nc EOFoW d:KORAUT"OA Q0A NJ - AIRPORTMANAG R DA:I: 16 Gr'F ft RLMA!NS OPEN VNTiL O.Ip►M PART In - AWARD 179 Oq.I omNeud by Govel�man(J Your offer II nereoy a tea This award eo (b) Repreevnfatlona ^ ^^�N6 Ina lease whkn conlatu end CaRl6cettons, (c) {ht Gotrammenfc Genetat Claw/t:s. and or u/e ro119w,n AnOchment 1 - 5401ett10nt31 LvAgo Reowe (d) the ]otto.,q ana 0 7ccumaMa (a) Rua GSA Form MO. Rnd Rent S mplfi lot Smarr L6eC06, Attdtfimehl 2 - g, niac>< cr za7nlonr meats of agreac to try ym: Wciws , Layou{ of SpOee Lease Coct 6reakdo,r,,, Summ W. Addendum A - Sauete FDOtOpa THIS DoCUp,MENT IS NOT 6110I100 ON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE UIjITED STgTEB OF AUT"ORIZEO CONTRACTING OFFICER. AMERICA UNLESS SIGNED BELOW 9Y t1a NAME OF C'ONTRA[1MtC t7FFl[Ea �v /r'' o�►unrRe DF cONrQ°RT A /, r •>c oATE _ � `AL ICES ADMINISTRATION Pali, 9,2 GSA Form 3626 (Aev. O.Ot) PN°c"O" M MD aaoo 12A . ' 1 P--; jan 31 03 10:38a 01-79-03 17:12 From -GSA PARS FT LAUD p.2 +9543567675 T-9T0 P.04/11 F-161 ADDENDUM A — SQUARE 1=OOTAGE AND RENT STRUCTURE TO GSA FORM 3626 LEASE CONTRACT # GS-04B 42843 The Rentable Square Footage (RSF) and Rant Structtnre uncier this lease shall be as follows; Tpryn ___ Fully Serviced 10/01/02 thru 1121/03 300 01/22/03 thru 09/30/03 700 329.06 $29.06 $8,718.00 $726.50 $20,342.00 $1,695.17 2c Cc I E,: �_p F . -t SFC► No. 2FLO353 TSA Ke�WeS�orida ATTACNMENT01 A-qPPLEMENTAL L UIRCMENr3 1,0• MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1. RENTABLE SPACE (JUN 1994) Rentable space is the area for which a tenant is charged rent. It is determined uy the building owner and may very by city or by building within the same ,;i tY• The rentable space may include a. sharp r building vary by city or areas such as elevator lobbies, buildin typically include restrooms, janitor rooms, telephone closets corridors, and floor land areas. aloof service areas rentable space generally does not include vertical building g y Ica rooms. as stairs, elevator shafts and vertical ducts, g Penehations and their enclosing walls, such as 1.2. BOMA USABLE SQUARE FEET (JAN 1997) (a) For the purposes of this solicitation, the Government recognizes the BOMA Managers Association) International standard (ANSI1BOMq 7_65.1-1990) definition for Office Area, means 'the area where a tenant normal) (Building Owners and to be combuted.'• Y houses personnel and/or furniture. for which a mcasueomentci5 (b) BOMA Usable Square Feet shall be computed b SURFACE of the Office side of con;Uurs (carnoors in measuring the area ordinances to provide an acceptable levy I of place as well as those reglr°S� byyl cal codes end eiemens) and other permanent walls, the DOMINAN POF�TIONy andio, o Provide access to essentia' building 50% more than the floor-to-reilinr� dimension (see Z65.1 PENETRATION and the center of partitions that separate the area being ) (permanent walls which are of building exterior walls, measured r MAdUK VERTICAL AREA Where alcoves, recessed entrances, g Usabie Square Feet shall be computed as if the deviation were not�'rom the corridor adjoining OFFICE pcleviatireser�, �� wont. (c) Off rs a squired to submit plans and Amy other information to Yields A Usable space within the required BOMA Usable range. The Government that the rentable space thp 3moun* BOMA Usable square footage and convert the rentable whit 'If bsequently be used in the price evaluation. Refer to GSA orme36 ovemment will verify es, Prices offered to BOMA Usable prices, sp ific spat equirements. 1.3. COMMON AREA FACTOR (JAN 1997) 26 and Attachment2 for If applicable, Offerors shall provide the Common Area Factor owner and applied by the owner to the SOMA Us�tt>le Square Feet to determine the rentable s uar (a conversion or(s) determined by the building offered space). , 1.4. LOCATION q e eet for the {a) AREA 07 CONSIDERATION The suct:e offered must be wlthln the below clelineated'boundaries: City: Key West International Ai ort, Key West,- iohda 'Located at the airport or within a 5-minute drives of the airport lined above. b RK 3 REQUIREMENTS A imum of two (2) reserved on -site, nuhioor a nt to the proposed buildin P''n9 sP3ces ore required imn►�,Jielely outside and cal c e requirements, g The parking to square foot ratio available on -site must meet current lU �� - ill � �Zj INITIALS: I FSSORg GOVT SFO #2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS I.S. NECOTIATIONS (APR 1998) (a) The Government reserves the right to award a lease pursuant to this solicitation based on initial no such award is made, negotiations will be conducted on behalf of the Contracting Officer or other authorised n:: offers. If second page of the form 36Z6 included irrPthisesp Live. The GSA Govemment by the GSA term, an renewal periods, and an other as ect of the offer as deemed Officer is i named on the y P y p GSA will negotiate rental price for the initial eemed necessary, (b) The Offeror shall not enter into negotiations concerning the space leased or to be leased with representatives of Federal agencies other than the Contacting Officer or designee. (c) Tire Contracting Officer will conduct oral or written at with all competitive range. The competitive range wilt be established b the a Offerors that are within the cost or price and other factors (if any) that are stated in this y e Contracting a reasonable chance of being selected for solicitati g Officer on the basis of award, on and will include all offers that have (d) Offerors will be provided a reasonable opportunity to submit an to their offers that may result from the neg,3tiations. Negotiationsy C0� or cclos ce, technical, or other revisionsbst and Final" offers, w;r f e close0 with submfSsion o' -best 1.6. PRICE EVALUATION (PRESENT VALUE) (JAN 1997 (a) If annual CPI adjustments in operating expanses are irruluded O1Te with the total "gross" annual price per rentable square foot and a Ye c square foot for services and utilities (operatin row ar required to submit their offer 9 expenses) to break -it o, the "base price per rentable shall include the "base" price, provided by the Lessor. The gross' price (b) Offer a required to submit plans and :an \A yields MA Usable space within the y other information to derrcnstrate that the rentabie soace tl dmou o OMA Usable square footage aarrt;rcon redBOMA Usable ren2ablerorfgP� wh. will su equently be used in the price evaluation, t The Government win verify tt,c �j P ce offend to BOMA Usable ori&_-s, - (c) If the offer include-- annual adjustments in , 4 foot from which adjustments are made will b; crating expenses, the base periods. the base price for the terry. `price Per BOMA Usable square `the lease, including anv option (d) Evaluation of offers will be on the basis of the annua option periods. The Government will Pnce Per SOMA �sabfe s BOMA Usable square foot to a corn ill Perform Present value rice square foot, including any P are 0:: on .e reducing the prices per Usable square'o�t once, as follows: (1) Parking areas will be excluded from the types of space, the gross atotal square footage, but not from the Price. For different per square foot rental by the total square foulaye minus these areas. Price will be deterrri ied b dfferent y dividing the tote; annual (2) If annual adjustments in operating expenses will not be m will be discounted annuallygross present at a percent to yield a ade, the gross annual per square foot price t value cost (PVC) per square foot. (3) If annual adjustments in operating expenses will be made, thebase cost o' operating expenses, will be discounted annually a annt R I per square foot price, minus the square foot. The operating expenses w,11 be both escalated percent to yield s net PVC per discounted annually at 8 percent, then ad, at 4 percent compounded annually and jed to the net PVC to yield -.he gross PVC. (4) To the gross PVC will be aUded: The cost of Government Provided services not included in the rental escalated at 4 Percent compoundpri annually and discounted annually, at a percent P The annualized (over the full tenrr) Per BOMA Usable square fO to be reimbursed in a lump sum payment. (The cost of theca cost Of any p cssnt items t cs which are e it wili not be discounted.) (a) The sum of Dither (2) and (4) or t3) and (d), above, will be the per BOMA Usable square foot Presentvalue of the offer for pi ic;n evaluation purposes. INITIALS; LESSOR 8 covT 9 - SFO # 2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE �J REQUIREMENTS . PEA__ w __ . . U3:, ?:, 07- 1L:O2F F -o 1.7. REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS For the purposes of this SFO, Equis is the authorized representative of the GSA. However, a GSA Officer must execute the lease. Equis will be pursuing any commissions that the by common commercial real estate practice. cuGt �ummlSSlons Snflll be a Contracting certified check, corporate check (or electronic funds transfer a would have been entitled to of a but no later than the lease commencement dal•:. For ) due in accordance with t local laws -and cue Equis in the rs toms be treated as a lump sum credit with the procedures For purposes Of Pa Price evaluation, any commission shall (PRESENT VALUE)" of this Solicitation. ra ra h 9 P t.6 'PRICE EVALUATION 1.8. OPERATING COSTS ADJUSTMENT (a) Beuinning with the second year of the lease and each year after, the Governnent shall pay adjusted for changes in costs for cleaning services, supplipg materials, maintenance trash removal, adjuJansc water, sewer charges, heating, electrici 1 rent The negotiated and agreed upon applicable r�`rtai listed on;n;live expenses attributable to occupancy. Cost Statement, will be used to determine ttrtt base rate for operating costs adjustment. (b) The amount of adjustment will be determincrd by multiplying the base Cost of Living Index. The percent change will be computes b co rate b the the month prior to the lease commenceme+nt date with the index fiparirg the index figure published fercent of changic in or begins each successive 12-month period. For example, a lease which commences in June of 1985 would figure published for the month which rrlZe the index publiened for May of 19©5 ai'tl WEt figure w May of 1986, May of 1987, and so on, to dcrterrninethe ouid/be corn be measured by the U.S. Department of Labor revised Pared with the index published for percen, change. the Cost of Living Index will al workers, U.S. City average• all items fipirre, ttgg2�4 ° �00 er Price index for wage earners and clerical Payment will oe made with the monthly installment of fixed rent.Rentalad u the anniversary date of the lease. Pa Y ttie Bureau or Labor Statistics. workday of the second month following the Publication Of rental e 1 StmentS will be effective on rate will become due on the first le:�se commencement date. the Cost of Livino Index for the month prior tio the (c) If the Government exercises an option to extend the lease term at term, the option once will be based unhe ,3dJustmQnt tlunn t the same rate as that of the original continue. g the original! t. erm J Annual adjustments will C� (d) Xd t of any decreasPc in the Cost of I_ivin Index the rental amount will be reduced ac o dinct occurring during rn the same manner as increases in rent Provided undey. r this clause amount suchheeductions xnOccupancy Ul under i �) (e) The otter must clearly state whether the rental is firm throughout annual adjustment of operating costs as indicated above, If ghoulOperato 9 ut the term of the lease or if it is subject to Should hP specified on the Attachment #2, "Lease Costs Breakdown 9 costs will be subject to adjustment, it in this solicitation. Summa 1.9 REAL ESTATE TAX ADJUS nr •contained elcawhore 7 MENT GSAR 552.2.70-24 (1998) building and/or the land upon which the buildi (a) Real estate taxes, as referred to in this clause, are onl ng is located. w those regard to benefit to the property,`for fi1XP.0 which are asseeccd against the Purpose of funding general government sen•ices, Real estate general and/or special assessments, business improvement district assessments or an the future taxes or governmental charges that tyro esent or im taxes shalt not include, without (imitation, and/or the land upon which the building is located. P°sr3d upon Lessor or assessed against therBuilding (b) Base year taxes as rAfarrPd to ;n this clause ,re the reel estate taxes fur the first twelve (11) month period coincident with full assessment, or may be an amount negotiated by the parties that reflects an upon base for a fully assessed value of the property. agreed (c) The term 'cull assessment" as referred to in this clause means that the taxing all contemplated improvements to the assessed property in the value for newly constructed projects or for Projects a jurisdiction has considered P 1 under construction, conversion, e renovation arttwill not bP sari for ectablishing the Govemmerrt's base year for taxes.ssessments (d) The Lessor shall furnish the Contracting Officer with said land and buildings for real estate taxes ri,erooncopies of all nob as well as all n�u s of tacreC t� aletaXcm may affethluation of b11S and g INITIALS: LESSOR 8 OOV'1' SFO 4 2FL03S3 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS v �.. U-- 1:.: UDC C all paid lax receipts, or where tax receipts are not lean, the Contracting Officer (hereinafter, evidence of given, other similar evidence of payment acceptable e Prompt Payment clause of this lease, GS,�R 552.232 giant), and a proper invoice thereof, for each year that real estate taxes an: nhcurred d� of the (as described in the such documents are due within ten 10 adjustment including the calculation evidence of payment shall be submitted within sixty g e tease term h any extension thereof, All ( are days of receipt except that the due from the Lessor to the taxing submitted within �' (60) calendar days after the date pthe tax roper rpayme tice f is payment within such time frame shall bee a pallum to eubmit the Proper invoice and evidence Ot waiver of the right to receive Payment resulting from an increased tax adjustment under this clause (e) The Government snarl make a single annu;hl rum p Sum payment in real estate taxes during the lease term over the amount established as the base year taxes, or receive a rental credit or lump sum payment for its share of any decreases ;� the Lessor for its share of any increase below the amount established as the bare year taxes. The amounad a lreal ump taxes during the lease term shall be based upon evidence of valuation and payment submitted b tit, p sum payment or rental credit in accordance with paragraph (d). Y Lessor to the Contracting Officer (a) In the event of an increase in taxes over the base year, the Lessor shall submit 9 tax adjustment including the caiculabon thereof together with evidence of Officer. The Government shalt be responsibleProper invoice of the year taxes only if the proper for payment to the Contracting P per Invoice and eviden�YOfent o1 any tax incrcaso over the beae within sixty (60) calendar days after the date the tax Payment is submitted by the Lessor taxing authority. The due date for making payment shall be the try due from receipt of evidence of ( m the Lessor to the payment by the Officer or the thirtiethe30tih0cath) calendar day after anniversary date of the lease, wh:chevc,• is later. If the lease terminates before the end of a tax year, ( )calendar day after the payment for the tax increase due as a •esult of this section for the tax year or the numtwr of days the Government occupied the space. No increase will be unless all evidence of valuation and � � �e Prorated based on Officer. The Government's payment f> ra itsesharevc'been previous'y submittedptto the uContr'6c charges, interest, or penalties imposed by the taxing autAnntreal e to taxes sitar! not inGude any late - charges, paying such taxes or charges. v as a result of the Leeeor's delinquency a. in the event of a decrease in taxes from the base the Lessor shall notify the Contracting Year, or in the event of any refund or tax deduction. Government shall be entitled to and shall receive a credtl f re with pare to the Premises encumbered oy this lease, graph (d) of this clause. The the prorate reduction in taxes applicable payment for that year. The Government's ah�aafithe edit whether be Determined In accordance with paragraph (f) of this clause and shall be taken as a deduction he Government has made a tax Government after the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease �cludin resulting from a decrease in rent. Any credit due the assessment; or a tax appeal Proceeding for pursuant to a tax credit due the L"sor; a g but not limited to credits a lump sum payment to the Government or asyarentall credir of the t Lease, or reduction in the tax portion thereof shall be made by by the Contracting Officer. The Lessor shall remit any lump sum y SUCCeedirg lease as determined fifteen (15) calendar days of payment by the taxing auth lump to m payment to the the credit due to the Government is not paid by the due date, interest shall accrue on sor's esigekt within ty Lessor or the Lessor's thes designee. If ent at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury of 1973 (�11 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on rite, day under Section 12 of the Contractld disputes Act accrue daily on the amount of the credit and be after the due date. The interest penalty shall from the first day after the due date through the compounded in thirty Payment date. The Government day increments inclusive pursue the outstanding balance of any t,zx credit using all such collection methods as arc available to the United States to collect debts. Such - Government shall have the right to ,allection rights shall survive the expiration of this lease. (iii) The requirements stated in this paragraph are applicable to each and eve ry to effect (or portion thereof, dependent upon the other proof of tax payment must be submitted expiration date of the lease) A which the cease is mutually obligated to fully disclose to the other each year. The A paid tax receipt ror e assessment year. Should the Lessor rail to submitt taXiher amount of deb(ticred'tment rincuned ed the ach tax preceding years and subsequently sub.zhit a tax r receipts indicating Government is entitled to be furnished copies a receipt indicating n Government credits for intervening period ti time between tax receipt s aid to i receipts g d Process t is due the Lessor, the P pts and process all adjustments for the N e a� / r Y the Lessor. If the credit due to the INITIALS: LESSOR t� SFO # 2FLO353 & GOV'T SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS Pdr_= A nc .. -J _-, 0L i... .J�c F . c Government is not paid by llte due date, interest Shall accrue on the late payment at the rate established by the Secretary of the Treasury under Section 12 of the Contract disputes Act of 1978 (41 U.S.C. 611) that is in effect on the: day after the on the amount of the credit and be ocrnpounded in thirty ue date. The interest penalty shall accrue daily day after the due date through the pavment date. The (30) day increments inclusive from the first outstanding balance of any tax credit using all such collection meat Shall 111 have are the eiright to to the United States to collect debts, Such collection rights shall survive? the expiration of this lease. (a) The Government shall pay its share of tax increases or receive its share cog an ratio of the rentable square feat occupied by the Government to the building or complex y tax decrease based on the percentage of occupancy sent the date hereof of Occupancy). For 0/ the ��► rentable srltrara feet in the Purpose a this .lease, the Government's to take into account additions or reductions of the ma ourt of ssace� ge shall tnt subject to adjustment or amendmPrit� hereto. The block and lot/ b building(s) and parking areas(s) occupied under this lease are utherpt°entifi avonn mbersnfor� the lad inlease (b) The Government may direct the Lessor upon reasonable notice to initiFtc a tad appeal may decide to contest the tax assessment on behalf of Government alone. The Lessor shall furnish to the the Govemrren! abc andtne LesyorGorefomtehe assessment in accordance with the filing requirements of the taxment ing au. r necessary It sa for Government the to contest ule tax assessment on is own behalf or on behalf of the Gcvemmeeryandtheeal of the tax Lessor shell Cooperate and use all reasonal�fe efforts includingcs the documents, executing documents required for an leg but not lira to LPG SCr, the may be reauired. If the Lessor initiates an appeal on b hal of ice d affirming the accuracy s Proceeding and taking such other actions as Lessor will enter into an agreement to establish a method for sharing Gov Qrmen,, the Government and the expenses arid tax savings. (c) For the purposes of tax appeal, the fnllowing information mint be provideC d-i,ty lease negotiations; 1 • County/state in which property tax is paid i� 2. Date Gx till's are issued by county 3• Date tax bills must be paid to county 4. Date paid tax receipt must be submitted to the Government for Cr:rata ad days fron the date payment is due from the Lessor to the 5. Lost date or timeframe in which tax a t.strrtent (60 calendar appeals may be filed in 60un? r, t d 6. Address cj county tax office for appeal Y 'red above 1.10.ALTERATIONS $100,000 OR LESS (JAN 1997) (a) The unit prices which the Offeror is required to list will be used, upon accectance b GSA year of the lease to price alterations costing $100,000 or less. These rc�negoGatcd to 3oply to aubaequen Y curing the first Government. years of the lease upon mutual agreement oes fythe Lessebe e and (b) Where unit prices for alterations are not available, the ` Proposal for the alterations. Orders will be pl;loed b Lo or G be Agreement, a GSA Form 300, Order Y issuance aurateu to provide t price for Supplies or of a GSA Fcrm 276, Supplemental Lease ciauses entitled "GSAR 552.232-71 prompt paymenr' an es, S a tenor, agency (Variation)" apply to orders for alterations. All orders are subject d to 5.92.232g72 invoice aRequirements to the terms and conditions of this lease. (c) Orders may be placed by the Contracting Officer, the GSA when specifically authorized to do Sub the buildings man21-r Lessor With a list of a en y Contracting Officer. The Con "- agency pfrtace� will providecffie authority delegated to tenant agency cals authorized to place orders and will specify imitations on the the Lessor on any other matter . officials. The tenant agency officials are not authorized to deal with (d) Payments for alterations ordered by tenant agencies will be made directly by the ages placing agency P g the order. spaca INITIALS: LESSOR a G SFO # 2 FL.0353 OVT SUPPLEMENTAL. LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 5 OF is u:- . u : udP r•'�' 1,1XRAI WAIVER ( ereby waives and forever I� apes or restnr-Ation arising from or rO 3ed to anY ght to makeaclaimio agair,s; the Govemmer; for during the term of this lease Or 2 ny extensions. Alterations may be and/or the Lessor including initial buildo�ccslmp lien o� rC„�,val of any aiterauon by the equired during the lease period. At the Govemma mp'eted by either the a r termination of the lease contract wiH become the ere as° space ar,dlor any subsequent j nYs � sole Discretion, oroperty roms�n�ng ;,- 1.13. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER PAYMENT (APR 1998 p°m cf the Lessor. (a) Payments under this Ieasn will be made t ) award, but no later than 30 days before the first eovemcnt b Payment, the Lessor hta;lnapio fun�i' rransfar (ElT). Hner for receipt of EFT payments, and shall submit this desigration b Government official, as directed. srgna e n financial institution. the Contra�ing pfficer o� other (b) The Lessor shall provide the following information: The American Bankers Association 9-dig;t identifying number rocciving payment k the institution li 9- ig, access identifying the F for wire t eaeral OMmuniMnsfers a the financing institution Reserve Communications System. (1) Number of account to which funds are to be deposited. (2) Type of depositor account ("C" for checF.i1i9, "S„ for savings). It the Lessor is a new (3) completed before payment enrollee be procelssed stem, a "Payment Infnm,ation Form,- gc 388 1, mu-.t be (c) In the event the Lessor, during the performance of this contract, elects to designate a • institution for the reccsiut of any payment made using EFT required information specified above must be received b g drfferer, financial procedures, notification of such change and the than 30 days prior to the date such change is to become eff the a Ppropriate Govemment official no later active, (d) The documents furnishing the information required d title, and telephone number of the Lessor or anauthorized repr sentativeadQ dand esignated by the signature, well as the Lessor's name and lease number. by the Lessor, as (e) Lessor failure to properly designate a financial institution or to Properly due. information may delay payments of amounts otherwise P ro due. ap oropnafe payee bank account INIT►AL& LESSOR SFO # 2FL03S3 a GOUT """LEIVIFNTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS Dery r nr .. u. 1C: udp 2.0. BUILDING SYSTEMS AND FINISHES ,. l 2.1. HV IR CONDITtONf AND V 'v 0 C e� � t H A C VENTILATION SYSTEM Ts shall be mai in, between 68'F and 72°F during the heating 7the cooling eason in order to maximize tenant satisfaction. These temperatures must be mh a cooling a leased premises to service areas, 9 ¢Pacer and between must and heration ecified in the lease. The Lessor shall be required to start the HV regardless of outside temperatures, during the em ing or night in urder for the Erntire space t0 be at the required temperature ate start of the da onal cost to the Government. r\ 5iX�an s ha tiny and cooling are not permitted. Arexce a heat gain or heat loss, or affected b beently cost lied. Y solar radiation at different times of the day, shall J 2.2. LECTRICAL he Lessor shall be responsi a for meeting the applicable requirements of t c es conflict, the more srri pant standard shall apply. All rcccreme s Of local 1 g co fis an ordinance, hall be filler an ordinatod with the to nt buildout. . t✓1 (a) D lex wall outlets call be provided on the basis of I per'100 60%,;, Ucahle Square r=ect rr• the office so e. If Govern nt varies from this amount, the Lessor and the befo proceedin with construction of the Governments leased spaCeGovemment wiG negotiate the puce (b) Dedica d zpe al electrit;di rrcx outlets rre ending to said re�cles eptac es SrZ'Ilsb Provided dl be colo sd finedIffd ntiin the additional attachments. Duplex V fourplex t e finished floor surface, and shall he used only for office Px�nsed o capierS and special eouipment. Cable Shall not be } from the standard duplex ar.d � � (c) The Les r y be required to provide separate data, tele ho I� feed co nedio s to Government -provided modular or s � pnc�e� and electric wall o lets or n or penetrations. Raceway;; may be Junction boxes for the base Y umiture, when such feed-, ore supplied via b7 the ectrical, to hone, and data cable. The Lessor shaghrouohout the furniture panels to distribute P con ections to th furniture at designated junction points a rerovide ali electrical service wiring and u c buns shall be vided in accordance with the Tenant Improve ent design intent drawings. A se; Cluster intent at floor or wall c nsi r gr of 1 data ostler box, 1 telephone junction box, and 1 electrical junction box shall comprise a luster group. Each IeGrical junction shall contain an 8-wire feed consisting L` 120.volt circuits with 1 cutml and 1 ground wire, and a 120-volt Isolate _ 1 isolated -ground wire. 20-amp. circuit Shall have no of three general-purpose isolated -ground *' mput r' receptacles. The more "computer- on and circuit re 1 neutral and more than 6Beneral-purpose receptacles or 4 accordance with the Sept ber 21. 1983 editiof F circuits shall a installed in Federal Iniormat?on Prooeecing Standards pub. 94. 2.3. TEL HON ;DISTRIBUTION AND EQUIPMENT (JAN 1997) � Telep n all outlets shall be provided on file basis of I per 100 SOMA Usable Square Feet. The Lessor ensure t all 'outlets and associated wiring used to transmit telecomruunication (voice) service to the work to iN be safe) concealed in floor ducts, i shall y walls, or columns. Wall outlets shall be provided with rings and ull strip to facilitate the installation of cable. 2.4. TELXe I ATIONS AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION (a) shall be responsible for providing and installing all conduit and electrical wiringfrom t nications and electrical equipment MOMS on each floor to oler triaal, telephone and dote outlota within the Govemment demised area afrdll be Installed be in accordance with the deli n into all outlets in Govemment leased cilitate the installation of the data cable. The Golvemmeent shaltbe responsible ll P dod with rings and pull g said cable for tale/data communications. The Govemment rE±cPrves the right to instate alltitches, vertical and ho ' for purchasingorfor local area networks may also a provided tand installed by the a Govemment'sipment for ot ontnd data. Wiring to I ng/cable and (b) Provid m crcial grade duplex or Lourplex wall or poor receptacles. T ractor. purpose le mceptacles on a 20 amp branch he maximum number of general separate m the fighting. All branch -circuit wiring shallrconsist os eight i) Duplex outlets shall be circuited branch ircu shall hp sized to prevent voltage drop exeaedin 3 Copper conductors. 9 Percent at the fuest receptacle. All for q E ice- � INITIALS: LESSOR g COVT , SFO # 2FL03S3 ��'""" SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS U-FA tenant o to shall be marked arrtl ceded Tor ease of Plane of finished floor. were tracing. All floor Out' ets must be flush with the 2.5. LIGHTING XrOt'a nor lighting required for outdoor park rig Shall be 'rig level. Exterior lighred res must be li ht sensbe capable of Producin and g for automatic operation of the fi xrres. a uniform e rca� shell be Odom low briylilrress, e th 2.0 wa BOMA Usable square foot Shall bee 1' x 4' pt• 2� x 2' fluorescent fixtures using no ucing rid m ntaining a uniform li htin provided. Such fuctt,res shall be capable of 9 g level of 50 foot candles at working surface height throughout space. ting level of at least 20 toot_csndtec at iding in ss and egress to the Government leased space. One to10 foot-candles or minimum levelfoot level should bd rnaintatned in corridors lent en ure safety should be maintained in other non -working areas. When the space is not ine vernm nt, interior and exterior h9titin s a turned o . 4, except that essentialfnr safety and securiry urpo ege ing entrances a parking areas must be lighted.e regulating type, L listed and ETL a Baltas's are to be rapid -start, thermally protected. � �PProved. yam' 2.6. CEILINGS (SEP 1991) (a) The ceiling grid shall not be included in the '�Ost of the Tenant Improvements. (b) C ngs must be at least T-6" and no more than 1 feet measured from Fl r to the lowest (n Area ith raised fiooring must maintain these ceiling height limitations a ve The cei' g must have a mirrirrium noise reduction coetticient (NRC of e the and a oosruction. Transmiss Class (STC) of 40 throughout the Government occu I the finished raised foonng. surface moun d light fixtures which Impede traYc ways shall be i minir^urr. Sound P 'Srace. Bulkheads and h2rQ nq or ded. (� (c) Ceilings must be a at plane in earn room and suspended c� as follows unless an emate finish is approved b fluorescent recessed fixtures and `niSed Y the C sting Officer: (d) Toilet rooms: plaster or pot ed and taped , r P gypsum o rd. (e) Offices and Conference Room mineral an• surface anti leywar edges or equi ent ua coustical the or lay in panels with (extured o' oattemed q to be 2PProved by the Contracting Officer, (f) Corridors and E aiing/Galley Areas: la p or pointed and taped gypsum board or mineral acoustics' tile. (9) Should the ceiling be installed in e Lessor shell be responslbie , all Cosh mnr nt demised arin ea prior to the tenant improvements, then the subsequent reassembly of ny of the ceilino corndsnto the disc Tembl , improvements. The Le • or shall also bear the ris for an Y storage during alterane t and thereof during thZt"e'd -y required to cog the tenant 9 irons. Y damage to the ceiling or any comoonents (li) In buildingsvrorroughout by a sprinkler system m tin pprov interior finish in areas not part of the normal exit may g the Governments a of 200, in ' u of 25 for flames read and 50 for s y have ame spread and smoke developmertSirrtits and exits o nclosed corridors lead to moke develo R9 exits, oeilingg drr� interior entshesnt T ay be corn osed of maf ha ' g a flame spread rating of 75 or less artri a smoke develo met ) In sprinkler protected me spread and 50 for smoke development (ASTM e-84 p 25for P rating of 100 or less In lieu of 25 for i) Coifing acoustical ties shall be cleaned. If cleaning is impossible replaced with new tiles (matching existing.) or if the files are damaged, they snarl be 2.7. PAINTING g) Paint ceiling grid, Painting of acoustical file is not acceptable. Prior to occupancy Ketum es designated by G:;.q for painting GSA. All painted sincluding 9 must be newt Government occupant be repainted aftertKforking installed b the y Painted in colors acceptable to includes moving and furniture, Public arc�as must beam at I es Government or the Lesso after Scor expense at least every 5 years. This Painted at least every 3 years. a INITIALS: LESSOR SFO # 2FL0353 8 GOVT ' SUPPLEMEN I AL LEASE REQUIREMENTS �� --- - - PAGE A n;r ,A - C 2.1 OORS: EXT OR (DEC 1992) terior do s must be heavy duty, full flush, solid core wood, Wood doors shall be at least 1 3/4 inc Ex or ors shall be weather -fight and open which events removal when the door ig Closed and r locked. All door entrances from inches thick. doo a other doors designated by the Government shall Hinges,d. Pivots, and pins shall be installed in a manner and e plate All locks shall be master keyed. The � �urPPed with g. Public condors, exterior or each lock. Y Government shall be furnished with at leasumbler ttwomaster linder skeys 2.9. DXn TERIOR (SEP 1991) Dhave a minimum dear opening of 32 aThey must be flush, solid -core atuml wood, $ inches COfficer. They will be provided a a ratio of I Hollow core wood doors are not faced or cquivalcnt finial, ds approved by the dece. door per 300 usable square feet of Government r 2.10. DYORS:WARE De lever door handles or door pullswithheav wdl or leer mounted .Alf ublic use dots and toilet roomp Y eight hinges. AI'doors shall have corresponding doors plentrances from public corridors :and pxtanor doors shall h3yc,automstil door clipperstekeyed, The Government shall be furnished with at least two master k all be equipped with kick 2.11. PAKclosets, ENERAL All rocks keys for each lock. paviders must tom+ provided as ouUinod below. P8,1i(;oning ,eyuirements may be m co oarmeet the Government's standard:; and layout requirements, et with existing 2.12. PAERMANENT (SEP 1991) ^1 Peronc must be provided as ,sec pssa W janid the Government -occupied brrrrnfses fr10 orm,°un0 ��rre condors, elevator shahs, toil V 2.13. PARTITI NS: SUBDIVI NG JAN other tenants on the et rooms. ( 1997) floor. (a) Sut,di in9 part ns shall comply with local requirements. Partitionin m Sound nsm' lion Class (STC) of 40. P;trtitioning snail be installed by determin the Government. The partitionin shall g s be Designed to provitl� a Any demoli • of existing improvements wl,iCi is neC extend fr m the the Lessor at IoC3tions to be A e finisnod floor to the finished ceiling, done at th Le ors expense. Partitioning shall bP Usable P g _ brovided at a ratio fth�, ear foot for eacnolOC SOMA quare t of space provided for the of{c, space. Partitionin includ in the me urement. 3 over interior Office doors is (b) Pa bons may be prPfi ShRd or to r a appropriate, aher ins ta ation of ped and p;tintcd. HVAC must be rl�-bdlanced and lighting repositioned, 2.14. FLOOR COVERING AND PERIMETERS (DEC 1991) I L FLOORS OF THE OFFICE S ACE SHALL aE COVE NG ST DARD CARPET, IF ACCEPT OFFI S DESIGNEE. LE BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER WITH THE EXISTING OFFfCER OR THTHECONTRACTINGOFFICE A AS;, Prior to occu ncy, carpet St cover all office ,areas partitioned or un ' and conference ems. Th .use of existing carpet may be Part,Goned, including Interior hallways cer- however. existing carpet mu be s ampoocd before uvuulr,nany approved b the carpet. cY a, must meet the stab buildupr requiirremenI for new TOILET AND SERV E S: Terrazzo. unglaze ceramic t, and/or quarry (Ile shall be used in all toilet and service covering is app ed by the Con Citing Officer. ce areas unless another CARPET - 5 PLES: When carp , must be newly installed o 5 difteren color samples. The sample an hanged, an color rust approved b the Of feror Shall provide the Government with a minimum of May be sae by the Offeror after samples pe cttorr Y GSA prior to installation. No substitutes CA ET - INSTALLATfON: C pet must be installed in accordanrp with manuf� cturing instruction$to to V" l y smoothly and evenly. INITIALS: LESSOR R GOUT SFO # 2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE: REQUIRE MENTS PAGE 9M1d u_ :u:JDF 7et'i rLFicaMEN e replace uring Government occupancy at any 5me during the lease when: or erlayment is exposed. a ticeable variations in surface color or texture. years o, ccupency. includes m ing ana returnof furniture. 2.15. CA PET: BROADLOOM (SEP 1991) ThIt ffpace shal! oe carpete with broadloorn carpet. M� o be newly instal d must meet the following specifications: Yarn CumLe .: staple filament or continuous flamer., branded by a fiber producer (Aiiiec, Dupont, f anto, B =, woolblend), soil -hiding nylon or wool nylon blends. pet it construction: level loop, textured loop, lave cut pile, or level CuhunCut pile. w igh • 26 ounces per square yard is the minimum for level -loop or textured- oop constr. clior. 32, (� es per quare yard is the minimum tnr IPvei-cut/uncut construction. ndary bac : jute or synthetic fiber for glue -down insta'lation. ity: on pert nt nylon (loop and cut pile) -minimum of 4000: other fibers, nduding blenosinations -min um of 4500. 2.16. CARPET TILE (SEP 1991) Ind Q v carpet to be newly Installed must meet the fc,liowin � g specifcai,ons: (a) a Yarn Content: staple filam t or continuous Mo anto, BASF), soil-hiaing On, filament b,ronded by a fiber prooucer (Allied, nu Aont. (6) Carpet ile construction: t ed level loop, level cut pile, or leve cut/uncut pile. (c) Pile weigh . 26 ounce per square yard is ttie: minimum for level loop and cut le. 32 ounces per square yard is the m 'mum or plush and twist. pile. i (d) Secondary ba PVC, EVA (ethylene vin•1 hardback reinf c with fiberglass. acetate), polyurethane, Polyethylene, bitumen or olefinic ~ (e) Tutal weigh minima of 13u ounces per square yard, (� Density; 00 percent nyl (loop and a., pile) combs tions -- minimum o 300, P ) -- minimum of 4000; other fibers, including bionds and (9) Pil eight: minimum of 1/8 inc (h) tatic buildup: maximum of 3.5 KV, hen tested in accordance with AATCC-134. Carpet construction: minimum of 64 t 2.17. WINDOWS (SEP 1991) Per square inch. (a) Offi space ust have windows in each exterior bay unless waived by the Contracting Officer. (b) All windo shall be weatherfight. Opening windows must beequipped windows those accessible from fire escapes, adjacent roofs, andother structu Os,at� bend level shall be rtted ith a sturdy locking device. opened INITIALS: LESSOR & GOV" SFO # 2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 10 OF 14 F•I4 Q) C(1 Tor S ety rea urw, windows extending within 18 inches 4 7 feet (3 a ve grade shall be provided with a metal bar 5 mm from the floor and located at toast 10 interior w' w approximately 3 feet (0.9 m a or other acceptable alternatives to GSA, on the hove floor level, or anti -intrusion devices or break detectors. )OW OVERINGS (SEP 1991) BAV BLINDS/ lyt or endows in the office space:; shall be equipped with window blinds. The blinds may he Plastic verlic al bllnds or no nzcirttal blinds with aluminum slats of 1 inch width or less. The use er material must be approved b gm mechanisms and synthetic to y the Contracting Officer. The window blinds must have 'g - ndard window d synthetic are une,pes. Color selection will be made by the Contracting ceptable or unavailable. 9 Officer if ing standard window blinds and if possible, the existing, currently installed window blinds are to All window coverings shall oe cleaned prior to nrcuDanc y by the Government. 2.19. WALL COVERINGS PHYlLCAL REOUIR--------------- Pnor occupancy, partitioned offices and ' comme, ial wal; covering or pain/ruest inec unnfh ace 9 reas Sha!l be s. covered e od with vinyl or polyo(of n REPLACE ENT: Duhng the t of the lease, at of tna Government,designated by a Government. ost t�> repair. inciudinthe Lessor shall replace or repair aI( surfaces amortized in the �,naining term I ht+ cost of ca ital shall be n 9 wall Patching and furniture moving. shall hQTne Government ay elect to oa p t' SAMPLES: When wall coverings n ed t type of wall covering to e r PAINTING: (a) (a) Prior to occupan all st. to GSA. All w patchir and free rrur,, toose par Plus two co of latex se base sera gloss enamel. a (c) 2.18. WIN WIN (a) All e)it alumin of any non -co the bui' (b) The be jY p sum far the rmcrovements. ego rated at the time of the request newly installed or replaced, the lessor is to provide at least 5 samples of lacy, 2d for selection by the Contracting Office, if requested. ices designated by GSA for painting must be newt Shall be accomplished prior to painting, y Painted in colors acceptable s before applyinq paint g• )Surfaces to be painted shal' he riPgn i• oss enamel p8rint All wall surfaces to be painted shall receive primer �' metal surfaces and wood trim shall be painted with oil i the term of the lease. nated by the Government. II be amortized in the remaining request. The Government may 2.20. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (a) When I the request of the Government, the e entire cost to re Lessor shall repalnt all surfaces erm of till-4 Paint including wall patching and furniture moving, lease. ' he cost of capital choll be negotiated at the time of elect to pay a lump sum for the improvements. . alterations a required and within 14 successf Offeror sh submit to the Contractiase cont� n working day' after award on which vario g Officer a tentative construc{iriC', the o scheduOf the ee giving the dates occupancy d e ee phases h construction will be completed to coincide with the Governments required later than 28 s Paragraph P entitled 'Occupancy gab,.) ThQ finalized schedule fie to be submitted no after award. (b) The so ule is to ' elude timing for completion of design timite v, (t) subml I of preliminary plans and g construction milestones, including but not is nce of a buildi permit. (4) corn lEted Pscifications. (2) submittal of other working drawings, (3) completion of principal t P construction documents, (5) start of construction, e9ories of worn (7) Phased completion, and availability or Occupancy of each �nMon of the Govemmen ep9ce (by floor, block, or other aPPruphate category), completion. e9 ry), aria (t3) tinal construction 2.21. PROGRESS REPO T5 After st9rt o co traction, the tjuc reports atAnte' f 15 calendar da s uThe Offreport sharor Shall m includeubmit o the i^formationrempteted Contracting Officer written progress e and trade, a statement a:: to expected com as to percentage e, the work introducedork. and pengral rema elation and occupancy ►ks on such, items es material P �' date, Changes shortages, strikes, weather, ems. INITIALS: 1. FRSOR fJ �/ GOV? SFO # 2FL03s3 SUPP t.EMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS Por2G 4 4 em, r- - 2.22. CONSTRU X PECTIONS (a) Construlecti s wlll be made periodically by the Contracting Officer and/or designated technical represento r iew compliance with the solicitation requirements and the final working drawings. (b) Periodic, ests, and inspections by the Government are not to be interpreted as resulting in any approvassor's apparent progress toward meeting the Govenment's objectives, but are intended 3pt0 O►SCon ation which tho Conbacting Officer may be able to call t0 the Lsssors attention to preventis ection of effort. The Lessor will remain completely responsible for designing, SG� t" construeratin and maintaining tl� building in full accordance with the requirements of this sollcitot 2.23. FLOOR PLANS AFTER OCCUPANCY — P'B45'¢- Sf� r or- d nmwl,v,5 of S P. C e- Within 30 calendar days after occupancy, one set of one -eighth inch As -Built "Black -Line' Mytar Reproducible full floor plans dod two sets of black -line prints showing tho space under lease as well as corridors, stairways, and core areas must be provided by the Lessor to the Contractir, Officer. The Lessor must also provide the Government witn a set of 3.25" computer di;;ks containing the complete architectural drawings of the �rl completed space Trip disks shall be formatted .n the computer apolicatior, 'Qutogd Version 14.0" or later. 3.0. SERVICES, UTILITIES. MAINTENANCE 3.1. SERVICES, UTILITIES, MAINTENANCE: GENERAL Services, utilities, ant maintenance shall be provided by the Lessor as o2rt of the rental consideration. The Lessor must hove 3 building superintendent or a locally designated representative available to promptly correct deficiencies. The Lessor shall ensure that utilities necessary fc, operation are provided and aii assoc,ateu costs are included as a part of the established rental rate. 3.2. MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING: GENERAL The Lessor shall o�ovide and operate all building equipment aria systems in accordance with applicable technical publications, manuals, and standard procedures. Ma:ris, tines, and meters for utilities shd1 be provided by the Lessor. Fxpnsed ducts, piping, rind conduits are nCt perm,red in office space. 3.3. TOILET ROOMS (JAN 1997) (a) Separate toilet ;aci:ities for men and women shall be provideo on eac- floor occupied by the Government in the building. Tr -feel'; ^ IJ� If public restrooms are provided, this square footage will not be included in the SOMA Usable square toot ruquirement. 4j5& toilet room shall have sufficient water ciosets eNjlosed with mndam stall partitions and doors, urinals men s room;, and hot (set at 1057, if practical) r ^, aold water. Water closets and urinals shall not b isi v,nen the extenor poor Is open. (b) Each main toilet room shall contain the fol owing equipment:. (1) A mirror above the lavatory. A toftet paps, dispenser in each water closet stall, CZ (3) X10 hook on irmiris face of door to each water closet sto'I and on several wall locations by es. (4) t leases one modern paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser and waste receptacle for every two (5) XApeated sanitary napkin dispenser in women's toilet roorns with waste receptacle for each et stall. (6) Ceramic file or comparable wainscot from the floor to a minimum height of 4 feet 6 inches. (7) A Spun r rea of at least 2 feet in length, exclusive of the lavatories (however, it may oe armctred to the lavat s) with a mirror above and a ground fault interrupt type convenience outlet located adjacent t counter area. A 6 rj\- 1--L, INITIALS: LESSOR & GOVT _ J�, SFO # 2FLO353 , SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS �' PAGE 12 OF 14 u t 02- 1 D6� C r� •g� 3.4. NORMAL HOURS '73 o A M- 3:3o P A Services, utilities, and maintenance shall be provided Monday through Friday, p m The Government shall have access to the space 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 3.5. JANITORIAL SERVICES (JAN 1997) The Lessor shall provide janitorial services for the leased space, public areas, entrances, and all other common areas and provide replacement of supplies throughout. All janitorial services shall be performed during the Governments standard occupied hours between 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. The Lessor shall maintain the leased premises, including outside areas in a clean condition and shall provide supplies and equipment. The following schedule describes the level of services intended. Performance will be based on the Contrduling Officer's evaluation of nasults, not the frequency or method of performance. I DAILY: V Empty troth receptacles S • , . Clean drinking fountains. Sweep and damp mop of scrub toilet rooms. Clean all toilet fixtures and replenish toilet supplies.-6ispose,o�� S►r�t �� 1v c ` f r( I n / � THRE I A4-S A WEEK. Sweep vacuum =im. WEEKLY: Damp mop esilient floors in toilets -M-141�- rJ,ONTH LY: T ` . Completely sweep and/or vacuum carpets. _ , , , a EVERY TWO MONTHS: Damp wipe toilet wastepaper receptacles, stall partitions, doors, window sills and frames. �1�erupee-e�trar,�- ^arncta_ THREE TIMES A YEAR: Dusi wall surfaces within 70 inches of the f.00r, vertical surfaces and under surfaces_ F.acageer- TWICEM Wash nd extenorwindows and utlitrr glass surfaces. Strip and apply four coats of finish to resiiient floors iip ano refinish main corridors and other heavy traffic areas. ANf�UALL . Wash I ell blinds and dust 6 months from washing. Vacuum or dust all surfaces in the building of 70 inches m the fioo�, including light fixtures. Strip and refinish floors in offices and secondary lobbies and corri rs. hampoo carpets in corridors and lobbies. Clean balconies, ledges, courts, areaways and flat roofs. EVERY TWO YEARS: Shampoo carpets in all offices and AS REQUIRED: thr-ttMUTrtgc Provide initial supply, installation and rPnlacement of light bulbs, tubes, ballasts and starters. Control pests as appropriate, n e I- INITIALS: LESSOR & GOV'T SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS SFO 9 2FLO353 PAMP 11 1119 !d 3.6 3.7 Damp mop . pew floors in toilets. sroewa MOMO---�Y- er . Completely sweep and/or vacuum carpets, rinap Y TW O MnfVTHs. Damp wipe toilet wastepaper receptacles, stall partitions and under surfaces, I Wash<Mten.alr and euterfo► flo insStrip and exterior windows main and other glass surfaces, Strip corridors and other he a p and apply four teals of flnish to resluent AN q vY traffic area$. wash venetian blinds and dust 6 months from inch fr the floor, includln light W23hin r A ght 1Mures. Strip and for Vacuum or dust all surfaces in the building of 70 co ors. mpoo carpets in corridors and lobbies. Clean Gash floors i" offcas and secondary lobbies and V balconies, ledges, courts, areaways and flat roofs. TWO YEARS: Shampoo carpets in all offi.n doors, window sills and frames. oe � Oust wall surfaces within 70 inches of the floor, vertical surfaces `9°a"A. lftbyfl rProvlde Plants initial supply,tatiationppIppill and rpf-,Control pests a$ appropriate eacemlight ' MAINTENANCE AND g bulls. tubes. ballasts and starters. (a) The Lessor Is responsible for the total _MS (OCT 1996 such as snow removal, and r tfraintenance and reoau 41 be maintained to provide reliable. ere include, 6rte end n Rt the leased pre a.. Such exposure to fire or safety ha=ards, uncomfortable p vale actees roads Ali equipment maintenance, tgY Afflcient service w;mout unusual � and systems shall .dirt. The Lessors maintenance r. liable dntts, interruption, disturbing noises., materials, and equipment necessary indludas excessive air vefocitiea,.or unusual e appropriate equipment and systems ry roc such initial suoAWy and replacement of 811� sup hest certificates must be dis is dmust t� maintenance. Mairtte�n� testing and inspeCtion of Field 011ice Manager or a d ipnated representative In accordance with applicable codes, and inspection ppmp�e..Copies of all records in this regard shall be forwarded toe (b) Without a twarded to the ►tY additional charge, the Gove operations or testing prior to oc'h a Mrneni reserves the r etc, to ensure proper o p °( such systems right to require documentatron of Officer. Relation. These tests shall be fire alarm, sprinkler, rime proper t►r"SOO by a rnnR �°rtcy generator, 3ECURMY AND ALAI erttative .of the Contracting No unauthonzed,'personnal will be Permitted in f the the besell-Contained within the building and secured GOvemment'9 s RADON IN AIR (OCT 19%) tom other space Dace any lima, Government space mutt within the Dr,rlldi�, If space planned for eccupanc shall, prior to Oocu y be the Government is on peair l test the leased specs to 2.3 the second floor above to ensure radon in air levels are below the gnvtro the Using charcoal grade or lower, the Lessor RicaCurfeslllter. Agar the Initial tastin , days Prate canisters or FJeCIMt Ion or Electret Ion Chambers m D complete test for a mini Ltion Agencyrs action Chambers t151 be completed mum of 90 (lays concentration of s Ys using Alpha 7rarJc detectors INITtgt.S: LESSOR SFO R 2FL01s3 //2 3/a3 GOV.T � SUPPLEMEWAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 13 OF 14 rk,rr TOTAL PAM.16 >�yc Fe r-- A SFO Wo-2FLO353 TS—A' !Ce We� F nda SFO ATTACHMENT 02 LEASE COSTS BREAKDOWN SUMMARY Years 1-2 (S/BOMA ble so ft) Years 1-2 Years 3-5 Warm -lit Shell / Base Rent �$/Rents— b o ft t Years 3-5 (Land, Building, Firtdnuirty, —l--� ($'60MA UUsable Sq. ft SlRenta`Ce Slb Slb ft Insurance Costs) o O Real Estate Property Taxes (Assuming Fur � � c) Assessment) Operating Costs (Janitorial Utility Costs unless separately metered, etc, This equals line 27 of the GSA r-orm 1217) Other Costs TOTAL GROSS RENTAL'_ OFFERED PER YEAR "*— a 9.06 per USF 9 p6 per RSF —� 9 O6 er USF per Rs OTHER REQUIR=D INFORMATION: ' Real Estate Commission; Amount of Rentabie —�� cr'/°) Common Area Fa, -tor- feet offered: Amount Of BOMA Usable square feet 7�— offered: -`__ Percent of total building occupied by the Govem for real estate � ment pax adjustment purposEl;;: Tax I.D. Number. Adjustment Rate fo- V3c3nt Promises: Hourly Rate for Overtime HVAC: N / Usable sq. ft. Is Authorization tc Negotiate enclosed with offer? hour Yes No e C(V / INITIALS: LESSOR �- SFO NO.2FLO353 & GOV T 2` PAGE 1 OF t V C U J a r- - ATTACHMENT #3 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRELEASE CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST «AsE NutSn Building Name: GS-048.42843 Street address: s+ e '✓A city�Ce - � scree: INSTRUCTIONS: Complete the following information that applies to the buildingzip Code: 33 oy constructed, complete based on building plans and specifications. being o((trerr for lease by the The following information applies to (check one): Government. If building is not yet Building ctural support (check one): an existing building a building planned for canstructlnn __ _ Combustible (Umber, wood, etc.) _ PA tiT Noncombustible (concrete. steel, masonry, etc.) Other types of uses present in the building (check all that apply); Restaurants Laboratoi iea Storage _ Retail Other, list Vertical openings between hvo or more ficors: r Stairs (check one): open endoseo wlth doors Shafts (check one): Brick anri rnnrrarp Mock _ ooec endoseo, Other (checrc one)' oiler describe None- ____� enclosed, describe -- - Sprinklers (cneck one); N one Corridors only All but Corridors and lobbies Total building i I Other, describe loc2tions. Co Wire rlghting capability (check one) - MUFF FAC,I-,Ty oj, Fire extinguishers only Standpipes only Standpipes and fire ext;ng,uishers Fire alarm (check one): None Building ylarrti without autema6,: fire ;Jeoai inicni iiuliricatlOn Building alarm with autorrallc fire department notification Smoke detectors (check one): None All corridors Total budding Otner, describe locations: Waif inta,;or finish in space being offered for lease (cneck one): —�/ Pamied walls of plaster, sneerrock or masonry Wallpaper or vinyl wail covering Cloth or corkboard Hardwood paneling Other, describe: Floor Onish in space being offered for lease (check one): Carpet Tile - (/ (,v� L Concrete Hardwood Other, describe: , Page t of 2 MR Form (Rev 8.91) �.; �, U- U_: i`%Ja F•eU ATTACHMENT A3 C SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRELEASE: CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST LEASE NUMBER Building SiZe and layout GS-048-42843 Approximate outside dimensions of building: Total gross area of building:_ Q Area of proposed lease: 00 square feet Total number of floors in building: a _ square feet Describe building layout, e.g., rectangular, E-shaped, U•shape,Flaor(s) of proposed ease: 1, etc,: Exit (chock one): o stairway; one floor on grade Stairways as described in the table below (Place checl S in appropriate boxes except for 'Distance to Next Stair' columnwhlcn should contain number, measured In feet, Indicating the regUINI: walking distance to the next exit stair.): Stairway Enciosure Location o' ExittDibcnarge Which Stag Open Separated try I Distance to Next Doors Inside Building i Direct y to Outside Stair (in feet) Example No. f I I No. 2 I No. 3No. e I — I he example represents an Open Stal' Inc Coors) wnicn dlscnarges iij:Voe the DWICln t feet to reach the next exit stag. NOTE Fire escapes and iaccers must not be counted as Fssa sa i oyl. A person must walk aporcx-73te,� ,20 ex Addibonal information on exiLg, If ar,y, c.S., sketch of ou,lding: _ 1 ' �i9 12 we i) Az'bo4toc Tne building nae (ehacx a// that apply): _. No asbestos Asbestos fire proofing or Surfacing material Undamaged asbestos floor file Asbestos pipe or boiler insulation in good condition Other undamaged asbestos, describe: _ Damaged asbestos, describe: Don't Know •^ This Information provided by the Offeror on this form Is materlal fats upon which the Govemm the right to require remedy if there is a misrepresentation. The Ow eni es fi making an award, Tne Government has and properly maintained. n„ r or Authorized Representativea certifies that all features are in operating order OWNER or AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE Page 2 of 2 a. TYPED NAME AND �t ¢Ten ADDRESS (including ZIP code) /fo &7v xf v3'lia— y e LT fl� /rid i ,eY T. �tl CT �SIGLRE 3 oyo rI b. Telephone No. (including area code) 3os- 0-9& -3 s/. d. Date Signed 10- Z0--0 L GSA Form (Rev. 8.91) uc uz-: ll-tZ C GENERAL CLAUSES (Si(Acquisition of Leasehold Interests in Real mFoLeases) Property for Leases UP to $100,000 Net Annual Rent) 1 • The Government reserves the right, • lease, to inspect the leased premises and al, t her areas of the to ensure a safe and health work y ime after the lease is signed and during th performance under this lease, y environment for the budding to which accessg e term of the Government tenants and the Lessors 2• If the building is partially or totally destroyed or damaged b fire or upon 15 calendar days written notice to the C.Ea ment, the other casualty so that the leased y ssor and Government may 3. The Lessor shall maintain the demised premises, including further rental will be due�m��nate the tease equipment, fixtures, and appurtenances tenantable condition. Upnrest of fthe� Contracting�by the g the building, building systems, and all +- documentation that building systems have been Lessor underhe ILes (ease, in n maintaind ested,tand are operational. shall providepair and written 4• In the event the I essor fails to perfo,T,, perational. this lease, the Government any "=rvice. to either directly or through a � Perform ttit� service p mold ru any item or meet an re or item, including administrativecon costs f frThe om tile Provide the item, or mee'. the requiremenquirement t, mmtal may deduct any costs incurred for the service 5• 52.252-2 — rental paymonts. CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE This contract incorporates one or more c!auc sb V •(ARIg710N) (SEp 2001) they were given in full text. Upon request, the y reterence, the full text may Contracting with the same force and effect a�, if http:// y be found on the Internet as Officer will make the fu!! t �"ww.gs2.gOv/Portal/nffering.Jsp?OID=t 13404 GSA Fo text available or 6 The following clauses are incorporated b ,. rm 35?7A (Ful! Text) at y reference: GSAR 552-203_5 (;(,)VENANT AGAINSI- CONTINGENT F (Applicable to leases over $100,000.) EES (FEB 1990) GSAR 552-203 70 PRICE ADJUSTMENT F (SEP 1999) OR ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER (Applicable to leases over ACTIVITY FAR 52.209-6 $100,000.) PROTECING THE GOVERNMENT'S INTEREST WHEN PROPOSEDSUBCONTRACTING FOR DEBARMENT(JUL CONTRACTORS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED (APPlicable to leases aver S25,000. 1995) FAR 52.2? 9-9 ) ALL BUSINESS (Applicable to leases SUBCONTRACTING PLAN LAN (OCT 2000) FAR 52.219-16 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES - SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (Applicable to teases aveve r $SOO.00 (OCT 2000) GSAR 552.219-72 PREPARATION, SU6NIISSION AND NE SUBCONTRACTING PLANS NEGOTIATION OF (Applicable to leases over $50o 0 p 19solicitation subcontracting plan wi"fl initial offers,) requires submission of the GSAR 552.219.73 GOALS FOR SUBCONTRACTING PLAN (Applicable to leases over 5500, 000 (SEp 1999) submission of the subcantractin 9 Plan solicitation does not re with initial offers.) quire C_\ INITIALS: LESSOR 8 Gov'rr- / SFO N0.2FL03531 1 v GSA FORM 3517A • (REV 9/01) PAGE 1 or 2 I -, - L.: U:- U: : UZ)a r- - C FAR 52.222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY F ES 1999) (Applicable to lease:; over $10,000.) FAR 52.222-21 PROHIBITION OF S (Applicable to lease:;lo over $10 000.) ACILITIES FAR 52.222-35 (FEB 1999) AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS THE VIETNAM ERA OPR 1998) (Applicable to lease;$1o,000.) , over'�D VETERANS OF FAR 52.222-36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WO (Applicable to leases nver $10,000.)KERB WITH plSggILITlES (JUN 1998} FAR 52.222-37 EMPLOYMENT REPORTS (J ON DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNgM E'FL4 (JAN 1999) (Applicable to leases over $10.000.) FAR 52.232-23 ASSIGNMENT OF (Applicable to leaea over S2 J00'� 986) GSAR 552.232-75 PROMPT PAYMENT (SEP 1999) GSgR 552.231-76 ELECTRONIC FUNDS T FAR 52.233-1 RANSFER PAYMENT (f�1AR 2000) DISPUTES (DEC 19m3) FAR 52.215-10 PRICE REDUCTION F O (OCT 1997) R DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA I� (App!icahie when cost or pricing data ere required for ,,, crk or Services exceeding S500,000.; FAR 52.215-12 SUBCONTRACTOR ': (Applicable when the cl�use�F gR152 21�ATA (OCT 1997} 0 is aPpiicable.) The information collection requirements contained in this solicitation/co regulation, have and assigned the Ooved MB the Office of Management and Budget that are not required by 090-0163, get Pursuant to the Paperwork INRIALS: LESSOR � �I • • � ��� SFO NO.2FL0353 ' h GOVT 1 i GSA FORM 3517A (REV 9t01) PAOM 2 of 2 Oct 23 02 02:05a F -cv REPRESENTATIONS AND CERTIFICATIONS (Short Form) (Simplified Acquisition of Leasehold Interests in Real P Solicitation Number Leases U to 1100,000 Annual Rent rope' for Dated Complate e p 2FL0367 ppro riare boxes, siyn the form, and attach to offer, The Offeror makes the following Representations and Certifications. NOTE.. The "Offe �, Property offered, not an individual or agent representing the owner. 1, SMALL BUSINESS REPRESENTATION (SEP 2001) rot as used on this form, is the owner of the (a) The offeror represents that it (] isXPO is not a srttall business concern. that is inde endently owned and 'aced- is not dominant in the field of operation, and has avero e revenues o e for million or less for the r Small" means a conr:E±m, including its affiliates, (NAILS) code for this acquisition is he or ding three fiscal Years. The North American Industry g annual gross (b) Thp offeror represents that it stry Classification System [ 1 is, [ ] is not a small disadvdntaged business concern as defined In 13 CFR 1 4 (c) The offeror represents that it [ ) is, [) is not a women -owned small business concern as defined in 48 CFR 2 100Z. (d) The offeror reprpcpnts that it ,s, [ J • () is not a vcrteren-owned small business concern as dettned in 48 CFR 52 �19-1 (e) The offeror represents that it is, [ is not aservice-disabled veteran owned U.S.C. 101(2), 38 U.S.C. 101 1 1 219-1. and 48 CFR 52.219-1 • small business concern as def 2' 52-22 PREVIOUS CONTRACTS AND COMPLIANCE REPO med in 38 (Applicable to leases which exceed $10,000.) REPORTS (FEB 1999) The Offeror represents that -- (a) It ]has, has not participated in a p n; revious contract or subcon this solicits,, tract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause of (b) It [ has, () has not filed all required compliance, reports; and (c), Representations indicating submission of re uin-"d obtained Or7iure subcontract awa compliance r ids. (approved by OM8 and ep°rts "Ones b 3• 52•222-25 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIAN under Control Numoer 121b-0072) proposed subcontri��o,s wi'I be CE (APR 1984) (Applicable to losses which exceed $10,000 antl � The Offeror represents that — welch r �C1Up' the clause at FAR 52.222-26 Equa, Opportunity.) (a) It has developed and has on file, ti n programs required by the rule's[andsre rulali,- of the S Y 1 g flot the and does not have on file, at each establishment affirmative @) It [ I has not previously had contracts subject b) the ecretary Of Laoor (41 CFR 60-1 and 60-2), or n3grilatinns of the Secretary of Labor. Written affirmative action 4, 52.203-11 (Approved t•y OM6 under Programs requirement of the rules and TRANSACTIONS APR 1991ON AND DISCLOSURE �1f1Uo1 Number 7z1S-UU72.) REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL (Applicable to leases which exceed $100,000') (a) The definitions and prohibitions contained in the clause, Federal Transa(ctaons, are hereby incorporated by referents in a at FAR 5sgrap (6 Limitation on Pa (b) The offeror, by signing its offer, hereby P �9roPh (b) of this cn oficat on.ents t4 Icifluonce Certain December 23, 1989, -- Y certifier;; to the best of his or her knowledge and b (1) No Feoerai a , appropriated funds have been belief that on or after influence an officer or employee of an paid or` will be an employee of a Member of CongressY aSFn paid to any person for influencing or attempting to making of any Federal rantcY. a Member of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or ggo� his or her behalf in connection and ti,e extension, continual eren@w31, o any F en with the a cooperative a Federal loan the entprin into of an 9moment; warding of a contract, the (2) If any funds other than F or modification of an Y cooperativetract.grant, agreement, transaction) have been paid orawaP�ropnated funds (includingy Federal contras, grant, loan, or employee of any been be Paid. to any person flues or fee received under a covered Federal agency. a Member of Congress, an officer influencing or ee attemoting to Influence an officer or Member of Con gress on his or her submit, with Its offer, OMB behalf in connection with S°Gtion �e (3) He or she wfl( include the lannuaro form Congress, or an employee of a LLL, Disclosure of Lobbying Offeror shall complete and recipients of subcontract award* in language xcea certification in all SUbCpntraCt a Y• 9 Activities, to the Contractin Officer, and $ 00,000 shall Ce wands at any tier and Office that all rtify and disclose accordingly. INITIALS; LESSOR r ') SFO NO.2FLO353 & GOVT GSA FORM 3518A (REV 9/01) PAGE 1 of 2 U= t Z:, 002�. 0 6 a 6. p.27 on (C) Section 11352, ofthis 31, United Status Cude. An sperso quosite for g into this contrArt imposed b h making or entering Who fails to flip or amend the disclosure form to be filed or amended by this provision, shall be subject to a civil penal of not less than $10,000, and not more than $100,000, for each such failurean Xpenditure prohibited under this provision or 52.204-3 - TAXpAYER IDENTIFICATION (OCT 1998) penalty (a) Definitions. on arent gs used in thic * portions that flies its Federal income tax , nr ane that _Orporate ariaty that owns or controls an affiliated group of returns on a consolidated basis, and of which the offeror is a member. "Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)," as used in this provision, means the nu Service (IRS) in ha uePA by the offeror in reporting income 4�x and other Security Number or an Employer Identification Number. tuber required m the Internal Revenue rOh' Ttid TIN may be either a SOG2I (b) All offerors must submit the information re wired In collection requirements of 31 U.S.C. 7701�c) And 3325(d), report, throuon 6050M, and implementing regulations issued t•p n9 requiter n this of ProvisionG to complyy with debt requirements described in Federal A uisiued Ri3 he IRS. (FAR) the resuttin C. 0041, 6041A, and information may result in a 31 percentQed ition crt payments otherwise due fa der the contract t subject to the payment reporting ( '�) 4.9se the failure or refusal by the offeror to.fumish the (c) The TIN may be used by the Government to 0�llect and F relationship with the Government (31 U.S.C. 770, re� he on an requirements described in FAR 4.904, the Tl�l provided h teNnes may delinquent amounts arising out m the offsrofs accuracy of the offoror's TIN. resulting contract is subject to the payment reporting Y matched with IRS records to veriFy the (d) Taxpayer Idendfication Number (TIN). TIN- Jr -6000 779 ' TIN Fa5 ueen applieu fur. 1 TIN is not required because: Offeror is a nonresident alien, foreign corporation, or foreign partnership that does not have income effectiv I connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the United States and does not have an of cc or place of cone c t or a fiscal paying agent in the Ur bussited States; fi Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of a foreign government; ` Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of bie Feaeral govemment; (e) Type of organisation. Sole proprietorship; Partnership; Government entity Corpnram ta entity inot tax-exept); Federal, State, or local); Corporate entity ltax-exempt); Intcmational o�ga zat;on per 28 CFR 1.t5049-4; (f) Common Parent. Other Offeror is not owned or controlled by a common parent as defined in Name and TIN of common parent: paragraph (a) of this provision. Name—� A IIN OFFEROR'S DUNS NUMBER (APR 1996) Enter number, If known' Orr6ROR OR I Name and Address (Including ZIP Code) AUTHORIZED Perm. HC` n,ToAV,, A 12. po rcr REPRESENTATIVE Kcy Wa.rT j NteR,v.1TIOAM I- A lit P O&T J q W. o o se v e LT B /I, d ieeX • Fi01LI c14 , `433oyo Signalu INITIALS: LESSOR a GOUT SFO NO, 2FLO353 EA ^ v Telephore Number 30s- a.qa- '? siT Date GSA FORM 3516A (REV 9f01) PAGE 2of2 U :L U:: 1l UzitA r. GENERAL SERVICES ADk .STRATION I SOLICITATIONFOROFFERS 2. STATEMENT DATE PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE 2FLO367 101a(,IO'.L LESSOR'S ANNUAL COST STATEMENT ;, RENTABLEAR� 3A. ENTIRE BUILDING 35. LEASED BY GOUT IMPORTANT - Read attetYled "Instructions" tso. /(/ FT.) A �f A 700 4. BUILDING NAME AND ADDRESS IND.. street. eny, chafe, and ZIP code) l(v,X ulest ::rvTMrv✓AT►o-*,Af, A lF Pan.-- 3Y 9/ S•"�-oOSe-VOLT �sh)j. -- key weST, o/I;- dA 33o 11a SECTION I - ESTIMATED ANNUAL COST OF SERVICES AND UTILITIES FURNISHED BY LESSOR AS PART OF RENTAL CONSIDERATION LESSOR'S ANNUAL COST FOR - FOR GOVERNMENT SERVICES AND UTILITIES USE ONLY W ENTIRE BUILDING (b) GOV'T.LEASED AREA lq A. CLEANING, JANITOR AND/OR CHAR SERVICE 5. SALARIES i o P P r L1 T I Al g 6. SUPPLIES (Wax cicanserl doors. ctc) 0 7. CONTRACT SERVICES fwuwow wasnng, -o- •nu .w...ewvq B. HEATING e. SALARIES iv b q y y FUEL OIL (-r•Onol GAS I i COAL fcIECTPJC e 2 e,A J 10. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR C. ELECTRICAL AJ 011. CiURAENT FOR LIGHT AND POWER pncdudOg cicvasm) 12. REPLACEMENT OF BULBS IUEES. STARTaRS (1.S M e 13. POWER FOR SPECIAL EOUIPMENT 14. SYSTEM MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR (6snaats. halures. eln) D. PLUMBING 15. WATER (For all purposes) (Inctuec .ewaoe charges) 16 SUPPLIES (Soap. wwals, nsrues nor h1 6 000re) IT. SvS'TCM MAINTENAWr ANI)REPAIR E. AIR CONDITIONING le. UTILITIES (Include erect"c ,.. 6 nog ;e C111 19. SYSTEM MAINTENANCC AND REPAIR F. ELEVATORS 20. SALARIES f0peralw3, starfem etc.; 21. SYSTEM MAINI-CNANLI, AND REPAIR G. MISCELLANEOUS (To Ina extent not ncudad obove) 22. BUILDING ENGINEER AND/OR MANAGER 23. SECURITY rwatcnmen, guards. notpndor.) 24. SOCIAL SECURITY TAX AND WORIMEMS COMPENSATION INSURANCE l 25. LAWN AND LANDSCAPING MAINTENANCC 26. OTHER (Esptwo on "IDWakrzAael) 27. TOTAL $ S SECTION ii - ESTIMATED ANNUAL UUS I OF OWNERSHIP EXCLUSIVE OF CAPITAL CHARCES 22. REAL ESTATE TAXI`S Al AITA- 1JRA 70, INaNCIE µ+a.+nnr I"1tWlry. NcJ � G 30. BUILDING MAINTENANCE AND RESERVES FOR REPLACEMENT d //Il� cl 31. LEASE COMMISSION �- 37. MANAGEMENT Al 33. TOTAL S ..�_ $ S L=ZOR'C CCR'TFlr.AYloN • Th• smOu."s VwA-A In r"Iff c IS) and (b) rcwcsLn1 rt1y k bt91lalltrnte b uIe annual cosh a servleex. uWdle9 9nd ownersltlp. SIrNATI IRt nF ❑ OWNER ❑ LEGAL AGENT TYPED NAME AND TITLE 'w"Fle T RE DATE e n , NO&Tav 2 otiT vh 34C. a , v/ / u ,6a. 3SC. GSA DC 9s.9m i f;.CA FORM 1217 -�" .lux 94 act �0 02 _2.22a 7T�6 x q.o s8,s 0 k y, o- v. o ',7 p 0. �S FEET cs WA O J i W LU 0 U z a u. M ttA L4 28.5 FEET W V z Q z p.2 I z n 133d 6 Q H c p 133� S'CZ Q W iz �; V _ y 1le►M'ilt1H Y N Q Ot QI u y ywj W �w W Q } L6 es O O T 13S0'10 v w . 9 ui