Item P2 P.2
County �� � .�� �y,4 ' �, "tr, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS
Mayor Michelle Coldiron,District 2
�1 nff `ll Mayor Pro Tem David Rice,District 4
-Ile Florida.Keys Craig Cates,District 1
Eddie Martinez,District 3
w Mike Forster,District 5
County Commission Meeting
July 21, 2021
Agenda Item Number: P.2
Agenda Item Summary #8462
BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: County Administrator
TIME APPROXIMATE: STAFF CONTACT: Lindsey Ballard(305) 292-4443
AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a cost participation agreement with the Ocean Reef
Community Association, Inc.
ITEM BACKGROUND: Monroe County has leased office space at 2 Gatehouse Road from Ocean
Reef Club since December 10, 2014 to house a Monroe County Building Department satellite office.
The Ocean Reef Club facility was in need of replacement and has been demolished and replaced
with a new hurricane rated facility. Monroe County will continue to lease office space at the newly
constructed facility for the continued housing building department satellite office. As the offices that
are the subject of the lease provide an essential public service and serve a public purpose, the county
will be contributing $600,000 towards the completed construction of the facility.
New Agreement
monroe county grant agreement signed(rev)
Effective Date:
Expiration Date:
Total Dollar Value of Contract:
Total Cost to County: $600,000
Current Year Portion:
Packet Pg. 2639
Source of Funds:
Indirect Costs:
Estimated Ongoing Costs Not Included in above dollar amounts:
Revenue Producing: If yes, amount:
County Match:
Insurance Required: No
Additional Details:
07/21/21 304-24000 - GEN GOVT CAP PROJECTS $600,000.00
Pedro Mercado Skipped 07/07/2021 1:43 PM
Purchasing Completed 07/07/2021 1:44 PM
Budget and Finance Completed 07/07/2021 2:50 PM
Maria Slavik Completed 07/07/2021 3:02 PM
Liz Yongue Completed 07/07/2021 3:03 PM
Board of County Commissioners Pending 07/21/2021 9:00 AM
Packet Pg. 2640
THt • OST P. RT CPA"I`IO ttiR :@+Hylkl liwNT i,, rzindeand i io dhi6 21,st day
of 1o.aly. 2 21: by and benveem 0 AN REEF CDMIM `i�ITY Al:S'0(...IAJ JON, Inc, a Florid .2
corporation.hereinafter refer a-i to t '-OR CA";and MON', OE COLT TY F€O,-'% 0.1"'C01TINTY
C .M SSIONERS.horcinaftor referred tow
WHEREVS,on Dece i r 10. '2014 the COLINTY emered ink:a a lease w originsil I,�as ''j, Ca
with 10ceean Reet'Club, Inc:. for prtavzi'S�s kxm lcxl aat -,! Gulchotm Ram],, Monme County, Florii'a. �
f0T rase W,i 'Monroe County office facility havi -an on+gir;.al term of Il°4e f-at year torrtmcucing
WHEREAS,on}'ebmar y 19,2i a_di,the{ () '!N TV$snarl.0,;aan ;v6'(q 1 u Ins:..e tcrod into 0
mc-mlmcni No. I w the ka iT caw.m rnendnsonj renewing the lease rbr a peTi,o l of llvt�yc,trs
cor*-rmencim8 on Vebr=ry 1,2020�tno isrrrrrimrting on january 1,202 but reducing the rent in a
1IFRIKAS,t.h housing the premiscs that vver.e.the mhjer:t of the le-ae beta-�cn �
Monroe C mnty and 0ocan Reef Club, Iri.42- Ls,irr raectl�+I'rena?a,rtira�;'lnkl hts can dcrnolished WWI
NFRE S,,by opcnation of the tcmJs of tlt,e ori,7iria 9 se, a rt r l d,cai thr prc,r�asc-s
that are thy:sub.*t of the Origi;real I-ease has been tr-a .�i'errcd to t_lRC A. anti
WHEREAS,,0KCA i:-,,consitruclinm oy a nM 6u;R-1v aai"'� aatcirous Road and tl.te f:C,l,rM'Y �
Brim 1haat L;vn,,x1'nvAkTn of a new hur icanc med fa.c.11liv thal -ill provide the COUNTY 'Aiilt E
rurnkey prernises that will heouse N9aararcr4 Cmm,"y Building Department iWficef:sl serve,-. a pu trllic: �
purf}[p':4: rind,
11 FA,S,,"'a UF.N7,lµ ctcsir s,tc rsxutriiaratrfttat�iaae,idar sdrr e iyl`c,,fir tins a;tin Cl�.t rt v
facility.°lturrricarse rated.fa69l t) lix�atrti sA7 Gawhvuw Road,Monroc County,Florida,
€ W. `III""ICEYOR ,irmci;rrrsidla:�r;ationoftherrautualcoy—cnantsand obliv,+a�iarrscornaimd
ttereis ,saract tatlaa:r goa3t1 ;and valuraFrlc sidcrrrari:orr_ the recelpt a:r4a3,azttiqa,sDuy rarr4 hcrcby �
rtokrtowled,agod.the undersiolmd anies.age ,as lo,A)ors;
SEC I PON l- The recital otonl.,fl mxl he truce and correct land are.her ehy iitcorponaled as ii"
fiully s t f ,nh he.rcim
Packet Pg. 2641
Sa�.`i'ICI 2. ORC A tiQhL l l h 3�xis �iasiiaBe I'4r the 'iC54'rb �a7rr.,trrafdicats and paynmerats to �
Co,T t ,ctOeS artdl rri,71J nm1:mcn of the r5esv tau.,rli(Y rat_2 Gatchuu R,a,aic.C°Ol.lN'I'Y"S'xle 44Aiga0011 �
17 g1l- tta Corrui ute fu3adir'It;ta,,.V`Urcls the COS!Of cka,lrsnlctccl r crxxstrttc_irait. CC
SI^C"fiIO , Upon payine, t�xpins s in connection will, ffic construction oftl) ne-u, rkility at 2
Gatc.bolLse Road,d, ORCA slutll submit =I invoice alrtn with stt Ix,0ita documentation cif tlac
Constru ticaat costs t[r C'OL;NTY COUNI FY apgr�eea oW pay ran arrrya=cunt, n(m (� cxccc , m,fltol
tmar•ds lhk�cr)rn pl:.icd construclion car:+as. Pti'rmcnt fire p errdit rr p rtiaissilaie by law be m
rnt-cica ptff uutt tts 1.11 H.L ri4a Pumapt Pav s^em F a up(ill presentation of with supportingn
docut7 eniunion astxcptdb,1 to the Clerk ry1 L crttrts,Accepmabiliry to the C lcTk is bisect Gr1
a.uc cpNlod aczawtting prirtciples and such lart-s, md&N;tnti Tegulations as may govr� :m the I:crVs
aislyu, al Of funds, �
SEC."I IC)N' 4_ PUBLIC ACCESS- ThtI CaTNTY aiid ORC "+. qh.,.j l Alow Lmd pei rltet rma, traabic �
ac c~,-- lo,and irs ctiim t�la all documr`rm& i pieoq, 1CUrTS tar 0113co Materi,2ls in its paassessiomi or
under its c;onlrr,rl to the ctste,itt i°et�uirE+I Ljnja r dhic pre=is ions cr`=.f C h,4 ptt-r l 1 ,Florid,a Sta�itatas end,
trade or received by the COILllN Y and tIIZ(.'A in c,�rlluncticrra wItlr INS agrcement; wid 1l,v �
COIil I"Y ;Ndl 1have dw rigtt to ultil:MI"cTtll_t; terminate ibis agmcmcm ttp.,,ort viarldalion sit te17i;s
'irk} ision l}�,-ORC A. .N
Y=:Ci'JO fA tYINv WAIVER C.)l=IMMUNITY- Na imjtlj�;Lan iing the paro iaic rs rd SLx_?tr e 29,
Florida Statutes, the patticipaatiort saf the COU-N' Y and ORC A in this kind; the �
7ta s17b"4rztGT31ft3' t•= r'3'"ire. ' r `3 fi Gi
I c.rvial liabial,t', insuxanct: 4kpvcuigc., lr .rt`�E'r`iJrdcc C01--crage, or
g:ovcrnrnerrt insta.unce psaaol cmvcm c shall [teat be d eep a waiver of,'immunity unity to the
e lvnt of lia ility ctwveumgv, nor shall any ccjiurao cmc-rcd into by the C'C UNNTr` be required w
contain any prox i_5imi for wmiVCL N
SECTION 6. NO PEP. OIw°A 1.I;al ,1 ££:II Y.No covemmm ur alb ntznt crintai.ned herein deal° be. �
cicumodl to be a c.or'o-ernam csr a_geemielit Ofan rricr k'T, officer, aYent or ctiarrloyeea o1,Monroe E
Count-v in his or bcr indi'bidua capacity, d no merrolrer,Officer, agoe at-or ernp[oYce f'vlmlixae
County, shall be liable per"On"RV crt this agr cmtrit car subje-., La) any pt:r tilit3 or
accountability by r it of the exa_�e iitrrw rrl t:riis� �c.iraeops..
SECTION' l r Fir II;ICy,�'ClC�° <''i�C L?� HER I.I�SS, O CA agrees to J�,ficnl_ ink tt8ti�
and Itola3 the, C_Ot aNT Y am_d tic C:C�t€'K C " ,; elmtcd d apttfainl i offlicers ar.a ert plc vcCs
hamiess �'mm and Strain-st ti a-m ck"ims, actions, ar �7=W_1s of acdwla gii) 3n,, l.iatgatiora, 0
adit inistra iVC r ee ire arm llsatc p3rs'xeedin i, or crlhrr pr .eedarrss rid.9 ing to any tvpc of,,- �
izrpw {, iHLIU ling,dC`,Ah.) kr�-s,d,um,gc,fine,penalxv or �t trress rttcrrttPtiiaiEm,asrcl i uil an casts Or
that may he doM ned aaPairm t'nil a 171t respec� ro,$Y�915�g 11&�X� hy- 'tr y aF4cminifled 0
t: l'p 7"Is n mf, or in tuontog.ftun with, (Ai an,, activity of O C.A or irty crf its employees,
amits, ararti"acta)�; arr wlaar invitee-s durara�w ths,: tcrrrs of S'`Ils Agr �~:rracrite (e3) tlrt r,cgItaricIC Or �
villtul N11iscon.clti?ct Df OpCC:A(im�my of its arnpio.�yees,a��=t .s-ztb-cont7cto c,r other invitees.s;rr
,(,C) ORCA'I.s default it respc=ct of any ofthe obli �ations tLm,at under ils.,R s,uu cr the tevans or thi'�'s �
Packet Pg. 2642
$.nrC2r tea t 4` 5:4:p:.t[1 are aunt Litt ClairsaN.eta 6011,5.UYLSC ogfact:ion,Miga tion,proceedinr-,k,cosjis
ur cx. pscs arise front tat=t;icti rt=li ratl: r sole negllgertl.ata t or emissions,of the t'OUNTY orany �
of its employees, agents, contractars or t-11ViWCS (Outer ThMl C:taattML14)r), Insofar as the cl irns-
cvzfiwi5. Causc-, of jeratrra, eit7p ion.- proccedi ps,°. wst,x Orr expe's:'s relate w L'V'MLS Or
.L` I. lt4'i. rtq::q+lti&k occur dt17`117�.t�'gClLrt3tl Clara,=.TS '. '1'31t t;1f �ic"s_tacalt 'i1��,gly'a�°3vd}9c '.i:17f�t'it1 ,
ofthe tet ofthis A Or auto'carh€r tes'rt'alratior„o IF tltisAc`crrrcnt_
SE.C"i 1f Pti 9_ lS' TIRI li-' AG ENNIE `1" / i"AR IF'S ROUND. This ie.ase r or—z tilts 1he cn irc
a,reerrwent be,! wren thy:parri hey, Io and all previous ne of aflon-, hLiwding ltu�wtc,and .it may he CL
m difiod only by ara§ayrr cmienl itt writing sr°w ned.i to the t::M T,i,.and O1CC.E - Fhe Ctk~tterrarrtu,_ aua ri
can,dition—,herein con.tained shall z pjil v to and N.Pci tic fr iar.�ar�t ew�tr ,t;x�t.trt��rs.admi I£i trat(
arxd lc al ar&,.;i��s ds" 5e nrai s to,t r tit r ernent.
SECTION 9. iOy4't°:'v1 ING LAW.VENU':.'Vh'.,', Lg=crracrtt sbsill bc goveri:led by and Qtarrstrucd,
ira accordanc 'it.h the laws kmf the: S•talu of Flond:n 'applicable 'tat contruc s - do wtd to he � cntiruly ira the`state. W
In the cvent d1a$any cuusa:of action or adn inistitL is e prctr m-djn is institwed li;vr the crikrcemetu
Csr iribm-pmiation cif this Ag emertt, ttt� ('(1)UNTY atrtd ORC A attrec that venue: %vH1 lie all the .2
atpprophate cvu- or l vtur4 the appropriate adrrrdni,�tr livk. bix v in Mo tme County,t'19srida. >
SL TI.O.N 1 tt_ S N E R Alil l.TrY 11 m.v term,c-ovemaarg?,.c cartdid n or provitsiOil(ll`ah,is, g'-ccm"cnt
(tar the aapplicalrort thereof to ajw r ircurnstan.ce or pet ,,) ,,hull bL dechued isavaaiid ktr >
t nenforen.1 e In any t:Ntent by a comas of compewmi tgtr diction.t,c rerarzatrrixHg tcrrsaas_mva rtants,
coil,dition', and psa wisi its of tlailx ':z.Tewna tt, shall not lie 11c�ulml tf= r tr ; a�rd e .ia rerraaair irq;
Ic;rmx covermiu-condition and pr(Msiun of this kgi+ eerrtcni'cC Val d.artt slsrzli;F�.r crafbr cable
to the rullest cmcm pertrAtted by la.ww'unt ess the enforcement sus"the renaming teams,cov enfant&
conditions and provi' ions of th-is a mernent wc1iJ,ltl P3? VLM,,t the actar'npltshmem o the original �
i nte3ll c)l-Irtzs ctgj€cn7�rtt. i`lie(.'- li N l Y aamd ORCA ampee to t°0bmn the anrcuneitaa to mplaac c arse}. E
stri&Ke.a 1)r o-visiaii ivit,h a{valyd pro ri.sjon itia�c(nq CN as 0 1 Ose as possaI`it' tt,t Ih e i teen Cratet1:9c st6'ICki'71: �
Sf,C"1 iH}N t'3 ATTORNEY-S l 4 E �,ryict COSTS. The C'CBGWFY ,rust ORCA spree 'ha in ula�•
event any cause o f=fion or atdmi nistratiw°e p=`ccmdinz is initiated.•nr defended ire°anw,.party relatr.wre
tea the eTalssrc°cttt apt sir .ir'rreelrt at,icrn c71.t} agreement, tjie pruvaiiir p Shall he �rrlilie) tot
rc-ason ble miorucy'w I; , ww : ccxm;� i:nvOc-Aiytatiiwc, and 01114of.-lsocket e pKrs-& m art awwar
' irr'A lb(:non-prcvadinp l.mmy,and shalll inc�lu.,dr attorney'-.;i s,c-ourt5 cra ss.,irtw��ti�affixw,�ntli u
Carat-of pocket expect ti in uppclktc pmcceiiraV e
SECITK 12, NONDI CR1MlNA i at1 . Tbo panics loree tl~gat trt�:r-- twill .no discritTairgiti�a
Lagaainsi any person, and it i� exprcssly trttdc.r:�cwxw th;,at upon a dctennirsari,u lt�° a curt of
onrtp—cietat turasdlt:tion that dascrminaarion tl ouc.tarr''& his.a�r�erta rti. astc,n,a1'ic.°dl tetrttairaate �
wa,Htlawaut a nw'fu: her action at-,the p,tra ctt'arnv prtzty,crreca,.ive t&te dastc,of the c.otut Oedere 'I he panics
Packet Pg. 2643
ag to Comply IN-ith j� v tal acid frloraatt=s: slattt'cS, rare .d1 local aardiaiance . as applic,,Ic, �
reta$h lry tO ri ,ra,ifion., These include but am nor li niiled;ae l j Ti e VJIof 1he Civils pha
Act of 10664(PI,9 -M2.),which ter-ir$Iibi1 in evnplo�micnt on the bask,a rant,color,
3Li„ Sti73,Ste]..Za,`'aLt rbi7 Liofi.4Tr`; on, Ii1f the—Education ,.fi5`9 L""3ifi a.fll e31 L.7 19 �, .{.4Y;c:A. "F::4
(20 USC § 168 l OS and 168;5-1 686), which pruhibil,';(VISM-Mir1,91-s rn OLD the bask of sex §°a
Section .504 of the act of 1' 7"? as amended. 1 [t G`SC § 794)„ whish prohibits
di:,s,rirsainatlon atma die hy< sus a al`hundiL;aps-I )•1'1tr4 AFz Discrimiraati}era.Ac.t of 1 147:5,as arts"ended 1. 7
> 1 1 1 a7 , r,ilich. rtilrts da: crs r,".anti oaa aa�t'Ia h�� 4a ak L; .t' , s arLacir : cL
and Treatment:""act of 1972(P1.92 2,-5),ar�;a�a�;rpkl�ci,rQhAing to nondisc,rtra:ainatiori.on tt e of y
drvy,t uh'u- =1"hc CompTth nsivt: Alcohol Abuse, said Alcoho�isrn Prevenficm, "rTv"I-LTncnt aatd
Rehabilitation Act of 1970(PL 91 16),wa rarrwnd x rrkatirg to nondiicriniinatioii on the r j� sis a,al' �
aa L;a hol$obww air,-ala..L.,holi=_7; The Public Flcal:ffi Se v i°e Act 0. 14 12,§§ 523 Strad 527(42$1SC �
€a d 3 and'-)9) - w d rre eaa e t..r i,�tirr l+ rrra3rdtrtialit nt alu.'al a-liddmq, aF 2s—e xitienj
re4;cvrds. 1 T ille VIB of the Ci i] Rioits Ad:of 196E f 42 L S—C §§ 3601 ei sal s. ns amend - �
rrtatita to nondiscrirrtinntian in the �aat�, rental (rr��f aF,�ttsarrr� i [ � ,"Lrt7�aic�„ray �itEa �
Disab lalrirs Ace of 61 990 (42 1TSC 12101), as wmen e-d 1rom tare ta.p litre, rclatinL; to W
tas�t�di�ct�in�ia•aatiit an etr�l9ica�arrt�tl.�sra Li7�k�t�sis a�1:taa��hi:E';it� ;t't,°icrn fjc �:at�_at:wr L4agci�c'ht�t�r 9=� r:'
Pr Fr 11„: 1ai h arcrl�i v sdkscrirstinatirrrr on the h siso race,cokw,�r°�.:rtli�it�,t:ttati��raat aft°i-.ira_
ana:e try,St 9i i d=i rhtal.i€ar?v yoe7lalL r it C.7ttlt} car "? r 5 4rL_ i]1.&.1 i LrJ iy« a�? r t 1 t3Sly ffiA"r U7
ncxnt tis rirrainuliun pTuvisions in.try federal or state Nv" i h m a:° tr 1� tit the P Mies to.or.., >
tip,subject rnatter of,this agrees e t_
t.t`"".aION A . t I-1 E[®AI. Rf=V11::W_ I hair 8tL,`T=Mr P'---L h en cara<fflly reviewed 'by 1he
(1)t:%NTY a:rrsl C?RCA, Lhut:i:rxc this a�ec n etrt is fart tag t-'e Con:strz,cs,a-9L.anw� t:tiacr h�rtm n the
bu,, s of awhor hip.
Packet Pg. 2644
r `1: IE a HEfU OF,die pan-bes Wmw have x~.t thav hands and.scal the day and year
f€ t WFitten ry .
Till �
.w c
Packet Pg. 2645