Item Q10 05/05/2003 02:25 3058527152 COMM NELSON PAGE 01 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 18. 2003 Division: DOCC Bulk Item: Yes _ No ~ Department: DISTRICT 5 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval for a lease agreement with WWKL 91.7 for a lease agreement on the county's tower for a non-profit rellgious broadcast ITEM BACKGROUND: Rob Robbins and WWKL 91.7 have been requesting for over I-year space on the county tower. They can use the same antennas as WLRN Public Station and generate additional revenues for :vtonroe County PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMME~DA TIONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes -X- No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BV: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: /f!i~~~_~ L ~~.~~ MA VOR PR6 TEM MURRAY NELSON r-,.. ......' DOCUMENT A TION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # tf) /0 Revised 1/03 P.O. Box S~.f8'3?1. Miami, Florida 33256-1832 C(M.1 !'-ELSON RO PAGE B2 BG/BG/2BB3 B2:25 3B585271 G2 84/a3/1992 23:81 3856627736 Commis!iioncr "1 I;' '.. N~ls(ln (JfoS)H52- 716~ .Iun.;: 5. 2003 Dear \1\lrr~I~': I follclw\:d Ul' '\11'1 ":\lrl11 Leggott last week and he said that he hud submitted the Ica~e ill!CC,;ml:lll to the cll\mly ,,111:"1, ~ hl write up for the BOCC meeting. H\:,w(:v~r. this 1,1 .111 r.~ I followed up with the County Administrator's oflicl! and spoke with lhl' pc'son willi i.~ ..I "q Ihe a~cnda, She ~.id that she didn't see anything submitted by th.: cnnn\\,n;Cl\\'M', I I'hr\mcnt which would correspond to this lease. The agenda deadliM wa:; lhi~ pa;t TlI~~dilY Whcn we met ".; !lIl'lllh. you said that you would make sure that this would bl: on t.he .Iune "~;:nda l(\r M.H,I:h"l1 and if nllt you would put it on yourself. Could you ilssist liS in gC'tting thi~ done in time f,u I",' .lullc 181~ meeting? As you know WI: need very much tl' liee this lc:(\~c hi\pren ,''\ SOl'" :\', p\N~ible hecause wc1re not able to operate efticiently witholt this new site Also. WI.I~N"I "";t.... has 101'& since expired and they're being allowed to contilluc operating. in thl: ah~c"cl: "I' ,tll,' ,l rr-=nt leaSe!. Hopefully thi~ would jU!'itify assisting this ite'n to be r,1..ced I'n lhl: aucnda 1('1 ; : llll.nth's meeting. PI.:asc 1:0nla~:1 . .' :1,105) 494-0392, Thanks again for all of)'our help. '~l%O~ ~Al:H(;ON! .", . WIlliS RECEIVED llY THE ORGANIZATION ACOPYOF THEOfFICI"lREGISTI'tArIONA~OPII'UI~C;1A1 INfO~M!\1':-" MI.Y III: OO-rMNEI" ", '/' 'I.~ I IlVISIOlII 0' CONSUMEII SEIIVlCES BY CAlliNG l.eOO"'3s.73';:TQ~"."R!E'J\I1"H'N rl1t! stJl rE ~f'GI;T~.ATI"" or es NOT I'''''I.T F,,:' . ~lMIT. ^PPI~OV"~. OR RECOMMENDATION BVTtil! STATE RE"CISTRATIO,", No. S( .0854'