Item C13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 7/15/03 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a lease agreement with the Federal Aviation Administration for maintenance/storage space at the Key West International Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND: FAA wishes to lease space for equipment, maintenance, and land for a storage building, at the Key West International Airport. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION. None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New agreement STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: None BUDGETED: N/A COST TO AIRPORT: None COST TO PFC: None COST TO COUNTY: None SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes AMOUNT PER MONTH: $558.91 APPROVED BY: County Attorney X OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X DIRECTOR OF AIRPORTS APPROVAL DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # C!-~? DISPOSITION: /bev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ~ CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: Federal Aviation Administration Effective Date: 10/1/02 Expiration Date: 9/30/~ Contract Purpose/Description: Lease for maintenance/storage space at the Key West International Airport. Contract Manager: Bevette Moore (name) # 5195 (Ext.) Airports -- Stop # 5 (Department/Courier Stop) for BOCC meeting on: 7/15/03 Agenda Deadline: 6/30/03 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: Revenue Producing Budgeted? N/ A Grant: N/A County Match: N/A Current Year Portion: N/A Account Codes: N/A Estimated Ongoing Costs: N/A (not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: . (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Date In Changes Needed Yes No Airport Manager ..nj2.5i ~ Risk Management 0 JiJ () S O,M.B.lPurchasing iR.JJ!1K23- County Attorney ~~_ ( ) ()Q ( ) (~ ( ) (I.-~ ( ) ( ) Comments: Reviewer Date Out b/2Sin~ ..f.J 1LJ 0 J 62JJiJO~~ fL/:J- /0.3 fEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION lEASE FOR REAL PROPERTY LEASE NUMIleR DTFAOG-G3-L-GS229 Date of Lease: 1011/02 1. THIS-l.EASE. ~ Into by and between Board of eommlsos;on.f$ of Monroo County. Flonclll whoge interest in tilt property herelnlfter deSCrthG'I th. of owner. h.'lby r.rad to n lESSOR, and the United StMOS rJ America. hereinalle'....red 10 lIS 1M Govornment: WITNESSETH: The Psrties hereto, and for thl _.leI.......n hl!f1!inllfter mentioned. coYlltam and a9'" 8. followG (10/98): ---~ 2. DESCRIPTION. The Lessor hereby t...eS to tIM Government the following described premises: ~ppro1dmately U4.44 square feet of net. u.able 'pRe toeated on the sl!t:ond lloor of the TI""lnal Building and 300 square fwet 0' ll1ftd located behind Hangar No.1, Key WesllnterNtlonal Airport, MDrI~ County, Florida. The INSI premlles Is used for Airway FlICilitiU System Support Cent., (SSC) and Air Traffic Control Tower (ATCT) dorage. The lene premises is identified as follows: ~53.82 200.62 30000 754.44 g $'''.29 pst @ $14.29 p5f @ $ .71 psf Total Location Seeond Floor Second Floor Hangar No.1 ~!!n. EquIp"""" Malnlen'lnce Shop Land for FAA Slorlge Bldg. Sauare Feet ----., J. TERM __ To lIavl and 10 hold said Dremi_ with their Ippu"enancos fot thl term beginning Q.c:.iP.ber 1 2002 Ihrough Sl!IIltmbl!r JO 2003. subjecl to tormlnatlo/\ arid ,on_I "ghts .s may be h"",iNltter 101 10M. 4. AfNeWAL _ This Ieue rTl1IY. at the option of the goYemment. be reMWOd Irom veer to yciJr lIInd otherwille upon lhe terms and conditions h.,.in spec:ified. The Govomment's option !thlltl bI! deemed exerclMd ~nd the let.. rerollWl!d each yeer for one (1) year unleSS the GO\I8fnmen'llives the LOSSOf thirty (30) dBV!' written natie thllt it will nat oxerclso it$ option befm-e thi~ r-_ or any renewal ~: provicllld. that no r__1 thor.of ~.IUII olllend Ihe periacl or occ'lpancV rJ thO promises beyondlhe Y)'~ day or september. 2001; AND PAOVIDI!D FURTHI!R. thld adequate OPllfODnalion, an! available from Y"e' 10 y"'" for tho piJymont or rentals. 5. TEltMINATION _ Th. Governm<:nt m3Y Il!mIinatethi& "058. ;" whOIo or in part. . any tlmo by gMng lilt least lhirty (30) days nolice in writing to lhe le&lIOf _~~_no rental shall accrue ahr the effective doto of torrnlnlltlon. Said notice shill be com uted commmcin WIth tho 1111 ofter IhellClIl of moili" . II, RENT A1.. ~ent in Ihp. amount of $558.91 per morlth sholl be pay~ble to Ihe lesSOI' in arrears end wiU be d... on Ihelirat_kday of leeh month. withoullhe submlu10n or 'n\/Olce, 0' vOllcllors, Subject to ~.lIable l1pprop"alions. The applicabt. onnual renlal rlltOS to the promises c~red by Ihls leaM are $t".29 per squer. rool for !lpaco lII"d $.71 po, squere fool for land on which Ihe G"".rnmo",', 1I0rllgo unit ro~s. AI", sh~11 be considert'!d paid on Ihe date a check is dated Dr on electronic runlls Iramller is m8de. Rent for e period 01 leu than a monlh sM11 be Pformod, Checks will be made pIIV-ble 10 : BOlrd of Commislloners 01 Monroe County, Flondo, c/o Oiret:tor or Airports. 3491 South Aoosevelt Boulevard. Key Wesl. Florida 33040. 1. STANDARD CONDITIONS AND REQUIREMENTS -n;;Toii';;ing ltandard condlllons ~nd rOQulremenls shall epply 10 any premises olftred for 18ase 101111 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (herein3fler called the GOVERNMENT) (to/96): space o~l'8Cllhall havo a valid Occ:ullOnCV Permll. issued by the local JurisdlCtiOf'l. fOl t/'ll intend8cl use of tho Go".rnmenl. Of the ollemf sh311 complele and provide :I certified copy of -FAA Safety & EnvironmCltllll1 CheclCll!;1" form, In llou or~" occupancy permit, IllIhe conlrKting off'~r'9 discretion. The I..sed premi58. 1111 8CC65e& 10 Iht 1etI&ed premises. building OpoJ'lions, OQulpmenl , servICes. or utililles fumished by lhe lessor. and adMI;.::; of oIh., oc:cupant::;, shall be fr.. of -.af9\Y. "~lth. ana life haZards. Wh'" well hanrds are detected. they mllSt be ptOl'I'lpdy correctod the Lessor's IlqMn'O, The Bulld;"g and thelftS8d space shall btllceessible 10 the hllndicappec! in eccordance wilh IIle Uniform Federal Accessibility S18ndarclS (41 CFR 101.19.6. App. A) allll ~" appllcabl. ,"11 ,nd local aCCft,'billty laW!l and regulations. The leased space shllll be free or all a5bestos~taining ma~rial. PCB's. Aldon, and other environmentally h~ardous subshlnCl!!8. lIenvironmenhllly hazardous subslencsl or condilion. ar. found. Iho le&COf shCllllmmodlate!y corrocl such condition'. at no cosl to the GcM!mmenl. Se~. ulililies. and malntonanco will be provided daily. extending from 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p_m. t1lCl!pl Saturday. Sunday. and Fodoral holidays. SorvlCo8l .;upplltd 10 technical equipment ,hall be supplied 24 h~. s day. seven d8}'11 a _k.. Tho Government shall hive accost to the leased sDac, at all times. Includlnll ..!~rJ electrical services. loilets, lighls, eleYlllon:. snd Govommlnt 011'10' machines wllhout ~dcIltlonal p:a'fmtlnl. 8. SERVICES AND UTILITIES (To be p,ov.d"" by Leue' a. ~n 111 r8n' 5elYlC" .~allll8 B"""'nll Standard, ~n_ _.111 "o",lCa 'Ii "..r.cn_ ,,_... '" !h.,....) (10198) o "EATONI.Y- _DliC mI\SHR~MOVAL GROUNOSMAINT INITIAl. & Re>l.ACEMENT LAMPS. ruBes & SAI.I.ASTS xx OTl<ER ~ecrRICm' ~ eIl.lIed d',"kino-~ SNOW REMOVAl. 0 SPECIAL POWER . N<7IEO HVAC . e5-7D OEG ~ h"'''lI WINOQW WASHING flE\.OW) llld 1&-80 ceo F coollnt ~_.aIlCY ~ OAII. Y TOII.ET SUPPLIES & CARPET Cl.EANING ~ WATER (HOt.. Cold) CLeANING tspo>c.ty bel....) PAINTING ~REQUENCY Plrkina IS for airuort ImDlovo8S. DAilY JANITORIAL SERY & SUPPLIES I)THeR REclUIREMeNTS ... See Attachment WA" I'EOERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION 10198 1 of 2 Pages JUN-02-03 13.31 FROM.MONROE COUNTY ATTY OFFICE 10.3052923516 PACE 1/1 FAA LEASE FOR REAL PROPERTY ,. GENERAL CLAUSES A. INSpeCTION _ The G_mment reseNe5 the right. at any time allot tile l6IlY is SIgned and duri"lJ the 101m 01 lhe lel$O, 10 in5ped the I..led premises and all othllf areas 01 the building 10 which a~~ess i$ IIKessary 10 ensure iI safe .nd hullny WOfk enY1rOl1mollC for the Governmenl lenallla and VIe L_"I pclformance under mi5 t...o. The FAA shall ha... the right 10 I*form gmplill9 of 5U5pactod hllDrd0u5 c;onditlon6. 8. DAMAGE BY FIR E OFt OTHER CASUAL TV _ II the bUilding i. partially or tOlally destroyed or damaged by fire or atll., er.;ualty ot if enYironmentally huardous collcllllons al. found to exiSt 50 that !he IeaMd spa~e ;, untenantablo I' determined by V. GCNtIll\ment. the G_mment may larmln.le the ,.... In whO~ or in pert. imrnedlllelV bV giving Wlltttlll notl.:. to Ihl LlISSor llnd no furt"., roml w'oII be dUe. (10198) C. MAINTENANCE OF THE PREMISES _ Thl..OSSOt' $hall rNIin~in the demised premiM5. includinglhe building, groundr.. and IIlllCluipment. fIlRuros, and .-ppurtcnances lurmshllCl Dy the l.e5sor undO! this Inse. in good napa.r and tenantable condilion. (10196) O. FAILURE IN PERFORMANCE _ In the evenlthe Lessor fatls to perform any 5.rvlce, 10 provida any icem, or mllOC any requirement of th461uSe, the GoY.,nmont mav pelform th<il servic;e. provide the Item. or meel the roquiremenl. eithM dlfK1lY or through. c:onlrac;l. lho GoYwnrnent m.y d6cluc:t arY>J eosts ,ncurred for tho SlMee or itam. Induding adm.nlltrlltive colOtS, from lhe renl~l plyments. NO deduction 01 ronl pursUllnt 10 rhls QIUH .haN co"lC/lure " dMault by the GoYernrnelll on ll'ti$ lea5.. (\0/96) ! OEFAUl T BY L.ESSOR. (t) Each of the following .hall eOMli\ute a default by Lessor unCltr lhi51u1lO: (a) II me L.ssOr fails io perform Ifle work reqllll'aG to delivor the leaMd promises rndy for oc;cupanc;y by tho Covernmenl wtth such d11IGQnce a. WIll ensure delivery of thO le.58d promiMS W11nm the 1lIIIO reql/lr6cl by lhe 1..&11 ~r..manl. or ilny Illl1Onl'olon G1thO $pecified time. (b) FeiLumto mlll\l8in. r.e. OIlOfl18 OI50MeIl IlIe prem~ .. and when spac.fl8d in lhia I..... or fail"re 10 p8lform anyoth.r requlremenl of thiS lease Ili alld when requited prOVided /Ouch fatlutO which :ohilll romain uncurod tot a period 01 timo as ,peWicd by Ihe ContrllC1ing OlflCer. 100IOWing lllS$or'S roceipt 01 noti~e lhereof from tno ConlIllCt'"i Of!icaf. (c) Ropoalld failuto by die LeuOf 10 comply wllh one or moro reQuirement:; of this \eII6e &hall con51.tute a dIlfavll "alWithslanding thet one or .U failures ahall have bean timely cured purSUanl10 this clau$e. (2) If. deraull occurs. Ihe Government may, by wrinen nollee to Ine LasSOt'. termil\alethe 101.. in whoIa or in part. (10196) F AL TERA nONS _ Tho Govctnmenl stYli h:ave lhe right durlll9thllaxislenco of tni5 lelse to mike alterations, .ttach fill1Ures. and wac;t SllUCflllK or r.igM.n or upon lhO preml6e. heroby leesad. whlelt f'xtU!'85. additIOnS or 5truc;1ureS ~ placod In. on. upon, or attaChed 10 tlte s:lt4 premise5 &hall be and remain lhe propertY of tho Governmont and may be removed or at1tCfWl5. dispocod of by the Govemment. It i$ mut\ll1IY agreed Olnd undemood. that no r85lorililOn righls shell accrue 10 lne lOSSor'O( anv alleraliOllli 10 1/18 leased prllmlSllS under tnor. ilia... and Ihal tho Gavommcnt .hall ha.... lhO option of iJDilndonlng alteratlOn5 ill place. WIle" lermlnaltnG tile loa... al no addilional <;0$\. (10i96) G. OFfICIALS NOT TO SENEFIT _ No momber of or doIogal.lo congress, or ruidalll commi55lOnor. shall be admitted 10 any share or pall of \his collCflct, or 10 any bc"ofllari5ing from II. H_yor. tillS clallse dOCS not apply 10 Ihl$ ccnlnlct 10 the extent thaltnis contract ili made with a corporalion 101 the corporation's gene~ Denofit. (10196) JoI. COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGEN'l' FEES _ The Contractor _ranIS that no person Of agoncy nas b88Ilemployod or rlllaincd to solicit or oblDi" thie contm;C upon all agr.ornen, or undor.slanding for a contingenl fea, OllCOpt a bona ride employoe of agency. For D/oac;/1 or violal1on of th~ ....manly. tile Government 5/\a11 havo tho ngllt 10 annlll tllis contrac:l withoutliab~ity or. in its dJsctotion. to dadud Itom the contrKt price or Q)nulel$ion. o. otJ\elWi$o .Bcaver 1110 full amounl of the contingont feo. (10198) I. ANTI.KICKBACK _ The Anll-Klckbac:lc Ac:1 of 1988 (41 lJ.S,C. 5~-58) (tM Act), prohIbitS any p8IS011 from (1) Providing or 1lt1ll1lp!ing to ptlMd. or ohring to provide any kickback; (2) Soliciting, ac;c:apting. or eltompllnt 10 accept allY kickback; of (3) Including. dltecllY or indiractly. tho amount of any kic:kbac;k in mo contrac:l pnce charged bV I prime ContnK1or to Ihe UnilllCl Slates or in the conlract pIlee charged by iI wbcOnlrtlc:lOf to a prime eol\lrI'Clor 01 highOf toOr subcontrac:lOI. (10196) J. PROTEST AND DISPUTES _ An contrac:l dlspuln allalno under or ralillod to thi. ~ontract or prot.1IS concerning award5 of contracts $hall be r8SOlvod unc:lllf lhi6 clauso. and Ihrough lne Fedenal Avialion Administration (FAA) Ol5pIM Resolution $y,tlllTl Judicial reVl8W, wIlera available. will be in Iccordance wilh 49 U.S.C 46110 and SIIallallplv only to finllagency doei5l0n5. rhe deCl600n of 1M FAA &haU be con5ider.d ~ final agency dDCl8lOn only ;eftor a eol'fI1IClD1 Of offOlor hal unlllllfecl their admln~tfltiYII ,.rneclier. for r.lOIvlng a conUac:l dl5PUIO undet tile F AA D~pulo Resolulion System. PmlO$\S mll6t be iliad wilt! the Oflica of Olspute ROlOlulion wilhin 5 caloncJar dlIy. 01 tna dale Ihat tho llrOle6tar was aware. or .IIoutcl r..sonebly hIVO boM awar.. of the agency actien or illllc:lioo which lvrms Iho basi. m tho pro...t. UnIOSS olherwiM _acS in IhiS eontflCl. a contTiICt clI$PIM by tM contractor against the g_nmen! 5lW1 be S"bmillld 10 Iho Conl/llCfing Offtcer wilhin 1 Vear aller tho K~rual of tho conlflct disput.. lnformelion relatll\9 to submitting a prGl.e:d or di5pula will bO provided by the Contrac:lu'9 0fI'1C*. upon roque61. (10i96) K. eXAMINATION OF RECORDS. The Complfoll. G_' of die Uniled Silt.., lhe Admini.crtltor c-A FAA vnti! 3 yoal'S after final payment unclor thll contraCt havo ac;ce5S 10 iI"d l/le light 10 OlCaml/lll any of 1110 Co or ather r_d. InvoJvinglransactiOns reLatecllo this contract. (10196) IN WITNESS WHl!~EOF,lb. Ell) pARTIII . AWARD(TObllcompl"odbYGovemmaOflTE~- '2 ]-~ resellls: ~ SlCNAl'uRE or: O'NNfR lie. o"r& COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Of MONROE COUNTY, FL (Iw.Ifl THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT IINDlNG ON THe GOVERNMENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA UNLESS SIGNED BILOW BY AU1'l-4OIUZED CONTRACTING OJlFICER. 'e. NAMe; OF CONTIlACTlNO OFFICER (TypO" Pnnl) Ronnie Johnson Db. SIGNATURE OF CONTRACTING OfFICeR ~. QATE 1'0JVe) 2 012 PID" FEOERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION \0198 ATTACHMENT "A" T9 LEASE NO. pTFA06- 03-L- 05229 - 1. INSTALLATION OF ANTENNAS CABLES AND OTHER APPURTENANCES. The Government shall have the right to install, operate and maintain antennas, wires and their supporting, structures including any linking wires, connecting cables and conduits atop and within buildings and structures, or at other locations, as deemed necessary by the Government, provided such installations will not be located in such an area or in such a manner as to adversely effect the d~velopment, improvement or operation of the Key West International Airport. It is also specifically understood and agreed that in locating antenna wires or other appurtenances on top of the Administration Building, or other portions of the Administration Building, the Government will perform the work, or cause the same to be performed, in such a manner as to hold the County of Monroe harmless from any and all damages that may be sustained through the cancellation of the roofing bond. The Government shall also have the right and privilege to install, operate and maintain such underground power and control cables as will be necessary between the Air Traffic Communications Station and the emergency standby power plant for proper operation of the facility or facilities during periods of commercial power failure. 2. SECURITY. ' " The Lessor shall provide sufficient security for the premises to prevent illegal or unauthorized entry and loitering. (10/96) 3. NO WAIVER. No failure by the Government to insist upon performance of any provision of this lease or failure to exercise any right or remedy consequent to a breach thereof, shall constitute a waiver of any such breach in the future, (10/96) 4. INTEGRATED AGREEMENT. This lease, upon execution, contains the entire agreement of the parties, and no prior written or oral agreement, express or implied shall be admissible to contradict the provisions of this lease. (10/96) 5. COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE LAWS. The Lessor shall comply with all federal, state and local laws applicable to the Lessor as owner, or both, of building or premises, including, without limitation, laws applicable to the construction, ownership, alteration or operation of both or either thereof, and will obtain all necessary permits, licenses and similar items at Lessor's expense. This lease shall be governed by Federal law. (10/96) 6. NON_RESTORATION. The Government shall have no obligation to restore ancllor rehabilitate, either wholly or partially, the premises ~nder this lease. It is further agreed .that the Government" may abandon in place any or all of the structures, Imp~ovements and/or equipment installed in or located upon said property by the Govememnt during its tenure. Notice of abandonment will be conveyed to the Lessor in writing. (10/96) Attachment A 1 ,- 7. HOLDOVER. If, after expiration of the lease, the Government shall retain possession of the premises, the lease shall continue in force and effect on a day-to-day basis not to exceed 90 day.s. Rent shall be paid monthly in arrears on a prorated basis at the rate paid during the lease term. (10/96) 8. NOTICES. All notices/correspondence shall be in writing, and shall be addressed as follows (or to stich "either address as either party may designate from time to time by notice or correspondence to the other). (10/96) TO LESSOR: Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County,. Florida c/o Director of Airports 3491 South Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040 TO GOVERNMENT: Federal Aviation Administration P. O. Box 20636 Atlanta, Georgia 30320 " General correspondence may be forwarded to the above address via first class mail. 9. HOLD HARMLESS. The LESSEE shall save harmless the LESSOR for and against all claims for compensatory damages for injury or loss of property or personal injury or death by the negligent or wrongful act or omission of any employee of the LESSEE while acting within the scope of his office or employment under circumstances where the LESSEE, if a private person, would be liable in accordance with the law of the place where the act or omission occurred. The foregoing shall not extend to claims based upon acts or omissions of the LESSEE's employees for which the LESSEE would not be liable under the Federal Tort Claims Act of 1945 (28 USC 2671 et seq.) as now or hereinafter amended. The LESSOR shall furnish the LESSEE with reasonable notice of any claims made against the LESSEE. Attachment A 2 ., ,-