Item T03 ; "'._~",!' . ""-. ....i,\''q>~...;.;'':P... "...~...; _....~~~'~ ....~_, "'~~<::"'''lI!l!II:lU..,1"''',' "'!' .,' ""'._'''!'I''''''" : ' ~ .~~~,f;.--~" ~~<;'-7','ll;' .': > 'J.-""'.'! :~,. "'-"-'~"~-' ~.-- ~- ,.--.....t'.. r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ' AGENDA ITEM SUMMARy Meeting Date: 11/19/03 Division: County Attornev Bulk Item: Yes X- No Department: County Attornev AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Request for approval to institute foreclosure and collection proceedings and for authority to settle a code enforcement lien case, and to engage outside councel, if necessary. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Code Enforcement department fOlWarded 3 code enforcement lien cases to the County Attorney's office for collection. A list of the subject properties is attached. PREVIOUS REVELANT BOCC ACTION: None CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes XXX No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: q~DrtS 09 'Lr-~ , l.R. Collins DOCUMENTATION: Included ToFollow_ NotRequired DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # /t? '---'-~'---~-'-~~~ ~ , ,..,.,.,' ',"" ," ~.. ,,",-" ,~- __.,'1:"",,,." ...-~..-;,-~:"lt':p.'"3-. _ _lIllNt.;" ,-,,--'-, _ '~.~ Nov O~ 03 12:05p JOE PASKALIK eBO 305 289-2596 p.2 J i } i. . I r ; BEFORE THE CODE ENFORCEMENT SPECIAL MASTER ' J. .lEFFER.soN OVERBY MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA _: ,~,'~."1.-.(l)"1"1":'\ ':~' ~- f/~ _ _ n' DarreI1 J. Wolfe OCtober 30, 2003 JIUI~ as a Code ~ lien which ,is incorporated herein. have been on file .in the, o~ rc:cords of Monroe Cotmty for more dum 3 moDtlls withouibciag satisfied, this . .~~. ~ . . tribuual, ,PIII'SUIDt to F.S. 162.09(3), hereby aud10rizes the Monroe Couuty Attorney's office .r. . to ~ civil actions to foreclose OIl said Iieos 8DdIor to recover money judgmeqta for the 8D1OUDtSof the iDdividuaJ liens pJusintcrcst and costs. Case'lJ4.03-1840 DONE AND ORDORn at dJc Maratbon Govemme:nt -FJ~-this-JtL:_d.9_of~be.r.._2003. J ~, Marathon, --- --- -!' r q I STATE 01' FLORIDA COUNTY OF MONROE , I HEREBY CER.11FY that on this day before me, aD officer duly qualified to lake ack:oow~, perscmaJly appeared J. JbnacsoN OVERBY, personally known to me, who "~1fed the foregoq 8Dd ackaow1edged before me that he c=r~ the BIIDC. . :".~ my baud IIId official seal in the Cotmty aDd State last8foresajd this 3.b . day of 0ct0bct,~2003. '".,'Q .'ILL.... - \.,..J=~= { } , f' r . , ,