Item Q01 "":""""?""'~""",~,~",e,:'l>;~,1Io.;'Cf~] "-~~"IlIl'I!!I!II1"~'!lI1I!l""'"'' "P"'=;~~~"";:-''"''''':'''-'~!''~~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDAITEMS~Y Meeting Date: November 19,2003 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Mayor Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval for Monroe County to pay to the Florida Retirement System the amount of $6, 107.27, which is required for the director of Social Services, Louie LaTorre, Jr., to be eligible for retirement in 2/29/04. ITEM BACKGROUND: Mr. LaTorre worked as a State Employee from 9/71 to 6/74. The amount requested would purchase 2.83 years of refunded service, which would bring him to a full thirty (30) years of service, February. 2004. Under Florida Statute, Section 121.0181, it is permissible for the County to pay for the contribution for past service with the State of Florida. It provides that a governing body of a covered group (which includes the County) may elect to provide benefits with respect to past service earned prior to January 1, 1975. That past service would have to be with the State of another agency, which is and was a participant in the Florida Retirement System. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year -- APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management_ DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: I~ >-no ~.uJ Mayor ixie M. Spehar DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # of"':" " , c-f,,"1 Revised 1/03 Florida Division of Retirement Estimate of Retirement Benefit (Estimate only, subject to final verification of all factors) Estimate # 1 Member Information: Retirement Date: Birthdate: Age @ Retirement: 0312004 Need Birthdate Verification: Yes 56 Years 5 Months Joint Annuitant Information: Name LATORRE, DONNA Birth Da~ A2e @ Retirement 53 Years II Months Need Birthdate Verification Yes General Information: Birthdate Verification: If "Yes" is noted, see the enclosed "Preparing to Retire" brochure. Verification for the joint annuitant is needed only if you select option 3 or 4. Normal Annual Benefit: Total Percentage x AFC. Average Final Compensation (AFC): Average of the 5 (10 for TRS) highest fiscal years (July I _ June 30) of salary. Option Selection: Please see the enclosed article, "What Retirement Option Should You Choose?" Calculation Information: For this estimate we are including the following years of service: Plan Plan Description HA FRS-REGULAR CLASS Years 30.00 Value 1.6000 Percent 48.00 Totals 30.00 48.00 Comp Percent Used Average Final Compensation (APC) Normal Annual Benefit 48.00 77,621.96 37,258.54 Ootion Factor Monthlv Benefit. Survivor's Benefit I 1.00000 3,104.88 2 0.97715 3,033.93 3 0.80765 2,507.66 2,507.66 4 0.88608 2,751.17 1,834. II Amount Due: The amount due of $6,107.27 must be paid before you can receive the benefit shown. Annual interest at 6.5% is added each June 30 to any unpaid balance. Make your check payable to the Florida Retirement System. Please write your social security number on the check. You may rollover funds from a qualified plan (IRA, deferred compensation, etc.) to pay the amount due. Form PRO-I, Pretax Direct Rollover Form, must be received with your payment, which can be obtained from our office. Rollovers cannot be made for upgraded service. Comments: This estimate is based on a 1129/04 termination date with retirement effective 3/04. You will then have 30 years of service including the purchase 2.83 years of refunded service.