Item E07BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: 11/19/03 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of extension of lease agreement for office space for the Transportation Security Administration at the Key West International Airport. T ITEM BACKGROUND: General Services Administration requested a one year lease extension on behalf of the Transportation Security Administration. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Ratification of lease (offer) agreement 4/16/03. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Extends termination date to 9/30/04. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: None BUDGETED: N/A COST TO AIRPORT: None " ' SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A COST TO PFC: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes AMOUNT PER YEAR: 20,342.00 APPROVED BY: CountyAttorney X OMB/Purchasing X Risk Management X DIRECTOR OF AIRPORTS APPROVAL ++ F$eter J. Horton DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow - Not Required AGENDA ITEM # DISPOSITION: /bev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: General Services Administration Effective Date: 10/1/03 Expiration Date: 9/30/04 Contract Purpose/Description: Extension of lease agreement for office space for the Transportation Security Administration at the Key West International Airport Contract Manager: Bevette Moore # 5195 Airports - Stop # 5 (name) (Ext.) (Department/Courier Stop) for BOCC meeting on: 11/19/03 Agenda Deadline: 11/4/03 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: Revenue Producing Budgeted? N/A " Grant: N/A County Match: N/A ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: N/A For: . (not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Yes No Airports Director tol-*-P3 ( ) Risk Management' to / $ / o3 ( ) ( ) O.M.B./Purchasing 0/04"', County Attorney Comments: Current Year Portion: N/A Account Codes: N/A utilities, janitorial, salaries, Reviewer Rob Wolfe Date Out V 1.1-V/ VJ V=011 --- l•V VIY11 —... ,.a•• ••.0 ------------- GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SUPPtLMENTALAGUeMENT OA11 PUBLIC BUILDINGS SERVICE NO.01 TOLEASENO SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE AGREEMENT GS-04B-42843 A Key West International Airport 3491 South Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 83040 HIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into t is ate by and between Monroe County whose address is Key West International Airport 3491 South Roosevelt Boulevard Key West, Florida 33040 hereinafter called the Lessor, and the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, hereafter called the Government: WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to amend the above Lease. NOW THEREFORE, these parties for the considerations hereinafter mentioned covenant and agree that the said Lease is amended, effective October 1. 2003 as follows: The purpose of this agreement is to extend the lease for 700 rentable square feet of space for one (1) year. The paragraph of the lease entitled B. Term is hereby deleted and replaced by the following: "B. Term - TO HAVE AND TO HOLD for the term commencing on October 1, 2002, and continuing throught September 30, 2004 inclusive. The Government may terminate this lease at any time on or after April 30, 2003, by giving at least 30 days notice in writing to the Lessor. No rental shall shall accrue after the effective date of termination. Said notice shall be computed commencing with the day after the date of mailing. " MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY FORM: RO T N. WOLFE CHIEF SSI ylrC NTY ATTORNEY Oats All other terms and conditions of the lease shall remain in force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties subscribed their names as of the above date. LESSOR Monroe County BY ?Signature) Mae) IN PRESENCE OF gnarurel(Address) CONTRACTING OFFICER GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION _ (Srgnatare) ( tlal 7Ir e) GSA Form 276 (Jul. 67) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: tl 110 a 3 DIVISION: COUNTY ADMINISTRATOR BULK ITEM: YES DEPARTMENT: AIRPORTS AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Ratification of lease (offer) agreement with the US Government (GSA) for Transportation Security Administration office space at the Key West International Airport. ITEM BACKGROUND: In order to meet TSA's demand for office space, it was necessary to expedite a lease offer. The lease offer was faxed to the General Services Administration January 31, 2003. Upon execution by the GSA, the lease offer was.retumed to the Airport as a lease agreement. _ PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION. Approval for TSA to occupy office space on a month to month basis pending an approved lease agreement., 10/16/02 CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: New4ease STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A COST TO AIRPORT: N/A COST TO PFC: N/A COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes APPROVED BY: County Attorney X KEY WEST AIRPORT DIRECTOR APPROVAI DOCUMENTATION: Included X DISPOSITION: BUDGETED: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A AMOUNT PER NEAR: $20,342.00 OMB/Purchasing X To Follow Risk Management X Not Required AGENDA ITEM # c —4B! /bev APB MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract # Contract with: US Government Effective Date: 10/1/02 Expiration Date: 9/30/07 Contract Purpose/Description: Lease for office space for the Transportation Security Administration Contract Manager. Bevette Moore # 5195 Airports - Stop # 5 (name) (Ext.) `� (Department/Courier Stop) for BOCC meeting on: 4/16/03 Agenda Deadline: 4/2/03 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: Revenue Producing Current Year Portion: Budgeted? N/A Account Codes: Grant: N/A County Match: N/A ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: N/A For: . (not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes Date In Needed Reviewer Date Out Yes No Airport Manager/2 / 4 ( ) (#00, �-/ Z / Risk Management 03 et 3 kV / 03 O.M.B./Purchasing Will' mhaus 3 - /6 County Attorney S eila Bark r Rob Wolfe Comments: 01-28-03 11:11 From -GSA PARS FT LAUD ................. +654356TOT5 T-070 P.01/11 F-Z6I 11.S,�QStFgIy-Lugs=R a R- Iry (Short F m) Lws raffia--���� GS-048-42643 PART 1 - SOLICITATIONMESCRIPTION OF IMQUIREMENTS (To be �orttpleted by Governrymrt) A. REdUIREMENTB w' 6111 fen1 oT In% United States of America is seelling to 'ease appronlmatei 3 space located in the Key West to Alrpvrt or within a 5-mtnule drive from the air.450 port square feet of office than November 1, 2002 for a term Of 5 years total. 2 years firm. Rentable s act Pat for occupancy not later feet of ANSIRSOMA Office Area (previously Usable) for use by Tenant for Personnel, urn16h�R a minimum at 1,000 square INITIAL OFFERS ARE DUE ON OR BEFORE CLOSE OF BUSINESS September n el, fu 6, and equipment, H. STANDARD CONDIT �-(-O N iS ANO REOUIRQMENTB F The ftttlotwing standard4ME conditions and requirements shall apply to any lmNn4os fered for hale to the UN ceued the GOVERNMENT)' 01 RED STATE OF AMERICA (hereinafter Space altered Nona be in a Quality building of sound end substantial corneruction, either a rehab. tebon for the intended use. new. modem buildln g Or one that has undergone fc3twitton or - Occupancy Permit for ins intended use of the Gove all appgcable arrant (ae of the date of this solicilMort rnlneM and shag rnairstsln end beading referred to a ) codes and ordinances. Below -grade space 10 be occuated !by the te � mg In conformance with autoMatte 6priNder'► system Or on crease In NationalFare Proteatan Aaeocintlon Standard tp1, or any succasior stands meat and aA areas In a Sckaor stars wnl be counteo as One lalnvarill ya If on safety. of space I t6 mknum of c"' separate Stairways ehnp bo �d°t0, must be protected by an sPPly more slarree above grade, edd!<lartatl ea esefi Ooor of Government occupancy, The BuUdalg and the leased apace Sfisll be 4ct;eailDls to workers with ciaaDinties m accordance with the gmerl�rlg Wess ith Me alarm requirements may FED. rtea (3B CFR Part 1181, Aga. A) and the Uniform Federal Accessiwitry Standards (Federal Register vol. 49, No. 753. August FED. STD. 795. aaeq Aphl t, tl7t18, end emended by federal PtpD Me Ith DisablAlies Aet AcceasibUlty Marsh 28, 191i9), Where standards conf6a, the more stringent shad apply, nagement Regulation CFR 41, Subpart 101-1 g,g 7, t lie4, ra.suea as The leased•ep8ce than be free of Sp moast06 corttainin9 materials, eioca t ApPenmx A. 54 FR 12626, insulation outside the space, to wAfeh R undamaged a8besioz (toorin In impiemontad. The space Gee an asbastoa managevnent Program eenforTrunO to g space or undamaged bolkr or pipe Pa Wall be free of other hazardous materials accoMirt(I to SDRGeabk Fedsrat, SEM c . b�81tee��wn p SaNces. uWd=, and maintMnanee will be provided daily, odendtnp from a a.m, to 7 p.m. except 1. State Sunda , Agency guidance shall tx shall have access to the leased mOnnterital regutauone, sddltlonal space at all times, including the use of electrical services. toriatc, !i has, y� y and Federal hotitlays. Tne Government DEymBflt. g elevators, and Government office machines WjtnOUt X mur X GLEI:TMcay X Do-ca is"aw X WATER W*L C W) s+�«waMow� oTM� ReotnREMt<rrTs few z aEnv�GE6 ANp UTILn1Ea Ru ba Peonofra OY rasa- — e�A W A TAAer1REMOVAL X• X AIR CONOI7,ONINa X • TOrl f 3VPPU6S X .uUY MI M1=RV i OURP Offerors snouM also hlotude the folowmg with tlielr otters: X ELEVATOR SERVICE FoAau aPP I X wapowz"SWryC R11690 V S90 Rae X r-Aft"Ccc:iEAAWC FoweKy M A TAKING SPACE IN'AS IS, CONDITION oJIT1AL a ABPLAemaicr LVMS• rTUBE6i •�iNCy alone S_aaAse hlnn Alen OTP*R (SPae,ry 661er.) NOTE: All otters are SUb)ect to the terms Genera! Cleve" and R and eondlttons autfinld aboves., and ofsewhere in lfits solicitation, Including the Govennnenrr apresantatrona and Certifreatloftti ems of A- Tna ACCIIPTAKE OFFER wmr THE lOVVesr P VY►pON MEANaTNE AREA vvNerra A TENANT NORM RiCe PER SOIrARE FOOL, ACCOra7rrlq 70 THE ANSY60MA 205.1•teee DEFM1110N FOR eDMA USABLE _� MOCr AOVANTAGEOua TO THE GOVERNMENT, T rH TXGS ��NNEl ANOIOR FVRNMME• FOR VVIOCN A isemuRErreFO t. JS?O ell COMP OFFICE AREA . APPRonMATCL V EOVµ TD PRICE - 31oNIFICw Wmi ills CQllpyyp� EYAIVATrON [ACTORS Bf9NG ' SIOMF IJZ. NTLrtaia1MWMANTTHAN PRICE "WiAAgsaMeaWest. ww&$@go a wofto: RTANrT,.ANpr�E GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION GSA Form 3526 (Rev. 9.01) P""P*"bV 4P0 Z=.12A 0i-H-03 17:11 From -GSA PARS FT LAUD F �v �,T-170 P.03/11 A. LOCATION ANO DESCRIPTION OF PREmws OFFERW FOR LEAS ��l t. "Mr,nNDnooaESS Or atalOWO (+ner�Isl6aCm.) E 8Y G OVERNMENT KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3491 S. ROOSEVELT BLVD KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 +854356T6i5 F-261 a• toeArtaNtq,�eu4owo I r O"m e. ROOM Numeep WA 2ND RENTAe�E OQ FT d. TYpE See Addandurl q (or >r GUMALOFr10E OTHER tslK/rr wAREHOWE sq it. B.. TERM V, fo nave and 10 hold. for the term COmmencin Q on October 1, 2902 and cmirtuittQ through Sept fhit Leese at any time an or after April 30. 2003, b ember 30, 2003 ctdustve. T' Y QN�Q at least 30 days notice in writingto the Lessor. N The Government may terminate le►mutatron. Said notice chow be computed c No -rental shall estrus aher the effectNe Date of ontmenctnQ with the day after the date of tnaUlnp. - Runt shau be �• RENTAL t�ayeble in ttm wg and wil be due on Ino first workday of sect, month. When the date for c0mmenee Of the month, the initial renta! a enl ahaU be due oA Ina Ilrtt wvrkda than a mentn antM be P cement of t Prorated. Yof the Mend month followlnQ the co he lease falls after the t51h guy commencement date. Rent for a penod of less 4MOUNT Oi AMNUAL MEN? VMS 1.2 AM.OUNTOFArWVALMTTRS i MAKE CNECKSpAYAeLEto(NNnN•wd•doWs) See Addendum A for rate structure. AIRPORT OPERATION 8 �IIrl1NTENANCE Kwla 3421 S. ROOSEVELT BLVD. ° Rn*e tit MONTH ras to KEY WEST, FLORIDA 3304p RATE PER MONTH YRa 3.5 t01 NAME ANO AppRg S$ Of• OWNER pAC7Yee Z!P sees Y ATwr 1" OY rn• G-mmm•eo Md W. O..w. • • nO�I�I' 1 O An•r:n.p or tdONROE COUNTY �omWQ Irft 00 0•ns•I MINK•.. WARP I rr•r�•4 IA••/ J KEY WEST INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT 3481 S. ROOSEVELT BLVD. KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33040 too. Tali!L�!__ w Nor 305- 77 NAMR" AUfHON ,WaNr P"00 unn_.. _ OF OwRER OR I t, fl'rE OF tNtERt:ST IN PROPERTY nF t►EJti'tONtlMC O1NN� aON 7tatmrORno Ar.ir,R 13. TnLEOt PO pY apNC AAPPROVED AS TO LEGAL S FORM BY RO DATE LPE �• OTHER (5aectyl Ta OFFERRiMA1NSOPEN PART 01 - AWARD IT* be completed by Gevenrrmanq fDi"'1 Your Dryer is hereby a (b) RoPreaantatlona and CafllFp TING awed ceneutnR+ares the 18490 VA*h (o) the G of the toJtwytttQ oocumen� wammW't General Clauses, and (ill the f (a his G and RAtta� nt g� °ftntat lease Regvbam s for SntaU leases, Attachment 2 - Ltsasa � changes or, add,uoru made of SA Fenn 3G28. Layout of Space. Cog Breakdown Summ "fe°0 to by you'. ArY, Addendum A - Square Footage THIS DOCUMENT IS NOT 6110NU ON THE GOVERNMENT OF THE Uf�ITEp STATE3 OR Aur'10=90 CONTRACTING OFFICER 171 NAM rAAMERIt;A UNLESS SIGNED BY OFFca E OF OO�RAC1wc CFFICtcR ��� �t rb. aUTURE of cONT1uCTINC ITC DATE GENERALRINICE p'q�irz 1,/ ADMINISTRATION GSA Form 3tf26 (Rev. (Re B-01) 01-29-03 iT:12 From -GSA PARS FT LAUD r. +95d356T6i5 T-A10 P.04/11 F-Z61 ADDENDUM A — SQUARE FOOTAGE AND RENT STRUCTURE TO GSA FORM 3626 LEASE CONTRACT # G3-04B-42843 The Rentable Square Footage (FISF) and Rent Structure under this lease shall be as follows; Tenn Fully Serviced RSF Rate/RSF Total Annual gent Months Rev 10/01102 thru 1121103 300 S29.oa $8,718.00 $725.50 01/22/03 thru 09/30/03 700 $29.05 $20,342.00 a'1,685.17 W 01 r, SFO No. 2FL0353 TSA, Key West, Florida ATTACHMENT#I SUPPLEMENTAL L"Sa Rga nRChtENT'S `'�Zf1�51G7E5 10. MISCELLANEOUS TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1.1. RENTABLE SPACE (JUN 1994) Rentable space Is the area for which a tenant i; charged rent, Its d �' b Or "Imlined by the Duilding owner and may Y City by building within the same city. The rentable space supDort/common areas such as elevator lobbies, building corridors, anfloor service JudeareaFr share o ice building -_ typically include restMoms, janitor rooms, telephone closets, electrical closes, and mechanical rooms. The rentable space generally does not include vertical building penetrations and their enclosing walls, such as stairs, elevator shafts and vertical ducts. 1.2. BOMA USABLE SQUARE FEET (JAN 19M (a) For the purposes of this solicitation, the Government Managers Association) International standard (ANSVBOMA Z65R1�-1996) dees the oi MA for Me Area, which (Building Owners and me3ns 'the area where a tenant normally houses personnel and/or furniture, for which a rmcaaure Lu be computed.`' ment is (b) SOMA Usable Square Feet shall be computed by measuringthe a rea SURFACE of the office side of corridurs (arrnoors in place as wll as those required by focal codes and ordinances to provide an acceptable levbl of safety and/or to by the FIdes and elements) and other permanent walls, the DOMINANT PORTION provide access to essential building 50% more than the floor-t0-ceiling dimension) of building a erioerZwd or a PENETRATION and the center of partitions that separate the area balm ) (permanent walls which are AREA. Where alcoves, recessed entrances, or similar deviation from the �uWUK VERTICAL AREA Square Feet shalt re computed as if the deviation were not g measured from adjoining OFFICE p corridor are present, SOMA Present. (c) Off rs ar quired to submit plans and any other information to demonstrate that the rentable Yields A Usable space within the required SOMA Usable range. space BOMA Usable square tvotage an] convert the rentable prices offeredOvernment will verify the to SOMA Usable prices, whit II bsequentty be used in the price evaluation. Refer to GSA Form 3626 and Attachment #2 r sp Trc spat uirements. � 1.3. COMMON AREA FACTOR (JAN 1997) If applicable, Offerors shall provide the Common Area Factor (a conversion factors) determined b th owner and applied by the -owner to the SOMA Usable Square Feet to determine the rentable square feet for offered space). i Y e building 1.4. LOCATION the (a) AREA OF CONSIDERATION The sNaue offered Mustbe e—within the below delineated boundaries: City. Key West International Airport, Ke WP.st. Florida 'located at the airport or within a 5-minute driva of the airport li bl RKIIQG REQUIREMENTS steel above. aa rmum of two (2) reserved onaitR, outdoor parking sP3ces ore a nt to the proposed building. The parking to square foot ratio available required a On site must meet idea d Cal a requirements. NIA - No nt sen,vpdAtiKjtig - l3 ens INITIALS: I FSSOR _� g GOV'T SFO1;2FL0353 SUPHf FM;:?krA. 1.5. NECOTtATIONS (APR 1998) (a) The Government reserves the right to award a lease pursuant to this solicitation based on initial offers. If no such award is made, negotiations will be conducted on behalf of the Government by Contracting Officer or other authorized representative. The Gg Officer SA Contracting m the GSA second page of the form 3626 included in this solicitation. GSA will negotiate Ois named on the term, any renewal periods, and any other aspect of the offer as deemed necessa) prce for the initial (b) The Offeror shall not enter into negotiations concerning the space leased or to .be leased with representatives of Federal agencies other than the Contracting Officer or designee, (c) The Contacting Officer will conduct oral or written negotiations with all competitive range. The competitive range will be established by the Contracting that are *ithin the cost or price and other factors Cif any) that are -stated in this solicitation and will include all offers basis ha of a reasonable chance of being selected for award. (d) Offerors will be provided a reasonable opportunity to submit an to their offers that may result from the negotiations. Negotiations nsAwill be Closed ,a technical. 1. or SSier evior si est and Final" offers.- 1.6. PRICE EVALUATION (PRESENT VALUE) (JAN 1997) (a) If annual CPI adjustments in operating expanses ate included, t7lTerois are required to submit their offers with the total "gross" annual Price Per rentable square foot and a breakout of the "base price per rentable square foot for services and utilities (operating expenses) to be provided by the Lessor. The "gross" price shall include the "base" price. (b) Offe required to submit plans and :any other information to demonstrate that the rentable soacv \P` yields MA Usable space within the required SOMA Usably range. The Government will verify the wrhaou o OM Usable square footage and convert the rentable prices offered to SOMA Usable n will su vquently be used in the price evaluation. abl_ paces, If the offer include-- annual adjustments in uperating expenses, the base price per BOMA Usable square foot from which adjustments are made will ba the base price for the term of the lease, including any option Periods. P (d) Evaluation of offers will be on the basis of the annual price per SOMA Usable square toot, includinga option periods. The Government will perform present value price evacuation by redusquare fo any BOMA Usable square foot to a composite annual SOMA Usable square foot price, as follows he paces per (1) Parking areas will be excluded from the total square footage, but not from the price. types of space, the gross annual per square foot price will be determined by dividing the todifferent annu rental by the total square footage minus these areas. annual (2) If annual adjustments in operating expenses will not be made, the gross annual per will be discounted annually at 8 percent M yield a gross Present value colt (PVC) Per square foot price �' (3) If annual'adjustments in operating expense$ wilt be made the annual Per square foot price, base cost of operating expenses, will be discounted annually at R minus the percent b yield s net PVC per square foot. The operating expenses will be both escalated at 4 percent compou discounted annually at 8 percent, then added to the net PVC to yield the gross PVCnded annually and (4) To the grass PVC will be allded: The cost of Government provided services not included in the rental escalated at 4 percent Compoundpa annually and discounted annually at a PercenL The annualized (over the full tern,) per SOMA Usable square foot cost of an to be reimbursed in a lump sum payment. (The cost of thpeR items is precon items it ms which alue; therefore,are it will not be discounted.) (a) The sum of either (2) and (4) or (3) and (a), above, will be the per BOMA Usable square foot present value of the offer for ptiuu evaluation purposes. 16 1 INITIAI, S: LESSOR g COVT . SFO 9 2FLO353 P SUPPLEMENTAL I Facc n"•.....__ 1 1.7. REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS For the purposes of this SFO. Equis is the authorized representative of the GSA. Officer must execute the lease. Equis will be pursuing any commissions that the However, a GSA Contracting by common commercial real estate practices. Sudt wmmlSSt m shalt s y would have been entitled to certified check, corporate check (or elpctranic funds transfer) due 11 accorp+dane le to the Equis in the form of a but no later than the lease commencement date. For with rocsl Caws and customs be treated as a lump sum credit with the procedures established in g Para ce evaluation, any commission shall (PRESENT VALUE)" of this solicitation. Ph 1.0 -PRICE EVALUATION 1.8. OPERATING COSTS ADJUSTMENT (a) Beginning with the second year of the lease and each year after, the Governmenhall pay adjusted rent for changes in costs for cleaning services, supplies, materials, t smaintenance, trash water, sewer charges, heating, electricity► an4 certain administrative�o�. landscaping, The negotiated and agreed upon applicable fisted on GS,q t=ormexpenses t attributable occupancy. Annual Cost Statement, will be used to determine the base rate for operating costs adjustment (b) The amount of adjustment will be determined by multiplying the base mte-by the percent of change in the Cost of Living Index. The percent change will be computed by comparingthe the month prior to the lease commencement date with the index fi figure index figure published for begins Bach successive 12•month period. For example. a tease which copublished for the month which "Re the index published for May of 1983 anc�l that figure would be co commences in June of published would May of 1986, May of 1987, and so on, to determine the compared ""o the index published for measured by the U.S. Department of Labor revised ConsumerPrice wage of Living index will al workers, U.S. City average, all items figure, (1932.84 = 100 wage earners and clerical Payment will be made with Ilia monthly installment of be fixed rent enta ad ustmenty the s Of wi!I bo effectivetics the anniversary date of the lease. Payment of the adjusted rental rate will become due on the fon irst workday of the second month following the publication of the Cost of Living Index for the month prior to the lease commencement date. (c) If the Government exercises an option to extend the lease term at the same rate as that of the original term, the option price will be based urt the adjustment Curing the original term. Annua! adjustments will J continue. C� (d) X t of any decreases in the Cost of Living Index occurrin the the rental amount will be reduced accordin 9 during u,e gym, Or the occupancy under in the same manner as increase;. in rent provided•un erthiamount clause. such reductions will be J (e) The after must clearly state whether the rental is firm throughout the term of the lease or if it is subject to annual adjustment of operating costs as indicated above, if operating costs will be subject to adjustment. it Should bP specified on the Attachment #Z "Lease Costs Breakdown Summary", contained elsewhere in this solicitation, 1.9 REAL ESTATE TAX ADJUSTMENT GSAR 552.270,24 (1998) (a) Real. estate taxes, as referred to in this Clause. are only those are assessed against the building ardortahrtae which the Land upon which the building is located, without regard to benefit th.- Reale property, for the Purpose of funding general government sen' general and/or special assessments, businesssidtprovementt district assestate taxes sments not Gordan o without limitation. future taxes or govcmmental charges that are imposed upon Lessor or assessed against the Building or and/or the land upon which the building is located. ng (b) Base year taxes as Warred to in this clause are the Met estate or taxes fur the nest iwetve (11) month period coincident with full assessment may be an amount negotiated by the parties that reflects an agreed Upon base for a fully assessed value of the property. (c) The term "tuft assessmenr as referred to in this Clause means that the taxingjurisdiction all contemplated improvements to the assessed property in the valuation of the same. for newly constructed projects or for 1 rction has considered for ectoblishing the Govemntmtl'S base yes for taxes. construction. 0"' conversion,Partial assessments or renovation will not be uanri (d) The Lessor shall furnish the Contracting Offiner with copies of all notices which may ec said land and buildings fnr real estate taxes thereon, a, well a5 all notiues of a taxaa valuation of e'reffottt ifi, art tax bills and B� INITIALS: LESSOR & (30VT SFO M 2FLQ3S3 SUPPI FMPMTA I . ' -- C' all paid lac receipts. or where tax receipts are not given, other similar evidence of payment acceptable to the Contracting Officer (hereinafter, evidence of payment), and a Proper invoice (as described in the Prompt Payment clause of this lease, GSAR 552.232 71) of the tax ad' ushnerit thereof, for each year that real estate taxes are inourmd during the lease teror including the calculation such documents are due within ten (10) calendar days of receipt except that theextension thereof. All m evidence of payment shall be submitted within sixty (60) calendar days after the date the proper invoice and due from the Lessor to the taxirtp authority. Fatluro to eubmit thenvoice tax payment it Payment within such time frame shall be a waiver of the right to receive Yrnent and evidence of Increased tax adjustment under this clause. Payment resulting from an (e) The Government snsu make a single annual lump sum payment to the in real estate taxes during the lease term over the amount established as Lessor base share of OF receive a rental credit or lump sum payment for its share -of any decreases in real estate Year • or receive a below the amount established as the tme yeattaxes. The amount of lumpsins during the lease term shall be based upon evidence of valuation and a payment tr rental credit in accordance with paragraph (d). Payment submitted by the lessor to the Contracting Officer, (a) In the event of an increase In taxes over the base year, the Lessor shay submits proper Invoice of the tax adjustment including the calculation thereof together withOfficer. The Government shall be responsible for Payment evidence of payment to the Contracting Year taxes only if the proper invoice and evidence Of Pa of any t�uc bmitte o over the base within sixty (60) calendar days after the date the tax pent is submitted by the Lessor taxing authority. The due date for makin Payment is due from the Lessor to the receipt of evidence of payment by the Contracting Payment shall orb �e eme30 0�) calendar day after anniversary date of the lease, whichever is later. If the lease terminates before the end of dayafter yea , payment for the tax increase due as a ^esult of this section for the tax year will the numhnr of days the Govemment occupied the space. No it Lmasbe prorated based on e w;lt tie unless all evidence of valuation and payment have been pain, due, or owing Officer. The Government's payment for Its share of previously submitted to the Contracting charges, interest, or penalties imposed by the taxing authnri estate taxes shall not include any fate in paying such taxes or charges. tY as a result of the Leesoes delinquency a. in the event of a decrease in taxes from the base year, or in the event of an the Lessor shall notify the Contracting Ulticer in accordance with ara y refund or tax deduction. Government shall be entitled to and shall receive a•credit for the rorate � (d) Of taxes clause. The p to the Premises encumbered by this lease, regardless of whether the Government applicable payment for that year. The Government's share of the made a tax Paragraph M of this clause and shall be taken as a deduction ont from the rent Any accordance d with Govemment after the expiration or earlier termination of the Lease (including credit duo the resulting from a decrease in taxes pursuant to a taY credit due then � not Limited to credits assessment; or a tax appeal proceeding for a year of the tease, or portion thereof) shall reduction i made tax a luLou mp sum payment to the Government or as a rW&I credit to aby by the Contracdag Officer. The Lessor shall remit l sum any succeeding lease as detFmtined fifteen,(15) calendar trays of Payment by the taxing authority (heca�t to the Govctm the credit due to the Government is not paid by the due date. in Lessor or the Lasso within I at the rate established by the Secretary.of tie Tressu under � shag a �s designee, t of 1078 (41 U.S.C: 611) that is in effect on lire d the on the tale payment rY leaden 12 . the Contract disputes Act accrue daily on the amount of the credit and be compoundedafter the due sate. The interest puny shall from the first day after the due date through the to thirty (30) �Y Increments inclusive Pursue the outstanding balance of any ox credit u�9 Ism oollecboent date. The nmmeth shag have the right t0 the United Stales to collect debts. Such 11ection rights shall survive the tacos Sf are available to g expiraELon of this lease. (Iii) The requirements stated in this Paragraph area applicable - in et%et (or portion thereof, dependent pp to each and every year for which the lasso is Other proof of tax payment must be submitted each ye e ear. date a the lessee A paid tax receipt or xP mutually obligated to fully disclose to the other year. The Government and the Lessor are assessment year. Should the Lessor ra;l to submit tax a amount of deblGnxedit incurred each tax Preceding years and subsequently sub.rit a tax receipts nndzcad"g Government credits for Government is entitled to be famished copies t8 Paid recei x re dicating payment is due the Lessor, the intervening period of time between tax receipt submissionseby tipts he Lessornd . IF adjustments for the � y the credit clue to the E � INITIALS:. LESSOR &GOUT t SFO # 2FL0353 --' 1 SUPPLEIUFMreJ �r Government is not paid by Use due fie, Interest shall accrue on the late by the Secretary of the Treasury, under Section e Contract Payment at the rate t2 of th(41 U.S.C. fill) that is in effect on the day after the due date. The irate imputes Act of 1978 on the amount of tha credit and be oc"pounded in thirtyrest penalty shall accrue daily day after the due date through the payment date. Thefern day (shall rats ir>cJtrsive from the first outstanding balance of any tax credit using all such co Q ent shall have the right to pursue the States to collect debts. Such collection rights shall survive the methods o f re I��le to the United e. (a) The Government shalt pay its share of tax increases or receive its share of a ratio of the rentable square feet occupied by the Government to the nY tax decrease based on the building or complex (percentage ofxlupancy). For total rentable Rrittare foot in the Percentage of occupancy as of the date hereof is a Pose of this tease the Golfamment's to take into account additions or reductions of the amount of �s ��ge shag be subject or amendmPnte hereto. The block and IotYpartiel or use as � to adjustment building(s) and parting areas(s) occupied undk tips lease are �Y be COntem fated in this P , Identificenon numbers , for the tiro (b) The Government may direct the Lessor upon Mar-onable notice to initiate-6 tax a - may decide to contest the tax. assessment on behalf of the Government and wet iUte Government Government alone. The Lessor shall furnish to the Government inforrtmayon necessaryor or for the assessment in accordance with the filing requirements of the taxing authority. If the Government decides to contest use tax assessment on its own behalf or on behalf of the Government for appeal of the tax Lessor shall cooperate and rat: all reasonable efforts includingand the Lessor, the the documents, executing documents required for an I but not limited to affirming the accuracy of er actions as may o rmentsd. If the Lessor initiates all - y legal Proceeding and taking such Lessor will enter Into an agreement to establish a method for sharing exbehalf Ot the penses and tax savings. moment and the sav,ngs. (c) For Ine purposes of tax appeal, the fallowing Information muct be provided dwiny lease negotiation 1 • County/state in which Property tax is paid s. 2• Date tax bil;s are issued by county 3• Date tax bills must be paid to county 4• Date paid tax receipt must be submitted to the Government for days fron i the date payment is due from the Lessor to the taxing authority) Prorata adjustment (60 calendar 5• Lott dote or ua x in wiut.1h tax appeals may be filed in county noted above 6• Address of county tax office for appeal ALTERATIONS 3100,000 OR MESS (JAN 1997) (a) The unit prices which the Offeror is required to list will be used, u year of the lease to Price alterations costing $100-000 or less. Thceetetanncesym�. during the first renegotiated to apply to subsequent years ur the tease upon mutual agreement of the Lessor and Government, aY be indexed or (b) Where unit .prices jUr alterations are not available, the Letter may be - rcqursted t0 , Proposal for the alterations. Orders will be placed by issuance er a .e Agreement. a GSA Form 300, Order for Supplies or Services. or a fern rat agency a Provide 9 price Forin 2T6, Supplemental Lease clauses entitled "GSAR SBU32-71 prompt hyment" and • Nanauonr apply to Orders for alterations. All orders are subject GSAR �,?32_72 Invoice pRe uireem Requirements noel to the terms and Re (c) Orders may be placed by the Contracting 011cer, the GSA buildings manager d conditions of this lease, when specifiCWIY authorized to do su by the Contracts Lessor With a fist of a or tenant agency officials agency officials authorized to Placeorordc� and wilContracting Officer will provide the authority delegated to tenant agency officials. The tenant agency officials are not authorized the Lessor on any other matters. specify any limitations on the rated to deal with (d) Payments for alterations ordered by tenant agencies will be made directly by the agency placing the order. INITIALS: Ltc'SSczR ,�_ a cov�T SFO # 2FL03S3 SUPPLEMtNTAL LEASE REc)UIRp"=?, re 1.1XGovemnt 1 WAIVER (� P ereby waives and forever relinquishes any right to make a claim against 1" ,� /apes Or rectnration arising from or related to any alteration or retirwvat of any alteratlOn b the v , during the term of.this lease or any extensions. Alterations may be o the Government for rJ and/or the Lessor including initial build out of the leased space and/or ympleted by either the quired during the lease period. At the Govemmenrs sole discretion, st:osequent a r termination of the lease contract will become the property of the Lessorropcny remaining it CI 1.13. ELECTRONIC FUNDS TRANSFER PAYMENT (4PR 1998) award, but no later than 30 days before the first payment, the Lessor shall designate a financial i stit t o (a) Payments under this lease will be made by the Government by electronic funds transfer (EFT). for receipt of EFT payments. and shall submit this designation to the Contracting Officer o� other Government official, as directed. (b) The Lessor shall provide the following information: The American Bankers Association 9-digit identifying number for wire transfers of the financi receiving payment If the institution liaa acces^ t0 the Federal Reserve Communing institution Communications System. (1) Number of account to which funds are to be deposited. (2) Type of depositor account ("C- for checking, "S" for savings). (3) If the Lessor is anew enrollee to the EFT system, a "Payment Information Form," Sc 3881, must be completed before payment can be processed. (c) In the event the Lessor. during the performance of this contract, elects to desdifferent, institution for the rri-eipt of any payment made using EFT procedures, notification of sucnd the required Information specified above must be received by the a 9- and the than 30 days prior to the date such change is to become effectivepprop�te Govern official no titer (d) The documents furnishing the information required in this clause must be dated and co title, and telephone number of the Lessor or an authorized representative designated Lain the esso . as well as the lessor's name and lease number. by the Lessor, as (a) Lessor failure to properly, designate a financial institution or to information may delay payments of amounts otherwise property due.vide appropriate payee bank account INITVALS: LESSOR SFO # 2FL03S3 & GOVT SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIR;=mpr rre I 2.0. BUILDING SYSTEMS AND Mmsmj!S AtLZ o . c eaI(' flfi� �/ /-) C 2.1. H TING, AIR CONOMONI AND VENTILATION SYSTEM Te erature$ shalt be mai fined between 68'F and 72'F during the heating smtson and between 74•F and 7tf' nng the cooling ea' in order to maximize tenant satisfaction. These temperatures must be mainta' Mug a leased premises and service areas, regardless of outside to hours of eration ecitied in the lease. The Lessor shall be required to start therdW • during the WAC enough in ing or night in urder for the entire space to be at the required temperature atttthe �n of day without a 'onai cost to the Government. Jrnlultane s h tiny and cooling are not permitted. Are aving ex a heat gain or heat loss, or affected by solar radiation at different times of the day, shall be ' dependently con Iled. 2-2. LECTRICAL -i e Lessor shall be respons! a for meeting the applicable requirements of local codes and ordinance. When 1 - es conflict. the more stri pent standard shall apply. All receptacles and lighting fixtures shall oe insmlled an ondinated with the to t buildout . L! (a) D iex wall outlets all be provided on the basis of I per 100 SOMA U=hle Square Feat in the office s0 . If Govern nt varies from this amount, the Lessor and the Government will negotiate the price befo proceedin with construction of the Governments leased space. (b) Oedica d spe al,elgctrivei receptacies snail be provloed as defined in the add' outlets rre onding to said receptacles shall be colored differentlyadditional attachments, Duplex V fourplex t ts, and shall he used only for office copiers and special equipment the�C�b sard hall notbeexrnsed o e finished floor surface. (c) The Les r y be required to provide separate data, telephone. and electric junction feed co nectio s to Government-orovided modular or systorn", furniture, choboxes for the base wall o ets or n or penetrations. Race when suet, feeds are Supplied via 6] the ectrical, to phone. and data cable. The be shall Provide ahout ll electrical e furniture panels todistribute and con ections to th furniture at designated junction points as required. Cluster Prouos at floor or wall —• lu bons shall be vided in accordance with the Tenant Improvement design u c nslsti r of 1 data nction box, 1 telephone junction box, and 1 electrical junction box drawings. A t luster group. Each lectricel junction shall contain an 8-wire feed consisting of three general-purpose mprise a 120.volt circuits with 1 cutrd and 1 ground wine. and a 120-volt Isolatea-ground circuit 1 isolated -ground wire. 20-amp, clratlt shall have no more than 8 enerat- `v!� 1 neutral and isolated -ground " receptacles. The isolated -ground "corn utjer• circuits pOSe receptacles or 4 accordance with the Sept r 1.1983 edition M Federal Infoemation Proshall be installed in 2 2.3. TE KON - DISTRIBUTION AND EQUIPMENT (JAN 199>� O°�m9 Standards pub, 9e. Telep n I outlets shall be provided on the basis of I per 100 BOMA Usable ensure t all!clutlots and associabd _ Feet The Lessor shall work do 1l'be Safely concealed in floorducts. walls, or colu�. Wall toutlets shall bedon with�ri the and tilt strip to facdltato the installation of cable. rings 2-4• TEXLeor I OHS AND ELECTRICAL DISTRIBUTION (a) shall be rzsponsibte for providing and iristalGng all conduit and electrical nications and electrical equipment rooms on each floor to all outlwrung from the in eteedrical. telephone and data outlets v tin the Covemment demised arena SIM1l Govb Instaned by in accordance with the design intent drawings. All outlets shall be provided with .cilitate the installation of the data cable. The Government shall be �9s and Pull g said cable for teleldata conwvnications.The Government nsible for purchasing 'tches, vertical and horizontal vriringltable and a meSthe rightto installad for local area networks ma -also be Provided and installed by the G for so a and data. Wiring to Y Contractor. (b) 12mvid ercial grade duplex ur fourplex wall or floor receptacles. The Purpose ex receptacles on a 20 amp branch circuit is eight (8). Duplex number t alll pgeneral separate the lighting. All branch -circuit wiring shall consist of copper conductors. be Conductors for branch rhall hot sized to pnivent voltage drop exceeding 3 Percent at th • e fumie st receptacle. All INITIALS: LESSOR ' SFO # 2FLO353 �� COVT—^1— SUPPLEMI-NTar t r. .,�.......�..__ tenant o shall be marked and eroded for ease of wire tracing. All floor outlets must be flush with the Plane of finished floor. 2.5. LIGHTING (a) nor lighting required for outdoor parking shall be capable of producing and maintaining a uniform fig h 'rig level. Exterior ligh s must be light sensitive for automatic operation of the fixtures, (b) Otfiee - shell be Odom low'briglitness, paraDOGc more 2.0 we OMA Usable s uam foot shall bee rovidedr Such ,f Uerescent fixtures using no q P fixtures shall be capable of producing rid m staining a uniform lighting level of 50 foot candles at working surface height throughout the SDBCe. ling level elf at least 20 foot candles at foot lavel should bar n providing in s and egress to the Government leased space. One to 10 loot -candies r wnin;mrn levoels sufflcl en re safety should be maintained in other non working areas. When the space is not in use by the nt, interior and exterior lighting, except that essential fnr �y and soeur;� parposea, snag a turned . ` (c) uilding entrances a parking areas must be lighted. Ballasts are to b�rapid-start t voltage regulating type. L listed and ETL approved. - hermally protected. 2.6. CEILINGS (SEP 1991) (a The ceiling grid shall not be included in the cost of the Tenant Improvemen ts. (b) C "'ngs must be at least 8'-6" and no mo/en 11 feet measured from fl r to the lowest obstruction. CA Area ' raised flooring must maintain thiling height limitations a ve the finished raised flooring. lz�The oei g must have s minimum noisetion coefficient (NRC of 0.90 and a minimum Sound Transmiss Class t`STC) of 40 throughouovernment oc cupi soace. Bulkheads and hen in surface mou d light fixtures which Impede ways shall be 124) ided. 9 g or V !c) Ceilings must be at piano in each room spended fluorescent recessed fxtures aid finished as follows unless an mate finish is approthe C , cting Officer.(1) (d) Toilet rooms: plasterer po► ed and taped gD(e) Offices and Conference Room mineral austical the or lay in panels with texturedsurface e„d tegutat edges or equi entquae approved by the Contracting officer. °� °attemed Z (f) Corridors and Eating/Galley Areas: pla or pointed and taped P gypsum board or mineral acoustical tile. (9) Should the ceiling be installed in a GOvemn nt demised area prior to the tenant improvements. then the Lessor shall be responsible , all costs in r rds to the disassembly, story subsequent re -assembly of of the ceilfno cam nents which may be required toueo_.•alterations 1e���� te ant improvements. The or shalt also bear the cis for any damage to the ceiling or any combonents thereof during the al tons. OU In build lrtg&V - throughout by a sprinkler system rn ting th- interior finfsit in areas not part of the normal exit may have tame spread and Governments ap irmi.devoil, approval, ceilings and of 200, in ' u of 25 for flame spread and 50 W smoke develo pment limits exits o dosed corridors loading to exits, ae+lings tutcf interior ents((ASnes e-84). In sprinkler protected ha ' a flame spread rating of 75 or less and a smoke developm t rating o 100 o messslI� eu materials r me spread and 50 for smoke development (ASTM e-84). I) Ceiling acoustical tiles shall be cleaned. If cleaning is impossible or if the Iles are damaged, they shall be replaced with new tiles (matching existing.) Paint ceding grid. Painting of 2.7. PAINTING acoustics( fife is not acceptable. Prior to occupancy s ces designated by G&k for painting must be n GSA- All painted su ces, including any partilioning installed newly painted in colors acceptable to Government occupy usi be repainted after working hours at I es�h e expense at aree the SLessor after includes moving and ettrm f furniture. Public areas must be painted at least 3 years.ry yCQr' �' INMALS: LESSOR b COVT SFO 2FL11353 SUPPLE I AL LEASE REoUIREMENTS Xaot:hher OR (DEC 1092) must be heavy duty, fuu flush, solid core wood. Wood doors shalt be at least 13/4 inches thick. shall be weather -fight and open -Outward. Hinges, pig, and pins shall be installed in a manner removal when the door is closed and locked. NI door entrances from public comdors,exterior r doors designated by the Govemment shall be equipped with 5•pin, tumbler cylinder locks and ll locks shall be master.keyed. The Govemment shall be furnished with at least two master keys 2.9. D RS: RIOR (SEP 1991) Doo have a minimum clear opening of 32 inches by 80 inches. Hollow core wood doors are not at;cep ble. They must be flush, solid -core natural wood, veneer faced or equivalent fini3it as approved by the Con g Officer. They will be provided at a ratio of I door per 300 usable square feet of Government de ised s oe. 2.10. D ORS: WARE Do sha eve lever door handles or door pulls Ah heavyweight hinges. All doors shall have corresponding door s s (wall or floor mounted). All public use doors and toilet room doors shall be equipped with kick plates oor, entrances from public corridors and pYtorior doors shall have automatic door clusers. All locks (� shal a ma r keyed. The Government shall be fumished with at least two master keys for each lock. 211. PA ON . GENERAL °artitio nd dividers must ha provided as outlined below. I'artitioning resquirements may be met with existing V1 oartifl i ey meet the Government's standards and layout requirements. 2.12. PAR : PERMANENT (SEP 1991) Forman rtttionc must be provided as neeeessary to surround stairs, corridors, elevator shafts, toilet rooms. Q) janito Pork nd the tovemment-occupied promises from other tenants on the floor. V 2.13. PARTITI NS: SUBDIVI NG (JAN 1997) 14. (a) SuLcli ' ing pa ns snail comply with local requirements. Partitioning must be designed to provide a Sound nsm' Sion Class (STC) of 40. Partitioning snau be installed by the Lessor at locations to be detertnin the Govemment. The partitioning shall extend from the finished floor to the finished ceiling. Any demoli ' of existing improvements witictr is necessary to satisfy the Government's layout shall be done at th Le ors expense. Partitioning shall be provided at a ratio of 1 linear foot for each 100 BONA Usable uare t of space provided for the office space. Partitioning.over interior office doors is includ in the me urement. (b) Pa lions may be prefi had or taped and painted. HVAC must be rebalanced J appropriate, after ins ation of partitions. and fighting repositioned, 2.14. FLOOR COVERING AND PERIMETERS (DEC 1991) 1 FLOORS OF TH/EE CE SMALL BE COVERED ST DARD CARPET, BY THE CONTRACTING OFFICER OR T}{THE E ��NgNG OFFI S OESlGNEE. OFFICE A Pnor to occuN , Carpoffice areas partitioned or unpartitioned, including interior hallways and conferenoms.g carpet- may be approved by the Contracting Officer, however, existing carpebe s ampooed before uuvpartcy and must meet the static buildup requirement for new carpet. TOILET AND SERV Eg, Ap. Terrazzo, unglaze ceramic t and/or quarry the shall be used in all toilet and service areas unless another covering is app by the Con sting Officer. CARPET - ET 5 S: When carp must be newly installed o anged, the Offeror shall provide the Government with a rninimum of 5 difteren color samples. The sample an Dolor must approved by GSA prior to instatfatio o substitutes may be ade by the Offeror after samples se coon. '+Yrpet must be installed in aCcordanca wilh manufz c uring instructions to Ia y smootlNy and evenly, INITIALS: LESSOR R GOVT SFO T 2FL03S3 —� L. SUPPLEMENTAL LEASt REQUIREMENTS ;6ae Kay uring Goverment occupancy at any time during the lease when: ment is exposed. e variations in surface coinr nr te,awe. upancy. ' ana return of fumkure. I 2.1 S. C Pi — BROADLOOM (SEP 1991) The ffice space shall be carpete with broadloom carpet. M� Any ca et to be newly instal d must meet the following specifications: - (a) P, Yem Cume • staple filament or Gmtinuous filament branded b Mo anto, woolblend), soil-hidin n Y a fiber producer (Afliec. Dupont, g nylon or woof nylon blends. (b) C-Arp it construction: lcvcl loop, textured loop, level cut pile, or level cuuuncut pile. (c) Pile w ,gh • 26 ounces per square yard is the minimum for level -loop or textured -loop construction. 32 ou es per care yard is the minimum fnr 1pvei-cutuncut construction. (d) econdary bac : jute or synthetic fiber for glue -down installation. e) Density: 100 pen: nt nylon (loop and cut pile) - minimum of 4000; other fibers, including blends and U combinations - min um of 4500. 4z:� 2.16. CARPET TILE (SEP 1991) Q v carpet to be newly insta led must meet the following specifications: (a) a Yam Content staple filar t or continuous filament branded Mo MO. BASF), soil-hlaing on, by a flier oroducor (Allied, ni,pont. V (b) Carpet He construction: t ell level loop, level cut pile, or level cuuuncut pile. (c) Pile weigh 26 ounce per square yard is the minimum for level loop and cut pile. 32 ounces per square yard is the m imum or plush and twist I (d) Secondary ba PVC. EVA (ethylene vin . acetate) hardback re' with fibergtassy � polyurethane, polyethylene bitumen or olefinic (e) Tula l weigh mintmu of 130 ounces per square yard. , (� Density: 00 percent ny (loop and cut it combi lions minimum 300. `�� p � -- mminimum of 4000; other fibers, including blends and (9) Pil fight: minimum of 1/8 in (h) tatic buildup: maximum of 3.5 en tested in accordance with AATCC-i34, Carpet construction: minimum of 64 t per square inch. 2.17. WINDOWS (SEP 1991) (a) OM)bet e ust have windows in each exti rior bay unless waived by the Contracting Officer. (b) Ali shalt be weathertight Opening windows must be equipped with locks. Off-street, ground level winthose accessible from fire escapes, adjacent roofs, and other structures that can be opened shald 'th a sturdy locking device. INITIAL$; LESSOR GOVT SFO # 2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUiRFM;:K Lr (c) I -or s ty rea urw, windows extending within 1S inches (457 mm) from the floor and bated at least 10 feat (3 a e grade shall be provided vrith a metal bar or other acceptable alternatives to GSA, on the interior w approximately 3 feet (0.9 m) above floor level, or anti -intrusion devices or break detectors. Z.113. WINDOW OVERINGS (SEP 1991) WINDO BLINDS (a) All or indows in the office spaces shall be equipped with window bends. The blinds may he alumin plastic vertical btlnos or horizontal blinds with aluminum state of 1 inch width or less The use of any er material must be approved by the Contracting Office The window blinds must have non•co mechanisms and synthetic tapes. Color selection will be made by the Contracting Officer if the bui in0 ndard window blinds arc unacceptable or unavailable. (b) The he; s. srd window blinds and N possible, the existing, currently be sea. Alf window coverings shall be cleaned prior to nrxcr in window blinds are to- (� _ rya cy by the Government. O 2.19. WALL COVERINGS _ PHYVICAL REQUIRFMFNTS: ! Pnor V occupancy, partitioned offices and open office areas shall be comme 'al wali covering or paint as dete inec on the design intent drawings, veto with vinyl or polyolefin REPLACE ENT: Dunng the t of the lease, at the r uest of tits Government, the Lessor shall replace or designated by a Government. Th entire cost b) repair, including repair all surfaces amortized in the enwining term of a lease. i hu cost of capital shall the negotiated and furniture moving. shall t Tne Government ay elect to pa a Jump sum for the improvements, egotiated at the time of the request. V SAMPLES: Wren wall coverings d be newly installed :r replaced. the lessor is to type of wall covering to nstalled for selection b the Contracting Provide at least 5 samples of each Co y 9 Officer, if requested. PAINTING: Li) (a) Pn to occunan all s ces designated by GSA for painting must be newt y painted In to GSA. All w patchin shall be accomplisned prior to painting. Surfaces to be paint l shall he MpAn and free rrurr loose pars $ bofore applyinct paint. All wall surfaces to be painted shall receive primer Pius two co of latex semi oss enamel paint. All metal surfaces and wood trim sh base se loss enamel. all be painted with oil (b) Duri the tern of the lease. the request of the Government, the Lessor shall repaint all surfaces de ' nated by the Government. a entire cost to repaint including s ll be amortized In the remaining erm of tha 1"9. The cost of p;t,f liwallt Patching negotiated it the time of he request. The Government may a ect to pay a lump sum fosthe t 0131 ch 11 b n and furniture moving, \ 2.20. CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE (a) WheVn required and within 14 sussubmitto the Contracting Officer a t ntative cony a�of the tease contract the on ses of construction *if -be completed to coincide with thee C Wee n�ng the dates later agraph entitled O�,rpancy DaW). The finalized schedule i- to be sub �er noard. (b) The s uJe is to ' dude timing for completion of design and const<y limits u, (t) subm of Preliminary coon milestones, induding but nnr is Moe of a build' P rY Plans and specifications, (2) submittal of other working Remtit, (4) completed construction documents, (5) start g drawings, (3) completion of principal tegories of worts, (7) phased completion, and availability construction' +J Pnrilon of the Govemmen space (by floor. block, or other appropriate category),�Y for Occupancy of each completion. and (8) tinal construction 2.21. PROGRESS REPO After startAinteof ction, Uses successful OiTer�r smolt submit to the repocfr at 15 calendar d The reort shall include info Contracting Officer' written progress completed and trade, a statement ass toe ruction as tointroduced xPeetsd completion and o Pero ICY d e. the work rit. and pengr�f rerrearks on such items as material shortages. dam' �n9es rtages. strikes, wear, or_ INITIALS: L FRSOR & GOVT SFO p 2FL03s3 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REOUIa=Ar=.n... 222.CONS TRU X "UNS (a) Cons will be made periodically by the Contracting Officer and/or designated technical represenew compliance with the solicitation requirements and the final working drawings. (b) Periodic ts. and inspections by the Government are not to be interpreted as resulting in any approvalfs apparent progress toward meeting the Government's objectives. but rice intended 9 P p�� to aisoovtion wtuch.tho Con". cling Officer may be able to call t0 the Lessor's attention to prevent ction of effort. The Lessor will remain completely responsible for designing, SQKGQ� eonstrun and maintaining the building in full axordance with the requirements of this c7solle tati 2.23: FLOOR PLANS AFTER OCCUPANCY - Ply �- - G9�.d ! o ri d Par- -daAW1 A1,3 of S Ph C e. Within 30 calendar days after occupancy, one set of one -eighth inch As-Built'Black-Line' Mytar Reptbducible s full floor plans and two sets of black -line prints showing the space under lease as well as corridors. stairways, _ and core areas must be provided by the Lessor to," Contracting Officer. The Lessor must also provide the Government with a set of 3.25" computer di.M containing the complete architectural, drawings of the _ completed space. The disks shall be formatted n the computer application 'Autocad Version 14.00 or later. 3.0. SERVICES, UTILITIES. MAINTENANCE 3.1. SERVICES, UTILITIES, MAINTENANCE: GENERAL Services, utilities. and maintenance shall be provided by the Lessor as part of the rental consideration. The Lessor must have a building superintendent or a locally designated representative available to promptly correct deficiencies. The Lessor shall ensure that utilities necessary for operation are provides and all associated costs are included as a part of the established rental rate. 3.2. MECHANICAL. ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING: GENERAL The Lessor shalt provide and operate all burring equipment and systems in accordance with applicable technical publications, manuals, and standars procedures. Mains, lines, and meters for utilities shall be provided by the Lessor. Fxpnsed ducts. piping, and conduits are not permitted in office space. r, 3.3., TOILET ROOMS (JAN 1997) (a) Separate toilet facilities for men and women shall be provided on each floor occupied by the Government rrN✓ In the building. U . If public restrooms are provided, this square footage will not be 1 included in the SOMA Usable square foot requirement. iWh toilet room shall have sufficient water closets 1 e ed with modem stall eartitions and doors, urnals , men 's room), and hot (set at 1050F, if practical) 22 old water. Water closets and urinals ::hall not ti"isde when the exterior door is open. (b) Each main toilet room shall contain the fatowing equipment: (1.) A mirror above the lavatory. (21 A tollet paper -dispenser in each water closet stall, Wpl It i4mid, �cz / 4- S Q 5 (3) <61 hook on inkida face of door td.each water closet stall and on several wall locations by 1ea. (4) At least one modem paper towel dispenser, soap dispenser and waste receptacle for every two lavatories. (5) A Aerated sanitary napkin dispenser in women's toilet -rooms with waste receptacle for each r set Mall. (6) Ceramic file or comparable wainscot from the floor to a minimum height of 4 feet 6 inches. (7) A coup r a of at least 2 feet in length, exclusive of the lavatories (however, it may oe attactwd to the lava ' s) with a mirror above and a ground fault interrupt type convenience outlet located adjacent counter area. P, 6 t-'- 1-�L,. INITIALS: LESSOR & GOV'T SFO R 2FLO353 SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS PAGE 12 OF td g 73vIiM - 3:3o pM 3.4. NORMAL HOURS Services, utilities, and maintenance shall be provided Monday through Friday,m The Government shall have access to the space 24 hours a day, 7 days a week 3.5. JANITORIAL SERVICES (JAN 1997) The Lessor shall provide janitorial services for the leased space, public areas, entrances, and all other common areas and pmvide replacement of supplies throughouL All janitorial services shall be performed during the Governments standard occupied hours between 8:00 a.m - 5:0o p.m., Monday through Friday. The Lessor shall maintain the leased premises, including outside areas in a clean condition and sha"rovide supplies and equipment. The following schedule describes the level of services intended. Performance will be based on the Commuting Officers evaluation of n3sultr., not the fregtipncy or method of performance. i� - I DAILY: Empty trach reccptaciec . Clean drinking fountains. Sweep and damp mop or scrub toilet rooms. Clean all toilet fixtures and replenish toilet supplies. j Mee• d�a•�••In..c ., THRA, I IMiS A WEEK. Swevlt6um stairs. WEEKLY: Damp mop as; esilient floors in toilets. r MONTHLY: T . Completely sweep and/or vacuum carpets. So eep e=zqt!_. yes Of.1 1z fica EVERY TWO MONTHS: Damp wipe toilet wastepaper receptacles, stall partitions, doors. window sills and frames. She we-eft=tne- carpetz— THREE TIMES A YEAR: Duct wall surfaces within 70 inches of the f.00r, vertical surfaces and under surfaces. •Was ..crap-er =01, TWICX1r -- Wash nd extenor wincows and uUivr glass surfaces. Ship and apply four coats of finish in resilient floors rip and refinish main corridors and other heavy traffic areas. AN)�shl LL . Wenetian blinds and dust 6 months from washing. Vacuum or dust all surfaces in the building of 70 incthe floor. including light fixtures. Strip and refinish floors in offices and secondary lobbies and co. hampoo carpets in corridors and lobbies. Clean balconies, ledges. courts, areaways and flat roofs. EVERY TWO YEARS: Shampoo carpets in all offices AS REQUIRED: me-cuwriy, Provide initial .ruppty, installation and rpplacement of light bulbs, tubes, ballasts and starterL Control pests as appropriate, n s INITIALS:• LESSOR g GOVT SUPPLEMENTAL LEASE REQUIREMENTS Damk floors in toilets. sra 0 N—THLY: / . ComoleteJY sweep and/or vacuum carpets, Swoop Big [v'Avj•� fllE13Y TWO ONTH_S• Damp Wipe twee . wastepaper receptacles. stall paNtions, ''mad• doors, window sits and frames. o e T YffA Dust Wrap suttatxs within 70 inches of the floor. venIcal surfaces arts under vurfams.-Wri-��__`:� `9�94L � Wash erior and exterior windows and other 0ti� surfaces. Slot and a I tour in . Strip red riedniSh train eorrlWors Nib other heavy traffic areas P Y coats of llnish !a resWeru _ AN _ W sh VON= bW2 and dust 6 months from iaeb f the floor. incJudtnp light firctuter. Sltipwashing. firushum r dust bu>ldmg of 70 cc am POO carpets in corridors and lobo les. Clean balconies, nary lobbles and ledges. cants. areawaYs and flat roots. EVE Y T1N0 YEARS• Shampoo carpels in an ofh ur Ave ut watts and Coontrpal P Ptovlde littler. supply-Utstatlakm and reptacemt:nt of fight Pests as appropriate 9 bulbs, tubes. ballasts and starters. 3.6. NANCS AMTESTING OF SYSTEMS (OCT 1995) (aa)) TheThe Lessor U msPottslbfe for the IoW MaInterm= and such as straw nmxpi and repairs kmkMa she and repair of the leased promises. 13uch maintenaerce W msRrtainad fo provide ratable. Dnvate atxass rorads; Aa eQwpn,mt and systems shall IP uRosure to fire or salary ,SOY efiaent service without unusual ir"nuPtion. •dbftubing noises.. dal. The Lessor s auei ble ft• tacessive air veioolties'ar unum, .W, materials, and evuiPmtmt =r +des initial supply end tm of Sq materi rls. eqt eQUMnInt and maintenance. Maintenance. l"Ift, and rude of cenificaW must be disoa"d as systems must be dare in atxotdance with apptiunble codP-e '41 won • r of deaipnatedDProPnate--Cc s of all records in this regard shag be fair In! to the presentawe. (b) "I'M arty► addllicriet CMW the Goverrtmtstt peratfons or require dOcumm"mn of etc. �etesfrng Prior to occupancy of sudt sYstemasas f Proper Off. proper operation. These tests WW bs winesaed by aMqmssrAmt�ft Af the Contracting 3.7. SECURITY AND ALARM - NoOrtzed,Personnai will be permitted in the o- be aetf*contafned within the budding and secured fm other s nrs space at any tlma. Govemmeat spun and RADON DON Of AIR (OCT 1996) _ space wlihut the Duutung. If rRstx Plw Q d1► vernrnent is on the a grade or shall. Rrior ro teond floor above �t � Lessor to ensum radon in air .V.tads are belowd� dw for 2.3 days using charcoal canister or Eiectret Ion amnibms �rfosNter. After the frtltfal testing. estinga b ��ental Protection Agertrys at:tiotr Con Or E.ecttet ion +P test for a minimum of 90 d eer>d�aimn � 4 Chambers must be completed. � u+ireg Afpfea Track Oeleesoes INITIALS: LESSOR SFO s TF�:i�1 bL SUPPLEIV IEWAL CERISE ;MOLQREUENTS PAQaE 13 OF 14 I TOTAL PpnE.16 ** 1. Warm -lit Shell 1 Base Rent (Land. Building, Fitwrreirig. Insurance Costs) Real Estate Property Taxes (Assuming Full Assessment) Operating Costs - (Janitorial Utility Costs unless separately metered. etc. This equals line 27 of the GSA dorm 1217) Other Costs TOTAL GROSS RENTAL OFFERED PER YEAR SFONo. ZFLO353 TSA. Key West. Florida SFO ATTACHMENT #2 LEASE COSTS BREAKDOWN SUMMARY Years 1-2 Years 1_2 Years 3-5 (SIBOMA Usable so. ft) ( Rentable so. ft.) 31BOMA Usable so. ft3r"Re Years .5 ft o to 'a- q. 0 6 2- q. o o G 0- g- 0(0 per USF : q. 06 per RSF per USF v`L9. OC oor RSF OTHER REQUIRED INFORMATION: Real Estate Commission:_ (S or %) Amount of Rentable square feet offered: Common Area Factor. 700 Amount of BOMA Usable square feet offered: 0 Percent of total building occupied by the Govemment for real estate tax adjustment purposes: o� Tax I.D. Number, Adjustment Rate for Vacant Prcmises: 14N Hourly Rate for Overtime HVAC: Al$ I Usable sq. ft. ` Is Authorization to Negotiate enclosed with offer? $ /hour Yes No 6 &Nk' r INmALS: LESSOR SFO NO.2FLO353 $ GOVT- MA- ATTACHME14T93 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT U E Nt MUM PRELEASE CERTIFICA770H CHECKUST GS-048.42843 Buiktinp Name: NA L Street Address: S+. t- city: t ST state: Zip code: 3 3 OYC INSTRUCTIONS: complete the following Worn ation Chat applies to the budding being offered for tease by the Govemment. if btlilldlrt constructed. Oompdote based on budding Plans and specifications. g is not yet The ftomng Information applies to (chedt Orley an existing building - a buildin 0 planned for construction 8uil0ing canal support (check one): COmbusbbte (timber. wood. atc.) • 10A AT NO11conrilmlible (concrete. steel, masonry, etc.) Other types of uses present in the building (dneok all that apply): P, Restsurants LabOratarrs -• Storage Retail Other, list— _ Vertical openings between h or more floors: Stairs (� ): open enclosed with doors Brie�k and mrir"to block SRafts (check one): open endosec. describe Other (check Orley Nona' open enclosed, describe Sprinklers (chock one). None Corridors only AN but corridors and lobbies Total building ^ Other. de:eribo locations. l,O r t Oo Fire fighting capability (check one►: .— ►ee.- 4XF-F fACsLITy oAJ str� Fire extinguishers only Standpipes only Standpipes and fire extinguishers Fin: alarm (check one): None Building alarrn without automatic Are dwal iluenl rwti6c:atim Building alarm wilh autocratic fire department notification — Pg A-14 I Al Smoke detectors (check one):. None ,e M corridors r ' Total budding Other, describe locations: Wall in �----- or finish in space being offered for lasso (check one): P"iulek/ walls of Ptaster. sneetr= or r =Offly Wadpsper or vinyl wad covering Cloth or corkboard Nardwwd parrslinp Other, describe: Floor fnish in space beig offered for lease (check lone): Carpet Tie- v i Concrete hardwood Other, describe: . Page 1 of 2 rasa corm (Rev. 8.911 ATTACHMENT93 SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PRELEASE CERTIFICATION CHECKLIST LWE NureeEN Building am and iayout APPM)dmate outside dimensions of Total gross area of budding: /V I A Area of proposed lease:_ -2 square feet 00 • Total number of floors in building: 'GL Fkv(s) of proposed lease: square feet Describe building layout. e.g., rectangular, E-shaped, U-shaped, etc.: 6xitt (Cheek one): o stairway; one floor on grade =---� Stairways as described in the table below (Place Ched»x-in appropriate boxes except for ea tance to Next Stair' cotumnwhich should contain number, measured In feet. Indicating the requtreFr�tkin9 dtStance to the next exit stair.( Stairwoy Which Stag I Open Example No. t No. 2 No.3 i No. 4 Enetoaura Location of Exit Dwcherge Distance t0 next Stair (in feet) Separated by Doors I Inside Building Directly to Outside I I he example rep.'esents an ove1 stair 1no doors) which olsenarges nl.'doe me buuotng (pemaps into a iocoy). A person must MIX approxtmately 22o feet to reach -the next exit stag. NOTE- Fire escapes and ladders must not be counted as exit stairs. Additional information on exits, if any, q.g., sketch of ouildina: ! 5'T.9 l2 wet) Asbr~toa. Tne ouiiding hae (cheek AM that apply): No asbestos Asbestos fire proofing or sudaang material Undamaged asbestos floor file ' Asbestos pipe or boner msulation in good condition N, Other undamaged asbestos. describe: Damaged asbestos. describe: _ Don't know. This Information provided by the Offeror on this form is material faea upon which the Govemment relies in making an atMard. Tne Government has the right to require remedy if then: is a misrepresentation. en end ptopor(y mointoinod. The Owner or Authafted Representative certifies that all futures are in operating order OWNER L PE n ��o D A3 �s (including ZJP code) b. Taephate No. or 2.aone. v e:LT � / tioi � �0-W asT• (including area code) AUTHORIZED c. SIG RE 3 3 3os' a4a -3 S! REPRESENTATIVE d. Date Signed Pago 2 of 2 t o- Z.4--o z. GSA Form (Rev. g.91) � y. f c GENERAL CLAUSES (Acquisition of Leasehold interests in Rea l Leases) y for Leases Up to 5100.t100 Net Annual Rent) 1• The Government reserves the righ.L-at any time after the lease is signed and duringth lease, to inspect the leased premises and al. other areas of the budding to which a e term of the to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for the Government tenants erid is necessary performance under this lease. Lessors 2. If the building is partially or totally destroyed or damaged by fire or other space is untenantable as determined by the Government, the GovemTen ty so that the leased upon 15 calendar dayswritten notice to the Lessor and no' r Y terminate the lease 3• The lessor Shall maintain the demised premises, includingrental will be due. . i equipment, factures, and r the bumTding, building systems, and'all appurtenances furnk;hed by the Lessor under-ihic lease, in tenantable condition. Upon request of the Contracting documentation that building Officer, the Lessor shall p�oyirepair systems have been maintained, tested, and are operational.written 4. In the event the lessor fails to perform any nervice. to provide an this lease, the Government may perform the service Y item, or meet any requirement of either directly or through a contract. The Government may Provide a� rn O incurred meet t for requirement or item, including administrative costs, from the rental payments.Stsice 5: 52.252-2 — CLAUSES INCORPORATED BY P•EFERENCE (VARIATION) (SEP 2001 This contract incorporates one of more clauses ) they were given in full text. Upon request, the Contracting Officer will make the full text a reference. with the same force and effect as if htip:/ the w"^ w.11 9 a-gov/xt Portal/nffering.js OID=113404 be found on the Internet GSA Form 3517A (Full as variable or r , Text) at 6. Tee following clauses are incorporated by reference; GSAR 552-203.5 GSAR S52-203 70 FAR 52.209.6 FAR 52.219-9 FAR 52.219-16 GSAR 552219.72 GSAR 552.219-73 COVENANT AGAINST CONTINGENT FEES (FES 1990) (Applicable to leases over $100,000.) I'RICE ADJUSTMENT FOR ILLEGAL OR IMPROPER ACTIVITY (SEP 1999) (Applicable to leases over $100,000.) PROTECTING THE GOVERNMENT'S INTEREST WHEN SUBCONTRACTING VM CONTRACTORS DEBARRED, SUSPENDED, OR PROPOSED FOR DEBARMENT (JUL 1995) 1APPlicable to leases over S25,000.) SMALL BUSINESS SUB'k'.ONTRACTING PLAN (OCT 2000) (applicable to leases over swo.000.) USC (APPiicablTe to a rr 500.O ONTRA�NG PLAN (OCT 2000) PREPARATION. SUBMISSION, AND NEGOTIATION OF SUBCONTRACTING PLANS (SEP 1999) (Applicable to teases over $=,000 It solicitation requires submission of the subcontracting plan wih initial offers.) GOALS *FOR SUBC&jTRACTING PLAN (SEP 1999) (Applicable to leases over $500,000 if solicitation does not require submission of the subccrntra�ng plan with initial offers.) lNnl&.LS. LESSORb GO%FT 1� i n SFO N0.2FL0353 v GSA FORM 3517A (Rev 9M1) PAGE 1 or 2 FAR 52222-26 EQUAL OPPORTUNITY (FEB 1999) (Applicable to lease. over S10,000.) FAR 52.222-21 PROHIBITION OF SEGREGATED FACILITIES (APplicable•to leases over $10.000.) (FEB 1999) FAR 52222-35 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR DISABLED VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA (APR 1998) (Applicable to leases over $10.000.) FAR 52222.36 AFFIRMATIVE ACTION FOR WORKERS (Applicable to leases am 510,000.)wITH DISABILITIES (JUN 1998) FAR 52.222-37 EMPLOYMENT REPORTS ON DISABLED _ VETERANS AND VETERANS OF THE VIETNAM ERA (JAN 1999) - - (APPltcable to leases over S10.000.) FAR 52232-23 ASSIGNMENT OF CLAIMS (JAN 1986) (Applicable to leases over SZJ00.) GSAR 552232-75 PROMPT PAYMENT (SEP 1999) GSAR 552-232-76 .ELECTRONIC FUND! i TRANSFER PAYMENT (MAR 2000) FAR 52.233-1 DISPUTES (DEC 1998) FAR 52.215-10 PRICE REDUCTION FOR DEFECTIVE COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) r(Appiirahie when cost or pricing date are required for work or services exceeding S500.000.; FAR 52.215-12 SUBCONTRACTOR COST OR PRICING DATA (OCT 1997) (Appiicable when the clause at FAR 52.215-10 is applicable.) The information collection requirements contained in this sol1cit36oNcontract, that are not re regulation, have been approved by the Office of Management and Budget pursuant to the Paperwork Reduction Act and assigned the OMB Control No. 3090-0163. INITIALS: LESSOR__ & GOV'T SFO NO.2FL03S3 ) GSA FORM 3517A .. (REV 9r01) PAGE 2 Ur 2 REPRESENTA770N3 AND CERrFICATIONS (Short form) (SbnPtified Acquisition of Leasehold interests in Real Property for Leases Un to Sinn nnn a Con"We "Pr1epriate ems. 51411117 Me f°rrn, and atracd to offer, The Offeror makes the 1000wing Representations and CerGficadons. PMPettY offered, not an kftvidtrai or agent representing the owner. Solicitation Number Dated 2FLO307 / O/a-Wo 2 NOTE• The "Offeror," as used on this foam, is the owner of the 1• SMALL BUSINESS REPRESENTATION (SEP 2001) (a) The offeror represents that it [ j is u not a small business concern. 'Small" that is indo endenttyy owned and not is trot dominant to the field m means a concern, including its at5liates, revenues of s15 milBon or less for the Precedingthree fiscal ears. The No oPeratron' and has 9e annual gross (NAICS) code forthls acquisition es 531,90. y American industry Ciasslfication System (b) The nfferor represents that it () is, () is not a small disadvantaged business co (c) The elector represents that it is, nth � defined Gt 13rCFR 124.1002. () [ j is not a women -owned small business concern as defined in 48 CFR 52.2t9-1. (d) The offeror reprAa� that it is, I) I) is not a vclee�an.onmed small buairs concern as denned in 48 CFR 52219-1. (e) The offeror represents that it is. [) is not a service -disabled veteran -owned small business concern as defined i U.S.C.101(2). 38 U.S.C.101!(1). and 48 CFR 52219-1. n 38 2 32.E-22 - PREVIOUS CONTRACTS AND COMPLIANCE REPORTS (FEB 1999) (Applicable to leases which exceed $10,000.) Tne Offeror represents that .- (a) h has not participated in a this soli ' n; Previous contract or subcontract subject either to the Equal Opportunity clause of (b) It [) has. [) has not filed all required compliant* reports. and (c); Representations indicating submission of required compliance reports. xi ned b obtained oulure suboontract awards. p y Provosed cubcontre�rs, will be 3. 52222-25 - AFFIRMATIVE ACTION COMPLIANCE (APR 1984)under Control Number 1215.0072.) (APPllwble to leases which exceed $10.000 and welch include the clause at FAR 52.=-26, Equal Opportunity,) The Offeror represents that — (A) An has developed and No on file, () has not Developed and does not have on file, at each programs required by the rules and re ulalions of the Secrets of establishment affirmative g Secretary Labor (41 CFR (b) It ( 1 has not previously had contracts subject to the written affirmative action reeu tinns of the Secretary of Labor. (Approved � OMB under Cuntroi Number 122160.1 and 60.2), or 1 "� r jgwrement of the rules and 4. 52.203.11 — CERTIFICATION AND DISCLOSURE REGARDING PAYMENTS TO INFLUENCE CERTAIN FEDERAL TRANSACTIONS (APR 1991) (Applicable to teases which exceed $100,000.) (a) The definitions and prohibitions Contained in the clause, at FAR 52203-12, Limits ' Federal Transaytions, are hereby IncorlinrAted by reference in iron on ' > • Psregmph. b of this to Influence Certain (b) The offeror. () certification. by sigrrm9 its offer, hereby certifies` o. the best of his or her knowledge , December 23,1989, _ 9e and belief that on or after (1) No Federal appropriated funds have been paid or will be Paid to influence an officer or emplo�►ee of any Person for influence or atte Dloy�e of a Member of Con9ra�ss o1 Ma's ,or herbehallfffinn coon e^eccb'oan wor�tlt tehe r �byee °f ti"g to "'akm9 or any Federal grant, the makin of Corgress. or and Unr extension, continuation, rem �1Y Federal loan. the enteeing ; of a of a contract the cooperative a9reemerttr O1N$ amendment. °r modification of any Fedora fit. �e o (2) If any funds other than Federal o pr°pald. t funds rSOn-for ids' or fee received under a covered Federal Paid. or will be paid. to any person•for irlfl ornployee of erg► agency a Member Of COtigre�� an officer oru�np °r of Congress. i'n influence an oti�oer or Member of Conggress OWNS or her behalf In connection With this s1Gicitatio^ submit with its offer, OMB. standard form or an employee of a (3) He or she will include the la Disclosure of Lobbying Activities, to theofferor shall complete and recipients of subcontract ^9ua9e of th- certification in all subcontract aCanny tftcdn Otfioer. and awards in excess M s100,000 shall certify and oL4d s at arty tier and require that aU accordingly. iwnALS: LESSOR & GOV'T V `. .SFO NO.2FL0353- GSA FORM 3518A (REV WM) PAGE 1 of 2 (c) Submission of this certification and disclosure is a section 13$2, titic 91, United States Code. ent Aw peen ursde for making or entering into this con Unposof nwhootaess tit$ tohan $10 OOOo or �the a^d notmomthan S 00 OOO�torream � an � Kfte Prohibited un or Maft3bY� pro+nston, shall be sub' 5• 52.2043 - TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION (OCT 1990) penalty (a) Oedntbons. . "Common Aaronr; as used in thie provision, m eens that corporate W,Ut corporations that files its Federal income tax retums on a consolidated barns and s or comrots an afliNated group of •Taxpayer Id&1Wca6M Number (TIN)' as used in this of which the offeror is a member. Service (IRS) to be 1Wd the offeror in reporting i �%". means d oththee number "mu d by the Internal Revenue Security Number or an 6trpioyer Identitliption Number rsk ML 71nr TIN may Abe Qi nal a vanue M All offerors must submit the inkmnation par collection roauirements of 31 U.S.C. T701 e) +�x+Q )socal )Hugh (f) of this Provision to cc I - 6050M, and i^fpte^tenbng regulations issued by the IRS. If the reporting roqurremems of 26 U.G.C. 004�t�jq. debt information detpibed in Federal Acquisition Fwgulation (FAR) 4.9�04. _,q tea subject to the pa and may result In a 31 percent reduction at Payments Otherwisethe fa�ure or refusal by the oftrnoth t (c) The YtNthe due uAder the contract, relationship Government�Government(3 -S.0 n01 c (3 repo requirements described in FAR 4.904, the TIN rov)id )) If the o� delinquent amounts the out of the offerors ' accuracy of the offerors TIN. P hereunder d=n eoontraet is sub payment reporting Y matched with IRS records to verify the (d) Taxpayer Identification Number MN). TIN: 5 — 6 000 TIN as peen aPP ur, , 7 JQ TIN is not required because: Offeror is a nonresident alien, foreign corporation, or fore, rgn partnership that does not have incom connected with the conduct of a trade or business in the U brferor a or a {,seal a ' Tin' Partnership States and does not have an office or off face of Offeror is an agency or mental of a fto Ste' Offeror is an agency or instrumentality of the Fedetg! ve mmmt (4) Type of organizaGorr. t , ent Sole Prophip• rietors Partnership; Government entity ederat. State. or local); Cormratn enntitY not tax-exempt): . Corporate entity (tax-exempt); Iational organ Other ization per Ze CFR 1.6049.4: M Common parent, Offeror is not • owned or controlled by a common Parent as defined in paragraph Name and TIN of common parent(a) of this Provision. Name A IIN 6. OFFEROR'S DUNS NUMBER (ApR 1996) Errtrr number, If known.. Name and OI'CLROR OR Address (Including}tp Code)AUTHORIZED Telephone Number REPRESENTATIVE Peru. f{on.To�v, A �2Pact AI N/A g Q,& 3 S" d- 98� - 3 SJT Ke y ctl e-ir-vTeL-W.i Tto.vA iL A lit PO&T Sa oo seve -.T Ke� i F/on.I J4 , Tvaq* Signa Date -•— INITIALS: LESSOR �� S GOVT SFO NO, 2FL0353 GSA FORM 3318A (REV gMt) • PAGE 2 of 2 GENERAL SERVICES AD , .STRATION 1 • SOLICITATION FOR OFFERS FUSLIC BuILD1NGS SEWCE 2FLO397 LESSORS ANNUAL COST STATEMENT RENTABLE m 3A. ENTIRE eULWA NT IMPORTA- Read artaehad yR° =1111 00' . FT.) / /7jq WI A 4. lLto<a1Nti wipe ANO AOOReS! 1No_ sueeL wla. snd sIo aodel Xve west =jvTQM/ATloAoAl. A it pon-T S.�oosZV6LT Blvd- -- &!:X was?, P'/on-tJA 33 SECTION 1- ESTIMATED ANNUAL. COST OF SERVICES AND UTILITIES FURNISHED BY LESSOR AS PART OF RENTAL CONSIDERATION LESSOR'S ANNUAL COST FOR SERVICES AND UTILITIES IW MW SIMBING I RI GOWMEACED A. CLEANING, JANITOR ANDIOR CHAR SERVICE L SmAlm \ S. > 111011 iQ I►wc datrwns &I" OW T. CONT0=31RVICE>; (VARMWN+sr�,.m..wm...�..r.� _ 0. NEATTNG L SAUM re oIL GAs cam•+. ELECTRIC tL XMITM MtAIRENANCEANO RePMIR C. ELECTRICAL 1t. CUMWFORUCHrANDPOWSR (mM+ vomi W U. RNiPLACullm OF ONLU TUBES. STARTM ti POMIBt FOR sPECUL EAUPMENT _ 14. 3YSIMI MAINTENANCE AM REPAIR (Soo t la ims. ra:J O. PL.UMCING ts. wATN� IFa►aiplraemq crtrr+m,••+ordlagas) Sl,Ppm (Sap. waft 6abar) tY. tn►i7eM WINTeYMMf7t ANI1 RSPAai E. AIR CONDITIONING IL Ul LMU A b* NamW. if#w to Cf I, W SV3TEM MAWU W111CC AND RlPNR F. ELEVATORS ft SALARIES Mmov x aprtenl Ny It. M SU MAaVTLNANt.'YANOREPAM G. US MISCELLANEOReeA.mta+r„ernauda,Me.,1 2L BIRLOWVAGWBRANDIORMANAGER 23. 31:CL M ,wawlrtai d w ,, � 34. SU M. SlMMNT TAXAND rYOA MLWS CATION OMRANO X VON AND L WSCAPon MMNTENAN= 28. ORIER fE+aretaanaaawNlanaap 2. 10/2-4100- 3& LEASED BY GOV'T 700 �l� F oR GOVERN eff %Z e,IT - 0 Is M e "t zT. TOIX . Z S SECTION If - ESTIMATED ANNUAL WS 1 OF OYYNERSMIP EXCLUSIVE OF CAPITAL;;7M B 2R RRALWATETAXN:S aa. M MM A"C! 04m" SWAM O, S C 30. anLOBtOi MAWTVW= ANO RESERVES FOR R6PLACneff A11A ti IA 32. MMatGEIMNBNT N N 3L TOTAL t „ORi t�fRDICATiON . TM r �e A M firers laf ana ml -wpm ap K. irim"Wp of Oatt NIYrMs m M a,a snugl mW a awvleet; �Irles and Q OYIRtElt Q LEOAL ASW TYPED NAME AND TITLE DATE "'fie en. on oAv 2 otiT .jA rm, 34C. 3W 3110. 35C. GSA OC e5.37at am FORM 1217 P•2 77gj, � �f . o k �jl� c - �b•o 224 FEET 28.5 FEET W z -gq aw 100 U6 Z a &6 w �r W_ J334 n r� -Mu6 Q W ei -m3zi S•CZ c a Vf t jA y u u vo W r i3o'ta C W C� v z W MCAk W . W