Item M2 FROM PHONE NO. 305 2965861 + Jan. 31 2004 12:47PM P1 5300 MacDonald Ave #65 Key West, Fl. 33040 Ian. 31, 2004 Ho~ 296-6649 Cell 304-R421 Fax 296-5ft61 Monroe County Commission County Administrator Fax 292-4544 Attn. Jim Roherts or Debbie Fredbrich To whom it may concern; 1 would like an opportunity to speak in front of the County Commissioner's, Sounding Board at the next meeting on Wed Fcb 18,2004. in Key Largo at the Library. My subject is on another way of moving traffic from Miami to Key West., without causing _y problem or delays on our existing Highway. It will have 4 to 5 different way of making money to help pay fOT the building of it, then after it pay ror, the money will go to Monroe County ete.. I am WlSure if there is an! thing on the agenda that relates to the highway issue. So you will t,ave let me know ahout it. My idea will not be that departmental to environment. I have spoken to many people about GUs. they thougbt this could be a feasible idea. Thank you for a your time. ~--~ Lucille Sacco Gage rm-