Item M06 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 17,2004 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No Department: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution to honor the life, community service and the twenty one years that Alice Skinger dedicated to the betterment of the Monroe County Library system. ITEM BACKGROUND: Alice Skinger served on many boards in the Florida Keys including but not limited to the County Library Board, Florida Keys Electric Cooperative, and Fishermen's Hospital Advisory Board and in 1997 she was the first recipient of the Kevin Van Hoose Memorial Award from the Marathon Jaycees. Ms. Skinger was described as "a person of action. who took her responsibilities very seriously. She was a tremendous community activist and she had an absolute conviction of the need for a good library system in Monroe County. ,. PREVIOUS RELEVANT HOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDA TIONS: TOTAL COST: BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMS/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: AJ~ m. ~~ /" Commissioner ixie M. Spehar DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ AGENDAITEM#~ DISPOSITION: Revised 1/03 HAR-01-04 17,04 FROH,HONROE COUNTY ATTV OFFICE 10,3052923518 PAGE 1/1 RESOLUTION NO. 2004 Commissioner Dbie M. Spehar A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION OF THE LATE ALICE J. SKINGER WHEREAS, Alice Skinger pused away on Februazy 16,2004, at the age of78; and WHEREAS. Alice Skinger, a native of Chicago. Illinois, moved ro Marathon in 1969 with ber husband, Donald (deceased for 16 years), a C.PA, in whose accounting business she worked 40 years. becoming elCperienced in financial marlcets, bookkeeping and accounting; and WHEREAS. Alice SkiDger took an acrive role in professional. community and civic associations, was an elected board member of the Florida Keys Electric Cooperation for three tenus retiring in 2003 after Luming 78; was a IS-year member of the Fishenncn's Hospital Advisory Board; and served On the boards of the Domestic Abuse Shelter, Maralhon Yacht Club and Middle Keys Coneen Association; and WHEREAS, the Marathon Jaycees in 1997 made Alice the fITst recipient of the group's Kevin Van Hoose Memorial Award, named for a fanner FiShennen Hospital's administrator, being honored for her work as the hospital board's treasurer, among other things; and WHEREAS. Alice Skinger, was ehair of the County library board from its inception in 1981 to her retirement in December 2002, and it was under her guidance and oversight, the Library expanded in eveI)' community that it serves, with new buildings in Key Largo and Marathon, a new branch in Big Pine Key, and increased facilities in Key West and Islamorada, aU within het tenn of office. lbe patronage has grown liS well during dtat time, to over 45,000 registered Library cardholders and nearly half a million visitors to the five branches last year alone; and WHEREAS. The Library and the entire County owe a huge debt of gratitude to Alice Skioger for ber many efforts On behalf of the Monroe County Library and for her years of dedication and energy, now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA: Section 1: Hereby memorializes the County's grear appreciation for the service Alice Slcinger gave to the community and for her love and concern for people and hereby expresses to her family their reiret and deepest sympathy for the passing of me late Alice Skinger. SeetiOD :1: Hereby adopts this Resolution as a permanent record oCthe high esteem and respect in which Alice Skin&er was held by her coUeagues and by her community. Section J: County Clerk is hereby designated to forward a copy of this Resolution to her family expressing the Board's Sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a meeting of said Board held On the day of ,A.D., 2004. MAyor Murray E. Nelson Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar Commissioner George Neucenr Commissioner Charles "Sonny" McCoy (SEAL) Ant!st: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Clerk BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chainnan By BOARD OF COUNTY COMM.ISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: March 17. 2004 Division: District 1 Bulk Item: Yes No [kpartment: Commissioner Dixie M. Spehar AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of a Resolution to honor the life, community service and the twenty one years that Alice Skinger dedicated to the betterment of the Monroe County Library system. ITEM BACKGROUND: Alice Skinger served on man)' boards in the Florida Keys including but not limited to the County Library Board. Florida Keys Electric Cooperative. and Fishermen's Hospital Advisory Board and in 1997 she was the first n:cipiL'nt of the Kevin Van I-loose Memorial Award from the Marathon Jaycees. Ms. Skinger was dest:ribed a.s "a person of action. who took her responsibilities very seriously. She was a tremendous community activist and she had an absolute conviction of the need for a good library system in Monroe County." PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOeC ACTlOl'\: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: BlJ[)GETED: Yes No COST TO COUNT\': SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PROOlJCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: COllnt~ Atty __ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROV AL: A')~ m.~ / Commissioner ixie M. Spehar DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSJTJOl\: AGENDA ITEM #J1:1l.tL Revised I f03 MAR-01-04 17,04 FROM,HONRO~ COUNTY ATTV OFFICE 10,3052923516 PAGE COMQ1issioDtr Dixie M. SpelIar RESOLUTION NO. 1004 A RESOLVTION OF THE BOARD or COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONltOE COUNTY IN RECOGNITION 0' TUX LATE ALICE J. SKINGER WHEREAS, AJice SkinF pused away on February 16.2004, at dle ago of78; and WHEREAS. Alice Skin~. a nati...e of Chicago. Illinois, moved to Mllfamoo in 1969 wil2l bcr husbMd, Donald (deceased for 16 years). a C.P.A., in whote accounting business she worked 40 years. ~oming 8lCperieneed in financial markets, booldceepin'....:I ~ounrflll; IJ1d WHEREAS, Al~c SItinIer \ook llII acbYe role in prol'eS$lollal, community and cjvic associarions. WiS III elected board member of die Florida Keys Electt1c Coopcraioft for tbrco terms redrina in 2003 after tuminS 78; W.$ 8 15-yCIJ member of dte FishenJlCD'S Hospital Advisory Board; IIId served. on the boards of'the Domestic: Abuse Shel1er, Marathon Yacht Club and Middle Keys Cone," Associarion; and WHEREAS. the Marathon Jaycees in 1991 made Alice Ute full l"8cipient of tlu: group's Kevin Va Hoose Memorial AwBtd, named for. former Pishtnnen HospitaJ's adminisu-ator. beiaa honored for her work as the bosphal board's creasurer. amOJlC ocher lhfngs; and WHEREAS. Alice Stinger, was chair of Ihe Count)' library board from its inception in 19& I to her retiremcnl in Dccllmber 2002, and it was under her guidance IIIId oversight, the Libray expmdcd in eve:)' communlly that it servl:$, with new buildinlS In Key Largo and Marathon, I M\If bramb ia Hi: Pine Key, and iDcnwed facilities in Key We'i.l. anc1 blamtQOa, an witbin ber rcnn of office. lbe paD'OOlgt has grown IS well dUrin& &hat time. to over 45,000 relisrcred Library cudhQldalF5 IIld nearly balf a million visitors 10 lbl! five btaDdJe5wI ytlr alone; and WHEREAS, The Library and the entire Count)' owe a. huge debt of gnlltude 10 Alice Skiogcr for hcc many "frons on behalf oftbe Monroe COUllI}' LibrlllY and for her }'eIfS of dedicllioo and cnCT;)'. now. therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF' COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR.OE COUNTY, FLORID....: Section I: Hereby memOriali1.e$ 1h~ Counl)l's &rllll appreciation for the service Alice SkiDger save 10 the community and for her love anQ concom for people w:I wetly ex.pruileS to ber CianiI)' their ~Iret and deepe.st fytnpatb)' for rile p8$S1Dg ot tII. late Alice Sklnger. SeeUoA 2: Hereby adop&s thi$ Resolulion 15 a pennanenr rccorcl of the high estmn and respecl in which Alice S1:in;eI" was beld by her c:oJleagucs and by her c:ammUDity. Seetioa3: Count)' Clerk i~ hereby dcsirnlted 10 forwud a copy of !his ROIohniQn 10 her family exprcssinc me Board's Sorrow. PASSED AND ADOPTED by die Board of Collflty CommiS$ioncrs of Monroe Cowrty, Florida. at a ~ina of saJd Board hc'ld M Ih. day of I A.D., 2004. Mayor Munay E, Neilan Mllyor Pro Tem D.vid P. Rice Commissioner Dixie M. SpeIur Commissioner Gcorat Neu;CIlt CommissionerO.Jes "Sonny" McCoy (SEAL) AntlSt: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, Cleric: BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONR.oE COUNTY, F1.0JUI>A 8y Oeputy C C7k Mayor/Chainnu II'I