Item U3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 21. 2004 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: No ----X- Department: Planning & Env. Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: A public hearing to adopt an ordinance amending Section 9.5-122.3, Monroe County Code, to prohibit the award ofROGO points for the aggregation oflots in specific areas. [One hearing only required] ITEM BACKGROUND: Currently, the ROGO regulations permit applicants to receive three points for each lot that they aggregate. This aggregation, while reducing the total number of lots that may be developed, increases the amount of clearing that may be permitted for a single dwelling unit. For example, a lot with high quality hammock may be cleared up to 20% for the single dwelling unit. In this case, if the size of the lot is doubled by aggregation, twice the amount of the hammock may be cleared. This does not support the County's goal of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) to preserve the upland natural vegetation areas of the Keys. Elimination of the three point award in areas designated for acquisition by government agencies will ensure protection of the upland native vegetated areas. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: At the August 20, 2003, regular meeting, the Board of County Commissioners directed staff to prepare this amendment to the Land Development Regulations. CONTRACT~GREEMENTCHANGES: NM STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. N/A BUDGETED: Yes No x TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No X AMOUNT PER MONTH Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: Risk Management NI A APPROVED BY: County Atty Yes DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #lli ~~ Planning Director AMENDMENT TO THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS Board of County Commissioners Meeting"'" Key West April 21 , 2004 PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONS AMENDING SEC. 9.5-122.3 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROHIBIT THE AWARD OF ROGO POINTS FOR AGGREGATION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Land Development Regulations Text Amendment Staff DRC PC Approval Approval Approval January 15,2004 January 15,2004 March 10, 2004 Staff Report Resolution#D04-04 Resolution #P11-04 Board of County Commissioners Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. -1004 AN ORDINANCE BY THE MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONS AMENDING SEe. 9.5-122.3 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROHJBIT THE A WARD OF ROGO POINTS FOR AGGREGRA TION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. PROVIDING FOR REPEAL OF ALL ORDINANCES INCONSISTENT HEREWITH; PROVIDING FOR INCORPORATION INTO THE MONROE COUNTY CODE OF ORDINANCES; AND DIRECTING THE PLANNING DIRECTOR TO FORWARD A CERTIFIED COPY OF THIS ORDINANCE TO THE FLORJDA DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY AFFAIRS AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the ROGO regulations currently permit applicants to receive three points for each lot that they aggregate; and WHEREAS. this aggregation, while reducing the total number of lots that can be developed, increases the amount of clearing that may be pennitted for a single dwelling Wlit; and WHEREAS, this would increase the amoWlt of hammock that may be cleared; and WHEREAS, this does not support the County's goals or those of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, public ownership of the upland native vegetated areas is the only way to ensure their protection; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, at their meeting of August 20, 2003, directed staff to prepare an amendment to RaGa removing the points for aggregating lots in areas designated for acquisition by governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the Board fmds that there is a need to amend this section of the Land Development Regulations in order to support the County's goals and the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, the Board fmds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5- 511 (d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail; and WHEREAS, the Board finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensiv~ Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and recommended for approval to the Planning Commission at the DRC public meeting of January 15, 2004; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and recommended for approval at the Planning Commission public hearing of March 10, 2004; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of April 24, 2004 in Key West. Florida reviewed the proposed amendment to Section 9.5-122.3, recommended by the Planning Commission and Growth Management; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, TIlE FOLLOWING: Section 1: PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES I . underlined text is new. Section 9.S~122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 2. Points will not be awarded for lot aggregation within those areas prooosed for acquisition by governmental agencies for the Domose of resource protection. Section 2: If any section. subsection~ sentence, clause. item, change OT provision of this ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. Section 3: AIJ ordinances Of parts of ordinances in conflict with this ordinance are hereby repealed to the extent of said conflict. SectiOD 4: The ordinance shaH be transmitted by the Planning Department to the Florida Department of Community Affairs pursuant to the Florida Statutes. Section S: This ordinance shall be filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Florida, but shall not become effective until a notice is issued by the Department of Community Affairs or Administration Commission approving this ordinance. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida. at a regular meeting of said Board held on the _ day of , 2004. Mayor Nelson Mayor Pro Tern Rice Commissioner McCoy Commissioner Neugent Conunissioner Spehar By BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY. FLORJDA By (SEAL) Attest: DANNY L.KOLHAGE, Cleric Deputy Clerk Board of County Commissioners Staff Report Planning and Environmental Resources K. Marlene Conaway, Director 2798 Overseas Highway Suite #400 Marathon, J10rida 33050 Voice: (305) 289-2500 FAX: (305) 289-2536 Board of County Commissioners Mayor Murray Nelson, Dist. 5 Mayor Pro Tern David P. Rice Dist. 4 Comm. Charles "Sonny" McCoy, Dist. 3 Comm. George Neugent, Dist. 2 Comm. Dixie Spehar, Dist. 1 April 2, 2004 TO: Board of County Commissioners K. Marlene Conaway, Director Planning and Environmentali~ FROM: DATE: April 2, 2004 SUBJECT: PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SEC. 9.S-122.3 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROHmIT THE AWARD OF ROGO POINTS FOR AGGREGRA TION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. I. BACKGROUND Currently, the RaGa regulations permit applicants to receive three points for each lot that they aggregate. This aggregation, while reducing the total number of lots that can be developed, increases the amount of clearing that may be permitted for a single dwelling unit. For example, a high quality hammock lot may be cleared of 20% of the hammock for the development. In this case, if the size of the lot is doubled by aggregation, twice the amount of the hammock may be cleared. This does not support the County's goals or the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation. Public ownership of the upland native vegetated areas is the only way to ensure their protection. The Board of County Commissioners, at their meeting of August 20,2003, directed staff to prepare an amendment to ROGO removing the points for aggregating lots in areas designated for acquisition by governmental agencIes. This proposed amendment was reviewed and approved by the Development Review Committee at its public meeting of January 15, 2004. The Planning Commission recommended approval to the Board of County Commissioners at their meeting of March 10, 2004. II. ANALYSIS & FINDINGS OF FACT 1. Staff finds that there is a need to amend these sections of the Land Development Regulations in order to support the County's goals and the Florida Keys Carrying K. Marlene Conaway Page I 4/2/2004 Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation. 2. Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-511(d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail. 3. Staff finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan. III. PROPOSED CHANGES I underlined text is new. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 3. Points will not be awarded for lot aggregation within those areas proposed for acquisition by ~overnmental agencies for the purpose of resource protection. IV. STAFFRECOMMENDATION Based on the findings of fact, the staff recommends to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners APPROVAL of the text change to the Monroe County Land Development Regulations. Page 2 of2 P:\Conaway-Marlene\Documents\letters\a letterhead.doc Planning Commission Resolution #Pll-04 PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION P11-04 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE REQUEST FILED BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO AMEND SEC. 9.5-122.3 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROHIBIT THE AWARD OF ROGO POINTS FOR AGGREGRA TION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. WHEREAS, the ROGO regulations currently permit applicants to receive three points for each lot that they aggregate; and WHEREAS, this aggregation, while reducing the total number of lots that can be developed, increases the amount of clearing that may be permitted for a single dwelling unit; and WHEREAS, this would increase the amount of hammock that may be cleared; and WHEREAS, this does not support the County's goals or those of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, public ownership of the upland native vegetated areas is the only way to ensure their protection; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, at their meeting of August 20, 2003, directed staff to prepare an amendment to ROGO removing the points for aggregating lots in areas designated for acquisition by governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that there is a need to amend this section of the Land Development Regulations in order to support the County's goals and the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.S-511(d)(S) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the DRC public meeting of January 15, 2004; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding findings of fact support their decision to recommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners of the following amendment to the text of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations as requested by the Monroe County Planning Department: I. PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES I . underlined text is new. Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 2. Points will not be awarded for lot aaoreoation within those areas proposed for acquisition bv oovernmental aoencies for the purpose of resource protection. [Balance of this page is intentionally left blank] PASSED AND ADOPTED By the Planning Commission of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 10th day of March, 2004. Lynn C. Mapes, Chair David C. Ritz, Vice Chair Jiulio Margalli, Commissioner Denise Werling, Commissioner James D. Cameron, Commissioner PLANNING COMMISSION OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Lynn C. Mapes, Chair Signed this day of ,2004. YES YES YES YES YES Development Review Resolution #D7-04 Dated & Signed on February 26, 2004 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RESOLUTION #D7.Q4 A RESOLUTION BY THE MONROE COUNTY DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE RECOMMENDING APPROVAL TO THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE REQUEST FILED BY THE MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO AMEND SEC. 9.5-122.3 OF THE MONROE COUNTY LAND DEVELOPMENT REGULATIONS IN ORDER TO PROHIBIT THE AWARD OF ROGO POINTS FOR AGGREGRATION IN SPECIFIC AREAS. WHEREAS, the ROGO regulations currently permit applicants to receive three points for each lot that they aggregate; and WHEREAS, this aggregation, while reducing the total number of lots that can be developed, increases the amount of clearing that may be permitted for a single dwelling unit; and WHEREAS, this would increase the amount of hammock that may be cleared; and WHEREAS, this does not support the County's goals or those of the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, public ownership of the upland native vegetated areas is the only way to ensure their protection; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners, at their meeting of August 20, 2003, directed staff to prepare an amendment to ROGO removing the points for aggregating lots in areas designated for acquisition by governmental agencies; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that there is a need to amend this section of the Land Development Regulations in order to support the County's goals and the Florida Keys Carrying Capacity Study (FKCCS) recommendations of preserving the upland natural vegetation; and WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposed change is consistent with Section 9.5-511 (d)(5) b. (iv) New Issues and (v) Recognition of a need for additional detail; and Page 1 of 3 Initia'~ DRC RESO D7-04 WHEREAS, the Commission finds that the proposed change is consistent with the goals of the Monroe County Year 2010 Comprehensive Plan; and WHEREAS, this text change was reviewed and APPROVED at the DRC public meeting of January 15, 2004; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, that the preceding findings of fact support their decision to recommend APPROVAL to the Monroe County Planning Commission of the following amendments to the text of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations as requested by the Monroe County Planning Department: I. PROPOSED TEXT CHANGES I . underlined text is new. I Section 9.5-122.3 Evaluation criteria (a)(3) Lot aggregation: Additional requirements: 2. Points will not be awarded for lot aaareaation within those areas proposed for acquisition bv aovernmental aaencies for the purpose of resource protection. [balance of this page is intentionally left blank] Page 2 of 3 ORC RESO 07-04 Initial~ PASSED AND ADOPTED By the Development Review Committee of Monroe County, Florida at a regular meeting held on the 15th day of January, 2004. Fred Gross, Director, Lower Keys Planning Team (Chair) YES Aref Joulani, Development Review and Design Senior Administrator YES Ralph Gouldy, Environmental Resources Senior Administrator YES Department of Health (by fax) YES Department of Public Works (by fax) YES Department of Engineering (by fax) YES DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By cr. ~ FrEid Gross, DCR Chair Signed this 1d2..day of February, 2004 Page 3 of 3 ORC RESO 07-04 InitiaJ~