Item S02 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Agenda Item Summary Meeting Date 4/21/04 Division County Attorney AGENDA ITEM WORDING Approval of settlement agreement in Robert L. Clay, et al v. Monroe County, 2004 CA 05 M. ITEM BACKGROUND Robert Clay, John & Li Chiung Moyant, Richard & Charlene Marot, Dietmar Menck & Gudrun Shulz- Menck filed a two count action against the County seeking 1) a writ of mandamus to compel the County to issue building permits for 5 lots on Big Pine Key and 2) damages for inverse condemnation. The Plaintiffs have proposed a settlement wherein the County would issue the permits in exchange for a waiver of their respective claims for damages. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION None. CONTRACT I AGREEMENT CHANGES None. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS Approval. TOTAL COST BUDGETED Yes No COST TO COUNTY SOURCE OF FUNDS APPROVED BY: County Attorney _ OMB/Purchasing 0 Risk Management 0 DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL~ )V~7 JOHN R. DOCUMENTATION: Included 0 ~ Not Required 0 AGENDA ITEM # s~ IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA ROBERT LEE CLAY, JOHN K. MOYANT and LI CHIUNG MOYANT, and RICHARD N. MAROT1 and CHARLENE MAROT, and DIETMAR MENCK AND GUDRUN SHULZ-MENCK Petitioners, vs. CASE NO.: 04-CA-05-M MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Respondent. I SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT COMES NOW the Petitioners, ROBERT LEE CLAY: JOHN K. MOYANT and LI . CHIUNG MOVANT; RICHARD N. MAROT and CHARLENE MAROT: DIETMAR MENCK and GUDRUN SHULZ-MENCK; and the Respondent, MONROE COUNTY, a political subdMsion of the State of Florida, and file this their Settlement Agreement and state as follows: WHEREAS each of the Petitioners are owners of a residential lot in Big Pine Key, Florida; and WHEREAS each of the Petitioners is desirous of building a single family home on their Jot; and WHEREAS each of the Petitioners has applied for and paid for, and received approval for the issuance of a permit for a single family home on their lot in Big Pine Key; and 1 E:t/8 3~'ctd 8tSE:~6~S0E:'al 331ddO A~~'ct A~Nn03 30~NOW'WO~d 8~'60 ~0-6~-~d'ct ..- ~..., ,1"-'" WHEREAS as a result of concurrency standards imposed by the state of Florida, the Respondent's concems over traffic generation that may be caused by the construction of these homes resulted in the Respondenfs decision to not issue the Petitioners' permits; and WHEREAS the Respondent initiated an administrative proceeding under the Beneficial Rights proceedings of Section 9.5-171 of the Monroe County Land Development Regulations in regards to the Petitioners' permits; and WHEREAS, the BenefICial Use hearing officer issued a proposed determination which found that the Petitioners" impact from building a single family home on their residential lots in Big Pine Key would have de minimU$ effect on the concurrency requirements that had been imposed on Monroe County. and recommended that the permits be issued to the Petitioners; and WHEREAS the Respondent, by actions of the Board of County Commissioners, accepted the finding of the Special Master's Beneficial Use determination by Resolution #263-2002, dated June 19,2002; and WHEREAS the Petitioners have initiated these proceedings to obtain the permit that is the subject of the Beneficial Rights detennination and Resolution #263-2002; and WHEREAS the parties desire to amicably resolve all issues between them relating to this litigation; and WHEREAS the parties further agree that it is in the best interest of the parties to tenninate the litigation, to allow the Petitioners to build their single family homes and to avoid further expense and delay that may be attendant upon this litigation. 2 E:l/B 3~~d SlSE:~B~S0E:'al 3~lddO A~~~ A~Nno~ 30~NOW'WO~d B~'B0 ~0-B~-~d~ r-. NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to settle the instant proceedings as follows: 1. Each of the Petitioners has applied for. paid for, and received approval for the construction of a single family home on their respective lots in Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, and such approval is currently in effect. 2. The Monroe County Building Department shall issue to Petitioner Robert Lee Clay a building permit to construct a single family home on Lot 391 Doctors Arm Subdivision. 3rd Addition, Section C, Big Pine Key, Florida. 3. The Monroe County Building Department shall issue to Petitioners John K. Moyant and Li Chiung Moyant a building pennit to construct a single family home on Lot 40 and 411 Doctors Arm Subdivision. 3M Addition, Section C. Big Pine Key, Florida. 4. The Monroe County Building Department shall issue to Petitioners Richard N. Maret and Char1ene Marot a building pennit to construct a single family home on Lot 9, Block 12, Eden Pines Subdivision. 2nd Addition, Big Pine Key, Florida. 5. The Monroe County Building Department shall issue to Petitioners I Petitioner Moyant, owner of Lot 41, obtained Lot 39 from the COUnty in return for the dedication of a more environmentally sensitive tract of land conveyed to the County by him. Petitioners Clay and Moyant mend to swap Clay'S Lot 40 With Movant's Lot 39. Moyant then will build his single family home On Lots 40 and 41, and Clay will build on Lot 39. This land swap was approved by BOCC Resolution 179-2003 enacted on February 28, 2004 3 E: t /0 t a:mid 8tSE:~S~S0E:'al a:~lddO A~~~ A~Nno~ a:O~NOW'WO~d S~'S0 ~0-S~-~d~ Et/t t 3mtd ,,...-.... ,.'-~ . Dietmar Menck and Gudrun Shulz-Menck a building permit to construct a single family home on Lots 4 and 5, Block 24, Eden Pines Subdivision. 3rd Addition, Big Pine Key, Florida. 6. Upon the issuance of the permits to the Petitioners. the Petitioners shall have all the rights, responsibilities and duties that the Monroe County Code and Land Development Regulations grant to builders of single family homes in Monroe County, Florida. 7. Upon the conclusion of the process for the issuance of the above- referenced permits and the expiration of the period for the Department of Community Affairs to review the Petitioners' permits, the Petitioners shall file a notice of voluntary dismissal with prejudice of the above-styled action. 8. By entering into this agreement, the parties agree to waive and release any claims that were raised or could have been raised in this litigation. After approval of this agreement by the Court. all parties shall exchange mutual releases in a format customarily used in this County. All parties acknowledge there is other litigation, presently on appeal between some of these parties and this Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed to, waive any rights in any other pending litigation or appeal. 9. Each party shall bear its own attorney's fees and costs in connection with this litigation. In the event it becomes necessary for any party to this litigation to commence legal proceedings to enforce the tenns of this agreement, the prevailing party shall be entitled to reasonable attorney's 4 stSE~6~S0E'aI 33IddO ALL~ ALNn03 30~NOW'WO~d 6~'60 ~0-6~-~d~ '--'., .... .... fees and costs in connection with such action. 10. By entering into this Settlement Agreement, the parties do not acknowledge the merits or lack of merits of these proceedings. Rather, the parties have entered into this agreement for the purpose of avoiding further expense and delay inherent in litigation of this nature. 11. The Court shall retain jurisdiction over the parties to the subject matter of these proceedings, and shall enter any orders or judgments which are just, lawful, and appropriate under the circumstances. -~ ub~t ifobert B. Shillinger, Esq. ~ ( at ) Assistant County Attomey P.O. Box 1026 Key West, FL 33041-1026 (305) 292-3470 Attomey for the Respondent FBN: 058262 Franklin D. Greenman, Esq. (Date) GREENMAN & MANZ 5800 Overseas Highway, Suite 40 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 743.2351 Attorney for the Petitioners FBN: 290815 s El/C:l 3~~d SlSEC:SC:S0E'OI 3~lddO A~~~ A~Nno~ 30~NOW'WO~d S~'S0 ~0-SC:-~d~ .'-, /.-..... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ROBERT LEE CLAY, JOHN K. MOVANT and LI CHIUNG MOVANT. and RICHARD N. MAROT, and CHARLENE MAROT. and OIETMAR MENCK AND GUDRUN SHULZ-MENCK Petitioners, vs. CASE NO.: 04-CA-05-M MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, Respondent. I ORDER APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This matter, having come before the Court on the Settlement Agreement submitted by the parties and the Circuit Court of the 16t1 Judicial Circuit. having reviewed the Settlement Agreement and being fully satisfied with its provisions, hereby approves the Settlement Agreement as submitted by the parties and therefore it is: ORDERED and ADJUDGED that this matter shall be disposed of pursuant to the terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement and it is further ORDERED and ADJUDGED that this Court shall retain jurisdiction to enforce compliance with the terms set forth in the Settlement Agreement. DONE and ORDERED this _ day of West. Florida. ,2004. in chambers. Key Mark Jones. Circuit Judge 6 Et/Et 3:>'lid St9E~6~90E'aI 33IddO ALL'Ii ALNn03 30~NOW'WO~d 09'60 ~0-6~-~d'li . Apr ~1 04 12: 32p Gr-eenman&MaI'1Z {305J743-S523 .' ''\ ,'..--00:; p.t GREENMAN BE MANZ 5800 Ovemeas Highway, SuIte 40 Mamthon, R. 33050 305-743-2351 FlOC aos.. 743-6523 FDGreenman(ii)Be1JsnuIh.net RECEIVED APR 2 1 2004 fAX TRANsMl~lm'l MONROE COUNTY ATTORNEY To: Ridmrd Collins, Esq. Fax #: 295-5105 Date: April 21, 2004 Pages: 11, including this cover sheet. From: Franklin D. Greemnau., Esq. Subject: Moymt, Clay, Marot, et al Settlement with the County Attached is the signed Settlement Agreement, as provided last night, and approved by my clients. Mr. Moyant has requested that the footnote on page 3 be changed to more accurately reflect his land swap. He requests the following language for the footnote: It Petitioner Moyant, owner of Lot 41, obtaioed Lot 39 from the County in return for the dedication ola more environmentally sensitive tract: of land conveyed to the County by him. Petitioners Clay and Moyant intend to swap Clay)s Lot 40 with Moyant's Lot 39. Moyant then will build his siuglc: family home on Lots 40 aud 41, aDd Clay will build on Lot 39. This land. .-wap was approved by BOCC h$o.lution 179~2003 enacted on Fe\mwy 28, 2004. Other than that minor change, I beUeve we have agreement Please caJt me if the Settlement is accepted or otherwise by the BOCC. If there is a fonn for the releases, please provide them, or I will draft a generic one. Let me know. Thank you. '1'he information c:orduined in this /acsfmjle tnJnsmI$sfon Is attorney..ptfrtf/eged and confldentictl. intended only for the use of the Indlukiuol (Jf entIIy named above. If the I'f!Oder 0/ fhf$ rnasage is not the intended recipient, YOU are hereby notified thot any dissemination, distribution, or oapy of this oommunloatlon is..raiy prohibfMd. If yoll have receioed this mrnmunlcafian in em>r, please notify us immediately by telephone and return the oriainal message to US at the aboue oddrus rJia the U.S. PotItlIl SmJi~. PImse notJfy lIS lmmedi~Y i/~doaunent ls not proper/y rec:efued. HARD COpy! ~fl JoffooJ by mall a Will [oIIow by OtJBmight mall o Wlfl not follow E:l/l 3:J\fd 815E:~S~50E:'aI 3~IddO ^~~\f ^~NnO~ 30~NOW'WO~d ~P'S0 p0-S~-~d\f Apr21 04 12:32p Greenman&Hanz --, . . ' (305)743-6523 .~, p.2 411.0/2904 ,,)1. PI! ~I hIt 1._ ott;Gn er RolNtttt 5hllUnqu 'to: "43-6i~3 ""'..: aoz lit 007 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONRoe COUNTY, FlORIDA ROBERT LEE CLAY, JOHN K MOYANT and II CHIUNG MOVANT, and RICHARD N. MAROT, and CHARLENE MAROT, and DIETMAR MENCK AND GUORUN SHULZ-MENCK Petitioners, YS. CASE NO.: 04-CA-Q5..M MONROE COUNTY, fLORIDA, a political subdMsion of the State of Florida, Respondent. , SElTlEtAENT AGREEM.ENT COMES NOW the Petitioners. ROBERT LEE CLAY; JOHN K. MOYANT and Ll CHIUNG MOYANT; RICHARD N. MAROT and CHARLENE MAROT; DJETMAR MENCK and GUDRUN SHULZ-MENCK; and the Respondent, MONROE COUNTY, a poJlticaj subdivision of the Stale of Florida, and file this their Settlement Agreement and state as follows; WHEREAS each of the Petitioneta are owners of a residential lot in Big Pine Key, Florida; and WHEREAS each of the P&tItioners is deaimus tlf building it single family home on their lot; 8nd WHEREAS each of the Petitioners has applied for and paid for, and receNed approval for the issuanc;e of a permit for a single famiry home on their lot in Big Pine Key, Et/~ 3~'dd StSE~S~S0E'al 3~IddO ^~~'d ^~NnO~ 30~NOW'WO~d ~~'S0 ~0-S~-~d'd ApI'" ,21 04 12: 33p Greenllan"l'1anz (305)743-6523 ...--. p.3 4/Z1I:2!:04 1I1'.Z.I'M. 'P'ax LA- orn..... "r IIW!Ict 5I>U!UI9Ar '1'0, ~n-e~t3 ,. PNll;. 003 01' ~07 and WHEREAs as a restllt of concurrency standards imposed by the state of Florida, the Respondent's cot1Qeh15 O'iet' traffic generation that may be caused by the con&truction of these homes resulted in the Respondenfs decision to not issue the Petitioners' permits; and WHEREAS the Respondent Initiated Ell administrative PfOCeedIng under the BenefICial Rights prDCeedings of Section 9.5-171 of the Monroe County land Devefopment Regulations in nlgarda to the Petitioners' permits; and WHEREAS, the Beneficial Use heeling officer issued 8 proposed determination which found that tfW! Petitioners' impact from building a single family home on Ihefr residential Jots In Big Pine Key would have de nirIirtiiis effect on the concurrency requirements that had been imposed on Monroe County, and recommended that the permits be _lied to the Petitioners; and WHEREAS the Respondent, by actions of the Board of County Commisstoners, accepted the finding of the Special Master'& Beneficial Use determination by Resofutlon 1263-2002, dated June 19, 2Of12; and WHEREAS the PeOOoners IvJve initiated these praceedings to obtain the pennit that is the subject of Ihe Beneflcial Rights determination and ResolUtion t283-2002; and WHEREAS the parties desire to BRlicably I'eGOfve all -ues between them ""ilting to thielitigation; and WHEREAS the parties further agree that it is in the best interest of the psrties to terminate the lligatioo. to allow the Pettttoners to build their single family homes and to avoid further ecpense and defay that may be attendant upon this litigation. 2 Et/E 3D'dd 9tSE~S~S0E'al TTNn03 30~NOW'WO~d ~~'S0 ~0-S~-~d'd 331ddO A~~'d ""... Ap~ '21 O. 12:33p Gr.u!nman"Man~ ..,.........", (3051743-6523 ,...-....., p.4 i120/:lDfi4 8:22 l'IC f. J"8lI J.. OCfiCl1l5 11<( ""MM, Sh.1Uinlllo YO; 14'-~l.3 .....G1l, w4 OF OIl', NOW THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein and for other good and valuable consideration the receipt and suffICiency of which are hereby acknowfedged, the parties agree to settle the instant proceecJings as follaws: 1. Each of the Petitioners has applied for, paid for, IInd receJved iJPPnMIl for the constnJction of a single family home on their respective Jots in Big Pine Key, Monroe County, Florida, and such approval is currentfy in effect. 2. The Monroe County Buildill9 Dep;utmem shafl issue to PetiI~M Robert lee Clay a bUIlding permit to construct a single famlfy home on Lot 39' Doctors Ann Subdivision, 3rd Addition, Section C, Big Pine Key, FlorIda. 3. The Monroe County Building ~t shall issue to Petitioners John K. Moyant aKJ U CNq Moyant 8 building permit to construct a single family home on Lot 40 and 411 Doctors Arm Subdivision, ;td Addition, Section C, Big Pine Key, Florida. 4. The Monroe County Building Department shall issue to Petitioners Richard N. Marot a1d Charlene Marot a building permit to construct a sirUe famly home on lot 9, Block 12. Eden Pines SubdMGion, ~ Addition, BIg Pine Key, Florida. 5. The Monroe County Building Department shaH issue to PetItioners Dietmar I Petitioner Moy.nt, owner of Lot 41, obtained lot 39 from the Ccuttv in ndtlm for Ihe decflC8tion of a MCr8 envinmmenblffy ~ tract of IInd oonwryed to the Co~ by him. Petitioners Clay and __Chen eI80ted a I8nd swap, where Moyant~ l.CJt 40rrom Clay. and Mv,.nt ~ Lclt3910 Clay. PJ!oyantvtln Jx,ild his single family home onl.ots<<>ancl41._ OIly wiU build an lat 39. This ~ swap.. IPPI'CMd by BOCC R8eoluaa" 1~2003 enact8d on February 28, 2004 3 E:l/17 3:l'dd SISE:C;SC;S0E:'OI 33IddO A~~'d A~Nn03 30~NOW'WO~d 817'S0 170-SC;-~d'd . Rpr.21 04 12:33p Greenman&l'1anz (305J743-6523 ..---..... ........... p.5 ./20,,,.0.. I,ZZ I'M F. flJ! .... O!Hon bf 1Iob~:'t lIlllll1";er To, 7t3'6U3 WIGS, DDS 01' Of:' Menck and GldUn Shutz.Menck 8 building permit to construct II single family home on Lots 4- and 5, Block 24, Eden Pines Subdivisiont ~ Additiont Big Pine Keyt F'IoIid.. 6. Upon the issuance of the pennb to the Petitfoners, the Petitioners shalll1ave all the rights, resPCJnSibiJitfes and duties that the Morwe County COde and land Oewltopment Regulations grant to builders of single family homes in Monroe County, Florida. 7. Upon the conclusion of the process for the issuance of the abov.referenced permits und the expiration of the period for the Deperb.. of Community Affairs to review the Petitioners' permits, the PetitIOners shall file a notic:e of \4OIuntary dismissal with prejualCe of the above-styled action. 8. By entering into this agreement, the parties agree to waive and reIe8se any claims that were raised or COUld have been raised in this litigation. After approval of this agreement by the Court. all parties shalf udlange mutual telea8es in a funnat cuslDmarily used in this County. All parties acIcnowledge there is other Iitigstion. presently on appeal between some or these partiQs and this Agreement is not intended, nor shall it be construed to, waive any ~ In Brff other pending litigation or appeal. 9. Each party shaH bear Is awn attomey's fees and costs in connection with this litiQIItion. In the event it beoomes necessary for any party to this Utigation to commenc.e fegaI proceedings to enmroe the terms of this Dgreement, the prMfing party 8h8I1 be entilfed to reasonable attomey's fees and C08t8 in connectior. With such action. 4 El/5 3::>'dd 815El;Sl;50E'OI 33IddO A~~'d A~Nn03 30~NOW'WO~d B~'S0 ~0-Sl;-~d'd . Apr. 21 04 12:3~p Greenman&Man% (305J743-8523 ...-...... p.8 4"onON a.7~'" F....,,' Fax ~... oftl~, at -"rl SblUln,er t'UI 14.j-to:.2l PIIoOE, OG~ OF OO~ 10. By entering into this Setttement Agreement, the parties do not acknowtedge the merits or Ia.ok of merits of these proceedings. Rather, the parties have entered into this agreement for the purpose of avoiding further ecpense and deIiIy inherent in Itigation of this nature. 11 - 1M Court aNt11 retain jurisdiction over the parties to the subject fnIItIBr of these poceedings, and shan erier any orders or judgments which are just, lawful. and appropriatl! under the circumstances. ~~ O. I Esq. /. ( ) GREENMAN & MANZ 5800 0vergeas Highway, Suite <40 Marathon, FL 33050 (305) 743-2351 Attorney for the Petiltoner8 FBN: 290815 Robert B. Shilinger, Esq. (Date) Allidant County Attorney P.O. Box 1026 Key West, Fl33041-1026 (305) 292-3470 Attorney for the Respondent FBN:058262 5 Et/S 3~'fd StSE~S~S0E'aI 33IddO A~~'f A~Nn03 30~NOW'WO~d 8~'S0 ~0-S~-~d'f . Apr.21 04 12:34p Greenllanl.Manz ..--.... {305)743-S523 ,....-.... p.? "20..~"~ II,;!:! I'M rlU'l: ,." ~ (II'CtW' DC ll,*-.'~ nJlllm,.:- '1'0' 74.3-'-~23 h....' OD7 (lr ClCl1 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 16TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR MONROE COUNTY. FLORIDA ROBERT lEE CLAY, JOHN K. MOVANT ancIlI CHIUNG MOVANT, n RICHARD N. MAROT, and CHARLENE MAROT, and DIETMAR MENCK AND GUDRUN SHULZ-MENCK PetItioners, VB. CASE NO.: 04-CA-05+M MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA, a poIIioaI aubdivision of the state of Florida, Respondent I ORDER APPROVING SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT This maller, having come before the Court on the Settlement Agreement submitted by the perties and the Circuit Court of the , ff Judicial Circuit. having reviewed the SettIemet It Agreement and beilg fuly satisfied with Is provisions, hereby IppI'OV8S the SettIeI...1t Agreement as ~ by the parties and therefore it is: ORDERED and ADJUDGED that this matter shall be disposed of pursuant to the terms set forth In the Settlement Agreement and it is further ORDERED and ADJUDGED that this Court shall retain jurisdiCtion fx) etd'OfW compliance with the terms set forth in the settlement Agreement. DONE and ORDERED this _ day of West, Florida. . 2004, In ch.-nbers, Key Mark Jones, Circuit JUdge 6 El/l. 3~'dd 81SE~B~S0E'al 331ddO A~~'d A~Nn03 30~NOW'WO~d e~'B0 ~0-B~-~d'd