Item R9 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April2L 2004 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes No~ Department: County Administrator AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Conceptual approval of a proposal for off-site records storage. ITEM BACKGROUND: The County has been planning on constructing records storage facilities in the Keys for use by the County government and the Constitutional Officers. Those projects would be costly and take many years to complete. In the interim, the County's records storage needs are growing and the areas available to maintain records are diminishing. With the assistance and guidance of the County Attorney, discussions have taken place with CRM (Certified Records Management). They will handle the records storage in a appropriate facility for the proposal amount attached. An organized retrieval system would be developed so that the records can be made available quickly as needed. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: As above. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval. TOTAL COST: $6.207 per month BUDGETED: Yes NoX COST TO COUNTY: $6.207 per month SOURCE OF FUNDS: Ad Valorem REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBlPurchasing _ Risk Management _ ~~ ............... James L. Roberts DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPosmON: AGENDA ITEM #~ FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:47PM P2 CERTIFieD ReCORDS MANAGEMENT, LLC P.O. Box 781M Tempe, Florlde 33871--1151 (813) 247.1..... RECORD STORAGE AGREEMENT This Agreement is made this 15dI day of ADrll , 20M by and between Certified Realrds Maoagemcnt. ILC. a Florida limited liability company, P.O. Box 761 SS, Tampa. Florida 3367S--llSS (hereafter referred to as "Company"), lIIld ........ c-tv whose address is , (hereafter referred to lIS "Depositor"). Company hereby agJeeS to ea:ept fill' storage sMl service under it J1IIIDlIICIDCII system and Depositor ap:es to deposit such recclI'd material as is idenrified on the initial Acxession Log form attached hereto 88 Exhibit "A". Subsequent deposits shall be identified by additional Transmittal Forms to be issued by Company at the time of such deposits CompIIny and Depositor further lII!I'ee to the following terms and the conditions fur the storllgC and management of Depositor's records. 1. STORAGe AND ReTRievAL OF DOCUMENTS Compimy shall provide stora&C b Depositor's records in a sccured .-ea. reasonably designed to prevent loss or damage From any environmenIaI or any other cause and shall provide reasonable in~tory and retrieval prooedw'CS to ensure expeditions availability and control of deposits. per original proposal,lIltaChcd hereto as Exhibit "Jr'. 2. BAILMI!NTJDUTY OF CARl! Company and Depositor ap:e that all deposits shall be held by Company under bailment _ Compeuy shall exert reasonable care with respect to the custody, protectjoo, storage and release of such deposits. The Compury sJ.J1 have no othc:r duty of c:ara or obIiptiOJlS to Depositor, oxpress or i.iod, ocher tiD ., SIlted h<<ein. 3. STORAGI! CHAROn AND PAYMENT In consideralion of CompImy's StoraIe and Reoord Maintenance of the deposits, Depositor agrees to pay CCDIpaDy the storage charges set fut1h in Exhibit "B", attached hereto and imx>rporated herein by reference. Q,mpany reserves the right to change its storage dtargcs from time 10 time. upon thirty (30) days notice to Depositor. StoraF cblqes are due and payable to Company in ad\'llllCe, on the first day of each month. All deposits placed with the Company between the first and 1_ day of the month sbalJ be proraaed from the date placed. 4. STANDARD MAXIMUM VALUAnON OF DEPOSITS Company and Depositor cs1ablish and aaree that the standard maximum valuation of the deposits eotruIted to Company and the l113Kimwn liability of Company to Depositor tor loss or datnltge to such depo&its shall be 81 fOI1ows: $0.00 per carton. container. tape or disc pack deposited with Company. Depositor 5. Optlonalllxcess Va"""" Company and Depositor e9IabIisb and agree that in addition to the Standard Maximum Valuation let btb in JlWlI&I1IIlh Four (4) above that adWtiooaI valuation may be purchased from Company per caltoo, oontainer, tape or disc peclr at rates listed on opriooal excess valuslion schedule. The deposits of Depositor deposited with Company under this A,reement shall have the tOllowing excess valUlltion: ($ ) per carton, oontainer, tape or disc pede. Such excess valuation shall net be in bee unless both Company and Depositor have insatcd an lIIIlOUIIt of excess valUlltion on the Iille provided above:, and has initialed this pantgraph as provided herein: Company Depositor In consideration for the assignment of execss valuation to its records, Depositor :further agrees to pay an additional monthly storage rate as set forth on the rate scbcdule attached hereto IS Exhibit "e". Such additional rate shall be paid at the time oftbe nmnal mootbIy rate as provided in parasraph three (3) above. FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:48PM P3 8. ACC_ TO AND Rl!LU.e OF DePOSITS .Due to tbG confidcntial nalurc of the deposits of Depositor and other customers of the ComJlllllY, Compeny sbldl restrict Access to Depositors deposits to BUthori2Jed representatives of Depositor, who may examine such deposits in designated area of the Company's premises. With the exception ofcircum.stanccs described in JlIlI'lI81lIPh eight (8) of this Agrcemem Company shall not disclose or deliver deposits or information contained therein to any person, or other entity unless specifically directed to do SO In writing by Depositor. Company shaU not be liable for any delay in gnnting access or delivery of deposils caused by Cmlpany's verification of the aU1hori7ed status of a person or entity requesting access to same. Company may restrict or refuse aa:ess to and or removal of deposits for non-payment of storage charges as described in paragraph eleven (11) herein. 7. INCIDIINTAL TRANSPORT AnON As plll1 of services provided hcrelll1det', Company might. from time to time, deliver deposits to Depositor upon its request. Company and Dtpositor agree that sudl delivery is incidental to Company's stonge and t'eQDl'd maimc:n&nal fiJndion _ Company shall not be deemed a contract 01' common carrier, and the liability provisions of paragraph nine (9) hereof shall apply to any such ancillmy tmnsportation scrYicca. 8. LI!GAL PRoce.. Company shall not be liable to Depositor 01' any third puty for the disclosure of or the seizure. Ill1aI:hmaJt, garnishment or subpoena of Depositor's deposits pul'SUBDt to dvil or criminallegaJ process issued against Depositor, its employees or its agents, which directs Company to hold, disdosc, turn oyer, or SllIJ'ender such deposits pursuant to !lUch legal pI'OCleSS. st. LIABILITY Company shalt be liable to DepoaJtor only fur loss or damage to deposits cause by or resulting &om the nesligence or wiJrfuJ act of the Company. Thcamountofany sudt liability shall be limitcd to the S1andard Maximmn Valuation specified in IB8II'8Ph four (4) hereof' and the amount of any Optional Excc:ss VaIu8dcn, if any, spedfted in puagraph five (5) hen:in. Notwithstancling such provisions, Company shall not be liable to Depositor Cor any damages caused by pen's not covered WIder Company's insurance policy. NothIng contained herein shall be construed to JnYCm Depositor from procuring and maimaining its own inslll'llDC:e 00 sud1 deposits. Any claims apinst Company must be made in writing and delivered to Company by Certified Mail. within ten (10) days aft<< the renn of1he deposits to Depositor or Dtpositor's receipt of notification of any event or oc:cut1"eI1CC affec:dng sud1 deposits. 10. ".BM Company sball have a lieu upon all deposits of Depositor or on proceeds thcreofin its posICSSion fOr d1araes .. advance hereunder for storage, services and expenses neeessary for preservation of deposits or reasonably incurred pursuant to law. Any expcDsa incurred in the oost of ClOllecting 8ITea'S, or odatrwise entbn:iDg the terms oftbis .eemeur, iududinr ~ IIlton1ey li:es, shall be added to tbc arrears.. The lien rights acquired by Certified Records Management OIl the peI'SOJl8l property of Lykes Bros., Inc. will extend to that portion of the Uqui<*ed demases owed as a result of a breadl oftbe contract. The Hen of Certified Records ManagemenI shall be the ll8IIIC as set forth in Section 2 of Florida Statutes Chapta 713 and shall be enforceable as any suclt lien in the courts of Florida. 11. NON-PAYMINT OF STORAOE CHAROa If depasltor Jiills to pay storage dIlqes to Company for a period of thirty (30) days after they become due. . the Company's sole disaetion. lhe Company shall have the fuJlowing rigJJts: a) To refuse access to or delivery of all or a portion of Depositor' s deposits, including total withdrawal and termination of this ~ lDlil all 0UII1anding dJarges 1ft paid in full: b) To redeliver all deposits to Depositor witMlt any liability to the COI1lJlUlY at IIle Depo.sitor's expense. Depositor shall be responsible for all costs and expenses incurred by the ComJ*IY in the cvem of a rcddivcry. Such mfelivay sbIII be to the last known address of the Deposit<<: c) To dJIrae Depositor interest on all Wlpaid balaoces at the rate of one and one-half (J ~") JlCI'OCIIt per month until paid SIIouJd COIIlpIlly __ ii's option to redeliver punulll to Il,b) above, tile Deposiblr sIIa1.I hold Compuy ~ *om Illy al1qcd dunaae to tIIc RldIIiYcnd deposits iIamd IS a COIISllqlIeecc orSllCll redelivery regardless of cause. In Ibe eWBt ofbrrach of this alfecmcot by DepoJitor, the Deposltor shall be liable for lID}' ancl.1I costs,. expenses and reaSOlllblc aUomey's "" iuaImcI by the Comp.ay due to SIICh breach 12. TBRM OF A"_BIT This AgreemCllt shall have a term oflhree (4) years and shaU &om year to year themdler and may be tc:rmu..ecJ by Company or Depositor upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the dba party befiJre the end of any given terml An invoice fur pennatIeDt removal fees ftom pn:vious vendor must be submitted to Company in order to receive aedit ~er teI1n of COIIb"8cl 13. VOLUNTARY DeSTRUCnON OF DEPOSITS Upon writtaJ instruaion fi'om Depositor, sipcd by the p1aident of Depositor, Compeny sha1J destroy all or a portion of Depositors' depo&i15. U.ndcT same clrCUlDStarKles, Depositor ~Ieases Company &om any and '"liability by I'C8IOn of dc:struction of such deposits pursuant to such authority. After providing instructions to destroy deposits as provided herein. Depositor shall not be liable far furtha storage charges fur such deposits. FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:50PM P4 14. NOTIFICATION AU notification to eitha- pmty under the Agreement shall be ck,cmcd complete upon mailing by Certified Mail to the other pmty, polItage paid, to the addn:as set tDrth above, W1til written notice of a change of address is received. 11. WAiVe. Failure to insist on strict compl1anc:e with any ofme terms, covenants or conditions of this Agreement shall DOt be deemed a waiver of that term. covenant or condition, nor shall any waiver or relinquishment of any right or power constitute a waiver or relinquishment of any such rialJt or power for all or any orhertenns oCthe Agreement. 18. MODIFICATION This Agreement CXlIItIliDs the entire agreement of tile parties and it may not be modified or lIIDCIIded except in wriq siane<t by bodt parties. . 17. FLORIDA LAW This Agreement shsJI be oonstrued in accordance with the laws of tile State of Florida. 18. CONDlnONS OF DePOSITS: Depositor sti~ thai all deposits tbar arc deposited with Company are not infected with moIdlmildcwlbeereria or any other bamrdous substances including vermin. DeposItor also stipulates that it is not the responsibility oCthe Company to clean, disinfect. extenninate or restore any deposits thai were deposited in any oftbe above conditions. It shall be the n:sponsibility of the depositor to cJeau. disinfect, extenninale or !atore their deposits and other depositors' deposits that arc affected, at the request oCtile Company. The Company at its sole c1saetioo can redeliver the deposits to depositor and depositor will be liable for all damase caused by their deposits to other depositors and to the Company. Depositor shall hold Company harmless and indemnify Company from any and all claims, damages or expenxs arising from depositors' breach of the above obligations. 18. EXHIBITS Various rate sheets attad1ed hereto as Exhibit OlD" consisting ofthme (3) pages which documents shall be a part ofchis Agreement 8I1d binding upon the parties. This Agreement shall be effective on the dare first wrinen above. Compaay: CERTD'IED RECORDS MANAGEMENT. u.c Depesitor Ad...: Dep..itor: Monroe County .JIm Roberta) By: Is.... G_1a, Facility Ma...... By: Na_ 'Ii.... FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:50PM P5 CRM "- -<::: \ -=-1 Certified Records Management Serving business, industry and government 00/00/00 Certified Records Management (CRM) is a record storage facility with a state of the art facility located in a safe zone C, no flood zone. We opened our doors to serve the Records Management need of business, industry and government. Our services include Offsite Storage And Retrieval Services (for both standard storage and environmentally controlled as well as vault space requirements), Inventory Control, Records Retention and Disposition, Micrographic Services, Records Imaging, Computer Data Rotation and Management as well as related Management Consuhing Services. CRM is a Limited Liability Company with a majority of the Board of Directors being of minority status. As such,CRM is therefore eligible and qualified for Florida One - Minority Vendor Status. CRM is equipped with the latest in computer hardware and Records Management Software to provide secure inventory control, repOrting and billing. CRM is staffed with highly skilled and qualified personnel in each area of expertise that we offer. CRM is staffed with nationally recognized and accredited Certified Records Managers, Certified Archivists and experienced Government Records Professionals who are available to our customers as consultants, for project management, or for just a professional opinion if needed. CRM offers the best prices (guaranteed to get your attention and then save you money) for records storage, retrieval and imaging services in Florida as evidenced by our attached price list, which has just been approved and recognized by the Florida S.N.A.P.S Program. CRM believes that quality service will win and hold our customers' confidence and therefore does not have a permanent removal fee, (sometimes referred to as a hostage fee) for release of client records. As a matter of fact, CRM is putting the competition on notice. We want you as our customer and we are going after your business! We are doing so by offering an incentive to current customers of any competitive records storage company to step up to CRM. p.o. Box 76155 · Tampa, Florida 33675-1155 · Phone: (813) 247-1944. Fax (813) 247-5644 www.flacrm.com FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:51PM P6 This incentive will provide the opportunity for organizations like you to transfer out of your current storage mcility, with a minimum of financial impact by offering the following: . CRM will offer up to one (1) month ftee storage. A reimbursement on your permanent removal fees transferred to CRM. This win be applied in the following. With a permanent removal invoice from your current vendor and a copy of the check (paid balance in full) we will then deduct 25% from YOUT monthly storage fees until the balance is paid in full on any and all boxed re cords transferred to our facility. _ As an additional incentive, CRM will not charge any fees for the initial pick.up and accessioning of boxed records from any records storage facility within 50 miles of our Tampa Office. Retrieval and re-file charges will of course apply during the ftee storage perio~ but at the lower rates offered by CRM. Certified Records Management (CRM) sincerely wants to be the Records Storage Vendor for your company. Our company meets or exceeds all of the state mandated requirements as well as the recommended criteria listed in the State of Florida - Records Center Guidelines. As records professionals, with both government as well as private industry records experience, are proud of our &cility and understand what you need and expect you're YOUT Records Storage Vendor. Should you transfer your records to uS,l assure you that you will not be disappointed in our service. As our first order of business, we will strive to earn your tnJst and then maintain it with prompt, accurate.quaJity service. Please contact me soon, so that I can arrange a tour of our fi1cility fur you, your management and YOUT staft: if you like. We would love the opportunity to show you around and answer any questions you may have about CRM. Sincerely, f3~ Facility Manager FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:52PM P7 CERTIFIED RECORDS MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 76155 TAMPA, FL 33657-1155 PRICE LIST JlERVlCE DESCRIPTION IIon1h#y Rent Per CUbIc ft.: RATES Regular Storage AlC Storage Vault (Climate and humidity controlled, secured) $0.18 $0.30 S1.10 Accession: Per Box SO.50 Inlllal PIck-up and AcceaIonIng: NlC Minimum Stonge: Per Month P.... 8tonIge: ReltlevellRetllelSean:h: $ 30.00 $ 11.00 Regular Retrievals: Regular Reflies: Rush Retrievals: $0.89 $0.89 $2.45 ResearchIExtra HandlingIProjects: Labor I Per Hour S 16.00 $0.89 Internles: Per Piece lIagMI/C "". Stw.ge: Storage: Per SIotIEach Per Cubic Ft. $0.10 $1.50 Reflies: Per CartridgelEach PerCale/Carton $0.05 $0.50 $0.05 $0.50 Retrievals: PerCartridge/Each Per Case/Carton c... Rental: Cartrtdge Transfer CaMe NIC $ 35.00 ~ $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 30.00 $ ..00 Same day: (CaR by 10:30 a.m.; Recvd. By 5:00 p,m.) Next Day: (Call by 3:30 p.m; Recvd. By 12:00 p.m.) Priority: (Delivery within 90 minutes of call) AfIM Hour Emelgenq DelIvety: WIP.4 $6.00 $6.00 $25.00 DeIIw1Iy S.mce: "Prices will vary depending on distance, II of documents and trips (within 100 miles). Farther distances ate negotiated per instance. (Page 1) FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:53PM PB CERTIFIED RECORDS MANAGEMENT P.O, BOX 78155 TAMPA, FL 33857-1155 AddII#OnIII ~ Facsimile Delivery: Outgoing Per Page $ 1.80 $0.23 $0.89 Box Purchase: File or Voucher Box Data Indexing/Changes: Computer Printout(s): Per Page Master Report Minimum Charge: Comtrlfll'f:11II DestnM:tIon: Per Pound $0.15 $5.00 "*P.......-d RMnovaI: RetrlevallPer 8oX"* $0.05 $0.10 $0,50 SO." Commercial Recycling: Commercial Shredding: Commercial Incineration: OFFSfTE DATA BACI<fJP ROTATION SERVICE AND REMOTE DATA BACKUP AND REl'LlCATION: Onslte Backup - Per Hour: $ 45.00 Transportation Cost: ***SO miles or over are negotiated on a per intance basis-" IAIIE6 $8.00 III-COUIITY $ 10,00 Remote Backup - 5 GIGS Per Month S 50.00 END USER: Cold Site - per month, per Iqusre foot Hot Site. per month, per square foot $UO to $6.00 $12.00 to $14.00 "AGING AND MICROGRAPHIC SERVICES: IMAGING DOCUMENT INDEXING I PER HOUR PER PAGE SCAN - UP TO 11" X 17" PER PAGE SCAN - OISIZE UP TO ME" SZ MAP SID PER EACH SCAN - AERIAL PHOTOS/MYLARS $18.00 $ 0.07 $ 1.50 $ 20.00 MICROFILMING PER IMAGE-ROLL FILM PER IMAGE-MICROFICHE (105 MM) PER IMAGE-16 MM FOR FICHE PER IMAGE-35 MM FOR FICHE PER IMAGE-35 MM FOR APERTURE CARD $ 0.020 $ 0.030 $ 0.021 $ 0.020 $ 0.020 (Page 2) FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475544 CERTifiED RECORDS MANAGEMENT P.O. BOX 78155 TAMPA. FL 33657-1155 JACKETS PER JACKET-16 MY - MOUNTED & INDEXED PER JACKET-35 MM - MOUNTED & INDEXED PER APERTURE CARD-35 MM - MOUNTED & INDEXED DIAZO DUPLICATE PER ROLL - 16 MM PER ROLL - 35 MM PER FICHE - JACKETED FICHE PER APERTURE CARD - 35 MM FILM CONVERSION PRICES: (Per Imaae) 16 MM135 MM ALM TO TIFF MICROFICHE COM MICROFICHE STEP MICROFICHE JACKET PAPER CONVERSION PRICES: {Per-Imaoe\ SIMPLEX SCANNING (200dpi) DUPLEX SCANNING (2OOdpll SIMPLEX SCANNING (300 dpi) DUPLEX SCANNING (3OOdpi) INDEXING PRICES: CPer Imaael .Indexing prices depends on the number and the type of indexing required. PREPARATION PRICES: (Per Hour) '"Includes removing staples. sticky notes, paper dips, organizing pages. mounting very thin/small notes and r.prep. OCR TEXT SCANNING PRICES: (Per Imaae) IMAGE OVER TEXT OCR FULL EDIT ABLE TEXT OCR APERTURE CARD PRICING: (P<< Card) RAPID INDEXING (HOLLERITH CODE) SCANNED AND HAND INDEXED .Prices subject to change. Apr. 15 2004 01:54PM pg $0.30 $0.30 SO.3O $5.00 $6.00 $0.18 $0.18 $.02 to $.05 $,06 to $.08 $.07 to $.09 $.08 to $.10 $.03 to $.08 $.035 to $.08 $.05 to $.08 $.04 to $.09 $.01 to $.18 512.00 to $18.00 $.20 to $1,80 $.80 to $4.90 $.oe to $.32 $.23 to $1,20 (P-ve 3) FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:55PM P10 CRM Certified Records Management Serving business, industry and government MelD... ...,.. .. nq........ ... reco_~- sbItIId ill ell tfIIIlU,:n.rida..... reconb .... .. fertll by tile....... .f AaddYes aM..... MM.acmte& . ZONE "C"NO FLOOD ZONE . AIL CONCRETE CONSTRUCTION, ABLE TO WISTAND A CLASS "3" HURRICANE . AIR CONDmONED.AND NON AIR CONDITIONED SPACE . VAULT STORAGE . DUST FREE ENVIRONMENT . CONSTANT TEMP. BELOW 74 DEGREES F.ABRENBErr. . RELATIVE HUMIDITY (30-40 PBRCBNT) . BOTHARCBIV AI.. AND MAGNETIC MEDIAINTERGEN FIRE pROTECTION.AND MONITORING SYSTEM . EXTENSIVE SECURITY SYSTEM . STATE APPROVED STORAGE VENDOR . STATE SOLE SOUllCE.VENOO~ . SNAPS STATE coNTRACT . FULLSERVlCE FACIUTY OFFERING MICROORAPBICS SCANNING, DESTRUCTION AND CONSULTING SERVICES . NO NAME ON BUILDING OR VEHICLES FOR SECURITY P.O. Box 76155 .. TaD:tpa, Florida 33675-1155 · Phone: (813) 247-1944 .. Fax (813) 247~5644- www.f1acrm..com . FROM :CRM FAX NO. :2475644 Apr. 15 2004 01:55PM Pll PURPOSES . SAME DAY CONPANY OWHED CX>URIEltSEllVlCE , . ON SITE a.JENT VIEWING OIl ~dNG R.O()),fS . ON STAFF u:.Klll'l.t:'.1J RECORDS .MANAGER. . ROtJ'IINE DELIVERY SERVICE: MONDAY-FRIDAY I AM. TO 5 P oM. . .90 MlNUIE EMERGENCY DELIVERY .7 DAY 24 HOURS 365 DAYS A YEAR ACCESS TO YOUR. RECORDS . STATE OF THE ART ON-LINE RECORDS SOFTWARE TO RBCOlW CENTERA VAlLABLE .. . BAR CODED BBCORDS MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE . DISASTEllRECOVERY SERVICES . TAPE OR ON-LINE BACK-UP OF YOURMAJNFR.A)4E TO SECURE VAULT STORAGE SBRVICBS AVAILABLE . . BOT AND COlD SITE SPACE AVAILABLE .. .;.