Item K03 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April2L 2004 Division: Growth Management Bulk Item: Yes X No_ Department: Planning and Environmental Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement #3 with the Florida Department of Transportation for Contract AI-893. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Florida Department of Transportation supports Momoe County transportation planning activities by providing funding for projects such as: traffic studies, travel time and delay studies, Florida Keys Scenic Highway planning, and the Livable CommuniKeys program. Staff discussed with FDOT the possibility of amending the existing contract in order to supplement the available funds for the completion of the Key Largo Livable CommuniKeys Master Plan. FDOT has agreed to supplement the available funds for the Livable CommuniKeys program by $55,000. The supplement also revises the Scope of Work for $40,000 of available funding in the contract. Previously, the $40,000 was to be used as the F.D.O.T.'s match for the completion of the Scenic Highway Master Plan, the scope has been revised to use the $40,000 for various design and promotion projects for the Scenic Highways Program. The supplemental contract also adjusts the expiration date to June 30, 2005. PREVIOUSLY RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: October 11, 2000 - Board approved Contract AI893 with FDOT for Transportation Planning Services. October 22, 2002 - First supplement for Contract AI893 to include funding for the Florida Keys Scenic Highway Program. June 18, 2003 - Board approves second supplement for Contract AI893, which increases available funding by $370,000, bringing total contract value to $670,000. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Add $55,000.00 to existing contract. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: $725.000 BUDGETED: Yes No X COST TO COUNTY: $0 SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes N/A No AMOUNTPERMONTH N/A Year APPROVED BY: County Atty X Risk Management X DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: AICP DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # ----.K 3 " DISPOSITION: MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: F.D.O.T. Contract # Effective Date Expiration Date: AI893 October 11,2000 Contract Purpose/Description: June 30, 2005 This supplemental Joint Participation Agreement with F.D.O.T. will add $55.000 to the existing contract for the completion of the Key Largo CommuniKevs Master Plan. The supplement also revises the Scope of Work for $40.000 of available funding in the contract. Previouslv. the $40.000 was to be used as the F.D.O.T.'s match for the completion of the Scenic Highwav Master Plan. the scope has been revised to use the $40.000 for various design and promotion proiects for the Scenic Highways Program. The contract also adiusts the expiration date of the contract to June 30. 2005. Contract Manager: K. Marlene Co~way 2523 Planning and Environmental '7" m- ~." t. ~ ~.;:> Resources (Name) (Ext.) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting April 21. 2004 Agenda Deadline: April 2. 2004 on CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ 725,000 Budgeted? YesD No C8J Account Codes: Grant: $ 725,000 County Match: $ 0 Current Year Portion: $ 0 125-50501-53040-GWOI14- - - - ---- - - - ---- - - - ---- Estimated Ongoing Costs: $Q/yr (Not included in dollar value above) ADDITIONAL COSTS For: (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Date In Division Director LJ/5/OY Risk Management 3/';6/0.., YesD Noff'" O.M.B./Purchasing O.:f.'-f'l Y esO NO~ County Attorney () t./ /0 f 10 V Y esD N~ Changes Needed~ YesD No[J Date Out 14/'" '&/~,Io Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Number 3 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 07/02 Page 1 of 5 Financial Project No.: 25222811403 (item-segment'phase-sequence) Fund: Function: 215 Contract No.: AI893 Federal No.: FLAIR Approp.: 088854 FLAIR Obj.: 790015 Org: Code: 55062010630 Vendor No.: VF596-00D-749-054 Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number: Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: t, . i . THIS AGREEMENT. made and entered into this day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION. an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Hwy.. Suite 410, Marathon, FL 33050-2227 hereinafter referred to as Agency. [ WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 11th entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended hereto; and day of October 2000 WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment "A" for a total Depa-rtment Share of $375,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.00 Project Description: The project description is amended t9 amend the scope and budget to provide for the continuation and completion of the Key Largo Livable Communikeys planning studies. 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increased by $ bringing the revised total cost of the project to $ 375,000.00 Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is increased by $ bringing the Department's revised total cost of the project to $ 3.00 Amended Exhibits: Exhibit(s) 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement June 30th, 2005 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 07102 Page 2 of 5 55,000.00 55,000.00 375,000.00 t. ~ .r J of said Agreement is amended by Attachment "AU. ./.; 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 07102 Page 3 Of 5- Financial Project No. 25222811403 Contract No. AI893 - Agreement Date Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other terms of said Agreement dated October 11th, 2000 - and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full forcE\ B;n~ ~ffect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written. ./.; AGENCY FDOT Monroe County Planning Department AGENCY NAME See attached Encumbrance Form for date of Funding Approval by Comptroller SIGNATORY (PRINTED OR TYPED) LEGAL REVIEW DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TITLE TITLE 1Vi"NROE COUNT''i' ATTOliNE.\ ~~. ~,.T.OF.ORM - N, WOLFE D~~':F fJ'~eJA~ta~~~.~;~,~"NE~, 125-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 . Page40f5 Financial Project No. 25222811403 Contract No. AI893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "AU SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT . I.; , . I . This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplementell Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Hwy., Suite 410, Marathon, FL 33050-2227 . dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change): Due to the length of the Key Largo corridor study area alld the complexity of issues that need to be addressed, additonal funding will be required to complete the area enhancement plan. There is a need to study in greater depth issues of parking, access management, pedestrian and bicycle safety, stormwater management, landscaping and other issues stemming from the intensity of commercial development and traffic volume in Key Largo. I. Project Cost: As Approved As Amended Net Change $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 Total Project Cost $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 I. Fund Participation: As .Approved As Amended Net Change Departmelnt: $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 _ Agency: $0.00 Federal Participation $0.00 Total Project Cost $320,090.00 . $375,000.00 . - $55,000.00 Comments: 725-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 Page 501 5 III. MULTI-YEAR OR PREQUALlFIED PROJECT FUNDING If a project is a multi-year or prequalified project subject to paragraphs 4.10 and 17.20 of this agreement, funds are programmed in the Department's Work program in t~e following fiscal year(s): . FY FY FY FY ~ ' ./.; Project years may be advanced or deferred subject to Legislative appropriation or availabity of funds. PM # 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # At 893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 This attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway~ Suite 410 Marathon, Fl~rid~.33050-2227 dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT: (Includes Justification for cost change): scope of services and budget for item No.2 under Task 3 of original agreement is amended as follows. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONISBILITIES: The Scenic Highway Advisory Group will expand established initiatives to promote the Flonda Keys Scenic Highway and the Overseas Heritage Trail while the Highway Master Plan and Interpretive Plan are being developed. ./.' Task 1- Interpretive Site Design (37%) ($15,000) To ensure a range of buildable projects resulting from the InterpretivelMaster Plan process, design and implementation plans for three additional interpretive sites will be developed. The sites will be chosen based on the Master Plan inventory and the interpretive storyline for the entire highway. Task 2- Overseas Heritage Trail Promotion (28.75%) ($11,500) To enhance promotion of the Overseas Heritage Trail through three publications, now in use or in design. . . . The primary guide to the Overseas Heritage Trail will be a flip-map style, detailed guide to resources along the trail. 25,000 additional copies will be provided beyond the initial run. The Primary guide now in use is a MaplBrochure to be restocked until the flip map is available in 2004. The Overseas Heritage Trail Marketing Brochure is a glossy brochure used in conference and trade shows to explain and promote the Trail. 5,000 additional copies will be printed. TaSk 3- Scenic Highway Logo and Signage (17.5%) ($7,000) To immediately increase visibility ofthe designated Scenic Highway: design, construct and install _ - at least' 4 Scenic Highway signs. Initial s,ighs will use-the Florida State Scenic Highway Logo, ,but will be redesigned so a Keys-specific logo can be added as soon as possible. Task 4- Overseas Heritage Trail Community Programs (13.75%) ($5,500) PM # 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # AI 893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 (Continued) To raise the profile of the Overseas Heritage Trail by extending funding for three community programs during the safety upgrade and ne"'{ ~o.n~tnIction. · Bicycle safety: working with Community Transportation Safety Teams to sponsor workshops promoting safe use of the Trail, especially by children. 600 helmets and blinking lights will be distributed. · Art on the Trail: promoting primer to local artists w~o are decorating trash bins along the Trail. · Monofilament Line recycling: install 36 monofilament line bins on the remaining 18 fishing bridges along the trail, including the bins, signs and installation. Task 5- ' Invasive Exotic Removal Outreach Program (2.5%) ($1,000) To extend the current Invasive Exotic Removal program currently focused on the Highway right of way, by contacting private landowners along the highway and providing educational materials and resources for them. This will be a pilot project building on existing events and resources such as the nature Conservancy Plant Fair, educational materials provided by the Invasive Exotic Task Force, and matching grants available for invasive exotic. BUDGET Interpretive Site Design and Implementation Plan $15,000.00 Overseas Heritage Trail Promotion $11,500.00 Scenic Highway Logo and Signage '$ 7,000.00 Overseas Heritage Trail Community Programs ,$ 5, 500.00 Invasive Exotic Removal Outreach $ 1.000.00 Total $40,000.00 PM # 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # AI 893 Agreement Date A TT ACHMENT "B" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 PROJECT BUDGET This exhibit forms and integral part of that c~t,1~~ Joint Participation Agreement between the State , of Florida, Department of Transportation and the Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 410, Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 dated 1. PROJECT COST: $ 725,000.00 ll. PARTICIPATION: Maximum Federal Participation Public Agency Participation In Kind Cash Other ./.' , (48.28%) or $ 350,000.00 ( 0 %) Maximum Department Participation Primary(D) (51.72 %) Federal Reimbursable (DU) (FRA)(DFf A) Local Reimbursable (DL) TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 375,000.00 $ 725,000.00 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION BY PUBLIC AGENCY: _ The audit report(s) required in paragraph 7.6 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, FM number and the Federal Identification number where applicable and the amount of state funding (receipt and disbursement of funds) 'and any federal or local funding action from any other source with respect to the project. - - SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY DEPARTMENT: None. €a @; user 1.0. FI913RP <MVS@DOT> 03/19/2004 03:23 PM To: PL630MP@doLstate.fLus cc: Subject: FUNDS APPROVAUREVIEWED cOR CONTRACT AI893 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDS APPROVAL . r.. ' f I Contract #AI893 Contract Type: AI Vendor Name: MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT Vendor ID: VF596000749054 Beginning date of this Agmt: 10/11/00 Ending date of this Agmt: 06/30/04 Method of Procurement: G ************************************************************************ Description: . 0001;25222811403,SL ./.~ ************************************************************************ ORG-CODE *EO (FISCAL YEAR) AMENDMENT ID *OBJECT *AMOUNT *FIN PROJECT *FCT *BUDGET ENTITY *CATEGORY/CAT YEAR *SEQ. *USER ASSIGNED ID *ENC LINE(6S)/STATUS ************************************************************************ Action: -SUPPLEMENTAL Funds have been: APPROVED 55 062010630 *TP 2004 S002 *790015 * *55100100 "'00 * 55000.00 *25222811403 *088854/04 3 *0004/04 *615 TOTAL 'AMOUNT: *$ 55,000.00 * FUNDS APPROVED/REVIEWED FOR ROBIN M. NAITOVE, CPA, COMPTROLLER - DATE: 03/19/2004 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT Number 3 125-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 Page 1 of 5 Financial Project No.: Fund: FLAIR Approp.: 088854 25222811403 215 FLAIR Obj.: 790015 (item-segment-phase-sequence) Function: Org: Code: 55062010630 Contract No.: AI893 Federal No.: Vendor No.: VF596-000-749-054 .' Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number: Catalog of State Financial Assistance Number: ~ ; , . THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this day of by and between the STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, an agency of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to as the Department, and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Hwy., Suite 410, Marathon, FL 33050-2227 hereinafter referred to as Agency. ./.' WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Department and the Agency heretofore on the 11th entered into a Joint Participation Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Agency desires to accomplish certain project items as outlined in the Attachment "A" appended hereto; and day of October 2000 WHEREAS, the Department desires to participate in all eligible items for this project as outlined in Attachment uA" for a total Department Share of $375,000.00 NOW, THEREFORE THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH: that for and in consideration of the mutual benefits to flow from each to the other, the parties hereto agree that the above described Joint Participation Agreement is to be amended and supplemented as follows: 1.00 Project Description: The project description is amended t9 amend the scope and budget to provide for the continuation and completion of the Key Largo Livable Communikeys planning studies. 725-030-07 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 07102 Page 2 of 5 2.00 Project Cost: Paragraph 3.00 of said Agreement is increased by $ 55,000.00 bringing the revised total cost of the project to $ 375,000.00 Paragraph 4.00 of said Agreement is increased by $ 55,000.00 bringing the Department's revised total cost of the project to $ 375,000.00 3.00 Amended Exhibits: t.; I J Exhibit(s) of said Agreement is amended by Attachment "A". 4.00 Contract Time: Paragraph 18.00 of said Agreement June 30th, 2005 ./.' 125-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 Page 3015, Financial Project No. Contract No. AI893 25222811403 n Agreement Date Except as hereby modified, amended or changed, all other terms of said Agreement dated October 11th, 2000 and any subsequent supplements shall remain in full forc~ and ~ffect. . ...:.' . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused these presents to be executed, the day and year first above written. ./.' AGENCY FDOT Monroe County Planning Department AGENCY NAME See attached Encumbrance Form for date of Funding Approval by Comptroller SIGNATORY (PRINTED OR TYPED) LEGAL REVIEW DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION SIGNATURE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION TITLE TITLE 125-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 Page 4 01 5 Financial Project No. 25222811403 Contract No. AI893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "AU SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT ~, . J . This Attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Hwy., Suite 410, Marathon, FL 33050-2227 dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT (Include justification for cost change): Due to the length of the Key Largo corridor study area aiild the complexity of issues that need to be addressed, additonal funding will be required to complete the area enhancement plan. There is a need to study in greater depth issues of parking, access management, pedestrian and bicycle safety, stormwater management, landscaping and other issues stemming from the intensity of commercial development and traffic volume in Key Largo. I. Project Cost: As Approved As Amended Net Change $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 Total Project Cost $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 I. Fund Participation: As Approved As Amended Net Change Department: $320,000.00 $375,000.00 $55,000.00 _ Agency: $0.00 Federal Participation $0.00 Total Project Cost $320,090.00 $375,000.00 , _ $55,000.00 Comments: III. MULTI-YEAR OR PREQUALlFIED PROJECT FUNDING 125-030-01 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION 01102 Page 5 01 5 If a project is a multi-year or prequalified project subject to paragraphs 4.10 and 17.20 of this agreement, funds are programmed in the Department's Work program in the following fiscal year(s): FY FY FY FY {;, ." J ./., Project years may be advanced or deferred subject to Legislative appropriation or availabity of funds. PM # 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # AI 893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 This attachment forms an integral part of that certain Supplemental Joint Participation Agreement between the Florida Department of Transportation and Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway, Suite 410 Marathon, FlqIid~ ;33050-2227 dated DESCRIPTION OF SUPPLEMENT: (Includes Justification for cost change): scope of services and budget for item No.2 under Task 3 of original agreement is amended as follows. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND RESPONISBILITIES: The Scenic Highway Advisory Group will expand established initiatives to promote the Flonda Keys Scenic Highway and the Overseas Heritage Trail while the Highway Master Plan and Interpretive Plan are being developed. ./.' Task 1- Interpretive Site Design (37%) ($15,000) To ensure a range of buildable projects resulting from the Interpretive/Master Plan process, design and implementation plans for three additional interpretive sites will be developed. The sites will be chosen based on the Master Plan inventory and the interpretive storyline for the entire highway. Task 2- Overseas Heritage Trail Promotion (28.75%) ($11,500) To enhance promotion of the Overseas Heritage Trail through three publications, now in use or in design. . . . - The primary guide to the Overseas Heritage Trail will be a flip-map style, detailed guide to resources along the trail. 25,000 additional copies will be provided beyond the initial run. The Primary guide now in use is a MaplBrochure to be restocked until the flip map is available in 2004. The Overseas Heritage Trail Marketing Brochure is a glossy brochure used in conference and trade shows to explain and promote the Trail. 5,000 additional copies will be printed. - Task 3- Scenic Highway Logo and Signage (17.5%) ($7,000) To immediately increase visibility of the designated Scenic Highway: design, construct and install _ at least4 Scenic Highway signs. Initial signs will use-the Florida State Scenic Highway Logo, ,but will be redesigned so a Keys-specific logo can be added as soon as possible. Task 4- Overseas Heritage Trail Community Programs (13.75%) ($5,500) PM# 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # AI 893 Agreement Date A TT ACHMENT "A" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 (Continued) To raise the profile of the Overseas Heritage Trail by extending funding for three community programs during the safety upgrade and ne\'{ 90!l~truction. . Bicycle safety: working with Community Transportation Safety Teams to sponsor workshops promoting safe use of the Trail, especially by children. 600 helmets and blinking lights will be distributed. . Art on the Trail: promoting primer to local artists w~o are decorating trash bins along the Trail. · Monofilament Line recycling: install 36 monofilament line bins on the remaining 18 fishing bridges along the trail, including the bins, signs and installation. Task 5- Invasive Exotic Removal Outreach Program (2.5%) ($1,000) To extend the current Invasive Exotic Removal program currently focused on the Highway right of way, by contacting private landowners along the highway and providing educational materials and resources for them. This will be a pilot project building on existing events and resources such as the nature Conservancy Plant Fair, educational materials provided by the Invasive Exotic Task Force, and matching grants available for invasive exotic. BUDGET Interpretive Site Design and Implementation Plan $15,000.00 Overseas Heritage Trail Promotion Scenic Highway Logo and Signage $11,500.00 $ 7,000.00 . OverSeas Heritage Trail Community Programs $ 5, 500.00 Invasive Exotic Removal Outreach Total $ 1,000.00 $40,000.00 FM # 252228-1-14-03 CONTRACT # AI 893 Agreement Date ATTACHMENT "B" SUPPLEMENTAL JOINT PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT 3 PROJECT BUDGET This exhibit forms and integral part of that c~rtai~ Joint Participation Agreement between the State of Florida, Department of Transportation and the Monroe County Planning Department 2798 Overseas Highway Suite 410, Marathon, Florida 33050-2227 dated I. PROJECT COST: $ 725,000.00 II. PARTICIPATION: Maximum Federal Participation Public Agency Participation In Kind Cash Other ./.- , (48.28%) or $ 350,000.00 ( 0 %) Maximum Department Participation Primary(D) (51.72 %) Federal Reimbursable (DU) (FRA)(DFTA) Local Reimbursable (DL) TOTAL PROJECT COST $ 375,000.00 $ 725,000.00 SPECIAL CONSIDERATION BY PUBLIC AGENCY: The audit report(s) required in paragraph 7.6 of the Agreement shall include a schedule of project assistance that will reflect the Department's contract number, FM number and the Federal Identification number where applicable and the amount of state funding (receipt and disbursement of funds) and any federal or local funding action from any other source with respect to the project. . SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS BY DEPARTMENT: None. 6t @; user 1.0. F1913RP <MVS@DOT> 03/19/2004 03:23 PM To: PL630MP@dotstate.fl.us cc: Subject: FUNDS APPROVAUREVIEWED ~OR CONTRACT AI893 STATE OF FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FUNDS APPROVAL l r Contract #AI893 Contract Type: AI Vendor Name: MONROE COUNTY PLANNING DEPT Vendor ID: VF596000749054 Beginning date of thisAgmt~ 10/11/00 Ending date of this Agmt: 06/30/04 Method of Procurement: G ************************************************************************ Description: 0001;25222811403,SL r ************************************************************************ ORG-CODE *EO (FISCAL YEAR) AMENDMENT ID *OBJECT *AMOUNT *FIN PROJECT *FCT *BUDGET ENTITY *CATEGORY/CAT YEAR *SEQ. *USER ASSIGNED ID *ENC LINE(6S)/STATUS ************************************************************************ Action: -SUPPLEMENTAL Funds have been: APPROVED 55 062010630 *TP 2004 S002 *790015 * *55100100 *00 * 55000.00 *25222811403 *088854/04 3 *0004/04 *615 TOTAL AMOUNT: *$ 55,000.00 * FUNDS APPROVED/REVIEWED FOR ROBIN M. NAITOVE, CPA, COMPTROLLER' DATE~ 03/19/2004