Item C19 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: April 21 ,2004 BULK ITEM: Yes x No DIVISION: Public Works " DEPARTMENT: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of Amendment 1 to the Interim Homeless Safe Zone Interlocal Agreement with the City of Key West revising Exhibit A. ITEM BACKGROUND: For safety reasons, the layout of the safe zone had to be changed to provide sufficient clearance from existing propane tanks, PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval of the Interim Homeless Safe Zone Interlocal Agreement at the March 17, 2004, meeting, CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: Revise Exhibit A to provide new layout of interim homeless safe zone, STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: none BUDGETED: Yes: No: COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE GENERATED: Yes No x DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: OMB/Purchasing: RIsk Management ~-f?~ r4;01 Dent Pierce APPROVED BY: County Atty.: DOCUMENTATION: INCLUDED:..2S.- TO FOLLOW: NOT REQUIRED: DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #: Clq Monroe County Sheriff's Office Richard D. Roth MEMORANDUM TO: John King, Sr. Dir. Public ~ Richard D, Roth, Sheriff ~ March 3 t, 2004 FROM: DATE: REFERENCE: Homeless "Safe Zone" As per our conversation, be advised that the Homeless "Safe Zone" located next to the Monroe County Sheriff s Office on Stock Island is to be moved 44 feet nonh within the existing premises to avoid any possible hazards with the propane tanks that are located there, MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: City of Key West Contract #_ Effective Date: 03/17/04 Expiration Date: 03/16/09 " Contract PurposelDescription: To revise exhibit A to be moved 44 feet north to avoid any possible hazards with the nronane tanks Contract Manager: Ann Riger 4549 Faclities MaintJStop #4 (Name) (Ext. ) (Department/Stop #) for BOCC meeting on 04/21/04 Agenda Deadline: 04/06/04 CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ app 35000 Budgeted? YesC8J No 0 Account Codes: Grant: $ County Match: $ Current Year Portion: $ same 001-20501-530-460- - - - - ----- - - - - ----- - - - - ------- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $-.Jyr For: (Not included in dollar value above) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial, salaries, etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Division Director 1r~O' RiskManagement ~ YesDNo0" O,M,B./Purchasing YesD No~ County Attorney i..{ /5 10 tf. YesO NoGr Changes Needed / YesO N00 Date Out Comments: OMB Fonn Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 INTERIM HOMELESS SAFE ZONE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT - AMENDMENT 1 This Amendment to Agreement is made and entered this 21st day of April, 2004, between MONROE COUNlY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Simonton Street, Key West, FL 33040, ("COUNlYj, and the City of Key West, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 525 Angela Street, Key West, Florida 33040 (the "CITYj. '- WHEREAS, the COUNlY and the CITY entered into an agreement on March 17, 2004; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY have determined that an adjustment needs to be made to the premises designated in Exhibit A of that Agreement; now therefore, COUNTY and CITY agree to amend the agreement dated March 17, 2004, as follows: 1. Amended Exhibit A, entitled "Amended Premises," attached hereto and incorporated herein by reference, shall be substituted for the Exhibit A attached to the original agreement dated March 17, 2004, and the description of the Amended Exhibit A shall be effective as of March 17, 2004. 2. All other provisions of the Agreement dated March 17,2004, not inconsistent herewith shall remain in full force and effect. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Amendment to Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representative. (SEAL) BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ATTEST: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By Deputy Clerk By Mayor/Chairman (SEAL) ATTEST: CITY OF KEY WEST By: Cheryl Smith, City Oerk By Jimmy Weekley, Mayor Ii p~ /'~ / " / " , ~"j4c- 36-11" ',I as v ~'" P ~1Il r. ~~. ~ --~ a'J;' ~ C' ~~ ~. ~ i ~ ! I IS .. ~ m 104' IS .. ~ m I 117' IS .. ~ m ..t. ,.l: I ' o :: IS .. ~ ; , ? IS .. ~ m ij ~I ~t%l ~\::j ~~ &H;;J HH ~t-3 00 ..,.... ~ Homeless Safe Zone INTERIM HOMELE55 SAFE ZONE INTERLO~ALAG~~(MENT This Agreement is made and entered into by MONROE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Florida, whose address is 1100 Sjmonton Street, Key West, FL 33040, (~COUNTY"), and the City of Key West, a municipal corporation of the State of Florida, whose address is 525 Angela Street, Key West, Florida 33040 (the "CITY). WHEREAS, the COUNTY, in general, and the CITY of Key West, ill particular, have a significant population of homeless people; and WHEREAS, CITY and COUNTY have determined that this agreement is in the best interests of the public; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY owns a parcel of land situated on Norman Key that includes the premises used hereunder and more particularly described in Exhibit "A;" and WHEREAS, the parties desire to enter Into an interlocal agreement for the CITY's use of the COUNTY's premises as an interim homeless persons safe zone. 1. PROPERTY. The COUNTY agrees to let City have the exclusive use of that portion of the land designated "Homeless Safe Zone" as shown on Exhibit A, hereafter "the Premises." Exhibit A Is attached and made a part of this Agreement. 2. TERM. A. Subject to and upon the terms and conditions set forth herein, this Agreement shall continue in force for a term of five years commencing as of the _ day of I 2004 and ending on the_ day of 2009. B. There shall be no option to renew this agreement after the expiration of the term .described herejn. 3. USE AND CONDITIONS. A. The Premises shall be used solely for the purposes of providing a homeless' safe zone. No signs of any kind shall be permitted except within the footprint of the Premises. If the Premises are used for any other purpose, the COUNTY shall have the option of immediately terminating this Agreement. The em shall not permit any use of the Premises in any manner that would obstruct or interfere with any COUNTY functions and duties, or would, In any way, devalue, destroy or otherwise Injure the COUNTY property. B. The CITY will further use and occupy the Premises in a careful and proper manner, and not commit any waste thereon. The CITY shall not cause, or allow to be caused, any nuisance or objectionable activity of any nature on the Premises. Any activities in any way involving hazardous materials or substances of any kind whatsoever, either as those terms may be defined under any state or federal laws or regulations or as those terms are . Homeless Safe Zone understood in common usage, are specifically prohibited. The ellY shall not use or occupy the_Premises for any unlawful purpose and will, at the CITY's sole cost and expense, conform to and obey any present or future ordinance and/or rules, regulations, requirements and orders of governmental authorities or agencies respecting the use and occupation of the Premises. F. S-~ c. The CITY shaH establish a "No Smoking" zone for tl':1at portion of the Premises which is adjacent to the Sheriff's Office propane tanks, according to the requirements of the Fire Marshals of the COUNTY and the CITY. This "No Smoking" zone shalt be strictly enforced by the CITY. Any violations shall be cause for immediate termination of the Agreement by the COUNTY. D. The CITY shaH, through Its agents and employees, prevent the unauthorized use of the Premises or the c-ommon areas, or any use thereof not in conformance with this Agreement. The CITY shall not permit the Premises to be used or occupied in any manner that will violate any laws or regulations of any applicable governmental authority or entity. E. . The CITY, its officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and invltees shall have the same rights of ingress and egress along the right-of- way routes to the Premises as do other members of the general publlc. The CITY shaJl be responsibJe for ensuring that these .common ways of ingress and egress are used by their officers, employees, agents, contractors, volunteers, and invitees in a reasonable, orderly, and sanitary manner in cooperation with alt other occupants and their officers, employees, agents and Invttees. The CITY shan conduct itseff and wifl cause its officers, employees, agents, and invltees to conduct themselves with full regard for the rights, convenience, and welfare of all other users of the pUblic property of which the Premises is a sub-part. ' . The CITY shall be solely responSible for operating the homeless safe zone, Including all maintenance, enforcement of rules and regulations, programs, transportation and any and all other aspects of operations. 4. RENT. For the use of the Premises, the.c:r:y must pay the COUNTY the sum of ten dollars ($10.00) per year, due on the first day of the contract year, payable in advance and remitted to Monroe County Clerk's Office, 500 Whitehead Street, Key West, FL 33040. s~ UTlunES. The CIlY shall be prOVided monthly water, electrical and sewerage utiJJties at the Premises at no cost to the CITY, the water and electrical utility costs to be borne by the Sheriff of Monroe County and the sewerage cost to be borne by the COUNTYL Any other utilities, such as telephone or cabJe teJevision,shaU be provided, if at aU, at the expense of the CITY. CITY shall be responsible for paying any and all costs of utlHty ~onnectkm fees, impact fees, effluent dtscharge units, or any other costs assodated with the placement of utility infrastructure to provide utility services to the premises. 2 Homeless Safe Zone 6. ALTERATIONS and IMPROVEMENTS. A. No structure or improvements of any kind, whether temporary or permanent, shall be placed upon the land without prior approval in writing by the COUNTY's Administrator, a building permit issued by CITY and any permits required by law by any other agency, federal or state. Any such structure or improvements shall be constructed in a goo.dand workmanlike manner at the CITY's sole cost and eXPf!nse, except as 'otherwise agreed herein. Subject to any landlord's Hen, any structures or improvements constructed by the CITY shall be removed by the CI1Y at its sole cost and expense, by midnight on the day of termination of this Agreement or extension hereof, and the rand restored as nearly as practIcal to its condition at the time this agreement Is executed, unless the Board of County CommIssioners accepts, at the time delivery is tendered, in writing delivery of the Premises together with any structures or Improvements constructed by the CITY. The CITY shaH be soJeJy responsible for obtaining all necessary permits and paying impact fees required by any agency and any connection fees required by any utiUty. B. The CITY shaJJ perform, at its sole expense, all work required in the preparation of the property or Premises hereby used for occupancy by the CllY except as otherwise provided In this agreement~ c. COUNTY reserves the right to inspect the area and to require whatever adjustment to structures or improvements as COUNTY, in its sole discretion, deems necessary. AnV adjustments shaU be done at the CITY's sole cost and expense. Any building permits sought by the CIlY shall be subject to permit fees, unless waived. D. Portable or temporary advertising signs are prohibited. E. COUNTY shaJl proVide the following assistance to the CITY in the estabJlshment of the homeless safe zone ; 1) COUNTY wUl move the existing fence from its current location and relocate and instaIJ It at the location proposed in Exhibit "A". 2) COUNTY shaH participate on an equal basis with the CIlY in providing manpower for tent erection, providing sleeping platforms, and In the proVision of a bathroom, as more particuJarly described below: (a) CITY and COUNTY public works personnel shaH provIde equal manpower for fabrication and installation of theelevatecJsleepjng platforms, for which CITY shaH furnish aU the materials. (b) CITY and COUNTY public works personnel shall provide equal manpower for the erection of tents. (c) CITY shaft furnish aU materials for the conversion, retrofit, or renovatfon of an existing 11' x 55' trailer to a bathroom facility and COUNTY will provide the manpower for the conversion, retrofit, Of' renovation, or, in the alternative, CITY and COUNTY shalf share equally in the cost of procuring and installing a prefabrIcated fadfity 3 Homeless Safe Zone (d) with the equivalent amenities. The amenities required under either alternative shall be nine (9) standard bathrooms containing a shower, toilet and sink, and one handicapped bathroom with a shower, toilet and sink. Other than establishing appropriate budget allocations, neither party shalf be required to have the determination as to which afternative to use approved by its respective Commission; provided that this decision is made jointly by the County Administrator and City Administrator. COUNTY shall remove the existing gate to a more appropriate location and install a gate appropriate or foot traffic only into the Premises. 7. MECHANIC'S LIE!iS The CITY shall not permit any mechanic's tlen or liens to be placed on the Premises or on Improvements on it. If a mechanics Hen Is filed, it shall be the sole responsibility of the CITY or its officer, employee, agent, contn!lctor or other representative causing the tien to be fifed to dIscharge the lien and to hold harmless and defend Department of Juvenile Justice, Monroe County Sheriff's Office, and Monroe county against enforcement of such lien. PUr.5J.1ant to Section 713.01, F.S. the Hens authorized In ch. 713, F.S., do not apply to the COUNTY. 8. RECORDS - ACCESS AND AUDITS. The CITY shall maintain adequate and complete records for a period of four years after termjnation of this Agreement. The COUNTY, its officers, employees, agents and .contractors shall have access to the CITY's books, records, and documents related to this Agreement upon req.uest. The access to and inspection of such books, records, and documents by the COUNTY shaH occur at any reasonabte ttme. 9. RELAnONSHIP OF PARTIES. The CITY is, and~ shall be an independent contractor and not an agent or servant of the COUNTY. The CITY shall exercise control, direction, and supervision over the means and manner that Its personnel, contractors and volunteeP.i perform the work for which purpose this Agreement Is entered. The CITY shall have no authority whatsoever to act on behalf and/or as agent for the COUNTY in any promise, agreement or representation other than specifICally provided for in this Agreement. The COUNTY shall at no time be legally responsible for any negligence on the part of the CITY, its employees, agents or volunteers resulting in either bodily or personal injury or property damage to any individual, property or corporation. 10. TAXES. The em must pay all taxes and assessments, if any, including any sales or use tax, levied by any government agency with respect to the cm's operations on the Premises. 11. INSURANCE. The parties to this agreement stipulate that each is a state governmental agency as defined by Flor.ida Statutes and represents to the other that it has purchased suitable Public UabiJity, Vehide UabHity, and Workers' Compensation insurance, or is self-insured, in amounts adequate to respond to any and at! daims under federa' or state actions for civil rights violations, which are not limited by Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, as weU as any and aU claims within the limitations of Florida Statutes Section 768.28 and Chapter 440, arising out of the activfties governed by this agreement, as well as any. 4 Homeless Safe Zone To the extent allowed by law, each party shall be responsible for any acts of negligence on the part of its employees, agents, contractorsj and subcontractors and shall defend, indemnIfy and hold the other party harmless from all claims arising out of such actions. The CITY agrees to keep in fuH force and effect the required insurance coverage during the term of this Agreement. If the insurance policies originally purchased which meet the requirements of this lease are canceled, terminated or reduced in coveragej then the LESSEE must immediately substitute complyingpoUcies sO that no gap in coverage occurs. Copies of current policy certificates shall be filed with the COUN1Y whenever acquired or amended. 12. CONDITION OF PREMISES. The cm must keep the Premises in good order and condition. The CITY must promptly repair damage to the Premises. At the end of the term of this Agreement, the CITY must surrender the Premises to the COUNlY in the same good order and conditIon as the Premises were on the commencement of the term, normal wear and tear excepted. The CITY is solely responsible for any Improvements to land and appurtenances placed on the Premises. The CITf &haJJ not commit waste on the Premises, nor maintain or permit 8 nuisance on the Premises. After termination- or expiration of this Agreement, the CrrY shait pay the COUNTY the cost of any repairs and clean-up necessary to restore the Premises to ItS condition at the commencement of the Agreement lease pcfied. 13. HOLD HARMLESS. To the extent allowed by law, the cm is liable for and must fully defend, release, dIscharge, indemnify and hold harmless the COUNTY, the members of the County CommIssion, COUNTY officers and employees, COUNTY agents and contractors, and the Sheriff's Office, its omcers and employees, from and against any and aU claims, demands, causes of action, JO&5eS, costs and expenses of whatever type - Including investigation and witness costs and expenses and attorneys' fees and costs - that arise out of or are attributable to the',CITY's operations on the Premises except for those cfaims, demands, damages, liabilities, actions, causes of actIon, losses, costs and expenses that are the result of the so~e negligence of the COUNTY. The CITY's purchase of the insurance required under this Agreement does not release or vitiate Its obligations under this paragraph. The CITY does not waive any of its sovereign immunity rights including but not limited to those expressed in Section 768,28, Florida Statutes. 14. NON-DISCRIMINATION. The em for Itself.l its personal representatives, successors in interest, and assigns, as a part of the consideration hereof, does hereby covenant and agree that no person on the grounds of race, color, or national origin shail be excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination in the use of Premises or in the contracting for improvements to the Premises. 15. TERMINATION. The COUNTY may treat the CITY in default and terminate this Agreement immediately, wlthout plior notl<;:e, upon failure of the CITY to comply with any provision related to compliance with aU laws, rules and regulations. This Agreement may be terminated by COUNTY due to breaches of other provisions of this Agreement if, after written notice of the breach is delivered to the CITY, the cm does not cure the breach w~thin 7 days fotlowing delivery of notice of brea.ch6 The COUNlY may terminate this Agreement UI'on giving sixty (60) days prior written notice 5 Homeless Safe Zone to the CITY. Any waiver of any breach of covenants herein contained shall not be deemed to be a continuing waiver and shall not operate to bar either party from declaring a forfeiture for any succeeding breach either of the same conditions or covenants or otherwise. 16. CESSATION OF HOMELESS SAFE ZONE OPERATIONS. Upon the natural expiration or early termination of thIs agreement, the operation of a homeless safe zone shall immediately be ceased and all improvementsi equtpment, and other personalty of the CITY, its officers,emptoyees, contractors, agentS, volunteers and invitees shaff Immediately be removed from the Premises. Any damage to the Premises which has occurred due to the use contemplated under this Agreement shaU be immediately repaired and the Premises restored to its original condition. Should the CITY determine to cease operation of the homeiess safe zone prior to the natural termination of this agreement, the CITY shan give COUNlY prior wt1tten notice of such intended cessation sixty (60) days before the effective date of the cessation of operation. The purpose of this Agreement is to provide the LESSEE with a temporary solution to its homeless situation and the COUNTY shall not operate a homeless safe zone at this slte upon the expiration or termination of this lease. 17. . ASSIGNMENT. The CITY may not assign this Agreement or assign or subcontract any of Its obHgatJons under this Agreement without the approval of the COUNTY's Board of County Commissioners. AU the obligations of this Agreement will extend to and bind the legal representatives, suc.<:essors and assigns of the CITY and the COUNTY. 18. 5UBORDINAnON. Th.is Agreement is subordinate to the laws and regulations of the United States, the State of Florida, and the COUNTY, whether in effect on commencement of thIs Agreement or adopted after that date. 19. INCONSISTENCY. If any item, condition or obligation of this Agreement is In conflict with other items In this Agreement, the inconsistencies shall be construed so as to give meaning to those terms which limit the County's responsibility and liability. 20. GOVERNING LAWS/VENUE. This Agreement is governed by the laws of the State of Aoridaand the United States~ Venue for any dispute arising under this Agreement must be in Monroe County, Florida. In the event of any litigation, the prevaiJ.ingparty is entitled to a reasonable attorney's fee and costs. 21. ETHICS CLAUSE. The em warrants that It has not employed, retained or otherwise had act on its behalf any former County officer or employee subject to the prohibition .of Section 2 of .ordinance No. 010-1990 or any County officer or employee in violation of Section 3 of Ordinance No. 010-1990. For breach or violation of this provision, the COUNTY may, in its discretion, terminate this Agreement without UabHity and may also, in its discretion, deduct from the Agreement or purchase price, or otherwise recover, the full amount of any fee, commission, percentage, gift or consideration paid to the former County officer or employee. 22. CONSTRUCTION. This Agreement has been carefully reviewed by the CITY and the COUNTY. Theref.ore, this Agreement is not to be construed against any party on the basis of authorship. 6 Homeless Safe Zone 23. NOTICES. Notices in this Agreement, unless otherwise specified, must be sent by certified mail to the following: COUNTY: County Administrator 1100 Simonton Street Key West, Fl 33040 QlY City Manager 525 Angela Street Key West, FL 33040 24. fULL UNDERSTANDING. This Agreement is the parties' final mutual understanding. It repJaces any earlleragreements or understandings, whether written or oral. This Agreement cannot be modified or replaced except by another written and signed agreement. 25. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Agreement will take effect on . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, each party has caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized representatIve~ (SEAL.) AlTEST;OANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA By By Deputy Clerk Mayor/Chairman 'SEAL) AlTEST: , CIlY OF KEY WEST By: Cheryl Smith, City Clerk By Jimmy Weekley, Mayor 7 104 ~ ~ ,. 1 I ~ ! E~ Ii ~ . i ~lf ,. /" 3(.:,," I. ' '~/ 2<NI" IS IS I .. .. IS IS I ; G :r.1.' 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