Item M11 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ADD-ON Meeting Date: Mav 19. 2004 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No~ Department: DISTRICT 5 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to dedicate the new footbridge adjacent to the Humpback Bridge on Ocean Shores Drive in Key Largo to Jack Hill and Dan Flannery. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Mayor's office has received two requests to name the foot- bridge in memory of two outstanding citizens from the Ocean Shores neighborhood. Requests are attached. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~L~ -MAYOR M - Y E. NELSON DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM #~ bailin171 From: To: Sent: Subject: bailin171 <fiasco@terranova.net> <rlhowell@bellsouth.net> Thursday, April 01, 200412:32 PM Fw: memorial bridge --- Original Message - From: bailin171 To: r1howell@bellsouth.net Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2004 11 :23 AM Subject: memorial bridge As some of you may know, we lost a great and admired key largo resident this past week . Dan Flannery of Geiger circle, ocean shores, lost his battle with cancer. Dan was a metro dade fire-rescue-paramedic and was assigned south dade which included the 18 mile stretch. He assisted many keys residents that were involved in auto accidents on the stretch . He will be surely missed. I am spearheading a project to dedicate our new foot bridge to him with a small bronze plaque at no cost to to the residents of key largo. I am hoping this gesture to him and his surviving family , will be unanamously accepted by our community. If anyone has any input or questions on this matter, please email meatfiasco@terranova.net thank you BOBBY HALL 'fSI S7.5- I q'f;2... -5 S-q 7 C~L ~~~~~~~~1; ~14~o{~~ 11-11 ~(}tE TO BE. Pl'1fD ,:oe 3y nt €. (5 CE:,4N 5#o((>€5 (JRlmE V-/It,C H (!..O mfl1 (Tree, 5/4/04 V"t,..,6.VV"S ,4V.,UV ..,,~ ~Y'YV~Y"'''''-:~;w'' I(} FISHERIES !!!r'&:&z rlC. Key Largo (~05) 461..3712 Miami ()oS) 241-5221 FAX (3DI) oUi1oU11 Florida (100) .au..us8 www.k8yl8rg~.*.-.com 1313 Oce.n Sir Drtve. P.o. 80. 273 Kew Largo, Florida 33037 Dear Mayor Murray Nelson, It is m.y understanding there is to be a foot bridge being built at the linle hump-back. bridge in Ocean Shores. I would like the foot bridge to be dedicated in the memory of Jack Hill. His home and business have been in this neighborhood since before 1972. He dedicated his life to serving this community through work and church activities. TbaDk you for your consideration in this request. s~~ tI;d ~:Hm