Item C27 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: June 16, 17.2004 Division: Public Works Bulk Item: Yes --X- No Department: Facilities Maintenance AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to renew the Lease Agreement with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. for office space for the Non-Profit Organization at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon in the amount of $1 00.00 per month. ITEM BACKGROUND: On July 31, 2004, the current Lease with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. will expire. In accordance to the March 19, 2003 Renewal Agreement, Lessee was granted a one-year extension with two possible one-year renewal options. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On June 14, 2000, the BOCC granted approval to enter into a Lease Agreement with Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc., for office space at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier. On October 18,2000, the BOCC approved an Amendment to the lease establishing two (2) one-year renewal options, and abating $100.00 August rent for utility consumption at the Tavernier Department of Health Clinic. On June 20, 2001 and May 15, 2002, the BOCC approved the two (2) one-year renewal options, and on March 19, 2003, the BOCC approved to waive Monroe County Policy for Requests for Office Space by Non-Profit Organizations, and extend the Lease Agreement for an additional one-year period with the option to renew for two additional one-year extensions. On April 21,2004, the BOCC approved an Amendment to Agreement terminating services at the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier, thereby reducing office space fees from $200.00 to $100.00 per month. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: To extend the Lease Agreement to commence on August 1, 2004 and terminate on July 31, 2005. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval as stated above. TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes ~ No _ AMOUNT PER MONTH $100.00 Year $1.200.00 APPROVED BY: County Atty. ---X- OMBlPurchasing-L Risk Management _X_ DMSION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~- ent PIerce, DIrector Pubhc Works DOCUMENTATION: Included X ToFollow_ NotRequired_ AGENDA ITEM # t 11 DISPOSITION: Revised 1/03 MONltOE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Planned Parenthool Contract #_ Effective Date: 08/01/04 Expiration Date: 07131/05 . Contract PurposeIDescription: To renew the Lease for Office Space by Non-Profit ClroJlni7.ations for an additional one- year neriod at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon. Contract Manager: Ann M, Riger 4549 Facilities/Stop #4 (Name) (Ext.) (DepartmentlStop II) for BOCe meeting on 06/16/04 Agenda Deadline: 06/01/04 ewbUlA./!- ~ CONTRACT COSTS Total Dollar Value of Contract: $ Income Current Year Portion: $ Budgeted? yesO No D Account Codes: N/A- Grant: $ N/ A County Match: $ NI A NlA .. - - - -~~~- - - - --- - - - - ---- ADDITIONAL COSTS Estimated Ongoing Costs: $ !yr For: (Not included in dollar value above} (eg. maintenance. utilities, janitorial, salaries. etc.) CONTRACT REVIEW Changes ~~/~. ~I Needed Division Director . 'I- YesD NoD Risk Management 5" HI ",/ Y esO No{k(' O.M.B.~cbasing ~rtfYesoNoE1 County Attorney S:!Zi.f/6 cl YesD Nog/ ~ Date Out Comments: OMB Form Revised 2/27/01 MCP #2 aENJt)VALAG'~EMENT (Noa-Pmfit Olpni~on Lease of Office Space at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon) TIllS Renewal is made and entered into this If!' day of June, 2004, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INe" in order to renew the agreement dated June 14,2000, as amended on October 18, 2000, and April 21, 2004, as renewed on June 20, 2001, May 15, 2002, and March 19, 2003 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: ",,, I. In accordance with Article 1 of the March 19, 2003 Renewal Agreement, Lessee wishes to exercise the first of two one-year extensions commencing on August 1, 2004, and expiring on July 31, 2005. 2. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14, 2000, amended October 18,2000 and April 21, 2004, as renewed on June 20, 2001, May 19, 2002, and March 19,2003, remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year first written above. (Seal) Attest: DANNY L. KOLHAGE, CLERK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By: By: Deputy Clerk Witness PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER. MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC, By: Witness Title UZA E . HUTTON , .'Y;"i~:' ' ~~ORNEY ~'. _, i .;:.~ :,{t. ,~.....~. _..._"''-...... ~. AMENDMENT TO AGREEMENT (Non-Profit Organi~tion Lease of Office Space at the Ruth Ivins Center in MaIathon, and the Department of Health , Clinic in Tavernier.) TIllS Amendment is made and entered into this 21st day of April 2004, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREAlER MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC., in order to amend the agreement dated June 14,2000, as amended on October 18, 2000, as renewed on June 20, 2001, May 15, 2002, and March 19, 2003 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: 1. Revise the agreement to reflect the termination of services at the Department of Health Clinic in Tavernier, thereby decreasing the fee for monthly utility consumption and upkeep costs from $200.00 per month to $100.00 per month keeping only the office space at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon. Effective March 16, 2004. 2. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14, 2000, amended October 18,2000, as renewed on June 20,2001, May 19, 2002, and March 19, 2003, remains in full force and effect. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year first W:ritt~ ~ve. .(Seal) , ~:DANNYL. KOUIAGE. CLERK BOARD OF COUNrYCOMMlSSIONERS OF MONROE COUNlY. FLORIDA a-~ ~-~O~a-~ '-7 Witness S~AA~~~ By:~ Dav d P. Rice, Mayor Pro Tem PLANNED PARENlHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND mE FLORIDA KEYS, INC. ~~~~~~.~ " ~~~ ~<cD Title \;"';N.!~OE. COUNT'~.. ~'~EY ~ ""'VEDA. 0R~ .\ . ~ ---.. . .. 'I~ . lb. :vL. ,iORNEY ..,e - 3r~Cl . ,.,... ~ . :~ {, ~ '''.. '.. '.,..j.~t:.~ j'. .I.." '."1- ........ ':..-- . i.<~-ft' h .. ',\"~\!'; .~'t . '.. .. BmEWAL .4:GREEMENT (Non-Profit~ Lease ofOflice Space at the Rmh Ivins Center .inM~ 8Dd Chc J)epartmemdlleahh ' QiDic in Tavemier.) TlDS ~ewaI is made and entered into this 19fJa .day ofMarcb, 2003, between tJ1e COUNlY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENlHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND mE FLOIUDA KEYS, INC., in order to renew the agreement dated June 14, 2000, as amended on ~ .l8, 2000, as renewed on June 20,2001, and May 19, 2002 (copies of which too incorporatecfhereto by reference) as follows: I. Waiving Monroe County Policy for Requests for Office Space by Non-Profit Organi7.tltions, Lessee wishes to extend the lease for office space located at the Ruth Ivins Center in Marathon, and the Department of Health Clinic m Tavernier, for an additional one year period with the option to renew the Lease Agreement for two additional one- year extensions. 2. Paragraph 3 (a) of the original Lease Agreement dated June 14, 2000 sball change from utilizing 78 square feet of dedicated space (room #140), and existing Health Department clinic space at the Ruth Ivins Center to Iltili7ing 78 square feet of dedicated spaee (room #115), and existing Health Department clinic space (room #'s 112 and 113) at the Ruth Ivins Center. 3. The term of the renewed Agreement sball commence on August 1, 2003, and shall expire on July 31, 2004 3. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14,2000, amended October 18, 2000, as renewed on June 20,2001, and May 19, 2002, remains in full force and effect. .,..-. .'., --. ." " .'.Y . -.. /~'::1:N ~$\VHEREOF, the parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, the day and year '/ '.4::._ .' ,~-. . "; .' ,~~/> It~~'~enabove, ~\;/ ;.::~~k~~i.;;:j~r.:' .;_;: ~~~"'i~t \../'.:~<::t;:~;,.... 'f;;.~;; /:. I:' . . ;iJ>':::::~, - ...;. '~~ /.~ 'L. KOUlAGE CLERK ~ " /I? ~ ~ utyOerlc ~dA&~+~~ BOARD OF COUNIY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNIY, FLORIDA BT-~# >n ~ PLANNED PARENlHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND nIB FLORIDA KEYS. INC. ~~~~-~ WItness B~>:a.. ~ C-Ue.~~~o.s;. Ct.~ . iP...~~;';:""'-r';'; ~ -. .-;:.;..)1..... ~' _-.~...j\~f..n~:~1rf\f...li!: . "'. .~_)_ _>.' ., :. 6;;,..~~laseofOllice~~~lind...~~;~~. ;~';I; Clinic in 1\niemicc.) . .~.. ~ THIS Renewal is made and entered into this lSCh day of May 2002, between the COUNTY OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND THE FUlUDA KEYS, INC., in order to renew the agreement dated June 14, 2000, as amended on OctofJer"'18~ 2000, and as renewed on June 20,2001 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by refetellce) as . ." ." ..... follows: '.' ,. .:' 1. In accordance with Paragraph 2 of tbe Lease Amendment dated October 18, 2000, Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami and the Florida Keys, Inc. exercises its'second and final one-year extension of the original lease dated June 14, 2000, commencing August I, 2002 and terminating July 31,2003. 2. In all other respects, the original agreement between the parties dated June 14, 2000, amended October 18, 2000, and as renewed on June 20,2001, remainS in full furoe and effect. BOARD OF OOUNlY OOMMlSSIONERs OFMONRoE~. FLOImlA By: .. PLANNED PARENmOOD OF GREA'IER. MIAMI AND THE FLORIDA KEYS, INC. ~~'-\-~ ~D :~":ttC1=.O ntle '-r7;i'1- -;"':-( -.. :- -..." 't.... 0 "-c. L:,(.I_ .. ....... . - - - - ... . t . I.. - -..... l41l'CllllC('.J -'--.- - .~""H_W"":: ,"'J':7'." . '.. ,.,.,,\,...,..->~ ~--':" ' . ,.r.' ~,~: '."', ..:.', ,\i ~ TIUS Renewalls nuide and entered into this '1tJ" day of June 2001, 00tween the COlJN1y OF MONROE and PLANNBD PARENTHOOD OF GREA'IER MIAMI AND nm PLoIuoA KEYS, INC., in order (0 renew tbe &grecmcn( dated June 14, 2000, and as amended on October 18, 2000 (copies of which are incorporated hereto by reference) as follows: ]. In accordance with Paragrapb 2 of tbe Lease Amcodment dated October 18, 2000, Planned Parentbood of Greater Miami and tbe Florida Keys, Inc. exercises ils"filSt additional one-year cxtcnsi.on of tbe original [ease dated June 14, 2000, ClOII1IIIf:lrcing August 1,2001 and termin2.ting July 31, 2002. 2. [n all other respects, tbe original agreement between tbe parties dated June [4, 2000, and amended October 18, 2000, remains in full force and effect. S. WHEREoF, tbe parfies have bereunto set tbeir bands and seal, the day IIKI year ve. li l.... . L. KOLHAGt; CLERK ...,.... - .-:~ =: ~-'~my~ ~,:o, ~ ;Z(l~ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERs OF MONROE COUNlY, FLORIDA ~~~ ~~ PLANNED PARENTIiOOD OFGREATI.:.'R MIAMI AND TIlE FLORlOA KEYS~ INC. ~S::+ 8~ D. Joan Sampieri . President/CEO Ti(le . '. , . . - -- _n_ ul~ at we RuUt.lvins -Center in Ma1tl\on. 8fUru.c aWe in "ta\'CQuer.) .' .. . .. THIS Amendment is madc and enlcred into this t8Ch day of October 2000, bct~ the COllN1Y OF MONROE and PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER MIAMI AND um FLORIDA KEyS, INC., in ordcrto amend thc agreement dated Junc 14, 2000, (a coPY.\'!wcl1 is . n<orporated hereto by reference) as follows:, . I . Rent paid of $100 .00 for the monlh of August for utility consumption at the Tavernier Department of Health Clinic, be applied towards. the first month Planned Par<IIlIicJod actually occupies space. All other rents bet,,-. September I, 2000 and aCluai Occupancy date be abated. Rent due for partial month OCCUpancy to be pro-raLed. 2. Add (0 Article I, a paragraph B, (0 read as follows: Lessee has the option to renew this Lease Agreement after the first ~ for two (2) additional one-year CI<lcnsions (in aCCOrdance with Monroe County policy, Requests for Office. Space by Non-profit Organizations). 3 . In all olller respects, the Original agreement bet ween the parties dal ed June 14, 2000 remains in full force and effect.. .. S W1iEREoF. U,C parties have hereunto set their hands and seal, Ule day and year vc. ~ J). . -~ . EJ . .~ '.OUiAGE. CLERK .~ ..,. . .. BOARD OF COUNTY (."OMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNn'. FLORIDA B),:~~-F~ BY:~~e. ~~ Dcput), Oed< ~-~ - ~ . Witness ~ll-ill:1MJ.._ . ''''itnc...s . PLANNED PARENTHOOD OF GREATER HTAliI, INC. ~ n,"~),~~~~ r--V~ ~_CE.O Title . . . ~~'" . .. ,. .....~:i~1ri..~~' .~.,' .' "'" ".t .~...~,. . .'....>..f A~ nus "-<lREEMENT,1IIadc lids 14th dlQ' of 1..... 2000 by IDd bel-.. tho-BoanI of Olouty Conuissiooem . of Momoc CoaDly, Florida ~ Rfi:m:d loos IlOlX:) IIId Planned PaIadhood ofo...tcr Miami.... Ie Rorida Keys, ~ refomd 10 as PIannccI Pan:uthoocI). lIIOl-fOr1Jrolil co~ ~ in IheSlate ofRorida. WHEREAs, lite BllCC has lIfIPI\>YCd for du: Adminisl!alor 10 malo: 1inUtc:d, Iemporaty om", 5p3Cl: ~'Ible (0 _fir ~ serving dte ~ collUlWnity on Ihe COIIdilion 1IIa1 du: orpni7.a1ionsare ~ for !heir own dcaning, ldcphonc and similar COSIS and provide a reasonable _ to lite ~y for ljx: <!>Sl or c1cdricil)'; and WHEREAs, dte Planned Parauhood p""oidcs alfOIdable reproduclive heallhcare 10 dlOlISaDds or _. and woman: WflEREAs, Ihe BllCC has dc:lcnnincd Ihat ft is in Ihe best "- of Monroe Coull(y 10 CIlIa i% Ibis agreement NOW, llIEREfoRE. lOr and in considaalion of Ihe llIUlual COvenanl$ colllaincd herein, lite panics ~ as follows: L Co.u..a T..... and Stan. lIlis _ is lOr !he period --.:ing IIvwsr I .:kDJ and lhrough"JvlLt 7/:>001 , unless earlier terminated pursuam to paJagrapJlS6 or 23 belo,' ". Planned Parenthoocf~ia.grcCs to pay ale BOCC fhc sum of $100.00 per momh for space at dIe Ruth Ivins Centci in Mamthon, and the sum of$IOO.OO pee month for space.at 1hc D~t ofHcalth Clinic in Tavernier, forthc utili~ CollSUItlp(ion and upkeep COS(s (total of $200.00 per month). 2. Soooe of Semocs. Planned ~ &haU PIO\'ide alIlJnIable ~ """""-. (Il1Iridc bJeasl, pe/vic and leslicuIar 0l0IllIS; Pap SllIeals; diagaosis &ad _ of S1Ds ~ t.r.msmiUed infCC(jons); binh oonfrol mdhods at greatly mluccd prices; pregnancy festing and Iq)roduclive hcaJlh education and COunseling. Planned PaIenfhood shaD insfaU its own telephones. SUpply its own office fumilurc and equiPIl1ClU. and provide for its own janitorial scrvic:c. 3. nocc R=oosibilily. The BOCC shall dirocl Us Ad~, [}cp:utmcm Heads, Coo11\r AllClnlCy . and starr to provide ccl1ain facilities and support to Planned Parentbood as can be provided without . RXJ-iring an increase in JlOISOIlneI or any po""""" or lease or n:aI pupcrty. 1lte BOCC sh:dl_ (0 Planned ParcndlOOd. wilhin alC aforementioned limilatiol\ as well as all rules applicablc to Count}'. without any cost to the COUDly. <<hc following: a) Rutb Ivins Center - 78 square feet of dedicated space (room #140), and utilization of existing Healdl Department clinic space.. b) Department of Health Oink in Tavcmicr - liS square fOC( of dedicaled space, and utilization of existing Health DepaJ1mcn( clinic space. .. 4 .c. I.kcords - A~ and Audits. Planned ParenthOOd shall m:lintain adequate and complcCe n:cords (Ot :J period of four YC3rs after oolllplction of all)' evcnl or program. TIle BOCC shall h..vc access to tbc books. records, and dOCUIllCllls o( Planned. Parendlood. nlC access to and illspcclion of such books. records. and documcnls by the BOCC shall OCCUr at ~' reasonable timc. S. ~alionshit! or Panics. PIanncd Pan:athood is. &ad shall be, in !he -...." or all _. sen.,ices. and aaivi(ies under this Agn::cmel\t. an independent contrador and nol an cmplo)'cc, agenl 0'" scn.t;lIlt of lhe BOCC. Planned Parenthood shall c.~rcisc control. diRX:fioll, and supervision over (he IIlc:lIlS, n13lUla'" pcrsOlUlcl and volunlO:rs (hrough with it perfor~llS alC wod. Allhough ('lis Agrccllterl( is a COOI>Crdlive agreement., similar in Illany I'CSpCds (bU( not all) (0 a p:lrtnership. 1)I;uIllOO .. '" " Pa~ sIlaIIlIavc no aulhoriry,""-cvec 10 act "!' lIchaJC ~as _ for a.. 000:: in aig. pro....... ~ oc ~ _ Ihan spccUoadly JlroVlded lOr in !his ~ 'lhc HOec shall at 110 lime be IcsaJIy IOSpoosibIe liIr aoy ~ ...a.. pat( of~ """'a.ic.!. its cmpIoyoes, lIg<Ols or VQIIIIIl<:en1....kinj: in cilhcc bodily or (IeIl;onaI iqjmy or JllVpony domagc fa any individual. propertJ' or oolpOration. . . '_="~~"_..~..-....t'~,;-. .1~ -~.\..~... "oI"~&'~" ." r)"\ . ' '.~.'~;::~j.::/~.;'-f:i'W' I}' ~ 6, ModiflCllion. Addilions 10, modiflClhOJI 10, or deletions fium Ihc PIOVision of Ibis """"" maYbe madc onl}' in writing and c.xecuted by lbc BOCC. No modification shan become effective \\ithout written approval ofbotll parties. 7. Breach aM P<:naIlics. The panics "8= 10 fuU J>CrtOnnana: of lhe =_ ClOn",""" in lbe contl4Cl Both parties resccve the righl, al the discretioll of each, to tenninatc the services in [h~ con{ldct for any misfeasance, malfeasance or nonpenonnancc of tbe contrad lerms or negligent pcnormaOce of lhc contIact (erms by the other party. Any waiver of any breach of ~ hacin contained shall not be deemed {o be a continuing waiver and shall not opclCltc (0 bar citlta' part)' (rom declaring a (orfciwrc (or an}' SUCCCcdlng breadl eilJler o( (he same conditions or CIO\'CIIaRls or otherwise. 8. Inour.mce JIl:qui_ts. Planned ParemIlood shaD cany, ~ a.. leon oflhis ~ pub/ic liability insurance. including bodily injwy and property loss damage to cover all claims. dcmauds or actiims by lI11J' - orc:ntil,y in any way atiSing liootlhc __ oflhc ~ SuclIi3bili\y insucutce shall meet (he requirements of the:: fnsw3nce Requirement Altaduncnts liCl\:(o. Monroe County shall be named as an addifional insured under tbe ins.onnoe policy and such iosurcmce slJall be primmy and' non-<Xintn"buting with aJlJ' insuamce canied by the Bocc. P1auned Parendtood shall furnish the County \Vial a certificatc evidencing (be insurance required by this paragraph a(dlc time of cxccutiog this Agreement 9. '-ification llI1lI Hold !IannIoss. PIaaac:d I'an:olbood _lndcmaity ODd IloId ........ a.. IlQCc, lhc:ir ~ ~ oIru:ials, empIoyec:s, agcnfs, _ ODd -....., any claims, liabililic.s and expenses (including reasonable attorney's fees) arising as a n:sult of any diR:C( and/or indirect action of Planned Parenthood~ its cmplOJ~ agents, SCIVanls, \'01untc:ers 8ndIor contl4C(OIS in the performance of the tams of this agreement or otherwise related to adi"il)' COnducted in lhc furtherance of [his agreement c.xccpt to the cxtmt (hal, in Ihc case of any ad of negligence, Planned Parenthood reasonable relied Upon matcrla1 or services supplied by dle BOCC or : any colplo:ycc of thc BOCC. Planned Parcnlll00d shaU inuncdiatcly gi"e noti~ (0 the BOCC of any suit, claim or action made agaiust il (hat is related to any activity under this ~ and will cooperate willi OIC BOCC in 1J1C investigation arising as a result of any suil. claim or action related to Ibis AgrCCltlatt. 10. Pcnnits. PIanncd Parenthood sbaU sccun: all n:qWn:d _ -licenses """"'"'Y to any ou1 any of the services rendered under Otis Agreement. II. Laws and Rceulations. !l nlis Agn:cmcn( shall be colmrued by and governed under thc laws of OIC State of Rarich unless in an area of law pre-anpted by icdcrallaw. Planned Paratlhood agrees for \'CIlue of any dispute to lie in Monroe County, Florida. !2) Planned ParenlJlood shall comply with aIl13\\'s, induding but nol linuled 10 lhose fisted in Exhibil C 9 Planned Parenthood sb.:lll compl)' ",ith all federal, stale and local laws and ordinances applicable (0 lhe work or paymcnt for \YOrk dlCl'CO( and shall not discrilnill<lIC on (he grounds of mee, color, rcligion. sex, aJ!,c Or n:ttion.... oriJ!,in in (he performance or worlc undcr lhis ^gr~IllCltt. .![} .". '*,;"',. An}' violation of said statutes, ordinanocs. rules. regJ1~ and executive 0_ Siwi oonstilute a .material bn:acIt Of Chis Agreement and shalf Cotittc d1c BOCC (0 lcminatc iIiis Agreement immediately upon dclivcIy of written notice to.PIaancd PaR:nlhood. 12. Taxes. The BOCC is c-\:cmpt from Federal. Excise and State offlorida Sales Tax. 13. Finance Charecs. TIle HOCC will not be responsible for em)' finance clwgcs. 14. SC\'erabil~. lfan)' pro\'ision of this oontl'act shall be held by a court ofCOlllpdentjurisdidionto be invalid or unenforceable. die remainder of 1his COntClcl.. or lhe application of socii provision 'othCr than those as 10 which il is invalid or uncnfon:e.abJC; shall not be affected thereby; .and cadi pni,ision of lhis con1r.tC( shall be valid and cnforc:cable to the f~l1cst c.'1enl pamitted by Jaw. 15. Force Maieure.. Planned Parenthood shall DOt be liable for delay in pedounance or failure to pelform in whole or in part., the services due (0 the occurrence of any contingency beyond its confrol or thc control of aR)' of its sulH::ont!adolS or suppli~ including labor dispute. SIrikc, labor shortage, \\'31' or ad of war. WllctllCf an actual dcdaration lhereof is made or not. inswrection. sabotage, riot or civil commotion. act of public enemy. epidemic. qu.ar.m(inc resfridion. accident. fire, OI.-plosioD, storm. Oood. drought or other ad of God. aa of all)' governmcnta1 authority, jurisdictional action., or insufficient supply of fuel, dectrlcif3'. or materials or supplies. or feclmical failum where PIanocd Pare.tlthood bas exCItiscd reasonable care in the prevention ~ aDd any such delay or failure sl1a11 not constitutc a brcacll of the AgIlX:mcnl Planned Parenthood shall ndify (he BOCC of -any delay or failure (0 pcrfonn wit11in five (5) days of such .acf.ion. U~ demand of (be BOCC, Planned Parenthood must fwnish cvidenc:e of the causes of such delay or failure. 16. Assil!tUDl'.nl PIaJined Parenthood shall not assign. (rcmsfCl'. sublease. pledge. h)'lJO(heca(e, sum:nder, or otherwise encumber or dispose of Chis COntGld or any estate aated by this ~ or any inlen:st in any portion of the same. or permi( any other person or per.ions. c::ompany oc COIpOIation to pcd'onn services under this oontraa without 1ir.;( obtaining the wriUca COasen( of the BOCC. In tlac event of such consent. tltis agreement shall be binding upon Planned Paronthood's successors and assigns. 17. Disclosure. Planned Parentll00d sl13l1 be required (0 list an)' or all potential con1Jicts of interest, as defined by Florida statutes Chapter 112, Part m and the Monroe County Ethics Oniinance. Planned P.arenlllood shall disclose to tbc BOCC .all adual or proposed coufiids of interest, financi.ll or . otherwise, diced or indinxt., involving any client's interest wltidl may constitute a conOid under said . laws. 18. Addition Conditions. Planned Parenthood agrees (0 accept additional conditiOlls goveOlillg dlC l1SC of funds OT performance of wode as may be required by federal, Slate or local statute, ordinance or regulation or by OlllCT policY adopted by Ihc BOCC. Such additional conditiOllS shall not becomc cffoc:livc until Planned Parenthood bas been notified in writing and no such adcfllionaI conditions sl13U be jmposcd relroactivcly. 19. Indencndent Professional Judl!ment PJanned Parenthood shall at all times exercise independent professional judgment and shall assume full responsibilil)' for II1c service (0 be provided and work to be completed. 4 20. Care of Proncrt)'. PIaMed Parenthood 511.311 be responsiblc to the BaCC for die S:lfekccping and proper use of the property entrusted (0 Planned Parenthood's care, and (0 process all documcuts necessary to continue. without interruptions. any maintenance or servi~ contr3ds relating (0 sudl equipmenl for its service life. Planned Parentbood shall provide serviccs Monda)' through Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.Ol., and sl131l ensure tbat their patrons do not loiter or congregate on dIe Ruth Ivins CCl1lcr's property in Mar.ttfIOn, or die Department ofHcalth Oinic's propcny in Ta\'Cll1.itt. 2 1. Etl~ Clause. Planned Parenthood warrants dlat it bas Rot ell1plo~"Cd. retaiued or olhe", IS<; '1;1d ad 011 it!> behalf any forma' County officer or employee subject to tbe prollibition of Section 1 or . ~ ~ '. r- ... .. , '.i'.' . t '. " \~ I; , . . Osdi.'_NIl.Ol6-19l1O <<aayllOClC~"""""'la---'arll<<liaaJ ar.~No. 010..1990. FotIKcd orvfnr~~ afChfs ~ kCaau(y IDV. bt fcs.~ .~ flUs omfNct witJroutliabilitr. and may aJco. mlts ~ dcdIct &om Chc cm.r.-t pr Pk~p,ice, or othcrwise~ the CuIlIlMaol or any fi:c. Mmm~.~ cift or ~paid 10 Che iOrmerP1aanc4 Patcalbood or 80CC ~oremp.. ~...- 22. NQ&c. Aay oarioe ftqUircd ocpc:rmit&ld 1IDdcr1lis~ sbaU k in writing ao4~ ormailcd. ~ prepaid, by ~f"ted mail. a:cum~~ to1heothcr~ 4IS~ To Pbrmrd Part.nl&ood To Cooo(y Joan ~~ Momoe Coanty Facrlities ~ilmom~ 1699 SW2~ AlCIlUC 3583 S.,~BouIcvam Miami. FL 33J4S Key West. FL 33040 23. Tennin2fU.m. Tft'min~on of this ~ IbaJl OCQ1ral CkNa!m:3I cadiDg~ oreadUrsliouJd cithcrpatIJ dcramiuc 1ha1 thae has 0CX;:um,d' any material teach or any ~ hczdn ~ or either pat;y athemise deems it in their beu iDtercst 10 ~foe Tel ...l...,q ~ 1M: wi1h or wid10nt cause. aDd shan ttlqUiIe wriUea l1OtiQo 11) lJe ~ 10 IbeGtlJct~ as tD1.tovs: a) In tire ew:at cifJJa' pax1y teit.I;.,a1t$ for.lm:ach or (ltlnf..:f. fr.I...;..IIf~ man be ~ at SUCh lime as .d1c t~~ ~ *dI cIcc::I.Ie iii its CICl to fr..l.p.;.,* fOr ~ wifh a m~ c:Lfourb:n ~ DOficcin WJiCiat~prior(C)~,-m.tioa b) mChc CVCDt citbcr paI!y ~~ wi1hout cause, tile 1ermtftllffon dm1l DO( faie 6:t 1Iitil at leasl ~ days ~to ~ modcc fa tIIc Gtbcrpalf.y, .a ~ d6:di~ ~ t1f '" ~lInllM;Cltl sfJaU be ~ m said DOCb. 24. Full ~lMIf" This ~ c:l(tft~..fU CM ~ blI tbJl ~,~ 1Id.w""-u 1IIc p;uties Jaen:ro and Ildthcr~ sba1l be bound by 'aD1IqJf~ "" ..Mi.~ ~~ ~ or stgn'> nlrtds 1lOt~1.~S'Ctfodhhezdnand in daly ~~~cradc:rP~6h=of. . l30AlID OF COUNTY <X>MMISSIONERS OFMONROEOOUNrY. fl..OlUDA 8Y.~~~ . <SEAL} Atk:st: PL.ANNEo PARENmooo OF GREATER MIAMI AND TUB fLORIDA KEYS (~;JV~o_ ~S>~ r~~_ _~l~Js::~-o ~u~:7.:f ~'ir-- ~~ :;:.~~~ / , " .~ ;~.:',. Y"?5:,.;: .<':.~~:.~ l ltfOltl'ae ~ PoUcg for ~ests for Office Spaar by Jf/OIt-PI"O~ Ol"gcudztttlomi . The purpo.se of (his policy is to estabUsh a pro~ure for processing requeS1S from non-profit OlgatlimriOu~ jesiringmtice space in County facilities. The Board of County Commissioners adop19d tfll$lJOfi.cY on 'lovember. S. 19ae. 3ENERAII.INFORMA TION: I. Orga9tzafi<)ns sball complete the aUached form and submit it 10 ttle FacU:ties Maintenance Department at 3583iSou1h Roosevelt Boulevard. Key West. Florida 33040; telephone number 3051292-4431 _ fax numfi.er 3051295-3672. ~. O~1he request for office space has been reviewed by Staff, and It has been detennined U1at eppropliate s~ is available, 1I1e Administration. win prepare an agenda item for the next available meetitw for the ~ of County Commfssionel'$ to consider staff recommendations and make a final detennlnatkm. . . 3. If appropriafs office space is located. and approved by the Board of County CommfSsiooers, 1he org~on will be requ!r'ed to: . . a. ~cUte a one-year lease agrwment \\Iith the County, WIth h\o (2) possible one-year extensions. ~r fhe organizaticln will not be eligible 10 reapply for $pace for a period of a mininum d three (3) years; .. b. ~y 8 fee of$100.00 per month to the Monroe County Clerk or Courts (Fmance Oepenmeno to cover ~ COSt$; c. ~vide its own Janitorial and telephone semce. ~R.ITERI"': The folloy.Jing aiteria are the basis for determining the aliocation of cffice space: I . 1. '1he organizauon must provide a Coun:Y-wide service. 2. pees the organization P~sently receive fundi.~ fro~ Monroe Counit? Yes 0 NoXi) If so, is.the agency willing fD reduce funding commensurate with cost savings as a resuft of being ~~ted in a County faciify1 Yes 0 No 0 Nt A .. 3. ~e organh:ation must ~ecure an in-kind malch grant for the value of !he space aUocated. Please list prant James Starr Moore MemQria] Fonn8Rf-inn, Lvdia B. ~tokp-~ Fdtn. 4. Will the otrlCe spaoe requested be needed on a temporary basi$ or for an extended pet1od'Of .time~ iT"emporary 8asi:s 0 ExmndCd Basis a . How Long? ~ y,.:a~,..~ . " 'Uf., ; ~ .;. . . ." . $.....--:.-.....,... '. . . ~ .~.~..,.~~: . . NOft-Profit. O.yanlzatlOlrlteciuest (or Office S_" :". ~. . .' ' . . t..-~,:.''i-:..''::''';'/~~~'~' . .\..,.~. ;_...... o. '. '._ v,t,..: ame of Q(ganltatlon : Planned Parenthood of Greater Miami, Inc. . ontad Name: Joan Sampieri Non-Profit No: 59-1642041 ddniSS: 1699 S.W.,27th Avenue, Miami, Florida 33145. Square Footage hone Number: (30S) 285-5532 . Requested: negotiate with health dept Bx: Numb~r: (305) 285-5571 For How Long? 3 years " .ocation R~uired: Lower Keys 0 Middle Keys U upper Keys fi , )Pecial R~uirements: We ar~ requesting space at the Ruth Ivens Center in Marathon and . the OQTT space in Tavernier. b~ .f- ~~-C" )oes 1hiS ~anization t$csive fund"mg from Monroe County? Yes 0 ~ , . If so, what \s the annual allocdon"1 N / A . . j Ii a lease i~ g~, please identify the program for which the value of the space aJlocated wiD be used as an in-Idnd grcmtmatch:. Affordable reproductive hea1th care. Describe ~e County-wlde service your agency provides and ttle cost bGnef"rt to Monroe County taxpayers: . __ Planned Parenthood provides reproductive healthcare (Pap test= breast exam; ,testicular exam; STD diaqnosi& and treatment: contraceptive . ,. methods) at greatly reduced prices. ~ '30~ eowtf:Jf Use OI'lbJ ., APprO\'sd ~v: . ~ Risk Mana@ement -Faa1ities ~int ($ Date: Oa:e" Fait Nar1\et Value for allocated space) . P\N Oirectdr. Date: Countv Adminis1rator: Date: i If approved. the o~anization be required to enter into a ooe-year ~ase with the County, with two (2) possible c~~y~ar eftansions, at which time the organization will not be eligible 10 reapply for space for a period of a m~ntmum qf three (3) yeal"$. All non-profit organizations who are provided office space will be required to relmbUf$e the CoLl1ty for utilities in the amount of ~100,OOImonth, and must provide their own janitorial and. telephone ServIces. rmA.. P.~3 " . . . ,t~'~'fl~j~~~~~i.!:;'C '. ." . .';' \. ... . __...:-r._ \ .: -u~ D:f f< "11- _:I o . ~ 0 "1J<D -:I m ..... ::s (I) ... .