Item C22 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY MEETING DATE: July 14, 2004 DIVISION: COMMUNITY SERVICES BULK ITEM: Yes DEPARTMENT: LIBRARY AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval of revised Library Policy Sections 2.03 and 2.04, pertaining to obtaining a library card, borrowing materials, and the schedule of fines and fees. ITEM BACKGROUND: This is the first such revision since the Library automation system was instituted, and represents an updating of Library policy to better reflect advances in technologies, practices and procedures. This revision was approved by the Monroe County Library Advisory Board at their-meeting of June 22,2004. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On April 14, 1999, the BOCC approved the first major revision of the Library Policy since the 1990 resolution instituting the official policies of the Monroe County Public Library. Various parts of the policy have been reviewed, revised and approved in that time span, as circumstances decreed. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approval TOTAL COST: N/A COST TO COUNTY: NJA REVENUE PRODUCING: N/A BUDGETED: N/A SOURCE OF FUNDS: N/A AMOUNT PER MONTH /YEAR: NJA APPROVED BY: County Attomey DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL OMB/Purchasing Risk Management i Ivr~J:. S E. MALLOCH, Division Director DOCUMENTATION: Included To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM # (~~ ~ DISPOSITION: 2.03 OBTAINING A UBRARY CARD AND BORROWING MATERIALS A. LIBRARY CARDS 1. ADULT CARDS: Ubrary cards, which may be used at all County libraries, are available at no cost to all persons who are residents of the Monroe County Ubrary taxing district. An individual wishing to . detennine eligibility for a free card should inquire at the library's circulation desk. Identification must be presented which indudes the individual's current Monroe County address. The necessary procedures and library rules will be explained by library staff. When the patron receives the library card, he/she is agreeing to be responsible for materials borrowed with this card and for all fineslfees incurred as well as loss and/or damage of materials charged upon it, and to abide by the library lending rules and all policies and regulations. All library registration and circulation records, except~~!~t~~~_ ~_ ~!~1iQ!1.~~ct_~~~ti_9.f1_,.. shall be confidential infonnation, as described in Aorida Statute 257.261. (See STATEMENT OF CONFIDEN11AUTY, APPENDIX F.) 2. RECIPROCITY AGREEMENT: The Monroe County Public Ubrary System has an agreement with the Florida Keys Community College for reciprocal use of library cards and the ensuing borrowing privileges. 3. CHILDREN'S CARDS: Children who reside in Monroe County, as evidenced by parental address given at the time of registration, may apply for a library card as soon as they can print their name. If the child is under fourteen (14) years of age, the application must be signed by a parent or guardian, who will be held responsible for library materials borrowed, as well as for any fines or fees accrued on that card. The adult also acceptS all responsibility for the selection of materials made by the child. The Monroe County Public Library System does not act in loco parentis, I.e., in the place of a parent. Any restrictions placed on a child's use of the LJbrary are the responsibility of the child's parent or guardian, and the Library is not responsible for enforcing such restrictions. All library circulating materials, regardless of fonnat, may be checked out to children upon compliance with required registration procedures. 4. INSTITUTIONAL CARDS: Institutions located in Monroe County which offer services to persons who cannot take advantage of library service through the regular channels are eligible to register as Institutional Patrons. To do so, proof of the legal name and address of the institution is required. Such proof consists of a letter, ( DeIdId: _ 1 placed on file with the Branch Manager, on the institution's letterhead, signed by the director or other authorized person, requesting institutional patron status, and stating that the institution will be responsible for aU activities associated with card use (damages, losses, penalties, fines, etc.) 5. NON-RESIDENTS: Individuals who do not possess appropriate Monroe County Identification may pay a $ 15.00 annual non- refundable fee for a library card which entitles them to borrowing privileges at all Monroe County Ubrary branches. 6. EXPIRATION OF LIBRARY CARDS: Allllb~ry cards must be _ renewed annually, Including Institutional Patron cards, which require a new letter of request to be placed on file. There is no charge for card renewal upon its expiration. '. 7.LOST LIBRARY CARDS: Lost or stolen library cards should be reported immediately. Tamely reporting of the loss prevents the Iibnlry patron from being held responsible for materials checked out on hislher lost or stolen car("J~~~_~_~_~~_r:t:I_~~_~___m___ j' presented when applying for a library card replacementJf~~~~t'llt_ any Pt_~_~ aaainst the oatron's record,J?~f_~~______________________ ' set threshold (see SEC. 2.04.C), they must be cleared before a replacement card can be issued. ~:,.~Q~:Qf:~RjYIU;G~~;_Af{iV~:~~:~:~~~:~:~ij:,'" to" maintain borrowing privileges. Unpaid fines, falure to pay for lostIdamaged materials, or a failure to return Ibrary materials may result in the loss of the patron's library borrowing privileges. (See thresholds for blocks on borrowing privileges in SEC. 2.04.C.) It is the Ubrary's practice toJ>rovide ~~~!l_~_~~_~~_~~_~f_~~_~ materials, but failure to receive notification or overdues or of fines and fees accrued does not abrogate the patron's obligation to, return such materials and/or to pay such rightful fines and fees. B. BORROWING LIBRARY MATERIALS 1. CARD USAGE: The person borrowing library materials must present hislher own library card. No one may present another patronls library card for the purpose of borrowing library materials, unless the cardholder has given written pennission to that effect. If 1MIeIIllI:. The replIIcement fee for a IoIt C8Id is 1 S 1.00 for IWl adult and S .50 for. jweniIe. TheIe Is no charge for repIIcement d a stolen card ........:. If thefe _ no I1IIIIeriIIa or m. ctwged 8Q1Iin8t the patron's record, a ~lIent wit be i88u8d DeItDII: lIUCtl DeIeIIIlI: 8. RE-ISSUtNG OF CAR08: TheIe Is no charge for the nH8aue d a IibnIry card in order to change the name or Iltatus. 1 [ DeIeIiId: 9 - { ........: eend 2 a cardholder chooses to allow other persons to use hislher card, the cardholder remains responsible for all Items checked out on that card, as well as for any fees or fines that may accrue as a result of that use. (Exception: a parent who has signed as being responsible for a juvenile's card, may use that card for the purpose of borrowing library materials, since that parent has already accepted responsibility for materials checked out on that card.) 2. READERS' RIGHT TO PRIVACY: Reafflnnlng the Library's concem.for readers' rights of privacy, the Ubrary will not disclose to anyone the names of, or other Infonnatlon regarding, readers, and will not identify materials called for or examined by them. (See APPENDIX F: STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY.) 3. RESERVING MATERIALS: If a patron wishes to obtain a book or nonbook Item(s) not currenUy on the library's shelves but listed in the library catalog, he/she may place a reselVe request for the Item(s). As the requested material becomes available, the patron will be notified. Materials not picked up by the given date will be made available to the next person on the reselVe list, or retumed to the library shelves. All nonnally circulating materials at all branches are loanable throughout the system, regardless of the length of time the Item has been In the lending library's possession. The requesting agency Is responsible for detennlnlng if demand necessitates purchasing an additional copy of the requested title. 4. INTER-LIBRARY LOANS: Every effort Is made, through an Inter-llbrary loan network, to obtain materials which are needed, but are not available in the Monroe County Ubrary System. 5. MATERIALS AVAILABLE FOR LOAN: A valid library card entities the patron to the full range of circulating library materials throughout the system's collection. These Include, but are not limited to: books, periodicals, vertical file material, audio cassettes, .VIDEO MA TERIAL~,-~~ _~p_~~_~~~~ _~~_ ()tllny_a,,~II_a_ble__ materials within the library building does not require a library card. 6. BORROWING LIMITS: Generally there are no limits on the number of library materials which may be checked out at anyone time. There are, however, some materials that are limited to use in the library exclusively, such as reference materials. Additional limits may.be set bv a partiCUlar branch deoendina on availabilitv of __ materials. Temporary limits may be piaced on materials In high demand at a particular time, e.g., holiday materials or materials needed for school reports by a number of patrons at one time. \ { DeIet8d: ~deo caaett;;n_- DeIet8d: Include: two (2) books from the MW book Iec:tion; three (3) non- fiction books In one IUbjecl area; three (3) fiction books by the same author; Iix (6) magazines; two (2) video ClI8Mlte tiles; and six (6) audio ClI8Mlte ... 3 7. STANDARD LOAN PERIOD: The Ubrary reserves the right to manage loan periods to meet urgent demands on the collection. It Is the Ubrary's right to recall materials after the first basic loan period. The standard loan periods are as follows: a. BOOKS, MAGAZINES, AUDIO CASSETTES: Two (2) weeks with five renewals If no other patron has requested tt)ese materials. A block will be placed on requested materials and their loan period cannot be renewed. Available materials may be renewed by telephone and/or by,theon- line public access catalog. b. REFERENCE MATERIALS: In-Ilbrary use only. Exceptions may be taken under consideration by the Reference Ubrarian or the Branch Manager. .under ttlE!.. reciprocal agreement with the Aorida Keys Community College, a longer circulation period may be arranged by pennission of the Reference Ubrarlan or the Branch . Manager. 2:_VIP~9.}/fA TERIALS ~_~R9WlN~~~I_~Y_:_.., _.. a. FREEDOM TO VIEW: The Monroe County Public Library supports the American Library Association interpretation of the Bill of RIghts, which afflnns that librarians have a responsibility to ensure access for all, including children and young people, to videotapes and other nonprint fonnats, and to all materials and services that reflect diversity sufficient to meet their needs. As with books and other materials, the Library cannot act In loco parentis, but does acknowledge and support the exercise by parents of their responsibility to guide their own children's reading and vlewlng. (See APPENDIX C: FREE ACCESS TO UBRARIES FOR MINORS, and APPENDIX D: ACCESS FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG PEOPLE TO VIDEOTAPES AND OTHER NONPRINT FORMATS.) b. ELIGIBILITY: Jt~--':I~~~~~~_~~~ ~_o~JlJ!E!S_ '#II1i9J1 _.. __.. _, govem the bon'owlng of all other library materials, also apply to video ~~~_~_I~:____ _ _ __ _ ___ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ c. CIRCULATION OF .VIDEO MATERIAL~:__VI(jE!~p1a_te_rial~ shall circulate for one (1) week, with one renewal allowed. Renewal may be made by telephone and/or bv the online \ ( Deleted: OPAC, Deleted: If an exception is made, the item may circulate for a single 24- hour period only, and mUBt be returned to the lending source, An approprillte caeh deposit may be required, In - ----.,,---.--. {=:~E ..__nu Deleted: A video borra.ver mUBt be the hokler of a current, valid Monroe County library card and in good manding. DeIetiM: C8lI8ette Deleted: VIDEO CASSETTE Deleted: C8lI8ette 4 public access cataroo . VJCIeoll:l~~~~!~m_i[lYJ)~UEt~IYec:fJ following the same procedures as with other reserve materials (See Sec. 2.03.B.3). '-- __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ __ __ __ ___ d. RETURNING.VIDEO MATERIAl~:__.VIDEO MATERIAls__ may not be retumed to the library via the book drop. The borrower Is responsible for any and all damages inCUrred as a result of using #I~J~~~~_t;l.I:QP_~r. ~~ _~~~~ I~ _i[l_t;l_t;l-'t!~r1La patron who uses the book drop for video retum may forfeit .VIDEO MATERIAL J:~~~~~gJ~~M_I~Et~.__ __ _ __ ". - ~ - - ~ - - - -- - ~ - - - - - -- ~ - - -. -- - ~ - - -- - - -- -. - - -. -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- ~._.VIDE9 MATERIALS ~~R9wr;_R_~_~~9N~I~I~rrY:, I. DAMAGES: Borrowers are held responsible for the safe retum of video ~~tjt_l:ti[lJ~Hm~H9.0J:l_tjt__~ _()f repair or replacement, should the materials be lost or damaged. Evidence of tampering wIth.VIDEO _ MATERIAL will result In the forfeiture of video borrowing privileges. II. COPYRIGHT LAW: All of the. VIDEO MATERIALs_ Jr1-~~J'~rt~._~~!i[I_fjN_~I-'~9.~__i[l_~ pr.~_te_ct~ _ 1:))'_ the copyright laws of the United States, which must be strictly observed. The.l1laterials ~~_~\laJ'IJJ:)Itt_f()r private home use only, unless otherwise Indicated. III. RESTRICTIONS ON VIDEO USAGE: Admission fees are not permitted at any film. filmstrip. video. or DVD showino. nor may these materials be used for fundraisina purooses. ~-~NP~P_~9~~_~~R!9p~__~~r1~_~i[ly_~_g~f1ttt~_tt~te~(j~_ loan periods for special need, or to cover times when they will be .out of town. The Individual library, at the discretion of the Branch Manager, will detennlne which books or materials It will lend for extended loans. '(For example, books In heavy demand may be excluded.) 10. RETURNING MATERIALS: Regular circulating materials may be retumed to any branch In the system. Book drops may be used for book materials, but due to the likelihood of damage to the material, not for any audio-vIsual Items. Including, but not limited to, audio cassettes.,yIDEO MATERIA~,Jm~tgp'~_._~u_~lT1lJterilJls must be retumed Inside the library during the open hours. \ { DeIetIllI: ClI8IIette DeIeIIelI: A maximum of _ two (2) video ClI8IIette tiles may be borrowed on anyone library card at one time, DeIetIllI: VIDEO CASSETTE DeIebId: VIdeo cassette [ DeIeW:_ [ DeIetIllI: video cassette DeIetIllI: e. ANES: Fines for O\IertIue video cassette materials will be _eeseed at $1,00 per day per title. with a maximum of $ 10,00 ,per title. I ndivlduals refusing to pay fines will brfelt all library borrowing prMlegee DeIetIllI: f D.......: VIDEOCASSETTE DeIeIIelI: cassette DeIeIIelI: a video cassette {=::::~u=u { D.......: _ DeIeW: C8lI8ettes , . ( DeIetIllI!.9 { DeIetIllI: video ~;- 5 11. USE OF STATE AUDIO-VISUAL MATERIALS: The patron's library card pennlts use of the State of Florida film and video coReclion, available to Individuals and to groups. A catalog of State materials Is available at each branch. The circulation staff will explain regulations and procedures for obtaining and using these materials. 'f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ &__t._l).P_19~t1~I)~__~ql).!~M~NI;_-'~_~_~~~_~~_~~~m_a~~rj~!~.. . described above, the Ubrary has various audiovisual equipment, such as film projectors, VCR's, TV's, overhead projectors and other types of equipment. These Items do not circulate, but are available for use within the library for library-sponsored programs or for programs presented by groups who are registered to use the meeting! conference room and have a signed designee to accept responsibility for their use. In-library use of these items is also available to individuals, at the discretion of the Branch Manager. 2.04 SCHEDULE OF FINES/FEES A. FINES: The fine schedule for adult[ll.~~~_I:i~~_I_~J~~_~I)_tsJ~_.1())p~r day per Item with a maximum of five dollars ($5.00) per item. For children's materials the fine schedule Is five cents ($ .05) per day per item, with a maximum fine ofthree doRars ($3.00) per Item. Audlo.and video_ materials are treated the same as book materials. B~~~ _~!II_I1~~r_ ~)(c:eed. the reDlacement cost of the Item. No fines shall accrue for any days when the library is closed. There shall I be an Initial grace period offlve (5) days for overdue.,_~~~~~'__~_lI_ri~g.u which no fine shall be levied. When the grace period has expired, the fine I shall accrue from the first day that the material Is overdue.. Fines may be waived at the discretion of the Branch Manager and his/her desianee when~wr:9p~_~_._Vljl_r:l_~~_~_~~~~_f~r~ljI_Mng_o!fi~.,~.migm, Include p._~~,J~~~'~~F1,_ iJ~~_~'_~~lp ~r~_I:I~_ ~~F1,_ ~r ~1TC)r:oF1 t~e . partpf ~~_~~m~__________ _ __ __ ____ _ _________________________________ _ ___________ _____ B. AMNESTY PERIOD: An -Amnesty Period.~_~yJ~(~_~~ld__ljI_nnlJlilly__atthe discretion of the Director of Libraries,_(jlJ!irnt~!~_~r:ta,~_ptt~lIltyfll1~sand fees maybe ~~~~~~____. ___ ___ ______ __ __ __ ____ __ __ ___ ________ __ __ __ __ ___ , Deleted: 12_ RESTRICTIONS ON VIDEO USAGE: AdmiMion fees are not permtlted litany film, filmstrip, or video Ihowlng, nor may thelle materia. be UIed I:lr fundraising purpoeea. All copyright '- must , be strictly obselved. DeJ.W: 13 I Deleted: book Deleted: ClIlIMlttlll DeIetIed:, The video ca&&ette fine is one dollar ($UIO) per day per tille, with a maximum line of ten dollars ($10.00) per video ClIlIlIette ttle, 1 Deleted: book and . . . audiOCllM8tte . [ Deleted: .There is no grllCl! ~ClCl r;; video catI.ettes, l=:~ Deleted. . I Deleted: , [Deleted: not to eJC:eed two _eks , . _ duration, --.-----..-......-- ------------ --- Deleted: Senior Library - _ Adminilltrator DeIetIed: _ _ 6 C. THRESHOLDS: No material may be checked out nor library cards . renewed for library patrons who have reached any of the following system thresholds: · Library materials 30 da'(s ~r.~~~J?Y~~~~~_hUUU_____u_ · Reserves..m:.!~~~r~~~'Y J~~~~J~ _~~_~!~~ _~~ _~g_n_ro_e qo~~ty_ _ Ubrary SystelT\_~~_~_~~~_~rm_~_",__~~~~~;_ U _ _ _ _ _ U __ · Rnes totaling over $~~@_;u_____m_____u____m____m___ · .Total number of overdue items: 50 _hmu_m__m_ 4 e Maximum lost. unpaid items: one D. REPLACEMENT FEES: A -replacement fee- Is charged when library materials are lost or damaged to the extent that they can no longer be used. This fee covers the current purchase price of the same or a similar iteR\.. _. _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Alternative replacement of lost or damaged material is acceptable, at the discretion of the Branch Manage!;.__ .Jhe f~~~_~~.~__~~rg~J~_!~_~f~~~g~~ _~_~~_ri_a_l~ _~~ __ determined as follows: BOOKS: The cost of replacement of a work of fiction or non-fiction, whether adult or juvenile, Is to be taken from.a current ()~~!il1g_ source, catalog, listing, etc. If the exact edition Is no longer avaUable In print, the cost of a comparable edition is charged, I.e., a hardcover book Is to be replaced only by a hardcover, and a paperback only by a paperback. If the book Is no longer .available in, any comparable edition, a flat fee system will be used, based on the most recent pricing Infonnatlon available .c~xr~~t -'I at_ fe~~ _ a~: CHILDREN'S BOOKS (Hardcover) CHILDREN'S BOOKS (paperback) YOUNG ADULT FICTION (Hardcover) YOUNG ADULT FICTION (paperback) YOUNG ADULT NON--FICTION (Hardcover) YOUNG ADULT NON--FICTION (paperback) ADULT FICTION (Hardcover) ADULT FICTION (paperback) ADULT NON-FICTION (Hardcover) ADULT NON-FICTION (paperback) 15.50 4.50 16.00 4.50 21.00' 7.00 23.50 6.50 30.00 21.00 ,,--------------------------- \ DeIeIied: 8ook:s or audio cllSlletles four WHIcs - '- DeIeIied:. , - - ,- DeIeW:, or video caeeetles -, DeInMI: 20 DeInMI: 4>F_ for k* or damaged materials that have continued for two . months or more,' FormMbId: Bulets and Numbering DeIeW: , and is In addition to the "Pf'llC-.ing fee" of ftve OOllal1l ($ 5,00) per . - item, which COVt!I1Ithe COlt d Hbrary proceesing of the lem. DeIeIied: . and under the follO'Ning conditione:' The material is an exact replacement of the lost or damaged item;' The replacement item is in new condltion;'f The replacement is made in a timely manner (within 30 days of the - _ date due). DeIeIied: BesidelI the five dollal1l ($ 5.00) IItnry proc:essjng fee charged for.oo .em. the DeIeIied: the current "8ook:s in Print,' or equivalent DeIeIied: in print DeIeIied: from the RR Bowker Compeny'. Weekly Record, updated on an annual basill, 811 Plt/llided by Ubrary Administration br U8e throughout the system, DeIetIM: DeIebId: PERIODICALS: Replacement 008t ill the COYer C06t plus two doHal1l , ($ 2.00) replacement fee, 7 29.95h{ =::=0 CASSETTE . .'.. { DeIetIeiI: VIDEO CASSETTE , { DeIebId: tape NON-BOOK MATERIALS: Replacement cost Is to be taken from a current ordering source, catalog, listing. etc. If the material Is no longer . available, and nothing compa~b1e Is found for a price estimate, the following flat fees are used: AUDIO CASSETTES (Single tape) AUDIO CASSETTES (Multiple tape set) Fee for each tape In set (unless a replacement can be found for the 1I)dlvlduallost or damaged tape) The whole set must be paid for even If only a part Is lost or damaged, unless that part can be replaced Individually. _VIDEO MA TERIAL~___(~!ngl_~_.!!Oll)___h_____ _m_ h h___ _ ___ ~VIDEO MATERIAL~_._<M~~p'~,Mnit ~~L_mhhm____m_ Fee for each tape In set (unless a replacement can be found for the Individual lost or damaged tape) The whole set must be paid for even If only a part IS lost or damaged, unless that part can be replaced Individually. The total replacement cost for multiple sets Is not to exceed the actual total value of the set. 12.95 12.95 29.95 COMPACT DISCS 14.95 Other material Is priced at CURRENT REPLACEMENT COST. 't: _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, . _ _ _ _ _ ~. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ~ _ _ _ _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ I .g~----.--f~-~~Q.fQB-A_~Q~_~~IP~NT__~_lJn~~!IY1_ 15.00 ------------- ~._--------------- , DeIebId: E. . MISCElLANEOUS FEES:1 , Replacement br a Io6t library card:t . ADULT . __ _.. _ 1-.00t . JUVENilE. _ .. _.. ,50 DeIebId: F Deleted: , , , , , , , 8