Resolution 250-1998 RESOLUTION NO. 250 -1998 Couniy Commission AN RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. CONCERNING THE ABANDONMENT OF RIGHTS-Of-WAY. WHEREAS, a recent request for road abandonment requested on irregular portion of the end of a street to be carved out and abandoned to the adjacent lot owner; and WHEREAS, an irregularly shaped road would result; and WHEREAS, Staff is concerned that abandoning irregular pieces of roads will result in confusion in the future with respect to paving and maintenance, and that such an abandonment will prompt numerous petitions to carve irregular sections out of roadways; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA Section 1. A road may be abandoned only at the terminal portion of the road and in its full width unless the abandonment will comply with County Code requirements for road, turn- arounds and fire-rescue access" and one or both of the following circumstances exists: a) An adjacent lot owner has on the platted right-of-way or within a setback a substantial structure which predates the Special Session Law 59-1578, pertaining to rnaps, plats and rights-of-way; or b) The abandonment is requested by a County department for a public purpose. Section 2, Buildings or structures of significant construction do not include wood or metal fences. sheds or tiki huts. P,A.SSED AI\lD ,A.DOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe coiv. fJori~. a;;; ::0("')% C- f'T1 regular meeting of said Board held on the lOthday of June. 1998. g~~ 2 0 ('") ',- ..... ..... 0("'). N 0 <=:;;~ ::0 Z. <::) -0 .....(")r- :z ::0 ~.:-t~ '" ~ ....Q - 0 ~ f'TJ CD' ::0 . 01;:":' .0 Mayor Jack London ,C;ommissioner Keith Douglass COmmissioner Shirley Freeman C'Qmmissioner Wilhelmina Harvey tt?m'(nissioner Mary Kay Reich yes yes yes yes yes I,;;," , :' 'f", , (SEAL) Attest: DAN!'N L.KOLHAGE, Clerk BY~~ '. Depu' Clerl1 jreSlrap APPROVED AS TO FORM AND SUFFICIE UtilY COMMISSIONERS COUNT ~_, .' ~l'''- .... Mayor iChairman By ..w/