Resolution 251-1998 RESOLUTION NO.25l - 1998 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA. RECOGNIZING THE NEED FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE WASTEWATER SYSTEMS AND REQUESTING CONGRESS TO PROVIDE ADDITIONAL FUNDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WASTEWATER MASTER PLAN WHEREAS. adjacent to the Florida Keys are located spectacular. unique. and nationally significant marine environments. including seagrass meadows. mangrove islands and extensive living coral reefs; and WHEREAS. these marine environments support rich biological communities possessing extensive conservation and recreational. commercial. ecological. historical. research, educational. and esthetic values which give this area special national significance; and WHEREAS. these environments are the marine equivalent of tropical rain forests in that they support high levels of biological diversity. are fragile and easily damaged by human activities. and possess high value to human beings if properly conserved; and WHEREAS. these marine environments are subject to damage and loss of their ecological integrity from inadequately treated wastewater in the Florida Keys; and WHEREAS, the Federal Government and the State of Florida are required by Public Law 101-605. Florida Keys National Maine Sanctuary and Protection Act. to reduce pollution in the waters offshore the Florida Keys to protect and restore the water quality, coral reefs, and other living marine resources of the Florida Keys environment; and WHEREAS. the Water Quality Protection Program Phase II document estimates the initial cost of retrofitting the Florida Keys wastewater system at $265 million to $418 million; and WHEREAS. with a year-round residential population of 85.000 persons. the cost of the infrastructure required to improve water quality in this nationally significant marine ecosystem cannot be borne solely by the residents of Monroe County; and WHEREAS. even with 75% federal to 25% local funding ratio, the 85.000 citizens of Monroe County will be paying a minimum of four times the national wastewater average of $186.00 per year to protect the environmental quality of Monroe County and to retain the region as an international treasure for millions of tourists annually; and :r ..... .." OOCD_ WHEREAS. Congressman Peter Deutsch will soon introduce legiSla~~ ~hae long-term federal funding for wastewater improvement sin the Florida Keys; Ofl.m~ == ." 00- - 0 c:-;x ::0 z?' 0 :e ::0 ~c->r- -- f"I'I .~:r W (") ..,.,')> - 0 r-o .~ ;;0 ,.. ,." .....0 --. WHEREAS, there is widespread support for the improvement of water quality in the Florida Keys from elected officials, environmental organizations, federal and state agencies, and citizens; now, therefore BE IT RESOLVED THAT THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS hereby Section 1. the Florida Keys. Recognizes the need for wastewater and stormwater improvements in Section 2. Acknowledges the importance of state and federal funding support in order to preserve this national treasure. Section 3. Endorses the proposed legislation to provide multi-year authorization for the completion of infrastructure improvements in the Florida Keys. Section 4. Urges and requests Congress to provide additional wastewater funding appropriations for FY1999 to continue the implementation of the master plan for wastewater improvements. Section 5. Appreciates the support of State and Federal officials, including Governor Chiles, Senator Connie Mack, Senator Robert Graham, and Congressman Peter Deutsch. Section 6. Copies of this Resolution be sent to Governor Chiles, Senator Connie Mack, Senator Robert Graham, and Congressman Peter Deutsch. PASSED AND ADOPTED by the Board of County Commissioners of Monroe County, Florida, at a regular meeting of said Board held on the 10th day of June, 1998. Mayor Jack London , ommissioner Keith Douglass ../ /,Ci" , m,. .iSS, ioner Shirley Freeman 1/.'{(.,.'fJ~~~'~.\ I",.""'.,?' ioner Wilhelm. ina Harvey !...:,;7...~~ ' . $ioner Mary Kay Reich (".{ I i ,'~~':, a '.:. ' ,;!' , ) " ~~'k~ .i... .,';1 ,( -\C~-2 ~'>~ , Att~sf;-b~~ L. KOLHAGE, Clerk ---- ~/ yes yes yes YPP, yes BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MONROE COUNTY, FLORIDA By ~ttll 0.. - ~ ~ ~~ jreswoter