Item O08 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Agenda Item Summary Meeting Date 8/18/04 Division County Attorney AGENDA ITEM WORDING Discussion of issues relating to the prosecution of County ordinance violations and request for authorization to seek clarification from the Attorney General of the County's ability to prosecute its own ordinances. ITEM BACKGROUND Prior to the implementation of the revIsions to Article V of the Florida Constitution, county ordinances violations were prosecuted by the State Attorney's office in County Court. The implementing legislation and subsequent "glitch bill" placed limits on the ability of the SAO to prosecute those ordinances unless the County enters into a contract with the SAO. The State Attorney has indicated his preference not to enter into such a contract, citing concerns that such a contract will have a negative fiscal impact on his budget In upcoming years. The Florida Constitution and statutes authorize municipalities to prosecute their own ordinances in County Court but are silent as to whether counties have similar authority. Federal Courts have held that if a prosecutor acts without any colorable claim of authority, the prosecutor loses immunity from liability for civil rights violations. Without gUidance from the Attorney General or a court, legal staff believes that the County would be subject to civil rights claims if the County undertook to prosecute County ordinance as criminal violations on its own volition. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION - nla CONTRACT/AGREEMENTCHANGES None. STAFF RECOMMENDAnONS Authorize request to Attorney General seeking opinion on County's authority to prosecute violations of County ordinances. TOTAL COST none BUDGETED Yes No COST TO COUNTY SOURCE OF FUNDS APPROVED BY: County Attorney _ OMB/Purchasing Risk Management DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: q ~ 0 r;{.s/.y JOHN R. COlUNS DOCUMENTAnON: Not Required. AGENDA ITEM # ()~