Item N10 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Wednesday, October 20,2004 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No XX Department: Commissioner Rice, District 4 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approyal to reject proposal submitted in response to RFP for trauma services, and approyal to adyertise a Request for Proposals for trauma services proyider for a public-priyate partnership to proyide trauma care transport to Ryder Trauma Center as recommended by the Trauma System Study Group. ITEM BACKGROUND: The Trauma System Study Group was created by the BOCC in August of 2003 to study trauma care deliyery issues in the Middle and Lower Keys and recommend enhancement of the trauma system into the long-term future. The Middle and Lower Keys are not well served by out-of-county based air transport due to the distance and trayel time inyolyed. The group recommendation in their Final Report to the BOCC is a public-priyate partnership. The RFP for a trauma services proyider was adyertised with Board approyal earlier this year. It is anticipated that this service would also proyide backup trauma transport to the Upper Keys as required. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: As per aboye. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: Cost of Advertising BUDGETED: Yes No XX COST TO COUNTY: Cost of Advertising SOURCE OF FUNDS: Ad-Valorum REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management_ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: (}-fLfu~~l-~_ (David P. Rice, Commissioner, District 4) DOCUMENTATION: Included XX ToFollow_ NotRequired_ AGENDA ITEM #~J DISPOSITION: Revised 1103 .. Mvwuc C()unty Trauma Study Group Interim Report October 2004 STUDY GROUP CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS From review of the information provided by the working committees, the Study Group concluded that three options should be considered when deliberation is made by the Momoe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) on maintaining the current level of air trauma transport services. The options were: I) Purchase a helicopter; 2) Develop a public-private partnership for rendering air trauma transport services; or 3) Seek the private operation of an air trauma transport service. The Study Group acknowledged the advantages and disadvantages associated with each of the options under consideration (See Table I). For Option I, the primary disadvantage of bearing the full burden of purchasing an aircraft (estimated $4.5M) overshadowed the identified advantage of having full authority and control of air transport operations. Under Option 2, the advantage of having joint operational control through a public-private partnership was considered promising by the Study Group. The financial burden would be mitigated through the sharing of operational costs and the combined expertise of two organizations would help streamline planning and assist in delineating organizational responsibilities. The private vendor would provide the aircraft and collect net revenues from charges to appropriate insurance companies and patients for services rendered. The County would furnish pilots, storage infrastructure, maintenance personnel, and medical staff. A fully privately owned and operated air ambulance service in Monroe County was entertained as Option 3. The chief advantage is the community's need for air trauma transport services would be met at no cost to the public. The concerns shared by Study Group members were the history of few comp~s, expressing interest in establishing local-based service and the lack of control over the tenure of local service rendered by a private company. Table I: Options for Maintaining Air Trauma Transport Options Purchase Helico ter Advantage County retains full control/authority Establish Public-Private Partnershi County maintains some level of control through a contractual arrangement Seek Private o eration No burden of cost borne by County; service need is addressed No control over Ion evit of service Disadvantage Some level of cost borne by Coun 8 Monroe County Trauma Study Group Interim Report October 2"0U4- To determine the viability of Options 2 and 3, a request for proposal (RFP) was developed and advertised in June 2004 (per approval by the BOCC in May 2004). Vendor requirements included two essential criteria. First, the applicant must be an FAA approved Part 135 air ambulance operator and secondly, have a minimum of five continuous years as a certified Florida air ambulance helicopter service provider. In July 2004, one vendor responded and submitted a proposal that was similar to Option 2. In September 2004, the Study Group convened to discuss the vendor's response and the recommendation of the appropriate option to the BOCC. At the September meeting, the Study Group identified several positive elements of the vendor's proposal, which included a revenue sharing arrangement (conditional on the level of excess profits), a five-year service tenn, coverage of maintenance service costs, and the provision of an aircraft. The proposal also included Part 135 training for pilots and the assumption of all risks for billing, collections, and non-payment of services. Recommendations The Study Group agreed that Option 2 (public-private partnership) was the most viable strategy for the County Commission to consider for further development. The Study Group identified two key _ features as considered highly important for consideration during the contract negotiations process with any vendor under this option. These features were: a) the financial stability of the vendor and b) acquiring an aircraft for long-term service that can accommodate two patients in addition to a two member patient care crew. Staffing and logistical recommendations endorsed by the Study Group were to: . . Hire and train a flight staff comprised of a) a flight nurse and a paramedic for inter- facility transfer~~liQ.d b) two paramedics for trauma transport from the incident scene; . Develop appropriate standards and procedures for conducting inter-facility transfers of critical patients within trauma transport air services; . Designate the Middle and Lower Keys as the primary service area and provide secondary support to the Upper Keys due to its closer vicinity to a trauma center; . Place the current Trauma Star helicopter on back-up status as a resource to the newly acquired aircraft; . Station the aircraft in Marathon; . Explore (through long range planning) the designation of a trawna agency to improve data collection and quality assurance mechanism for the provision of trauma care; and . Review possible funding sources for trauma care services for the Middle and Lower Keys. The Study Group acknowledged that further meetings would be needed to determine possible methods for funding trauma care for the uninsured and indigent trauma patients transported to a trauma center from the Middle and Lower Keys. It was concluded that having a contractual relationship with an experienced air ambulance operator would provide the best opportunity to ensure the local EMS system will continue to provide timely, quality air transport services for residents and guests of Monroe County who are critically injured. 9