Item N16 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Oct. 20. 2004 Division: BOCC Bulk Item: Yes No -X- Department: DISTRICT 5 AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approyal to send a letter from the Monroe County BOCC to President Bush in support of the 90/10 cost share for the Public Assistance Program for 2004 Hurricanes Charley, Frances, Ivan, and Jeanne. ITEM BACKGROUND: Governor Jeb Bush has sent a letter to President Bush requesting a 90/10 cost share in lieu of the standard 75/25 cost share for the Public Assistance Program. Preliminary estimates for the four hurricanes are in excess of $2.4 billion. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: TOTAL COST: N/A BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNTPERMONTH_ Year APPROVED BY: County Arty _ OMB/Purchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ t. ~~ IdA MAYOR MURRAY E. NELSON DOCUMENTATION: Included X To Follow_ Not Required_ DISPOSITION: I AGENDA ITEM # it - i ~ , .51'A1'1 OF It..OU;)A _ite of tfJe.obemor JE.S DlJ$M Ot;lVP.NO_ THe CMlTOl.. TAlJ.AHAS$'I. FLOJt'OA U)99.ooo1 www,..<IOm ~71. Al>-4tT..oaolfa October 5. 2004 The Honorable George W, Bm5h The President The White HO'U$e Wabinpm. D.C.2OS00 Through Ms. .Mary LyzmMiU. Acting Regional DiDetor FEMA Region IV Dear Mr, President: Under the provisions of 44 Code ofF~ ~ati<m$. section206A7.this letter ~'es um official request for an ad,il1Sf:meDt to the cc:m. Jhare tor Florida's, disaster declarations rc:sultiuatTom Hurri~ Cbarley.. ~ Ivan _lcaoM. 1 tequest that tbe cost share for the PublicAA:ist8l1Ce .Prop'am be adjustcdto 90110 for an fo\1r ev.u due to the ~ted circu;~ _ impact of".... on th, state ofFtorid& Given the location aCtbe eveta and dJerapidity orb timinB flfth_.~.tJ1e financial e1'feet on ~ and IocaI.v.......i5.~ In_ dUU1Six weeks, Plorida M~.the.dir=tim,..oftbW' ..laml ftdtmg burricanes. More than 1 OOUws were ..Jost."to the.itOm$. . sipifieant that 1.11 of1he state's 67 counties were ......fbr both Public and Assist:ance tOt at last .one of the four.... Muhipll ~.wen alClared kmore than otic humcaae, The ate's agricultural industry experimced m90r damep. Florida suffered sipfieant 10$s. in multiple leo~e Itl'Cai and aSri-bnsinen .sectors. Our tourism industry also experienced significant 10$~ltip"i:mpacts closed airports. severely damased majortramportation routes and forced the closing of m~or thcmeparb.Sehoolswere fOleed tocloso--$()Me on multiple oocasioas. Many ~perirmced lons~tenn damage to faeilities that will rcqu.irc d1e uaeof IpJit Kho<:JI _lionsmd.~ on portable ehwroomsto !'uumc and complete the:school.ye.ar. Florida's unique dernographk; profile.led to multiple evacuations of eld<< populmions. many with frailties and speetal medical needs. Millions of Floridians lost poWef-;K)we for several weeks. Widespread power oms. mined tbod supplies? disrupted the state's hea1tb earcdelivery $YJtem., forced citiz_ from their homes into shelters for metended pcmodsofmJu~, d()ftdb~, rowltedinowfews to protecf itdvidwlb and property, mdneeenitated an .~Josisties opomtion to ~ _t the owe neods of mdivi&tal$\'Verc met wmlpower was ftl'tored. The Floriuwuranee COW1Cil estimatutbat the total insured. tos_ tbr the four events is between S15 and $20 billion. The IDsurmce Jnformaticml:bttimte otNew YOlk projectl that OM in five Florida homes was impacted to some __by at last one hurricaae. . Thia effect on Florida". hoUHboJdlhIs alrady ruultod in~ed payments U1'ld<< the Individual .Ani~ disuterpro.... in "ceo of$460 mW.fon.Witbtime~ the'uta1 for'tbcM .pa~to indi~dwds could more tbm. doublet. CummUy. tho cu,mul;ativc estimate for p~ts wtder the J>ublie ARistlU1CC di$IIBter ~ exceeds $3 billion or $117 per capita. well in excess of the $106 per oapita t~$bold Adjusting the cost share for Public Assisumee is appropriate tmder tbcsetmique circumstances. .l'ha.l:1k you for your attention and consideration to this critical request. Sinclrely I~Bush C'U--"'~"'_"_~CU____'h~"~U~_h.U~U_'m__,,~__~_~,___.___ Oct 07 04 08:10a James L Roberts Co Admin 305-292-4544 p.2 ltJoo2 10/05/04 TOR 11:43 FAX 9417431310 \ II I!'.i~ -''''''O'i'';' , r , - 04-169 . .- .# - COUNTY OF CHARLOTTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS -,.~ . < ( , f "" ~. ~/.~ d . Charlot1e Countv Administration Center 18500 Murdock Circle Port Charlotte. Florida 33948-1094 Phone: (941) 743-1300 FAX: (941) 743-1310 .. October 4. 2004 Dear BCC Chair"'; Charlutte COWlty, along with many other cOWlties in Florida has sustained a tremendous amount of damage as a result of hurricanes this season. The unexpected costs to reconstruct our counties will create an insunnountable financial burden on all of us. I am sincerely grateful that FEMA has declared all Florida counties eligible for financiaVdisaster assistance in one form or another. lbis will lessen some of the burden. but not all of it. There will still be a lot of work ahead orus with little funding to accomplish the necessary tasks to rebuild our communities. Because the level of assistance required varies from county to county, I think it would wise to collectively solicit additional assistance from the slate and federal govenuncnts to ensure federal disaster programs are maximized to the fullest. In this time of need. [think it is imperative that we all lobby in support offull state funding for any federal cost-share requirements associated with the 2004 Presidential-declared disasters. I am open lor ideas and suggestions and look forward to working with you to accomplish this mission. Tom D'Aprile, Vice Chaimlan Charlotte County Board of County Commissioners TD/bs cr. Roard of County Commissioners Druce Loucks. County Administnltor * 'Otis letter is being sent to all Florida counties affected by 2004 hurricanes