Item J04 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 15 December 2004 Bulk Item: Yes -1L. No Division: Growth Management Department: Marine Resources AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Approval to waive lhe requirement of a "Hold Harmless Agreement" for the Nalional Marine Sanctuary Program during ils use of lhe Maralhon Emergency Operation Center (EOC), for lhe specific purposes of using the EOC in two slaged emergency drills responding 10 lhe pOlenlial of a ship grounding wilh a consequenl oil spill and the general purpose of using any County facililies for meelings. ITEM BACKGROUND: NOAA would like 10 requesl a waiver from Monroe Counly for use of the EOC for two evenls as lhey prohibited from signing the hold harmless agreement. They appreciate any assistance provided in this matter. Federal government entilies at all levels are prohibited from signing indemnification and hold harmless agreemenls because il amounts 10 a commitment of funds in violalion of the Anti-Deficiency Act. Under lhe Federal Tort Claims ACl, 28 U.S.C. 2671 et. seq., lhe federal governmenl will promptly consider and adjudicale any and all claims for damage and injuries caused by negligent or wrongful acts of our employees. The two even Is scheduled in the Marathon EOC are a lab Ie top exercise in March of 2005 and a 2-day emergency response drill in April of 2005, and are designed 10 lesl the abilily of NOAA, its co-trustees, and response agencies at the local, stale and federal level. The specific incident in lhis drill will be a large ship grounding thaI will include an oil spill. NOAA is expecting to work primarily wilh Monroe County, FDEP, and USCG slaff for both of these events to create a Unified Command, and wishes 10 ulilize lhe EOC which is lhe mosl appropriate facility for thaI type of response effort. This event, while focused in the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, is a lesl of NOAA's broader response capabilities and assets and is expecled 10 be a high profile evenl wilh VIP parlicipation from lhe Depuly Secretary of Land and Recreation, the Depuly Under Secrelary for Oceans and Almosphere of NOAA, USCG. non- governmental organizalions and possibly congressional members or slaff. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: NA CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: NA STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS; Approval TOTAL COST: COST TO COUNTY: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes BUDGETED: Yes SOURCE OF FUNDS: No No APPROVED BY: County Atty NA NA Risk Management NA. OUNT Per Month Year DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: DOCUMENTATION: DISPOSITION: Included -1L. To Follow Not Required AGENDA ITEM NO.: ~ BC041220 11/18/2004 3:43 PM NOV-17-2004 WED 04:35 PM FAX NO. p, 02 Hold Hannless Agreement Subject: Hold Harmless Agreement From: tConnerl @doc.gov Date: Fri, 8 Oct 2004 14:02:34 -0400 To: Lisa.Symons@noaa.gov Lisa - The Hold Harmless Agreement you faxed me cannot be exe=uted. Federal Government entities are prohibited from signing indem~ification and hold holnnless agreeIl'Bnts beoause this am.:.Junts '1:0 the commitment of unappropriated funds in violation of the Anti-Deficiency Act. What YClu can do i6 agree to prompl:ly consider and adjUdicate! dny and all claims for damage and injuries caused by the negligent or wrongful act$ of our employees as per the terms of the Federal Tort Claims Act, 28 U.S.C. 2671 et seq. M. Timothy Conner Chief, General Litigation DiVision Office of the General Counsel U. S. Department of Comrerce 14'l:h & constitution Avenue, N.W. Room 5890 Washington, D.C. 20230 Phone. ~02-4B2-1069; Fax: 202-4a2-~e~8 tconner~~doc.qov I of 1 10/22/04 10:49 AM