Item Q10
Meeting Date: January 19.2005
County Administrator
Bulk Item: Yes
No --1L
Department: County Administrator
Discussion of County Administrator's goals for Fiscal Year 2005.
APPROVED BY: County Atty _
OMB/P';: ~ Management_
1f1omas J. Willi
Included L
To Follow
Not Required_
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Office of the County Administrator
TO: Board of County Commissioners
FROM: Thomas J. Willi, County Administrator
DATE: January 10, 2005
SUBJECT: County Administrator - Goals FY05
Please find attached for your review a list of County Administrator goals for FY05.
In accordance with my Employment Contract and as a best management practice I have provided
a short list of goals to be accomplished during this fiscal year. As a rule, goals should be
attainable within a specified timeframe, be measurable and of course are subject to BOCC budget
Each of the County Administrator provided goals contains the area of accomplishment in detail
to be achieved and written criteria to measure the attainment of the goal. Each goal also sets out
a reasonable timeframe for completion, Some goals will be considered to be continuous and
ongoing, therefore acknowledging that the activity will exceed one fiscal year. In this instance,
the goal for the present FY is noted as a multi-phased project.
The list of goals is being provided to you for discussion purposes at the January 19,2005 BOCC
meeting. Please feel free to add additional goals or offer revised criteria for the goals that I have
My intention is to have the Board approve a formal resolution at the February 2005 meeting
which includes input from the January BOCC meeting adopting County Administrator goals for
the upcoming year.
Please advise if you should need additional information,
County Administrator Goals FY05
Goal #1
Implement new technology to meet stakeholder demands
Improve and expand functionality and usability of county website
Provide improved communication channel through web-enabled automated CRS
(citizen response system)
Provide the ability for online permit application, occupational license and fee
payments to county governments
Promote GIS as a county-wide platform, sharing data with constitutional officers
Continue pursuit of paperless agenda and imaged document retention
Incorporate workflow analysis into county processes
Goal #1 Measurement Criteria
Administrator will provide a report to the Board of County Commissioners
outlining the advances of the County in the use of new technologies and methods
to increase communication levels with various stakeholders.
Provide query information to show participant use within the Citizen Response
System and the number of closed inquiries.
Establish a GIS working group to develop a strategic plan to coordinate the use of
GIS technology on a County-wide basis.
Transition to an electronic agenda format for BOCC (optional) and public use.
Goal #1 Estimated completion date: November 1, 2005
Goal #2
Strategic planning project
Initiate strategic planning process for all county divisions/departments
Perform SWOT analysis (strength, weakness, opportunity, threat)
Craft mission and vision statements for all county divisions/departments
At a minimum, strategic plans shall address;
Staffing levels and hiring, employee recruitment and retention, employee
morale, county revenues, facility placement, outsourcing, privatization of
services, capital projects, grant funding opportunities, overall budget
process, operational issues including but not limited to efficiency,
productivity and work load indicators.
Goal #2 Measurement Criteria
The County Administrator shall provide to the BOCC a summary document that
outlines the strategic planning process, the actual progress made by the County in
the area of strategic planning and the outcomes promulgated from the planning
process itself. Included with the report will be an example of mission and vision
statements as well as actual strategies to overcome the issues developed during
the SWOT analysis process.
Goal #2 Estimated completion date: November 1, 2005 for initial report.
Strategic planning will be incorporated into the County's budget process, therefore this
project shall be considered continuous and ongoing.
Goal #3
Initiate Sterling Evaluation Process
Train 2 Sterling Examiners :from within staff
Complete self-evaluation process and prepare for completion of Sterling
The Sterling Process provides for organizational self-assessments to help improve
organizational performance practices, capabilities and results, It also serves as a
venue for the sharing of best practices information among Florida organizations,
serves as a working tool for understanding and managing performance and for
guiding organizational planning.
The end goal ofthe process is the application for the Governor's Sterling Award,
recognition of the accomplishments of the organization in providing superior
Goal #3 Measurement Criteria
Complete training of 2 Sterling Examiners with required assessment
Goal #3 Estimated completion date: November 1, 2005 phase one of multi-
phase project extending until 2009.
Goal #4
Organizational review and recommendations
County Administrator to review county organization and operations and make
recommendations to address the following issues:
Employee recruitment and retention
Promulgate strategies to assist the county in attracting and retaining staff
Increase employee diversity to reflect area demographics
Increase training and continuing education opportunities
Provide a strategy to the BOCC to meet this challenge
Public Image and Communications- Work to improve the image of the county
Customer service stafftraining and publishing of service standards brochure
Customer service exit questionnaire at customer service counters and website
Improve accountability, outreach programs, citizen involvement, and empower
front line employees to make decisions in the best interest of the county and
county stakeholders
Increase interdepartmental communication
Improve/maintain relations with incorporated areas within county
Improve/maintain relations with federal, state and local agencies
Further public/private partnerships
Improve relations with county's volunteer firefighters
Goal #4 Measurement Criteria
The County Administrator shall provide to the BOCC a summary document that
outlines the progress made in addressing these issues, Strategies will be
developed for each of these issues and brought forward for discussion with the
BOCC during the current year,
Goal#4 Estimated completion date: November 1,2005
Various aspects of this project can be considered continuous and on-going
Goal #5
Review of County Financial Issues
Reevaluate capital program processes including funding, tracking, scheduling,
and project development
Expedite the implementation ofthe county's capital program to take advantage of
low interest rates and to control future costs of county projects
Initiate fee revisions to make the building department 100% self sufficient
Evaluate Growth Management fee structure to place costs upon service users
Evaluate the need for additional revenue structures including, but not limited to
storm water and fire rescue assessments, user fee revisions
Increase grant income to the county through grant stewardship
Centralize grant activities to reduce duplication, decrease costs and effectively
apply for more grant opportunities
Goal #5 Measurement Criteria
County Administrator will provide a summary report to the BOCC providing
alternatives for possible program adoption and outlining the progress in achieving
these operational changes. Due to the nature of these topics and the possibility
that a major philosophical change in the way the county operates may be required
is understood by all parties and will be taken into consideration when evaluating
completion of goal #5.
Amount of increase in dollar value of county grant income
Increased number of grant opportunities and successful applications
Goal #5 Estimated completion date: November 1, 2005