Item D1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: February 16,2005 Division: County Administrator Bulk Item: Yes X No Department: County Administrator Staff Contact Person: Connie Cyr AGENDA ITEM WORDING: Discussion and approval of one (1) "At Large" appointment to the Tourist Development Council District III Advisory Committee. ITEM BACKGROUND: The position was advertised to replace Mr. Bernard Carbin, who recently past away. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: On September 8, 1999, the Board of County Commissioners passed an Ordinance providing for the appointment of "At Large" members to the District Advisory Committee by the Board of County Commissioners. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Approval of an appointment. TOTAL COST: -0- BUDGETED: Yes No COST TO COUNTY: -0- SOURCE OF FUNDS: REVENUE PRODUCING: Yes No AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVED BY: County Atty _ OMBIPurchasing _ Risk Management _ DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: 1ftomas 7. Wi{fi Thomas 1. Willi DOCUMENTATION: Included x Not Required_ DISPOSITION: AGENDA ITEM # Revised 2/05 TH{ [LORIDA K[YS & KEtWN MONRo( (OUNTYTOURIST DMlOPH[HT (OUlett Come as you arc. DATE: January 31 st. 2005 TO: Mr. Tom Willi, Cotmty Administrator Shirley Gun, Administrative Secretary ~ ~ FROM: RE: DAC III 'AT LARGE' VACANCY Please bring forward the attached District III Advisory Committee "At Large" applications to the February BOCC meeting. This position was advertised to replace Mr. Bernard Carbin who recently passed away. "At Large" representative - Any resident who is not directlv involved in a tourism business and who shall represent the general public. (The operative word within this description is directlv. This word means someone who is not in business nor whose business or economic activity are dependent upon tourists). Applicants are: . John Luce . Jeffrey Pinkus . Betty Vail If you should have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. a!~14~,6ij~ !G:oearn rrijffl~TOijRISr COUiiCfl T~SlS P.002/GOl r~4UO O~CT ill <ADVISORY COMMrrTEE (CAe) LODGiNG INDUSTRY", shalf be 0Wf'll!mll Of ~romimar~$1Jf mQ~, hoteis ~ ~ ~ Oi'omrrourl3t~m~ in the O~~ iit$ to ~tax NAME: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE no.: E~MAjl: TOURIST .-RELATED BUSINESS.. $hm! b6 pefSOO$ In bU$ifi~ VJlhidl ~ il'ltMd~!'it upon ~ ~ indUStry Wilo N:i\te crom~ an int~t in touriSt but who arB not O1.WlliJNi, ope~m~@m of motels, OOi:e1s, r~al \l'iSh~ par.u; atld ~ t(l~ aooornm~$ in the county AT LARGE", MY resident WM is not d~ i~ if! a tourism buSBS and who shan repr~t th~ general pu~ (TI'Ie o~mWe word Wimil1 this d~poon is ~. Thls wcro ~S1"f$ $CtMone wI10 if> not In bu$j~. n(lf VJlhMiii bu$:ifl~ Of ecooOfl1ic ~ ~ 'd~t upM toor~' - :SOtiN /Y).ll!rfE 7:5 .-S~ .X"Ie:W JtV~. .~/)N~1d J<:,€:.j i~j~O PL... ~D$I 7.40 zza.s:-......FAX NO.: . ...3D~ 71:3 7765 (-reL~ pax) cSL<ll',E; @T~/f?~A/lJVA .NE:.T .diU ... .... l&rl~fOYM~t H~nv~ L\ S~ ~ R E;~L/ M~ ~ . . T . J JOB wrl. Qmlill~pticnJMem~m Mmtatiot'At$l; ..:<1:8Dl Fe- 'ALt'J. r Jt u R~ t-l. - TO 6~ RECeYeD NO LA~ 1"HAN; 5:00 P.M., Dllit!li: January 28th. 2005 - MONROe COO!l.lTYTOORIST ~~ENT COUHCL 1201 Whim ~ $~ 102 ~~~~ (305} ....1552 (~0)f(305) ~m (1u) 2 121912004 Strong leadership ~ ability create respect set Ability plan and work objectives, strategiesf budgets, and Review progress and performance, audit budgets, evaluate objectives, and set priorities ot'1ers, to create cooperation among staff negotiate differences, coordinate inter-departmental efforts and work towards common goals. Delegate responsibilities, distribute resources, assign prioritiesy and convert plans to actions. Denne and solve problems, organize and structure information to determine cause and effect relationships. )> 1989 - Radisson Corporation's "Excellence Award" )> 1987 - Radisson Corporations' "President's Award for Outstanding Achievemenf' )> 1986 - Radisson Corporations' "Manager the Year" $> 1982 - Radisson Corporations' "Manager of the Year" SPfC1AlRES~QN$I8IllTIES 1989 - 1995 Chairman of Radissol1 Resorf.s Cooperative Committee: Responsible for the development of the Media Plans and Marketing strategies for 27 Radisson Resorts Worldwide. EMPLOYMENT HISTORY 1975 - 2.(JCJ~ AADISSON HOTEL CORPORATION, Minneapolis: Minnesota 1995 - ~ 0(:)0 RADISSON SLAVJANSKAYA HOTEL, 1\1oscowf General Manager Took over Moscow, successfidiy negotiate various nationals, governments! and joint venture of Western standards and Radisson paramount everyday activities. Sales achieved in venture. The institution programs are $75fOOO,OOO were John M, luce Curriculum Vitae Page Two 1993 - 1995 RADISSON ARUBA CARIBBEAN RESORT & CASINO, Aruba General Manager Assumed responsibilities for this 400-room resort and casino. During my time completed a multi-million dollar renovation. The hotel was transferred from a substandard property to one of the leading properties in the Caribbean. Intemational marketing played a key role in establishing adequate business to enable the venture to once again become profitable. 1984 - 1993 RADISSON INN MAINGATE! Orlando, Florida General Manager Transferred to prepare hotel for opening. This inciuded development of the Mission Statement, setting objectives and strategies for Marketing, hiring department heads and executive committee members, coordinating the project with owners and Radisson, developing training procedures for all employees, and managing the hotel through pre-opening into fuil operation. Hotel received three awards for "Most Improved OccupanCY"f "Most Improved Sales", and "Most Improved Profit"rn 1986. 1975 - 1984 RADISSON HOTEL DULUTHf Duluth! Minnesota General Manager During my time spent at this hotel the economic conditions of the area were very poor. This gave me the opportunity to be very creative in marketing and cost controls. My principal achievement was the creation of an Independent Convention and Visitors Bureau that derived funds from local businesses, and marketed the city as a desirable area for tourists and conventioneers. Tourism replaced mining as the number one industry in the area. 1970 - 1975 HYATT HOTEL CORPORATION, Chicago, Illinois 1973 - 1975 HYATT HOTEL DALLAS, Dallas, Texas General Manager Further developed my skills in top management with a strong emphasis on involved leadership. 1970 - 1973 HYAIT REGENCY ATlANTA, Atlanta, Georgia Director of Catering iJnd Conventions Supervised all food and beverage outlets and directed the catering and convention functions in 65,000 square feet of banquet spacer five restaurants, and two separate bars. Annual Food and Beverage Sales were over $6,000,000. Directly supervised three assistants in the Catering Department and had jurisdiction over 400 employees. John M. luce Curriculum Vitae Page Three 1967 - 1970 FAIRMONT HOTEL, Dallas, Texas Director of Catering Hired at this five-star location six months prior to the opening, This very prestigious hotel was the first expansion of Fairmont Hotels. The hotel had two ballrooms over 20/000 square feet and 30 additional meeting rooms. My responsibility was handling major groups, both from a catering standpoint and a meeting arrangements perspective. 1964 - 1967 HILTON HOTEL ST. PAUL, St. Paul, Minnesota Catering Manager Duties included arranging all details for social, meeting and banquet functions for all conventions. EDUCATION 1958 - 1960 UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA References available upon request. 1-28-205 2:.:17PM FROM PINKUS CONST CO. INC 305+7.:13+3666 P. 1 APPLICATION DISTRICT III ADVlSORY COMMITTEE (CAe) LODGING INDUSTRY.. shall be owners or operators/managers of motels, hotels recreational vehicle parks or other tourist accommodations in the District which are subject to bed tax TOURIST-RELATED BUSINESS.. shall be persons involved in business which is interdependent upon the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist developmenl but who are. not owners, operators/managers of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks and other tourist accommodations in the county I X AT LARGE.. Any resident who is not directly involved in a tourism busiess and Who shall represent the general public (The operative word within this description is directlv.This word means someone who is not inbusiness. nor whose business or economic activity are 'dependent upon tourists'.) NAME: :f'e.~Q..e.\f "",..p ;Nku s ADDRESS: CSO 5 ~ '? ~Ots.e...l)~\\)ll2.,)/\~1\Ao~.uw..I 1 Pt.. ~ $O~ TELEPHONE NO.: (36:C") J~l,. -~"OA. FAX NO,; aOs.,~!:,- ~(.." c.. E-MAIL: -f.IVKUS~Q..CoI. f"i\~~ . F'L. l.J S . EmplovmentHistory: ~ ,,,,,6~ G"'''!oTIl.U~C L,_~ J c.a ~"')... - ? n.,oc:;.s <AJ'r Ai; L ~'^"" .\) AIlo)....""" V -C. OVT'C.e/\ MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 1201 White Street, Suite 102 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 296-1552 (telephone)/(30S) 296-0788 (fax) 2 Dee 15th. 2004 APPLICATION DISTRICT III ADVISORY COMMITTEE (DAC) LODGING INDUSTRY - shall be owners or operatorsimanagers of motels, hotels recreational vehicle parks or other tourist accommodations in the District which are subject to bed tax TOURIST-RELATED BUSINESS - shall be persons involved in business which is interdependent upon the tourist industry who have demonstrated an interest in tourist development but who are not owners, operatorsimanagers of motels, hotels, recreational vehicle parks and other tourist accommodations in the county x AT LARGE - Any resident who is not directly involved in a tourism busiess and who shall represent the general public (The operative word within this description is directly" This word means someone who is not in business, nor whose business or economic activity are 'dependent upon tourists' NAME: ADDRESS: E~MAIL: 3,67- ) 7 f! 7-U?00/;; FAX NO.: ~/A :2 G" tr.. 1-1, / ! / v')~ rz::: ~77~: TELEPHONE NO.: Emplovment History: 1/'\ '1" \ j . , 11 ~) / j 1 J1Y--"V - /1 ~:-1 " !\ '-'ljYn "Jj 1/ J,i , f~: ~1. f?:J,-/~ d v ~. / .XJ./r~,- C:~ (;~.,-l) '."-1V::t:~... ~! p ~'.f Ii, t~e. 0.'/ 11 [ (y~ ti~ 'L _,,', C/ . ~ ' .,,~ -'1/ j ii . ...... A. (j (cd f' j J ,.\~~ ..h..-; .of r-' A 'iif;::::.' ' ;i Ii /i "sr.,' { 1 4 V ~ ,,~ 0. ~/., I.v $. . j ,r ;"4 AJ.,'cfA -/ ,tf~ * .,t>"! /i 1; L ~~( " if 1! ....,c'" '% , C1et ,{) ;- I v "'-c..o .1 ,)> /)A ~_ ~-~7'f IV fl {/\, t;?t_4./ ~'~-~/""'"i /; . rl(" ~~ 1(' V...o i? Oraanization/Membership Affiliationls):, ~.. D '~k.~/!1._ Brief summary as to yoUr Qualifications to serve on this committee: (' 1?'?i^ {tY~.1 ;'i n ~ (\ j;:' J ^) 1"'7 '" j l' sc/-:/ "L-/C ,-I f~ ./' "v/W'~, -')/'/' fA-?~/V~ C Signature: , \/ilil - t_ Date: l /1 I '2 ~" I /J ,+. ';::;.= ! ~ I Friday January 28th. 2005 APPLICATION TO BE RECEIVED NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., MONROE COUNTY TOURIST DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL 1201 White Street, Suite 102 Key West, Florida 33040 (305) 296~1552 (telephone)/(305) 296~0788 (fax) 2 12/9/2004