Item R11 BOARD OF COlJNTY COMMISSIONERS AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: April 20.2005 Division: . ~9!.Jllty Attomev__ Bulk Item: Yes ~. No Dep,ulment: Risk Manal!.cl1]\::.m.. AGENJ}A ITEM WORDING: Approyal to accept (lroposal from Marsh USA for Property Insurance package through Lexington Insurance Company and Landmark American Insurance Compan:y at a premium of $410.218. Marsh is continuing their efforts to ohtain more favorabl); priced insurance from alternative insurer (primarily Westchester Insurance Company). It is also being requested that authorit)' he granted to Risk Management to accept an alternative proposal from Marsh if it is believed to provide equal or superior coverage for a lower premium. ITEM BACKGROlJND: Provides replacement cost prope,..,' insurance coverage for county buildings, contents, communication towers and contractors equipment with a current value of $97,029,821. PREVIOUS RELEVANT BOCC ACTION: Approval to bid this coverage at 11/19/03 Hoard Meeting. CONTRACT/AGREEMENT CHANGES: This proposal results in a premium decrease of $7,937. Boiler & Machinery coverage was added with a $5,000.000 limit and is being treated as a onc coverage. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: Appro\'al TOTAL COST: $410,218 BllDGETED: Yes ___s___ ~o COST TO COVNTY:$410.2HL._ SOURCE OJ<' FUNDS:_primarily ad valoru11l REVENUE PRODbCING: Yes No ---.:i____ AMOUNT PER MONTH Year APPROVEf> BY: County Att~.. O!'vtBiPurchasing _ Risk tv1anagement ~ .X'm DIVISION DIRECTOR APPROVAL: ~ c~i) -Gj].,.~,::::;- C'! \ D! 11". JOHN ]{. COLLINS OOCUMENTA TION: Included ~_ To FoUov,' NOl Required_. DISPOSITION: AGF1\"DA ITEM # Revised 2;27:'0 \ MONROE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY CO:-\'1M1SSrONERS CONTRACT SUMMARY Contract with: Marsh U SA I nc. Contract # Effective Date: Expiration Date: 5/'1/05 .-- -----.-... 5/1/06 Contract Purpose/Description: ___ __~.~~~~!!~'_! ~~ur<l_I~_c_e._~~~~~J.__ ... -----------.--- Contract Manager: Maria Slavik --- -----,-_.._--~-_.- -- ----- (N ame) 3178 .-.--------- (ExL) _~'?~!1t;:_.~!_t.~!.~~y..... ~7 (Department/Stop #) IlH BOCC meeting on 4-20-05 Agenda Deadline: 4-5-2005 CONTRACT COSTS T utal Dollar Value of Contract; $ $4 J 0.218 Current Year Portion: $ . --..- .....-------.-- Account Codes: 5QJ~Q8.5~2.-53Q-450-_ Budgeted? Y csC8J No D Gran t: $ ..--.--.----..--- County Match: $ ADDrnONAL COSTS Fstimatcd Ongoing Costs: $ .____jyr For: ., ...________ (Not included in dollar value ahove) (eg. maintenance, utilities, janitorial. salaries, C1e.) CONTRACT REVIEv..r County At tome}' I) ; /. i (~;. ChanQcs c. Need~ed /l,,~'" ~viewer YesD NOC}>'<.....,t~.'!-Lv.,)t~~~~~ YesD NoD,. _.... m__ YcsD Nou -,j.;< '- /.. _ ,'.' " 'f I. f.. i '- Y esO NoIT'q:c~Ui lV:__ Date Out C(j I. i ... . / C II LJ j Division Director ;~~tCJ'c ~,T1. , ,I '> Risk Management ..-.-.......- O. M. BJPurchasing ~/. / ~(.. ':' () t;//?l/r:; \ .- Comments: OMA Form Revised 2/27.i01 ,'\.KP::2 INTERISK CORPORATION Risk Management Employee Benefits 1111 North Westshore Boulevard Suite 208 Tampa, Fl 33607-4711 Phone (813) 287-1040 Facsimile (813) 287-1041 Consultants April L :::005 ~1s. '.laria Slavik Risk \lanagem ent Speciali 5t Mon roe County 502 \Vhitehead S1. Key West. Florida 33040 Subject: Renewal of Property and Hoiler.'Machinery Insurance Dear :\1 aria: Th..: Counly's Property and Boiler,'Ma..:hill ery Insurance expires on May L 2005. The f()llowing table displays the structure of the current pDlicies I p'im:':'~~;;:rty- L';in~~~j~; Co! .. Limi"! i Allied World ; $5.000,000 I L Assurance Co ----t I Excess Property : Landmark ! $91,979,821 ~~~.~_ ... ..... 'r~i~i ~r~~:~~~ie:an .hlS~~ 'S()6:i)i9.iil' ,n 'I Boiler and i C.1\,:.A.lnsurance 1$15,000,000 \1ach inery , Co. i L..... ... ...... ... .!o~a~__ ___._ _.~ Premium ,.~.__._..--._.._-_._._--_. Lexington - $246,392 Allied - $105,596 lolal - 535 L 98& ..____. __ ___ _._ - n._. .... __ ..._ $60,000 $411.988 $6.167 $418,155 \larsh LSA, inL. (the County's agent) has 8ggrc5Sively remarketed the County's program and has submitted what is believed to be an attractive renewal proposal for the 2005/06 policy year. \-lar~h suhm itted the County's program to len (10) di llt:rcnt insurers to include: '* Lexington Ins. Co. '* Lundmark American * \Veslchester Surplus Lines Ins. Co. . !-ssex Ins, Co. * ,\Xis Ins. Co. '*' Arch Ins. Co. . Travelers Ins. ell. .. Crum & Forster Ins. Ciroup '* Liberty Mutual Ins. Co . C.!\..-\. Insurance Co. 11 is believed th<lt the insurers Ihat Marsh apprwched represenled the majority, ifnot all. of the companies that have the capability and desire to provide the coverages needed by the County. \\ilh lhe exception of Lexingtllll, Landm ark and Westdlester. all ofthe in surers indicated that they were not interested in providing the County's Pmperty Insurance, had limitations (such as not being abk to provide thc 101al limits ,-'f liabilily r<ll{uired) or indicated that their premiums would be significantly higher that the currenl premium. Westchester has indicated that they ma,y be in a position to provide a cumpetitive prop,bal. but could not do so until ihey complck a "~'laxirnum Probable Loss" (.fv1PL) study. It is anticipated that Westchester ~...jl1 provide a proposal sam etim e during the week of April 4'h. Lexington has agreed to provide the entire $5 mill ion of primary coverage wh ich wiil diminak lhe ne<:d ,1f using All ied. th us I'<.'ducing the burden required to admin Ister the program. In addition, L.exington has agreed to provide the COllnty') Boiler and ~'1achinery (H&MI Insurance. Currently eVA. provides the B&M i nsmance with Em iiS aI'S] 5 million per occurrence. subject to a $:!.500 per claim deductihle for all losses ex.;ept those Ihat occur at the Detention Center. If a H&M loss v,.ere 10 occur at the Detention Center. II $5.000 deductible would apply. 13&1'-'1 insurance is designed to reimburse the insured f()f losses that arise out ofthe mechanical breakdowlI of equ ipment designed to generate. transm it or utilize energy. It is highly unlikely that th e County would ever experience a 6&1\1 loss that approaches S 15 million. \Vhile Lexington agreed tt) provide the Counly's B&M InsuranCt\ they are only willing to oifer per occurrence limits 01'$5 million. subject to a per claim deductible of $5.000 for all !ocation~. Since th e County has never suffered a B& ~1loss and the pmbability that they would ever cxp.::ricncc one that would exceed $5 million is extremely low, it is believed that the B&\'l coverage proposed by Lexington woulJ adequately proted the interc,ts ofr-..1onroe County. Lexington also proposed terms and conditions t()r the upcoming year that are superior to the current program. Some of the morc notable Dncs include: ,. Increasing tl1 e [xpediting Expense Cuvo:ragc from $:!S.OOO \cl $100.000 " I nCfcasing the E.dra Expen se Coverage from $25,000 to $500.000 , Increasing the cowrage for newly acquired property fr(lm $500.0[}O to $1,000.000 ;- Increasing the coverage fi)r III isce!laneous, unnamed locations from S i 00.000 to $2.000.000 ;- Increasing the Ord immc~' and La..... coverage fwm $1.000.000 t() $2.000,000 y Providing a s~paratc hrn it of $2.500.000 fOf damage to irees~ shrubs and plants );. Reducing the deductible for rlo"d relaled losses from 5% of the value of the property damaged (subje\:1 to as] .000,000 minimum) to $5ll0.000 for buildings and $500,000 f~)] contents. [t should also be nOled that the value of the Count} 's propel1y increased from $96.979.82] to $97,029,821. Following displays the premiums proposed by Marsh: Boiler and Machinery Coverage Insurer Primaryyrop.e:!.y' 1_ Lexin,lgonl~s: Co. F,xcess Propeny : Landmark .... __ L ~\mer~\:_a.~ Ins~ Co: T ota 1 Property Lexington Ins. CD. L__. Total Limits $5,000.000 . ._ _ '"._.._ nr ___ $91 ,979X~ I Premium -----------. -- $352,000 ..------ -------- $58.218 $96.979.8:! I i $5.000.000 I $410.:!18 Induded in l.exington ----I $410,218 I Marsh did obtain a rene\val proposal for the County's Boiler and Machinery Insurance from C.~.A. with limits of $15 million and deductibles wnsistent with the current policy. C. ]\.'.A. 's proposed premium for the renewal policy ~vas $6.250. With the limited exposure for B&\1105se5 and the County's f,worable Joss experience, it is not believl;'d that the additiona! prem ium is justi fled. Overall it appears as if the County has received an extremely tiworable n:newal prop\1"li from I\lmsh \\ihile the !evel ofproleclioll lor B&M losses has been reduced slightly. the enhancements to the Coullly's Property insurance that have been negotiated by Marsh produces an overall program that is believed to be superior to the 2004/05 pwgram. In addition, the County will fcal iZl a savings of $7,937 (2%,) in the cost orits insurance. It is therefore recommended thai \1onroe Coullty accepts Marsh's proposal tor the ren ewal of its Property and Bif\..l Insurance for Ih e 2005/()6 po! icy )(;'ar. II is lllso re-comm ~:l1ded that Risk \lanagemenl be given the authority 10 accepl an alternative proposal hom j'vlarsh irlhe)' arc able to obtain lower premi ums for the same level of protection from v.: eslehesler Insurance Com pany or anoth er quali fied insurer. As always, please do not hesitate to call if you have any questions, Cordially, INTERISK CORPOH.ATION (__.f 1_ Sidney G. \I,ebber CPel., ARM